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Chapter 276: Ghost Eyed Ruolan

In the words of Chu Xiang, Song Jun is a man who never understands style, but a glance with Nan Ruolan just made Song Jun have some inexplicable panic, probably as Fat Liu said, the ghost-eyed South Ruolan can see To the things that ordinary people cannot see, maybe she saw the lonely world in Song Jun's heart.

Two people were left on the fourth floor to be on alert, and the rest took Song Jun to the first floor, because the airtight everywhere was airtight, the air in the building was dirty, and Song Jun couldn't help breathing his nose. In fact, Song Jun was not a particular person. But the smell in this room was really unpleasant, but seeing how the fourteen people behaved calmly, I don't know if they have rhinitis or are accustomed to it.

"Where did you come from?" Wu Feiying asked Song Jun while playing with a dagger. Song Jun secretly sensed his energy. Unfortunately, except for the ghost-eyed South Ruolan, the rest seemed to be ordinary humans. .

"Nancun," Song Jun answered calmly, and he saw the map in the surrounding villages.

"It seems that your accent is not a local," Wu Feiying looked coldly at Song Jun. His eyes really looked a little eagley under the faint candlelight.

Song Jundao: "When I went to the same old family, I came across a virus riot. Now that I have managed to escape to the city, I do n’t know how many zombies are here. How long have you been here and can you help me get something to eat? Are you coming? "

A hand was passed to Song Jun's eyes. A white palm was holding a box of cookies and a glass of water. Song Jun knew that it was Nan Ruolan. He took the biscuit and the waterway: "Thank you." The biscuits were a bit unpalatable, and they were a little out of date, but Song Jun had to pretend to be hungry at this moment, because Wu Feiying was very alert to him, and it was possible that the two parties would talk about something wrong and collapse.

Fat Liu said to South Ruolan, "You are so loyal, that is all your water today."

South Ruolan didn't speak, Song Jun asked, "Did you have a water crisis here? There should be a lot of water, drinks and alcohol in this supermarket."

Wu Feiying said: "You don't need to take care of these things. If you want to stay, you must obey my order, otherwise you will leave immediately after eating your cookies."

Song Jun had already seen it. These people are looking at Wu Feiying, and this Wu Feiying seems to be unwilling to believe in others, and he is more vigilant about his newcomer. I do n’t know if he is this nature or what he has suffered before. In short, I want to bring these people back. Yutai base. It seems to take some effort.

Song Jun said, "I stay." Then he stopped speaking. Silently eating his cookies. But the glass of water was left without a drink.

Wu Feiying nodded and said nothing. Probably some investigation procedures are needed for Song Jun, who is sent to the field. So he didn't arrange it for the night. Song Jun has thought about it. If it really doesn't work, throw away Wu Feiying. Let him survive. Then took these people out of here. But we must always find out if others are willing to go and stay.

Wu Feiying and the others chatted word by word. Finally, someone couldn't help falling asleep. It didn't take long for the candle to go out. No one ordered. No need to order any more. Song Jun was secretly thinking about how to solve this hard bone of Wu Feiying. It's easy to kill him. But that is not the way.

"You ... why don't you sleep?" Nan Ruolandi's voice murmured behind Song Jun. Since she is called ghost eyes. I must have seen Song Jun open his eyes in the dark.

Song Jundao: "Can't sleep. Here. I'm not thirsty. You drink the water. Thank you for the cookies."

South Ruolan didn't take the cup. She sat next to Song Jundi and said, "Can you tell me something outside?"

Song Jun is certainly willing. This is the best start to break through this team. "Mankind established many bases after the early infection of the t virus. In addition to the large provincial capitals, many small cities also have small ones like you. Team of survivors, but with the deterioration of the living environment, your small team is becoming less and less suitable for this eschatology, especially the zombies have evolved to a higher level. Their fighting power is very strong, and it can easily destroy you in The obstacles placed at the doorway should be concentrated and united to find new hope for survival ... "

Song Jun was anxious, and his remarks naturally caused Nan Ruolan's skepticism, "Who the **** are you? How do you know so much, do you have any purpose?"

Song Jun's IQ is also high, that is, he is usually reluctant to speak, and this time he had to show off eloquence alone. "My name is Song Jun. I am also a survivor of the last days. I am fortunate to know the outside world The situation, this time I met everyone, I hope we can go to the Yutai base together. According to my understanding, a solid human base has been established there, safe and secure, and you will stay here sooner or later for a day when you run out of food. Mo waited for the outside zombies to evolve t3 or t4, and it was too late to retreat. "

Suddenly a cold hum, Wu Feiying didn't know when he had woke up, he said: "You really do not have good intentions, you want to usurp my team, forget it! As long as I have Wu Feiying breath, don't want to take this team go!"

Fat Liu didn't know when he woke up, he said, "Captain, we do n’t have much food and we have lost our drinking water. Maybe it is time to leave. In the past six months, instead of not seeing a decrease in zombies, we have an increasing momentum. Our weapons Ammunition is also heavily consumed, and I think it might be alive to go out with this brother Song. "

Pha, Wu Feiying slammed Fat Liu Yi into a slap. "Are you the captain or am I the captain! You have sworn to death to be loyal to me. I have saved your lives many times. Do n’t you want to be ungrateful!"

Although Fat Liu was slapped but did not resist, he silently shrank to the corner and no longer squeaked, Song Jun said, "Wu Feiying, as a captain, you should think about the safety and future of the team, always hiding here. When It ’s a head. It ’s better to go out and try. Even if you do n’t go to the Yutai base, there are other large bases to go to. The hope of living there is always higher than here. ”

By the way, Wu Feiying lighted a match and lit a candle. He gave a cold glance at the people, and then said: "Whoever dares to follow him, I will kill anyone! And you, we do not welcome you here. After dawn, you must Leave! "Said Wu Feiying no longer cares about the person in front of him, holding his automatic rifle and closing his eyes.

There are really many people in the world. Song Jun really wants to poke Wu Feiying with a single heart, but then he is afraid that these survivors will be afraid of themselves. It will be more difficult to take them away. In fact, more than a dozen people are against fish. Taiwan bases are optional, but the key is that Song Jun has not done anything. If the other groups took everyone back, they would return empty-handed, but that side could not be lost, so Song Jun was not impulsive, and he closed his eyes while raising his spirit. While pondering how to handle these people, I can see that Fat Liu was tempted, and found an opportunity to pull him over first.

In the middle of the night, Song Jun noticed that someone had pulled himself. The candle lit by Wu Feiying had already extinguished, and it felt that the man was Nan Ruolan. Song Jun followed her steps to the top of the building, the cool morning breeze. Blowing on my face felt very refreshing, Nan Ruolan said, "You sit with me."

Song Jun responded. He knew that South Ruolan asked him not to sit with him. Sure enough, for a minute, South Ruolan asked, "Does the outside world really have hope for survival? Wouldn't you lie to us?"

Song Jundao: "Do you think there is any hope of staying here? Why should I lie to you? Is it good for me? Anyone with a brain can understand the reason."

Nan Ruolan sighed and said, "The food in the supermarket almost made us eat up, and the rest could not last for a week. Drinks and water were drank half a month ago. Even the residual water in the pipes let us After heating, we drank. We dug a water storage pit in the supermarket trench on the first floor. It can be dry and rainless, and there is no water to store in the trench. I hope this high temperature will bring rain, otherwise, it will take another two days. Be thirsty. "

Song Jun took out a bottle of iced black tea from his backpack and handed it to South Ruolan. South Ruolan took a hesitant answer: "Where did it come from?"

Song Jundao: "Picked from other places, in fact, even if the rain in these two days, what will happen, there is no guarantee that you will have a water crisis in the future. Moreover, the food can not persist for a few days, so leaving here is the only way."

South Ruolan said: "But everyone has been blessed by Captain Eagle. If he refuses to leave us, there is nothing he can do."

Song Jun frowned: "You are idiots. I didn't expect that this kind of thing would happen to you young people. He asked you to die with him. What are you doing?"

I do n’t know when Fat Liu came up, he said, "Brother, I'll go with you tomorrow, Ruolan don't hesitate. Just stay here and die. Let's go together. We have been turned around by the captain for the past six months. Repay his favor. "

Nan Ruolan hesitated, but Fat Liu and Song Jun climbed close to each other, constantly inquiring about the situation outside him, Song Jun explained to him one by one, and suddenly a whistling sounded on the fourth floor warning post, "Ghost eyes. Ghost eyes. Quick Come and see, I think those zombie activities are not normal! "

South Ruolan could not wait to consider whether to leave or not. She hurried down to the guard post on the fourth floor, and Song Jun and Fat Liu followed closely. At this moment, Sun Li and a girl named Wang Juan were on duty. From their location, Song Jun's vision could only see The head was shaking immediately.

Nan Ruolan's voice trembled. "It's a large group of zombies. They appeared once in the early morning yesterday. Why did they appear again?"

At this time, Wu Feiying and others on the first floor also caught up, and South Ruolan said, "Captain, some of these zombies have a large energy circle. I am afraid that it is t3 and t4 that Song Jun said. What can I do?"

Wu Feiying said indifferently: "Snoring, what else can we do? We haven't encountered this situation."

South Ruolan said: "No captain, I can see that the red circle on ordinary zombies is relatively small, and this group of zombies is much larger, so it must be difficult to deal with."

Wu Feiying said coldly to South Ruolan, "You also want to go with him, so at this moment, you are alarming and creating fear."

"I didn't!" South Ruolan argued.

Wu Feiying said: "Did you have any idea in your heart? Everyone will return to their posts to warn each other and fight off these zombies as usual. They are no different from ordinary zombies. They are all assured."

Most people went back to the first floor, leaving only a few marksmanship on the fourth floor, and Nan Ruolan was responsible for observation here. She told Song Jun: "These zombies are absolutely different from those before, why did n’t the captain listen to me Then. "

Song Jundao: "What do you want him to listen to? Do you leave with someone after listening to your words? So he won't show it even if he listens. This Wu Feiying is not suitable as a captain. He doesn't take the life of the team members seriously, but I don't Understand, how do you know these zombies are not easy. "

Nan Ruolan calmed down and said, "It ’s weird. I used to be nearsighted, but shortly after the virus, my vision suddenly returned to normal, and I saw things that others can't see. For example, at night I can be like daylight. According to the heat emitted by the human body, they can see through the objects to see their existence in the form of red rays. However, zombies have no heat. I can only sense the red circles on them. At the beginning, I did not understand these. What does the red circle mean? Later, when I encountered several zombie attacks here, I found that zombies with a large red circle were more difficult to deal with. Zombies in a small red circle were the easiest to hit. It should be the red circle formed by the energy of the zombies. "

Song Jundao: "It's so amazing. It's really appropriate to call your ghost eyes. What do you think of me?"

South Ruolan said: "I have seen it early. In the evening, when you appeared right away, I knew that you are not the same as us humans. The red light group on your body is particularly dazzling, but I do n’t understand why this is the case, so I did n’t talk to others. Say."

Song Jun was ecstatic. This evolutionary is exactly the kind of talent needed by the eschatology team. With the existence of ghost eyes, there is no need to worry about the invisible evolutionary. Like Jin Si's disguise, she couldn't escape her eyes. In any case, she had to take South Ruolan back safely, and she was enough to reach 15 people in the rest.

Song Jun asked, "Have you ever seen your own red ray group?"

South Ruolan nodded and said, "I've seen it. It seems to be different from everyone, but it is much lighter than your radiance group."

Song Jundao: "Tell you the truth, you are an evolutionary, so am I."

Nan Ruo Lou did not understand, "What is an evolutionary?"

Song Jun heard the gunfire and knew that the zombies downstairs attacked the first floor. He took out a steel bow from his backpack and said, "I'll show it to you, but you need to cooperate with me. I can't see clearly below Which is only t and only t3. You need to help me point out the zombies with the brightest red aperture. Do you hold this iron rod and see the iron horn that comes out below? The iron rod and iron horn are in line with the zombies. I know where the goal is. "

Nan Ruolan acted according to the words. At this time, the terrified voice on the first floor came up. The unbreakable defense line in Wu Feiying's eyes was smashed by the zombies. Wu Feiying and others fired a shot, but the zombie diddge smartly This is completely different from the zombies we encountered before. The scared Wu Feiying and others could only retreat upstairs, because several other places were also breached, and the first floor could not be kept.

South Ruolan aimed at a zombie, and Song Jun could only see the zombies immediately. With Nan Ruolan's positioning, he knew which one to shoot without looking, hey, the first steel arrow. Flying down the wind, alas, the zombies in South Central Ruolan thought that the red aperture was larger. It was only t3. It's not that there is no T3 here, but that they just discovered this human base yesterday morning. Considering the lack of strength, they delayed the attack for one night, but this delay actually brought Song Jun to the wait. This group of t3s is unlucky. South Ruolan keeps pointing out that the red irises with larger and brighter irises, Song Jun is not panic. When I was not busy pulling the bow and archery, the two cooperated very well, and t3, who was killed downstairs, did not dare to show up.

After all, Song Jun can only deal with zombies in one direction. The other zombies successfully broke into the first floor. Wu Feiying and others couldn't hold back and quickly retreated to the fourth floor. They were pale and could smash their defenses with a single palm. Seen once, and this kind of zombies will even dodge their bombs! Terrible.

Song Jun did not show up after shooting more than a dozen t3s. When he saw Wu Feiying came up, he secretly put the steel bow back into his backpack, but Nan Ruolan's look to Song Jun had changed, and Sun Li and Wang stayed upstairs. Juan also looked different, with admiration in her look.

Wu Feiying commanded loudly: "All go upstairs! Block the passage and block the zombies below!"

Everyone did what they said. Someone threw a grenade and blew up the stairs after climbing to the top of the building. Everyone just sat on the roof of the building and gasped. Although there was only a small contact with the zombies, there was almost no contact. After being attacked by zombies, the flexible and powerful zombies like the one just seen were the first time they saw them, so everyone was full of fear.

Song Jundao: "This will not work, the bombed stairs will not stop t3 at all."

Suddenly Wu Feiying jumped up. He pierced Song Jun's head with a pistol and said, "It's all against you! You brought the zombies, it's all your fault. I want to kill you to avenge everyone!"

Song Jun grinned and said, "Everyone is not dead. What revenge do you retaliate against?"

Wu Feiying said: "Small quibble, we were safe here before you came, we were attacked by zombies as soon as you came, and still we have never seen zombies, not what you brought. I killed you! "

Wu Feiying's fingers clasped, and South Ruolan and Fat Liu hurriedly stopped and said, "Don't Captain!"

boom! Wu Feiying was blown out by a punch, and the gun in his hand disappeared. In the misty morning light, we saw that the gun had arrived in Song Jun's hands. I saw that Song Jun's hand was moving quickly. In a few seconds, the gun turned into a pile of parts and was dropped on the ground.

call. A t3 jumped up from the blown-up staircase, and everyone was taken aback. At this time, if you believed Song Jun, t3 could not be blocked by the blown-up corridor! Flip-flop, someone fired, but the bullet missed and did not aim at the head of the zombies, t3 zombies leapt to the shooter, and the shooter was Gu Qing, and t3 was fast. He couldn't wait until he watched t3 pounce on the door, and he was done with a slight stroke of light.

Alas, Gu Qing closed her eyes in fear. But there was no bite of the zombie, only the crowd exclaimed. He opened his eyes and saw that the zombie had a flying knife in his forehead, and he had been lying dead on the ground. Gu Qing did not see the process, but everyone But knew that the flying knife was Song Jun thrown out.

Song Jundao: "Everyone retreat with me. There is only one dead here. Whose zombies are not attracted. They are everywhere in this world. There is no large human base to rely on. You will be destroyed by them sooner or later. Go."

At the entrance of the stairs, two more t3 jumped. Song Jun shook his arm without seeing it. Two darts were accurately inserted into the two t3 brains. They immediately fell to the ground and some people have identified that t3 is different from ordinary zombies. They Knowing that this kind of zombies will never be used as live targets for hits. So if you want to survive, you must follow Song Jun.

Fat Liu first stood up and followed Song Jun. Nan Ruolan thought and followed, Gu Qing and Zhao Han looked at Wu Feiying and followed, and Song Jun shot the root with a steel bow towards the next tree. Rope, at this time Ah Biao, Sun Li, Wang Juan and others also followed. In the end, only Wu Feiying was sitting on the ground with a swollen face. How can his strength be enough for Song Jun to see and dare to use his gun to point With Song Jun, if not Song Jun to win people's hearts. I'm afraid he was killed directly just now.

"Can you go down by yourself?" Song Jun asked.

The crowd nodded. Everyone is a young man. After half a year of training, even if there are white-collar workers, gold-collar workers, there is a little bit of life-saving skills. So Song Jun first climbed down the rope. Although he wanted to stay broken, it was not safe to reach the tree over there. He had to clear it first.

The sky was bright, and Song Jun finally took all the people downstairs. At the moment, a dozen zombies had climbed up on the top floor of the fourth floor. They were yelling around the parapet wall, and the zombies on the ground heard the scream quickly to Song The army moved closer, and Song Jun waved, "Let's go ~ ~ We will find a way out of the city to find a vehicle."

Wu Feiying was reluctant, but stayed on the top of the building and had to wait for death, so in the end he also followed. Although everyone was not slow, the speed was faster, and they gathered more zombies after they came down to surround them. Really blocked the crowd in an alley. There were chasers before and after confinement. The faces of Nan Ruolan and Fat Liu changed greatly, so many zombies were afraid to die.

Song Jun couldn't hear the footsteps behind him, and he turned back strangely: "Why don't you go, hurry up, you can find the car when you rush out."

South Ruolan Road: "Many of the zombies in front are bright circles. They are much more ..."

Song Jun laughed loudly: "I'll drive, let's go! Keep up closely, you will be eaten if you lose it."

Song Jun rushed forward, and everyone could only keep abreast of his head, and when he saw that he would be in direct contact with dozens of zombies in front of him, Song Jun suddenly bowed, sending out a hidden weapon, and none of those t3 mixed in t2 escaped. With Song Jun's current strength, killing t3 is as easy as t2. The hutong mouths that were still alive just now are now dead bodies, and a sharp short arrow is inserted into each head.


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