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Chapter 275: Search for humans

The scorching sun has been exposed for three days. The temperature reached unprecedented levels. At its highest, it exceeded forty-four degrees. This is past the historical extremes of S province. The milky base car and two off-road vehicles and a tanker truck were driving on the highway weakly. A dense forest appeared ahead. A horn sounded. The base vehicle sends a signal to rest ahead.

Song's off-road vehicle was the first to drive into the woods. He got out of the car and inspected the grove. Soon the base car came over. Xiaosi got down from the car and said, "Relax, military brother. I feel that there are no zombies and mutants here."

Song Jun smiled. He shouldn't relax at all when he should be cautious. Zhou Muqing also got out of the car and said: "I knew it would be so hot and I said nothing to follow up. No. I'll stay in the car. I can't live without air conditioning."

Zhang Hongbing came down with a box of beer. There is a small refrigerator on the base car. The beer is just right. Chu Xiang opened a bottle and filled it with anger. Liang Sensen's belly really quenches thirst. Zhang Hongbing handed him a bag of peanut beans. Chu Xiang threw it to Wang Shaohui. He lit a cigarette and crouched under the tree to smoke. The base car is air-conditioned. Those women don't let men smoke on it.

Zhang Jingyao came to Chu Xiang with a bottle of frozen peanut milk. She was worried about the truth: "Chu Xiang. This kind of ghost weather is really not conducive to the survival of human beings. I thought it would be much cooler this summer. I did not expect such a high temperature to occur."

Chu Xiang said: "Most of the food in front of the virus will rot in this weather. And the drinking water crisis will occur in continuous high temperature. We only walked a few hundred kilometers for two days. Another survivor did not meet. To speed up the search Speed ​​is all right. Otherwise, all humans have died. What are we looking for? "

Zhang Jingya sighed: "But the weather is too hot. If you walk faster, it will be easier to get a heat stroke."

Chu Xiang said: "Let's make a big umbrella by hand."

Zhang Jingyao was puzzled. But she looked up and saw a few clouds floating in the sky. The sun's venom was blinded. The surrounding air immediately softened. Zhang Jingyao then understood what Chu Xiang called an artificial umbrella. He can control the weather. It is not difficult to create a cloudy effect in a small area.

Above the base car Yu Xuan, Lin Bobo, Xie Shanshan, and Wang Bin are playing Mahjong. After Chu Xiang issued the departure order, Wang Bin threw his card to Zhou Muqing. The convoy was back on the road under a cloud of rain. Wang Bin has used satellite search to find the first target of the trip. A village called Chaoshan. There were red flags flying there. Obviously there are human beings.

From time to time Chu Xiang on the road will drop a shower. Cool down the team. After this period of rest. His skills have improved a lot. This small-scale control of the weather. Just going all the way will not consume him much energy. Besides, Zhang Jingyao's living energy bank is still following him. The lack of nature was made up by her.

The Chaoshan base is built on a hillside. Use the terrain of the hillside to block the zombies outside. Although there are no big cities here. But there are still tens of thousands of zombies in the surrounding ten villages and eight townships. Fortunately, they are widely scattered and fragmented. Chaoshan base is maintained every day with its geographical advantage. It's just that they also experienced too much suffering. Not to mention the past. But said that there is a shortage of water and food now. If it can no longer be supplemented. More people will die by tomorrow.

Leading Chaoshan base is a village head. His name is Hao Lai. Persistence to this day, the Chaoshan base has drastically reduced its population from nearly a thousand places to 100. The heatstroke caused by high temperature and water shortage is still eating the base population. The well in the base of the base dried up a few days ago. Hao Lai mobilized several strong laborers to dig for two days and two nights without digging a drop of water. If you go down the mountain to find another source of water. Zombies dangling down the hillside will eat them.

"Li Ergou's wife is thirsty!" Someone shouted. Hao Lai immediately ran over from the well to take a look. Sure enough, Li Ergou's wife was lying motionless in the tent. The temperature in the sun-baked tent was extremely high. Li Ergou's mother-in-law even smelled bad. Who knows if it just died. May be out of gas last night. Hurry to dispose of the body. Otherwise, the population of the 100th who will cause the outbreak of infectious virus will be all dead.

"Two strong. Three fat. You two go to dig a pit and bury people. Pay attention to dig deeper. Don't let the germs come up and hurt everyone." The village chief Hao Lai ordered two young people. The two young men's lips were chapped. At this time, a tank of water was not enough for both of them to drink. The two responded weakly. Picking up the shovel, slowly digging into the tent and digging.

"Two zombies are up the mountain!" Shouted Erhua, the girl in charge of vigilance. Hao Lai's scalp didn't care to look at the well. Lift a sickle and run over.

Sure enough, the two zombies with rotten meat and maggots walking up the winding mountain road. Behind them were four or five zombies. It's probably that the wind changed today to pass on the smell of activity here. The few zombies who haven't eaten fresh human flesh for a long time came here.

"Notice everyone to come immediately to prepare for battle!" Hao Lai ordered Erhua. Although Erhua was also thirsty. The skin will crack when touched. But when she saw the zombies, she forgot everything. Ran back to the base immediately and called for people to fight.

The bullet ran out early. Those picked five or four pistols have been thrown away. The only combat weapon now is the shovel. Hoe. sickle. Forty young boys concentrated behind Hao Lai. This is not the first fight. So everyone's expression is not very tense.

The first two zombies were shaking up first. Hao Laimen rushed out. The zombie was chopped around his neck by a sickle. I haven't eaten or drank for a long time. Hao Lai was weak. The knife did not cut off the head of the zombie. Instead, stuck the sickle inside.

The zombie, whose neck was cut aside, could still be seen as a woman. Half the plump, dirty milk F dripped with rotten stinky water. The corner of her mouth suddenly slammed at Hao as if laughing. Hao Lai could not pull back the sickle and could only pull his leg and run back. The woman zombies suddenly pulled the sickle from her neck. call. The sickle struck Hao. puff. Tied on Haolai's back!

"Village chief!" A few young men wiped out another zombie. They rounded up and smashed the female zombies. Hao Lai was dying at this time. Lead everyone for several months. Everyone trusted him very much. Now seeing the village head was seriously injured. Many people don't know what to do in a panic. It seems that this is the end of the world.

Hao Lai tried to keep himself awake with a sigh of relief. He said to a bald young man: "Zhang Wa. The villagers will leave it to you. You must lead everyone to continue. Do not think about leaving here easily. Outside ... outside ... more dangerous ..."

Hao Lai was painfully speechless. Blood spewed from time to time. The sickle hurt his internal organs from behind. This is an incurable serious injury. There is not even a clean gauze in the Chaoshan base. Not to mention hemostatic anti-inflammatory drugs. Everyone saw that the village chief was about to die. All cried out loud.

The bald Zhang Wa said loudly: "Village chief. Everyone will not starve to death without leaving here. We must go!"

Zhang Wa's words annoyed Hao Lai. He wanted to ask a few more words. But he didn't say anything except the **** bow. Finally, he closed his eyes and kicked his legs and sacrificed. Erhua, who was responsible for guarding the situation below the hillside, suddenly called out, "Zombies are up again!"

Zhang Wa resisted the pain and grabbed the shovel. "Kill the zombies to avenge the village head. A group of young people followed him and rushed down. The four or five zombies that came up were quickly chopped into meat sauce by the crowd. But one named Santie was busy The young man was bitten on the arm by the zombies. The black wound was smelly. Zhang Wa, the new village chief, faced a painful choice.

Through nearly half a year of fighting with zombies. They already knew they would become zombies if they were injured. Tri iron is now clearly infected. According to the regulations of Chaoshan Base. He must be beheaded to completely kill the corpse. Previously this work was done by Hao, the old village chief. Just as she took office, Zhang Wa couldn't handle the three irons like her brothers.

"You can go to the three railways. How far to go. Don't come back to harm the folks even if they become zombies." Zhang Wa's half-armed three-rail railway.

Santie understands that it is not saved. This is also a **** man. He went down the mountain without mentioning a shovel. The new village chief Zhang Waxin took office. He first briefly understands the situation of food and water. Learned that these two necessities of life have all been consumed. He knew he had to go down the mountain.

"The village and the village chief climbed and got up!" Someone suddenly shivered behind Zhang Wa. Zhang Wa is planning to bury the village head. Then discuss with everyone the escape down the mountain. He heard the slightest trembling sound of Erzhuang and looked back. This look scared him pale. I saw the head of the village **** eyes rose from the ground. The village chief's face was pale and cold in the sultry weather. He was dead! The sickle was cut on the zombies and then plunged into the village head's back. Everyone forgot about it!

Woo! The head of the village frantically rushed to a little girl next to him. The little girl has been frightened. He stunned the village chief. The village chiefs who loved these villagers very much during their lifetime. Humanity has been lost at this moment. At this time he was still in the T1 stage. Although I don't know what to eat. But the T virus made it a virus-making machine. He kept hissing in the crowd. As long as it touches the edge, it is inevitable. Because Hao Lai was originally a strong person. Coupled with the increase in T1 strength. Hissing was even more ferocious. Ordinary youth three or five are not its opponents.

Chaoshan base was messed up. Zhang Wa just took office and has insufficient prestige and ability. Everyone messed up to avoid Hao Lai's bite. At this time, the mountain began to climb up the zombies. Zhang Wa shouted helplessly and rushed down the mountain. There is only a dead end to stay on this hill. Count out a few people.

This man's fight with the zombies was extremely fierce. It didn't take long for the villagers injured by Hao Lai to start corpse. They frantically joined the ranks of hissing. At this time, the villagers did not want to leave and had to leave. They followed Zhang Wa and killed down the mountain. An oncoming zombie was chopped off half of his head by Zhang Wa. Bai Huahua's brain flowed over the zombie's shoulder.

Another zombie next to him was scratched in the chest by another guy. Stinky black blood splattered everywhere. The two zombies fell to the ground and were trampled by the crowd. The man with a cracked brain is dead. But the one who cut his chest was alive. He bit his mouth and stepped on one of his feet. This unfortunate man failed to escape the fate of becoming T1.

Finally, Zhang Wa and others rushed down the hillside. At this time, there were only forty youths in the population of 100 people. Everyone could not breathe. Then spread his feet and run away. The villagers have been chased down because of the corpse on the mountain. Moreover, the zombies that already existed under the mountain also started to gather when they heard the wind. Do n’t run away but be eaten. And the folks who just got close to you.

"My bag is gone. My bag is off." A young woman shouted loudly to turn back. Zhang Wa grabbed her and said, "Asshole! Life is important or your bag is important! Draw and paint all day long. You are all going to die before you wake up!"

This young woman is not a rural man. She is a village cadre in the village. Just caught up with the T virus riots. Can only be mixed with these villagers. The woman who loves to dress is not to forget to paint even when the end of the world is over. This made Hao Lai and Zhang Wa look down on others.

Young women are disobedient. That bag contained many good things she picked up along the way. And of course her important makeup mouth. She broke free Zhang Zhang's hand and turned to find a bag. Zhang Wa roared angrily and ran forward without looking back. The young woman finally found her bag by the road. She bent down and picked it up. Raising my head and pain in my neck again. Reached out and touched. A **** piece of meat is gone ...

Zhang Wa scolded the lady cadre in her stomach. When does this all take care of the bag? Even ten million is not important for life. Why can't they figure it out. This group of people ran out for four or five miles. This can be regarded as far away from behind. Everyone was short of drinking water. This sweating made them even more thirsty. Two people couldn't even faint and fainted directly into the sun. How uncomfortable and uncomfortable it is to leave your clothes unwashed for six months and attach to your body like salt. Even those who haven't fallen can't hold on.

water. Must find clean drinking water. Zhang Wa looked around. But this look does not matter. Even let him see a large crowd of zombies ahead. The estimated number is also over a thousand. And these zombies are lined up in neat local teams. Even taking a tidy step. Move forward like regular troops. If it hadn't been for their rotten flesh, their eerie bones had been exposed. No one would think of them as zombies.

Zhang Wa yelled, "Run! There is a corpse of zombies!" After speaking, he led the way to the mountain on the side of the road. There was blocking after chasing. Only walked on both sides of the road.

"Don't be afraid of those in front. We are human. These zombies will not hurt you. Don't run away. These zombies will not hurt you!" Suddenly a loud horn sounded from behind the zombies. This is the first time a broadcast has been heard after the T virus riot. Zhang Wa knew that the zombies could not speak. Although he did not believe that the blocked zombies would hurt them. But he stopped still. At this time he stood higher. I saw the vehicle behind the zombies.

There is hope for moving vehicles. And the zombie side quickly spread to the left and right sides. Give way to the road. Zhang Wa and others can't be afraid. Climb the highway and run towards the convoy. They need water. Even more urgent than the need for life. Naturally, the team can travel long distances without water. Saved! Unfortunately, the old village chief didn't wait for this moment.

Chu Xiang and others finally saw the first survivors since departure. It's just that they are too embarrassed. Not to mention the clothes on his body. I do n’t know how long I have n’t taken a bath. Even more savage hair like a savage. A closer look is still a man. They pounced on the wheels and shouted water. water. water……

Wu Zhenghang is responsible for the containment and reception. He got out of the car and said loudly: "Dear folks. Don't worry. Now listen to my orders. Everyone takes off their clothes and stands behind the white body. Move fast. If there is a female comrade, please stay. Tank truck Another person is responsible for the reception. "

Zhang Wa said puzzledly, "What are you doing? We are dying of thirst. Give us some saliva."

Wuzheng Channel: "I will definitely drink water for you. But it is not appropriate to drink water all the way over here. Take off your clothes for disinfection inspection first. How much do you like to drink when you take a bath!"

There are seven women in forty people. They went to the tanker according to the words. Lin Bobo ordered them to undress. Nothing else. Must be checked. Those with wounds should be observed separately. Fortunately, these women have passed. However, three injured persons were detected among men. Xu Huai immediately took the three to one side. Of course they bathed and disinfected everything. But as soon as there is a sign of corpse formation, it will be destroyed humanely.

After spraying the disinfectant, three large lotus nozzles on the rear of the base are opened at the same time. Clean water sprayed over thirty men. These people are excited and satiated first. Then wash your body. Wu Zhenghang took Zhang Hongbing and Zheng Haoran withdrawing forty sets of clothes. Wait for these people to clean up and let them change. Then they were allowed to eat. As for sending them to the safe Yutai base. They naturally agreed with joy.

It is learned that these people are the survivors of Chaoshan Base. There were originally more than a thousand mouths, and today there are only forty people. Chu Xiang's heart was uncomfortable. Many humans have been infected with the T virus. I did not expect to end up in the mouth of hunger and zombies. Even just fifty or sixty people turned into zombies.

Everyone simply had a meeting to set up the work. Because the number of survivors found was not large. It can be transmitted by Li Haipeng in more than twenty times. In addition, samples of plants, zombies and mutant organisms collected along the way also need to be returned to the research room by Li Haipeng. The research of Fang Qian and Bai Xiaowei has been fully carried out. They need a lot of data. The work of collecting samples needs to be done by Chu Xiang. In particular, samples of rats, ants, mosquitoes and other non-infectious organisms need to be collected.

In addition to arranging these survivors. Chu Xiang also decided to attack several people. Search along the way for the most likely survivors. Of course, the country has already announced that the base does not have to go. Chu Xiangdi's targets are those small bases without self-protection capabilities. Because it is necessary to persuade a large base to merge in Yutai base. Presumably they will not agree.

Chu Xiang alone. Song Jun alone. Xu Huai and Li Yingjie, Li Xiaoming and Wang Shaohui each have a group. Xiaosi, Lin Bobo and Fang Yuxuan. A group of Chen Kai, Li Niu, and Li Haipeng. The six groups of men and women split up and went to Wang Bin to scan out the six places most likely to have survivors. Save as many survivors as possible.

"Everyone took a closer look at the photos of these people. We may meet these people in the scope of this search. They are all experts in physics. We want to make sonic eliminators without them No. Even if we can't find them all. There must always be one or two to pick the girders for us. "Chu Xiang sent each of the color photos printed by Wang Bin.

The people in the photos are leaders in physical mechanics. Although Bai Xiaowei is a genius. But then she was working on anti-T virus fluid. In the second place, she has only a memory. The acoustic wave generator that Chu Xiang is going to develop to expel mutant organisms in the ocean and the air can no longer afford it. So Chu Xiang's outing this time was not to collect the population aimlessly. More important is professional talents. Everyone is very clear about this. So memorize the photos one by one and then rectify the equipment and set off.

The sonic expeller was the result of research between Chu Xiang and Xiaosi after returning from Hong Kong. The contact with marine life in Hong Kong has provided Chu Xiang and Xiao Si with rich experience. The two have greatly increased their ability to expel marine mutants. However, it is currently limited to theory. Putting it into practice requires professionals to design and manufacture it. This is an extremely complicated process. Not evolutionaries like Chu Xiang can do it. About the production environment. Han Jiao promised that Hong Kong Island would definitely be accessible. At that time, it would be very significant to create only a marine acoustic wave expeller. That's why Chu Xiang went out at a high temperature.

In addition to Li Haipeng, only Chu Xiang's transportation is the most convenient. He even saved oil on a flame horse. Therefore, Chu Xiang chose the farthest goal. By this time they had entered Anhui. Chu Xiang is strange to everything here. But this is more challenging for Chu Xiang. It's boring to always move around in familiar places.

Chu Xiang left first. Although Zhang Jingyao and others were not willing to be separated from him. However, in addition to those experts, the development of the Yutai base also urgently needs a large population. The population is also the guarantee of human reproduction. So this thing can't be delayed. High temperatures can cause a large number of survivors to die. So you have to split up to speed up the search.

Song Jun chose not far or near. Instead of driving an off-road vehicle, he found a regular car and hit the road. Reach your destination when night falls. This is a small city. According to Wang Bin's observation, colored flags are raised and lowered daily in a building in the city center. This is an important sign of normal human activity.

The city is surrounded by numerous zombies. The road was also blocked. Song Jun abandoned the family car. He carried all the equipment on his back and jumped forward with the help of green trees along the road. As long as there is no T3, T4. Zombies on the ground cannot get on trees. But ordinary people can't jump up and down the tree like Song Jun. So this escape method is not worth promoting. Everyone can't imitate. Otherwise, falling from the tree will become meat in the mouth of the zombie.

Identify directions based on surrounding buildings. Song Jun shook off the hordes of zombies and came to the building where the flag was raised every day. This should have been a supermarket. But now it is beyond recognition. The gate was crucified. The glass windows on the first and second floors were also smashed and sealed with iron sheet. From time to time a line of zombies patrolled back and forth.

Song Jun observed carefully. The flagpole was raised on the fourth floor. There is no flag on it at this moment. The flag was lowered around the evening. But there was no light in the building. I don't know if I don't dare to light it or no light. Or they may have fallen.

It would be necessary to destroy those obstacles if entering from the first floor. Although for high-level zombies. Those order plates are useless. But it is still an insurmountable barrier for T2. So Song Jun chose to enter the building from top to bottom. Try not to disrupt the layout of the first floor.

boom. A steel arrow shot into the fourth floor. Behind the steel arrow was a long rope. Song Jun climbed the rope and quickly climbed into the building from the fourth-floor window. He just landed. Hula pulled a bunch of people out of the darkness. "Do not move. Raise your hands!"

There are really survivors in the building. Song Jun could not help but laugh out loud. These people are really interesting. Knowing that those zombies downstairs would not shoot arrows and climb upstairs, they still scared him like this. Song Jun raised his hands and said, "Don't be excited. I am human."

One humane: "I knew you were human. What are you doing here?"

Song Jun felt that these people were very hostile to outsiders. Originally, he wanted to say to save you, then changed his tongue: "I want to come in and get something to eat. I'm starving. I will starve to death if I don't find food."

At this time a female voice said: "Everyone put down their guns. Do the same humans need to be so vigilant. Don't go off fire."

Someone agreed: "Ghost eyes are right. Put down the gun. Neuropathy. Make a blind comparison to someone."

Hey. The match lit a candle and lit it. Song Jun then saw the situation clearly. There are sixteen people on the other side. Four of them are women. They were all carrying automatic rifles. It looks good. No wonder it persists until now. As long as weapons and ammunition are sufficient. Staying in the supermarket is the smartest option. The premise is that they must be lucky. Otherwise, encountering T3 and T4 will be very troublesome.

One is clearly the humane of the leader: "Abiao and Sun Li remain vigilant. The rest go downstairs."

Song Jun's ugly and scary face obviously did not scare them. It is estimated that these days they have seen even worse faces. A chubby man reached out to Song Jun: "My surname is Liu. Everyone is used to calling me Fat Liu. This is our captain Wu Feiying. These are Gu Qing and Zhao Han ... This beautiful lady is called South Ruolan. "

Song Jun did not appreciate the fact that they were not beautiful. However, the South Ruolan spoke just now to make a clearance for him. So Song Jun paid more attention. One more question. "Fat Liu. What does ghost eyes mean?"

Fat Liu said: "You don't understand then ~ ~ Her eyes can see what our normal people can't ..."

Captain Wu Feiying suddenly yelled, "Fat. Your mouth can never stop the door ?!"

Fat Liu did not dare to continue talking as soon as his face changed. Song Jun glanced at South Ruolan. South Ruolan also looked at him unexpectedly. The two eyes hurried and went to recycle at the same time.

(The weather is too hot. Kitten Chengsu can't sleep. Fortunately, he has completed his task for today. I heard that the temperature will be lower tomorrow. Let ’s pray together ...) (To be continued. If you want to know what will happen later Please visit www .... More chapters. Support authors. Support genuine reading!)

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