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Chapter 363: Arrival of the army

The Indians were troubled day and night, and they suffered heavy losses throughout the day and night. At least 300 people were killed by snipers. In the end, these Indians could only move in the depths of the building. But let alone win Lasa, it ca n’t be replenished with wood for a long time. They will lose even the heating conditions, and they will starve to death without freezing. 79 free

The senior leaders of the Indian Army in Nedong County held meetings one after another. Everyone talked about but couldn't come up with an idea. The Indian army chief almost fainted. I did not expect that the seamless plan was unexpected when it was about to start. What should I do? Did you really give up the Nedong base? But if the other person really moves, then they will follow wherever they go, and it would be useless to give up Nedong to other places.

The Indian officer even thought of returning to this country, but thought of the consequences that might be brought to him in the future with this result. The Indian officer did not dare to think about it anymore. I never heard the sound of a sniper step again. The Indian officer sent someone to inspect it. Could that house run again?

But the result of the return was that the house was still in place, but there were no more gunfire inside, and the Indian officer's eyes stayed up all night, and the situation changed! He immediately sent two evolvers to observe, and soon the evolvers passed back the message that the house was most likely empty! The enemy may have slipped away.

The Indian officer didn't believe it, but when he saw a group of soldiers touching the root of the house, and there was no sound inside, he believed that a soldier hated this weird house and held a machine gun against white The house was violently fired, banged, and a sudden collapse sounded. The soldiers who were fired were startled. The other Indian soldiers were unknown, so they retreated, and saw that the unbreakable house had collapsed!

"What's going on?" The Indian officer was a little stunned. If the house can be demolished with a machine gun, he would not be so deadly, but now the house has collapsed and there is no one inside.

An evolutionist returned after observing: "Head, I don't think this house is impeccable. From the analysis of its building materials, this is a substance we don't know. Probably this material will not exist for a long time. For more than 48 hours, those talents will be quietly withdrawn because they understand that they can't hold on here after dawn. "

The Indian officer thought it was reasonable to think so. The other party already had an advantage. If it wasn't for this reason, why did they withdraw, as long as they stayed here for an extra day, maybe his regiment would be finished.

"Hmm ..." The Indians cheered for victory, as if they had really won the battle. Indian officers believed in the analysis of the evolving men. There is always something invincible in this world. Its own shortcomings determine that it cannot be a big device.

While the Indians were cheering for their victory, Chu Xiang and others had returned to the Yutai base. This is a temporary decision. The Indians have been forced into desperation, and their reinforcements have not arrived at this time. If the Indians in Nedong are eliminated now, the reinforcements will definitely cancel the operation when they get the news.

If you want to seize the cause, let it be tight and loose. If you want to bring in a large number of Indians, you can't force them too quickly. When the time comes, they will give them a disaster and let them know the end of invading other countries.

Because Chu Xiang and Zhang Yan no longer trigger the weather. The temperature in Nedong quickly rose. The reinforcements arrived two days later. The Indian arrogance immediately arrogant. The troop condemnation will prepare to march towards lasa. And this time they turned secretly into public. He took the initiative to make a territorial claim to the Chinese government on the international network. This approach is simply nobody!

But it is annoying that Yue Tai didn't respond to this matter. It's like defaulting on Indians. This is an extremely disappointing thing. The sound of cruelty on the Internet. There is even more sorrow for the patriots. Even a small number of evolutionaries organized themselves. It was decided to go to Nedong to crack down on the Indians. Vow to defend territorial integrity. There is a cloud of war over Nedong. This is the worst international incident since the last days.

The Indians believe that China is afraid and impossible to increase its troops to xz. So they kicked up their stance with much fanfare. An unstoppable attitude. One big stick, one sweet date plan has taken effect. Chu Xiang took everyone to Nedong again. But no sturdy house was built this time. Instead, a small base was built overnight outside Nedong County. The base is surrounded by a white fence. Three hundred soldiers are stationed. Weapons and ammunition are sufficient. Pull out a long-term stand. I do not know that the people in the bottom line thought that a group of patriots came to demonstrate here.

Indian officers have just passed two good days. Wake up that day and receive a sentry report. It is said that a small base appeared on the main road of Naidong out of the city. There are a large number of Chinese soldiers. In the morning a group of soldiers went on patrol and they were swept to death with machine guns. An Indian script was also written using the soldier's blood.

"What? The matter is serious? Is there a white house again?" The Indian officer was a little afraid. Although that house has a life cycle. But these two days are a good day to travel to lasa. Can't be delayed.

The sentry said: "Not the chief. It's a white wall. We tried it. That wall is strong. It should be the same material as the last time the house was built."

The Indian officer waved his hand and gave himself a peace of mind: "Not afraid, if the materials are the same forty-eight hours later, they will withdraw, and inform our people to stay away from there in the past two days ... what's on the paper?"

A soldier said, "Let's wash our necks, and then they will kill us like pigs."

The Indian military officer ignored it, which was purely intimidation. An evolutionist reminded the Indian military officer: "Isn't the group leader going to attack lasa tomorrow, what if the main road out of the city is blocked now?"

The Indian officer said distressedly: "What else can be done, of course, temporarily canceling the plan, and sending someone to monitor them 24 hours a day. Don't let them slip into the Nedong county town at night. This time they built a fence. We can't take them any more. "

The other side did not attack, and the Indian soldiers did not provoke them. Two days and two nights passed quickly. What the Indians did not expect was that instead of falling down, the white wall was stronger. After several rounds of artillery fire tests, the Indians' spirits are about to collapse. Things will be repeated a few days ago. If the group of people who are blocking the other side is eliminated, their troops will not be able to go to lasa, even if You can take a detour. If these people come to attack in the emptiness of Naidong County, make sure to hit one by one, and then attack with Las' forces. It's hard for Indians to think of not dying.

"I ask the headquarters to continue to increase troops!" This is an Indian army officer repeatedly stressed to the commander, because these days troubles, originally intended to drive a group of creepers to disturb the lasa base, but now it is impossible to implement, want Successfully winning lasa only requires dispatching more soldiers. Of course, more soldiers must be stationed at Naidong base, otherwise neither side will please.

The commander of the Indian Far East Army said: "I have a hard time agreeing to your request. Now that you have 3,000 people, if we continue to increase the number of our troops, it is one of the problems. How can I explain your power to others, Your number of soldiers has exceeded your actual military position, and now many people are dissatisfied with my approach. "

The head of India said: "Commander, I don't care what others say, but you have announced our situation in Nedong to the world, and you have claimed territorial power over lasa. Now the whole world is watching our Action, originally their strength was not under our word, but the sudden killing of mysterious people ruined our big plan. Now that we are riding a tiger, you do n’t want to be laughed at by the world.

The commander of the Indian Far East Army put down the phone and considered it. The reason for the announcement of Operation Nedong is that the construction of the Nadong base has begun to take shape, and it will soon be in conflict with the Chinese garrison in lasa. The activities in these days may have fallen into the eyes of the other satellite, and fierce gun battles with the other have occurred before. It ’s almost universally known. When it arrived, it was inferior in public opinion. It ’s better to publish it now. The reason is of course what the party said is what it was. The Chinese changed a lot when they sent troops to lasa. God, let them say it's useless to say.

It can be imagined that it is very good. Who knows that something has happened unexpectedly. A mysterious army has appeared, neither showing its name nor advocating power. Anyway, it just doesn't go away. If you want to destroy them, Naidong's strength alone is not enough. Because the other side's building materials are too powerful, it is by no means ordinary firepower.

Silai wanted to go to the commander of the Far East Army and sent emergency telegrams to Indian high-level officials to ask for opinions. I quickly received a high-level reply saying that the snowfield was part of India's ancient territory. At the beginning of the new world, India should take it back at all costs, and it has been said that the Chinese have regarded India as an enemy. You must not go back in time, that would not make the world laugh at the Indians, so focus on the superior forces. In any case, you must take lasa down. As for the roadblockers, let them taste the power of the Indian army!

The commander of the Far East Army finally knew what to do. He had to march in person. This time no matter how many soldiers and horses he took, no one would be jealous of the front commander, and he would take other officers with him and let them know The outside world is not easy to confuse, lest everyone think that others are taking advantage.

So a few days later, a 5,000-strong Indian army assembled from more than a dozen bases rushed out of Nedong County. All this made Chu Xiang and others happy to shut up. The Indians rushed to death. More than 8,000 people have been wiped out, and the Indians must have cried and called their mothers, and this time they can fight back to India. Maybe this time they can really hit New Delhi, not like the one in the 1960s. One hundred kilometers left a deep regret for the Chinese.

The Indian army commander finally waited for reinforcements. Although the presence of the commander of the Far East Army weakened his power, the small base outside Naidong County really made him helpless. Now he is the leader, and he quickly threw this hot potato out, Far East The army commander was skeptical at first, but he personally went to watch the attack. Under the impact of the artillery, the opponent stood still behind the wall. When the party was about to rush up, countless shots were made in the mouth of the gun stack. The bullet, the Indian army who fought fled.

Having seen this special material is not an exaggeration of the Indian army commander. The commander of the Far East Army immediately convened a pre-form meeting. He wanted to brainstorm and pluck this eye from the flesh, and then the army swung at lasa. With thousands of troops there, it was definitely not an opponent. !! Then based on Nedong, centered on lasa, and radiated to the whole x, the great dream of the Indians will be realized! At that time he was a national hero.

"I don't see the other party's intention to attack actively. Are they just trying to hold our troops?" An Indian officer said that his analysis was recognized by everyone. The Chinese only knew that they were hiding, and their fortifications were too strong. Even though Indians are angry, there is no way.

A staff officer said: "From the perspective of our force distribution on the snowy field, it does not make any sense for the other party to drag us to Nedong, because from the satellite perspective, China does not have troops moving in the direction of xz, so they can be ruled out as waiting. reinforce."

The commander of the Far East Army asked: "Have you ever contacted them and asked them what they thought and demanded."

The head of the Indian legion said: "We have received their war books. They only said that we should wait for death, and did not say anything else."

The commander of the Far East Army sneered: "Let's wait for death? Their tone is so great. You and I will be squeezed by the combined force of two forces, let alone I will bring a lot of incendiary bombs this time. In the next wave of attack, we use fire to see how they are hiding. In addition, I also brought the biological and chemical weapons that have just been successfully developed. If they are still puzzled, they will be extinct! "

It was learned that the party had a powerful weapon. The confidence of all the Indians swelled up. They simply agreed to a war plan and everyone broke up. At this moment, it was too late. The Indian army, despite the fatigue of running around, decided to launch an attack immediately. The previous trials had allowed them to feel the law. So first came a rain of bullets, and while the other party was hiding under the fortifications, the Indians started to throw fire.

boom. The incendiary bomb fell into the base and exploded. Several soldiers could not escape the flames and immediately burned. The critical situation was reported to Chu Xiangzhi. Chu Xiang and Zhang Yan rushed over. Now it seems that the Indians are waiting for their deaths, regardless of the low morale and the attack by Lawton, then send them to the west sky, as if the term west sky is really designed for them.

Whirling another row of incendiary bombs, Chu Xiang launched the wind control skills. A tornado formed instantaneously. It rolled up the incendiary bombs and flew backwards. A group of Indian soldiers watched the incendiary bombs that had just been thrown fall into the square camp, and the blaze of the sky was burning. It sprays like rain and burns violently when it encounters air.

Chu Xiang gave Zhang Yan the task of creating a storm, which was also a test of her ability. These days, her skills have been restored. And after Zhang Jingyao energy supplement. The strength is no longer comparable, she directed the tornado to advance the flames to the middle of the Indian camp. The Indians were burned and fled, finally with the assistance of several evolvers. The flames were suppressed by a temperature-controlled evolutionist before the casualties were stopped.

Zhang Yan said to Chu Xiang embarrassedly: "I'm sorry for the Chu team. The opponent's strength is better than me, and my storm has been suppressed."

Chu Xiang encouraged: "It doesn't matter, one day you will surpass them, but controlling the flames to suppress our flames is no way, I will let them see what is the real temperature control!"

Ga—a sharp icing sound suddenly sounded, an extremely low ground temperature hit the Indian army camp, and the Indians who had just been completely burned by the incendiary bomb suddenly fell into an ice kiln, even the few evolvers. I also felt bad, they hurriedly guarded the commander of the Far East Army to retreat backward, and stayed here for a long time.

The commander of the Far East Army still shouted, "What's going on, how can you freeze our own people! Asshole, hurry up the temperature, my soldiers are frozen!"

The temperature-controlling evolutionist said: "The commander, I didn't do it. The other party has a temperature-controlling evolutionist who is better than me. I am not his opponent. Let's quickly hide and use the Chinese words to say that a good man will not suffer. "

The Far East Commander said, "Don't we have a flame evolver, let him warm up the army."

The temperature-evolving evolutionist said: "Commander, can't rise, do you still think that we were not burned enough just now, the other party dared to use that person to stop us from moving forward. It turned out that we rely on the powerful evolutionaries. Something else. "

boom! I do n’t know when it will be gloomy in the sky ~ ~ On the plateau this means that there will be a bad weather. Although the storm just now is known to be artificially produced by the other party, but now there is a mine explosion, which makes the Indian Army Fear, the ability to control the weather is very magical to them, that is something that only Buddha can do.

A group of spherical lightnings formed rapidly. The unshaped Indian army that was originally burned by the incendiary bomb quickly collapsed and failed to become an army. When the spherical lightning struck down, they were even fleeing. Even the evolutionaries could not control them and wanted to retreat temporarily. No more.

However, how quickly did the Indian Army ’s legs pass lightning, these lightnings chased up from behind and exploded above them. The Indian Army suddenly fell into the sea of ​​fire again after being frozen for a while, and there was a smell of electric corpse everywhere, Nedong County. There was a horrible image outside, saying that **** on earth could not be exaggerated, and the Indians had left more than a thousand dead bodies before they escaped the attack.

The commander of the Far East Army was furious. He couldn't believe that the other party was just a trio of people who defeated his 8,000 troops. Even if they got the United States, they were a force to be reckoned with, but now they were defeated somehow. It is something that all Indian survivors do not want to see. He must turn things around!

(The classified monthly ticket has fallen to seventh. Let's throw a ticket, thank you kitten.

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