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Chapter 555: Guide

How can Xiang Xiang be used as an escape tool not to be annoyed, but his several attacks have been hidden by the indigenous people. It seems that the Terminator's transformation of humans has reached a whole new level, not as inflexible as zombies, and watching There are many places where these indigenous people maintain their original human nature, and eating human flesh is also their original characteristic.

Chu Xiang did not dare to drill into the ground, because it would inevitably release the two indigenous peoples. At that time, at the speed of these two indigenous peoples, he wanted to catch them all difficult, so Chu Xiang could only hit such a mess in the underground first. The hole, the two indigenous people followed closely, and finally Chu Xiang stopped. The two indigenous people could not help but nearly hit Chu Xiang. Chu Xiang gave them a punch, bang, and fist hit the indigenous people. On the body, then the indigenous people were topped on the rocks, and the rocks broke into a large piece under Chu Xiang's fist, but the indigenous people who were beaten did not appear to be half faulty.

Chu Xiang yelled: "Okay, the bones are quite hard, let's make a decision in this place!"

In order to be able to turn around, Chu Xiang dug more of the rock around him, but only three people could stand upright. In this environment, the two indigenous people had nowhere to escape if they wanted to escape. Chu Xiang was directly blocked with rocks, so he could only fight with Chu Xiang. The strength of Chu Xiang is beyond doubt, and these two indigenous people are only fast and stronger in terms of resistance to blows, but when real confrontation As time went by, they fell into defeat, and the retreat was already sealed by Chu Xiang. The two indigenous people had only been beaten. Alas, an indigenous hand covered his mouth, and then a wooden sign quickly shot at Chu. Xiang, because it was fast and fierce, Chu Xiang was too late to react at this point, and was shot in the thigh by a wooden sign.

A smile appeared on the burned face of the short indigenous man, but soon he couldn't smile because the wooden sign was not stuck in Chu Xiang's thigh, but was bounced to one side, and the pointed sign was broken. In the opinion of the indigenous people, having such a strength is no longer something they can handle. In addition to the wooden sign, the indigenous people will not be the second killer.

Even if Chu Xiang does n’t have armor to protect himself, it ca n’t be pierced by a small wooden sign. After several mutations, his body's impact resistance has already exceeded the expectations of the Terminator, and it is not within the Terminator ’s technology scope. After being chased by the indigenous people, Chu Xiang's anger burned again. He grabbed the indigenous people, then stepped on him with his feet, followed by a stormy attack. At first, the small indigenous people still fought hard with a soft body, but his After all, energy is limited. After a few minutes, his body no longer dilutes like liquid, but is beaten, slapped, and vomits blood after a few punches.

Chu Xiang knew that the indigenous people were not invincible, so they got even worse. After all, there was an indigenous people next to them. I could n’t give them time to solve them first, so they punched out faster, and then hit the indigenous people in a few minutes. It was quiet, and the little bone cripples broke apart. It seems that this time they really ca n’t live. Chu Xiang was afraid he would die and grab the indigenous people and tore them into two pieces. The **** splatter is that another indigenous people Frightened squatting aside did not dare to speak.

Chu Xiang shattered the indigenous man's eyes and cast his eyes. He turned to the other one. I don't know if the indigenous eyesight was good or he had a sense of Chu Xiang's hatred. He was screaming in horror, lying on the ground and making tears Taking a snot, Chu Xiang reached out and grabbed the last indigenous person. This time, he planned to tear it up directly, instead of having to hit him.

The small indigenous people kept wailing and took out the wooden signs on their bodies. They placed them at the feet of Chu Xiang, and prayed with hands together, and Chu Xiang softened his heart. Does this thing even know fear and pleading? If they are mutants, they will only attack and endlessly. In addition, it seems that they have a little more human nature, but these people are definitely different from normal humans, because they are probably cannibals themselves, beyond the scope of ordinary people.

The indigenous people kept hoeing, with a look of fear in their two eyes, Chu Xiang said: "Do you want me to let you go?"

The indigenous people nodded again and again, it seems that he understood Chu Xiang's question, Chu Xiang said: "That's impossible! I won't raise a tiger. When you hurt someone and escape, I can't take you anyway, so Only by killing you can you be a hundred. "

The indigenous people talked again and again with their heads, gesticulating and Chu Xiang, but Chu Xiang did not understand a few words, which probably means that he would not hurt humans again. If Chu Xiang did not kill him, He can do anything, but how can Chu Xiang believe in him, holding the little native with both hands, he will tear him apart!

The thin indigenous man hugged Chu Xiang scaredly. Chu Xiang hard earned a few times and almost tore his clothes apart. He could only step on the small indigenous man with his feet first, and then opened his finger a little bit. The small indigenous man took advantage of Chu At this time when Xiang didn't kill him, he hurriedly began to intercede again, but this time he didn't speak the native language of gurgling, but used Chinese, which surprised Chu Xiang greatly.

"Please ... please ... let me go ..." the indigenous people said very fluently, but still understood.

Chu Xiang said: "I don't care how smart you are, but you killed my people, so you must die!"

The little indigenous said: "I ... can ... help you ... into the rainforest ..."

Chu Xiang's heart moved, Zhengchou couldn't find a guide to enter the rain forest. If this little indigenous man can really help, maybe he can do more with less, but is this thing worth believing? What if he brought his troops into despair and avenged his sacrifice brothers and sisters? Or it is more dangerous to notify the Terminator directly.

The indigenous people saw Chu Xiang's scruples. He said, "I picked my feet ... my hamstrings and let me live. I will show you how to get into the rain forest, as long as you keep me alive, you can do anything." This is probably the result of their being transformed by the Terminator. There are also good learners among the evolvers, and the languages ​​of various countries can be understood at a glance.

Chu Xiang hesitated, this is a good way to trap the indigenous people, just let him instruct everyone to enter the rainforest, as long as he is alive, he is willing to, than everyone else is taking a risk to fumble, at least it can improve entry The speed of the rainforest, otherwise it is really too late to complete the task.

Chu Xiang did not dare to be careless. He used a bone knife to remove the two indigenous hamstrings and tendons, but considering that the indigenous people have many unknown abilities, Chu Xiang also used a five-color liquid excrement to create a cage for the indigenous people. Considering the deformability of the indigenous people, only a few ventilating holes were left, which is equivalent to fixing him directly in it. There is no door to think of it, unless the cage is directly opened, but the indigenous people are not very powerful. It is impossible to break the cage made of five-color liquid.

After doing these, Chu Xiang only broke through the ground with a cage. Although the indigenous people were cut off their tendons, it looks like his pain is not so painful, but he is a bit lucky for the rest of his life, especially when he sees that the entire burrow has collapsed It feels more precious to life. As for whether he plans to avenge his people, it is unknown, but Chu Xiang will not guard against him. In short, everyone has not reached the point where he can completely trust and cooperate.

"What is this?" He Yaohui asked Chu Xiang as he pulled out of the ground with a cage and asked, but Li Niu saw Chu Xiang finally relieved. After not seeing Chu Xiang come out of the ground for so long, he thought something had happened. And wait until it collapses.

Chu Xiang said: "Caught a living indigenous man. He said that he could take us into the rain forest. I have already discarded his hamstrings, but I was locked up because he wanted to mess with him. He would be sent to guard him for 24 hours. "

He Yaohui nodded. The indigenous people were too weird. Be careful, Song Jun pointed at Dahu Road: "Look!"

I saw a large vortex forming on the surface of the lake. The vortex became more and more urgent and larger. A sudden whirlpool disappeared and replaced by a huge sinkhole. The lake rushed down and made a huge roar. Even the Hukou Waterfall may not be so spectacular, and the lake is disappearing rapidly. After a few minutes, the big lake in front of everyone changed its appearance. The lake has dried up, and swamps appeared in front of it. The original Great Lakes area has now become only a few rivers. In the middle, there are ponds, and a lot of trees buried in the lake are also exposed, but those trees have lost their green early.

He Yaohui said in surprise: "What's going on? Where did the water go?"

Chu Xiang said: "There is a bottomless pit below, and it may have flowed into the depths of the earth's crust. That's fine. We don't have to go to the Great Lakes to take risks. As long as we stay away from those deep ponds, I don't think there will be huge mutant creatures to attack us. "

The lake surface disappeared in half an hour. Those huge mutants must have been hiding in the deep pond, otherwise they would be exposed to everyone. Of course, the lake is so large that some places are out of sight. Who knows if they have Come out of the water and hide in the rainforest.

Back to the camp, John and Stephen also came up to inquire about the situation. They have heard the huge sound from the lake. Until now, the water is still flowing down the big hole, but the water is much weaker. At the most rapid time, there are even countless fish and fish. The creatures fell into it together, and Chu Xiang briefly explained the situation. Both John and Stephen wiped the cold sweat.

"So we find a guide?" Stephen said. Although the indigenous people killed the four on-duty evolvers, if they can use them to reach the Terminator base in advance, this thing will still have more advantages than disadvantages for humans.

Chu Xiang said: "Now I dare not believe him all, but we can give it a try, otherwise we won't be able to get to the Terminator base at all, the longer the delay, the less secure I will be."

Indigenous man in the cage: "Do you want to hurry? We sometimes use an animal that is fast and suitable for both land and water. If you can find it, your speed will increase and your safety will be improved. Sex will increase dramatically. "

Chu Xiang said: "Maybe you might be able to make a contribution, otherwise I would just dispose of you as waste."

Little indigenous said: "It's a tree frog, a red-eyed mutant tree frog. It's as big as your body, and it has amazing jumping power. You can ride them like a horse. You can walk at least 100 kilometers a day, and it's very easy. . "

"Where to find them, are they in danger?" Stephen asked eagerly. In that case, he would soon be able to reach the Terminator base instead of marching in the rain forest like now.

Aboriginal Road: "We continue along the original lake shore, and probably use your speed one day to reach the tree frog habitat. As long as you have the ability to surrender them, they will become a good mount for you."

Chu Xiang simply and firmly said: "Start camp."

John pulled La Chuxiang and whispered to the side: "Is this indigenous worthy of credit? In case ..."

Chu Xiang said: "Whether he is worthy or not, we must go forward, so even if the habitat of that tree frog is in danger, we will go, so there is no need to hesitate, otherwise we will continue to walk the waterway."

John thought for a while and thought, "Also, it's unworthy to consider his words alone, but what can I do if it's unbelievable? Let's take a hard task. It's not necessarily safe to go by the waterway. It's better to try."

The troops are on the road. I do n’t know if the disappearance of the Great Lakes area scared the rainforest creatures. There were not many living creatures along the way. Occasionally they jumped out and were hunted by everyone, as long as they were not mutant creatures like zombies. , Now dare to try to eat a bite, because so many evolutionaries have died and not even the Terminator's base side touched, so everyone does not care, as long as you can fill your stomach and eat a few mutant creatures, who cares about tomorrow What will happen.

In the evening, the troops came to a dense jungle. According to the small indigenous people, this is the habitat of tree frogs. They live in the depths of the trees and rarely go out. They will send someone in to arrest them tonight. So that there will be transport available on the road tomorrow.

The thick smoke has risen. Since the movement has been so large, you are not afraid that the smoke will be detected by the Terminator. Everyone is laughing and laughing to pack the game hunting during the day. The hot water in the march has begun to roll, Chu Xiang and Song The army and others began to discuss the evening operations.

"I, Song Jun, go exploring first. You are on alert here, and John is in charge." Chu Xiang said.

Stephen objected: "I will go together, otherwise, don't you think we Americans are greedy for life?"

Chu Xiang said: "This is not greedy for fear of death, Song Jun and I are exploring the road. If there is no danger ahead, let's go into the rain forest and catch the tree frog. Don't fight at this time. Our goal is to get to the Terminator base and then It blew up, as long as only one person has to complete the task! So now it is most important to preserve strength, and you can't make unnecessary sacrifice. "

Stephen said: "Well, you need to come back immediately if you find out the situation. Let's catch the tree frog together. I can't let you take the risk anymore. My team members have already complained to me that Americans are now a burden. We must give them. Opportunities for performance are only possible. The United States is not afraid of death or danger. Let's show the Russians what a man is. "

"Oh ..." Chu Xiang and others laughed, Victornov refused to contract in the corner of the camp, and now the Russian troops have completely disappeared, becoming the laughing stock of everyone after dinner.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun simply ate a bit of dry food, then opened the spear of judgment and drilled into the jungle. The ground was soft soil. The trees here did not die in the catastrophe, but they were much taller than two years ago. Chu Xiang looked He was hesitant about these trees. In case the trees here were mutated, it would be difficult to break into the tree frog habitat.

The two were on high alert, but there were no changes in the trees after walking for thousands of meters, so rest assured, as a thick fishy smell began to enter the nose into the woods, the sticks on the tall trees were still seen from time to time. Liquid, alas, a fist creature that did n’t know if it was a flea or a spider, jumped from Chu Xiang ’s eyes, and then the more he walked forward, the more such things, fortunately, they and Chu Xiang did not interfere with each other, but Chu Xiang was afraid of danger on the ground, and finally got on the tree with Song Jun and continued to move forward from the branches.

"Gum ..." Suddenly, a cat-like snoring sound came from the ground. Chu Xiang and Song Jun immediately stopped moving. The two clung to the tree poles and looked down from behind the branches. The shrubs were moving, and alas, a flea-like creature with a big fist flew under the tree, and a tongue stuck out in the bushes, and the fleas were rolled into the entrance, and then it was still. It looks like a bunch of plants, but Chu Xiang and Song Jun can see clearly. It is not a plant at all, but a frog with a flower skin back. The skin is green and black, and the eyes are red. It looks a bit colorful, but The body is by no means a frog I have seen before. It is one and a half meters tall and is fatter than normal people.

"That's probably the tree frog," Song Jun said, and Chu Xiang nodded. "Let's look forward."

The two quietly jumped over the branches, and slowly this colorful plant-like thing in front of them grew out, from time to time, they would stick out their tongues to prey on fleas passing by, but this kind of fleas is a mutation not seen before in the woods. Biology, this may be the reason why the tree is not willing to go out of the woods, because they like this food.

"Will we grab one first and see if we can train them?" Song Jun suggested ~ ~ Chu Xiang said: "I think so too, if you can't train, you don't have to risk everyone to catch them. . "

The two quietly got out of the tree, Chu Xiang made a hole in the ground, the tree frog squatted on the ground, motionless, waiting for food to pass by, and suddenly the ground collapsed, and the tree frog was caught by the double from below. The legs disappeared from the ground with a stun, and after a while Chu Xiang and Song Jun got out of the woods, and the mutant red-eyed tree frog was bound by four legs and pulled out of the ground. It could have been called, but Chu Xiang considered It will alarm other tree frogs, so use a tree vine to tie its mouth up.

"How to try?" Chu Xiang and Song Jun glanced at each other. The back of the tree frog does not look suitable for riding, which is very different from a horse, and there is a big problem. There is a kind of stickiness on the tree frog. The liquid is the fishy smell in the woods.

Chu Xiang said, "Would you like to try a frog saddle?"

Song Jundao: "It's okay, otherwise I'll get dirty."

Chu Xiang cut open the skin and put the five-color liquid out, and then created a simple frog saddle. The two were about to release the tree frog and put the saddle on. At this time, a loud noise came from the woods, followed by a gurgling call, and the voice again Anxious and stuffy, as if the tree frogs were in danger.

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