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Chapter 362: Strange House Attack

The remaining two sentrymen ran away, stumbling under the snow, and they fell into the building. The image was embarrassing: "Not good, it's zombies! There are many senior zombies, they are right at the door. They will attack us! "

The officer was shocked to hear that the troops had no combat power in this kind of ghost weather, and it was difficult to go out. How could those zombies appear at this time? Does n’t it mean that the t virus is afraid of the severe cold? How did they survive?

"Don't panic!" The officer yelled, "Block all the entrances and exits. We stick to the building. Those zombies dare not come in! Don't forget we have weapons!"

Regardless of whether this method is effective, anyway, let these soldiers go out to destroy the zombies and they will not kill them. It is a good choice to stay in the house. So the door will be blocked and the window will be blocked. Lou was dead, and a group of people listened uneasily and carefully, but the outside temperature continued to drop for a night, until the bright sky did not hear the sound of zombies, this seems to torment these people on the fire, many soldiers can not stand the depression Agitated.

Finally, the sky was clear and the sun came out. The officer looked upstairs and looked quietly, except for the snow, and there was no footprint on the ground wrapped in silver. Did the zombies retreat?

I could n’t find the zombie seal, so I counted the damage caused by the snowstorm. Fifty people died of frostbite because all the construction outside the cooling down was stopped. This is not the most serious time. A headless corpse was found on the ground. It was the sentry who went out to observe the situation last night. From his death, what happened last night was by no means an illusion. There was a zombie in the East Base and the level was not low. This is quite bad. The news, in the intelligence of the previous detection. Not even t2 here.

The officer immediately reported the situation to the command, hoping that the command could give them a clear instruction, because the soldiers under his command are now in a very unstable mood, which is not conducive to the army's combat effectiveness. However, the command kept them on standby, but they will send an evolutionary army to deal with t3 and t4. In addition, they will also send a group of cold protection tools, and require the Nedong base corps to ensure that the offensive plan is carried out on time. If you have any difficulties, try to solve it yourself.

In the apple orchard of Nedong County, a row of temporary white buildings is hidden among the fruit trees. In the icy and snowy house outside, it was as warm as spring, and everyone hurried to eat breakfast.

"It's unexpected. The power of nature is so great. If the snowstorm lasts one day and one night, I think Xiao A of the Nedong base will be frozen to death," said Li Haipeng.

Chen Kaidao: "What do you know, if you go up and freeze them all up, you still dare come to the reinforcements in the back, so this is called escaping. Didn't you listen to their communication, and the Indian Far East Command has added evolution to this place? In the next step, we will stimulate them again, and let them send more troops to come, until we finally freeze him into a popsicle. "

A squeak opened the door, and a cold cold rushed into the room. Wang Shaohui returned. He said, "Chu, Indians are checking the surroundings. They can come over soon."

Xu Huai said: "What should we do? Should we hide it? It's not good to be seen by them."

Chu Xiang said without hesitation: "Everyone is firmly in the house. No one should act lightly. We give them a falsehood. Isn't the Indian just trying to send a few more evolvers? That is absolutely impossible. Our appetite doesn't stop there. "

"Quick. Quick. There are traces of human activity in front!" Several Indian soldiers shouted. Then another team came over to reinforce. A group of a dozen people stormed into the apple orchard. There were no buildings in the orchard before the temperature dropped. And now a few more white houses suddenly appeared. The chimney was still smoking. It is clear that there is someone inside. It is strange that humans appear in orchards in such ghost weather.

boom. boom. A printing soldier smashed the door with a buttstock. But this f virus built a strong room. Not to mention smashing it with a buttstock. Even bombardment and shelling may not be effective. Chu Xiang seems to have thought of this. Before construction, he drilled down a few holes using the **** function. So the foundation of this building is quite firm.

Indian officers also rushed over when they heard the news. Now he is annoyed. Originally about to attack Lhasa. All plans can be launched as scheduled. His future is also bright. But who knows the sudden change in weather. Now it is not only unable to march, the soldiers do not talk about frostbite. Even these people were unable to protect the security of Nedong base under the severe cold. Not to mention the large-scale construction of the Naidong County Base. Unless the size of the original base is reduced. Moreover, special cement is used. Otherwise, this project is a night talk.

"Fried with explosives. I'm a human or a corpse. Be sure to destroy the creatures inside!" The officer did not yet know whether it was a human or a zombie hiding inside. But zombies are very unlikely. Because the smoke from the chimney is a characteristic of human beings.

boom! The explosives placed on the door exploded, but the smoke was cleared up and the door didn't even open! What kind of material is this, even steel is not so hard! All the Indians were horrified in their hearts.

The heart of the officer also began to drum. This sudden room showed that it didn't take much time to build it, and it was sturdy and beyond imagination. If this material is used as a trench to build the city wall, who else will break it? It is just that the house cannot be opened, and people who cannot find it cannot know the secret of the premises.

"The artillery is here! Everyone comes to help," a scream came from behind. I saw a group of soldiers pushing a self-propelled artillery. The fuel was not supplied, so we should use it sparingly. In order to transport these artillery to the plateau, The Indians have been trying hard, and this is their most powerful weapon at present.

boom! The large-caliber armor-piercing shell hit the white building. When it made a crisp sound, the warhead was torn apart, but the white building still stood still, and the Indian's mouth opened into a large shape. It was magical and never seen. Pass the substance that can not damage the skin under the armor piercing bullet!

Tossing everything, throwing a grenade into the chimney, or even letting the evolutionary attack this white room is useless. It still stays in place steadily, although there are several exhaust holes in the room, but The twists and turns couldn't shoot at all. Later, some people thought of smoke and water, but this house was cleverly constructed. Irrigation water was drained into the ditch by myself, and the smoke poured out from the other side by myself. In the end, the officer had no choice but to send a team to stay in the orchard for surveillance. Others temporarily withdrew the Transportation Bureau Complex.

"Call me the command, I ask to speak with the commander," the officer's face was pale, and he wondered whether it was frozen or scared by the mysterious appearance outside the room. The more than two thousand people could not get a room without any counterattack ability. . Who believes it?

"Commander, the situation has changed a bit, and we have something weird," the officer said.

The commander of the Far East Army in India said, "What's the matter, I heard that you have encountered a heavy snowstorm. Haven't you sent evolutionary reinforcements? The headquarters will also send you a batch of cold-proof supplies. Don't worry about it. Fear, the weather is normal in this way. As long as you avoid the past few days, the temperature will rise, and you can continue to enter the sa base at that time. I am waiting for the good news of your victory. The celebration of Champagne is ready, but you want to achieve our seal. People's dreams for decades! "

The officer really couldn't bear to break the commander's self-intoxication, but the white room seemed like a big mountain pressing on his head, and he had to continue: "Commander, there is one more thing you must listen to me. Last night I suddenly came out of a high level The zombies don't say. This morning we inspected the conditions around the base and found a building that suddenly appeared. There were signs of human activity, but we couldn't break the building using all our means. I suspect there will be a big problem inside. "

The commander listened to the officer's story about their attack on the mysterious building. Of course, he didn't believe it, but the officer promised vows that he had to take it seriously for a while, "There are a lot of weird things in this world. I don't care what method you use, You must set up the Nedong base for me as soon as possible. This is our rear base. It is related to the advance of the future war. I know that you have fewer manpower. So, I will send five more soldiers to reinforce. You must find the building. The materials will circle the base as soon as possible, and then we can train here to complete our great plan. "

The officer bargained: "Commander. Are there five people missing? Give them more, if that building can't be broken. I can only surround it for surveillance, which will disperse my large number of troops. Give more A thousand. "

The commander said: "No, you can give up to five, so you have thousands of soldiers. This is a heavy weight among our commanders at the command level. Don't let down my trust in you."

The officer flattered: "Thanks to the commander for cultivation, I will surely get a good news to prove your ability."

Of course, the newly sent soldiers could not arrive immediately. The officer couldn't figure out how to deal with the building, so he sent two soldiers to dig trenches and pile sandbags on the periphery. , If they dare to show their heads, they will be killed, if they do not show their heads, they will starve to death.

Inside the white building, Wang Bin put down his headset and said, "Good news, the Indians are sending more troops! Not only are there evolutionaries but also ordinary soldiers." Everyone is drinking tea and watching the Indians toss through the monitor, and can't bear to hear the news. Live happily talking.

After Chu Xiang heard Zhang Jingyao ’s move about the Indian soldiers outside, he said: "The Indians want to trap us, but their ideas are doomed to fail. Xu Huai, give them a little lesson first. They just tossed us. Fang can be counted on them, I want to make them restless day and night from today! "

A gun slammed, and an Indian soldier who sold his life with a pickaxe to shave ice fell into a pool of blood. Bang, another gunshot, a soldier carrying a sandbag fell to the ground, and his companion was pressured by the sandbag. He fell on the snow, and he yelled, "Blind eyes, hurry up and move me!"

The bang was another dull gunshot. The scolding Indian soldiers also plunged and fell on the snow. The blood was reddish with white snow, and the color was gorgeous under the sun. It made people feel a sense of vomiting.

"Sneak attack! Someone is attacking in the room! Hurry up and hide!" Someone shouted, and these Indian soldiers reacted. There were some people in the affection room. They didn't say a word just now, but now they are quietly shooting behind the scenes.

After hearing the report, the officer immediately rushed over, but learned that someone inside the house had set up a dark gun. He didn't dare to appear in the bright place. He could only hide behind a armored car to observe. The white room was very ordinary. But it is extremely hard. Those people hiding inside and using dark guns do not seem to want to besiege them from a short distance, otherwise they are afraid that the casualties will be heavy.

"Look at the commander, someone is on the round tower on the roof." A soldier reminded the officer in time. The officer looked up, didn't he? There was a white round tower on the roof, and he thought it was a special chimney. , But in fact it was just a shooting post. Vaguely still can see the muzzle shaking above, a slamming shot and another Indian soldier fell to the snow.

The officer said: "The other party has a very good sniper, and everyone is advised not to expose their figure easily."

The order was issued immediately, and the Indian who was afraid of death was afraid to show up. Xu Huai could not find the shooting target for a while. Although he could change the direction of the bomb, his current position was not suitable for shooting, so he could only pay attention. Which unlucky place the Indian soldiers accidentally exposed the key because of the cold weather. The Indian soldiers couldn't bear it any time soon, and they fled back. This gave Xu Huai a chance to shoot, and the gunfire kept on. The Indians dropped a dozen dead bodies. Before withdrawing. "That's why this is so!" The officer dropped his cap, and the building that suddenly appeared stuck in his throat like a fishbone. Don't say anything about it now, let's save the Nedong base first.

An evolutionist said at this time: "Head of the regiment. Since we can't attack them and are restrained everywhere, we might as well put aside the orchard and compress the base's defense line backwards."

The officer said: "That's the only thing, but they are always a scourge to stay under our eyes. We must find a way to eliminate them. Now, they are definitely not our associates. They are Chinese, I don't think they understand How did it pop up overnight and build a strange ground floor. "

The evolver said: "Now it seems that they are more likely to be evolvers, so it does n’t matter if they pop up and build a strange ground floor overnight. Since we ca n’t mess with them, let ’s not mess with them, I ’ll just Do not believe he can run with the house, as long as they show up, we can deal with them. "

The officer said: "That's right, you will take care of this matter. I will continue to arrange the attack of sa. It is very urgent, but our base construction has encountered natural disasters again. This errand is really difficult to handle. "

The Indian soldiers withdrew, and their range shrank deeper into the county. Chu Xiang laughed: "They leave and we leave too. Let the Indians be surprised again early in the morning and see how they will deal with them."

During the day, the temperature did not continue to drop, but at night it was extremely cold outside, and the Indians did not dare to stay outside for the night. They all returned to the building and started a blazing fire to fight the cold. Many Indians who did not adapt to the sudden change of the cold became sick and could be everywhere. Hearing the cough, the officer frowned when he came down to inspect. This was a bad sign. Don't die before you can jump out of the army. That way, you can't get any farts, and he will become a national sinner.

At dawn, the first soldier who opened the door suddenly yelled, "Ah! Come on, what is that!" Another soldier leaned his head behind him, and he was taken aback: "White building Run to our door! "

The Indian soldiers in the downstairs blew up the pot, and they crowded out to see. I saw a white building alone on the street outside the door. It was the one that was attacked yesterday. How could it come from the orchard? Does it have feet here? Where would these people know that it was a breeze for a senior evolutionary to lift a house together.

Bang, bang, bang, the gunfire suddenly sounded continuously, and the Indian soldiers looking out of the door fell to the ground one after another, and their chests and heads gurgled, and the remaining Indian soldiers burst out. Hiding deep inside the building, lest the bombs come in and dispose of them.

After receiving the news, the commander of the Indian army officer was also stunned. The building he was in was not under the sight of the white building. He hurried to the street to observe the situation. Sure enough, he saw that the house yesterday ran to the center. On both sides is the residence of two thousand Indian soldiers, but now it has become a slaughterhouse, and the Indian soldiers are constantly exposed and killed by snipers on the roof.

The officer waved his hand to the humane behind him: "Immediately send the evolver to the top of the building to snip the opponent's sniper, no matter what the cost, I must kill him!"

An evolutionist responded. Soon he appeared on the roof of a building. From here he could see the white roof in the center downstairs. A man on the round tower was constantly aiming at the printing soldiers in the surrounding buildings. As long as he shows his head, he can be killed by one shot. The sniper's strength is not low.

The evolver shouted his cold hands, and then began to assemble his sniper rifle. Finally, he carefully pierced the muzzle a little out of the top wall of the building. The sight was aimed at the man on the roof. The other party is dead! Bang ~ ~ With a bang, the Indian evolutionist had a pain in his eyes, his body fell backwards, and he fell into the ground without sound.

The sniper on the white tower smiled scornfully in this direction, then inserted the pistol in his hand into his waist, and then continued to look for the Indian soldiers who were exposed, and then hunted them with a shot.

The Indian officer waited for a long time without seeing any movement. He could only send someone to go upstairs to ask about the situation. However, he could see that the sniper's body was already stiff. Aiming at the eyes of the sniper, he was injured and died on the spot!

At this time, the Indian officer fully believed that the opponent ’s strength was higher than his. Although there were a large number of soldiers printed, it was not useful at all, but instead became the target of the opponent ’s hunting. What was more terrible was hiding. Moved the position overnight, and if you take a few more steps you can see the base command.

How to do? The officer quickly turned his thoughts. There was no way to deal with the evolutionaries hiding in the house. Finally, the officer thought of digging a pit to bury the house, but the ground surface was frozen, and it would be huge to dig a pit. In the project, the officer thought of splashing water to freeze the room, but lacking enough water, it was too late to burn the fire and snow.


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