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Chapter 556: Riding a frog

"It seems to be the sound of a fight," Song Jun listened to his ear, and the mutant tree frog being controlled at this time began to fight fiercely. Two red-eyed beads were almost bursting. Chu Xiang stopped it just now. It wasn't so excited at the time, was it the sound in the woods that affected it?

Bang, the tree vine that bound the mouth of the tree frog was broken, then the tongue of the tree frog sticked out, and the rope that tied its four legs was also picked by the tongue. The tree frog jumped up and rushed into the woods desperately Going, Chu Xiang said, "Let's keep up and see what might happen, probably the enemy of the tree frog."

The two got on the tree and observed the movement of the captured tree frog. Its bouncing power was really amazing. One kick of two hind legs can pop up two meters high and four meters high. I just do n’t know how the weight is, but from it Judging by the thick limbs, the load should be about the same, and Chu Xiang had already tried explosive power when it resisted just now.

The woods are getting denser and the shrubs under the trees are getting thicker. Those colorful tree frogs are hiding in it like the same blossoming flowers. The bright colors can attract fleas even in the dark. They continue to become the food of mutant tree frogs. However, now all the predatory tree frogs have evacuated their posts. They invariably gather to the center of the woods. All of them appear to be in a hurry, and the sound of fighting is clear when they are closer.

Chu Xiang and Song Jun no longer followed the tree frog. The two quickly leapt forward and quickly came to the fighting scene. Several large trees have been cut off. The scene is like a large sports field. There is a giant python in the middle, about three It is more than ten meters long and twice as thick as a normal person. Its mouth is half-swallowed by a mutant tree frog with the size of an ox, and the tree frog makes a vague cooing sound, which may be calling itself The same kind of person came to the rescue, it seems that it is also at least a leadership level, otherwise it will not be able to command other tree frogs, and from the analysis of its shape, this is the frog king.

At this time, the tree frogs were already close to the scene. They surrounded the python like a group of ants moving elephants, and their long tongues kept hitting the body of the python, but the python attacked the body. Ignoring it, dozens of tree frogs were torn apart just by flinging their tails. Their strength was far worse than that of the python at the top of the rainforest food chain.

Goo, goo, the large tree swallowed in the mouth of the python. The frog suddenly turned red and purple, and then the python's head fluttered and spit out the half-swallowed tree frog. I saw the python's mouth was colorful. It is the liquid secreted by the tree frog, which adheres to the mouth of the python and begins to erode the python. The mouth of the python is probably out of control, and it is still open like swallowing the tree frog. At this time, several ordinary mutant tree frogs jump up. They accurately drilled into the mouth of the python, and then desperately burrowed into the python's belly. The python had no way to get rid of it for a while, and only allowed the tree frog to enter the snake belly from its mouth.

The bulging snake belly kung fu at the beginning. It became smoother when it was not big, but the python rolled painfully on the ground. It doesn't look like it was because of eating indigestible things, but it is very likely that it has sacrificed itself to enter the belly. The tree frog is attacking the python from the inside with the toxin in the body! Fortunately, the one that was just captured has not attacked Chu Xiang with poison, otherwise you will suffer. If you are not afraid of attacking Chu Xiang, you will be afraid to catch a group of tree frogs and go back to hurt other evolvers. It seems that you need to use tree frogs. When transport vehicles must deal with their venom first.

Song Jun told Chu Xiang: "Did the indigenous man conceal it deliberately without telling us. Are we tree frogs poisonous?"

Chu Xiang hehe laughed: "It's very possible, but it is too underestimated. We thought we would be stupid enough to catch tree frogs without asking for innocence? But he showed us a clear way anyway. Now, we have to figure out a way to control the secretion of tree frog toxins. Maybe we can also use it to deal with other mutant organisms. "

The python started to escape. It was not afraid of attacking externally, but the venom had already entered its body. If it entered the brain, it was estimated that its life was over. At present, the struggle between the python and the tree frog has fallen. This has boosted the morale of the tree frogs. They are constantly chasing the python. In fact, the tree frog can't help the python except using the poison. The python's internal attack will be effective. It should be said that this battle python was accidentally eaten.

The python drew up very quickly. Soon it came to a pond in the dense forest, and then it stretched its head out of the water and drove desperately. When the tree frogs followed, the python had already filled its stomach. Water, tadpoles, a jet of water spouted from the mouth of the python. Those tree frogs that flew were running around. The water column was mixed with color, which should be the toxin that entered the abdomen of the python. Soon the python sprayed the water in the belly. Reached into the pond to absorb water again, and the second jet of water was much lighter. It seems that the python found a way to understand the poison, as long as it was diluted with water.

The python's closed mouth finally closed, which shows that its nervous and muscular system is returning to normal. I do n’t know how it will retaliate next to the tree frog. Chu Xiang and He Yaohui did not intervene. The two continued to watch. After drinking a belly of water, the last jet of water has disappeared in other colors. With the last spray of water, the python stabbed a tree frog with a tongue like a steel needle, and the long pointed tongue pierced. This tree frog continued to puncture, and the second tree frog was also pierced and slipped. The bodies of the two tree frogs were quickly pulled into the python's abdomen. It seems that once these tree frogs die, or the time to secrete the venom is not enough Unable to use poison, at this time they became the mouth food of the python.

Compared with the huge size of the python, the tree frogs are completely downwind, and their tongues are weaker than the python. It is not one or two grades. Those trailing tree frogs are quickly eliminated by the python. Lu returned to the original battlefield. At this time, the big frog king gathered hundreds of tree frogs. They were tightly surrounded by the frog king. If you observe carefully, you can see that both hind legs of the frog king are injured, otherwise Then it just fled.

The python squirmed extremely fast. It attacked the frog swarm. The fat body rolled and pressed over, and several tree frogs were squeezed into a meat sauce. Then the tail swept away, and a tree frog behind was drawn half dead. The tree frogs jumped heroically on the head of the python. They may want to do the same, but the pythons are not opening their mouths. They have not drilled a few times and have been stabbed by snake snakes.

The python is getting more and more brave. It seems to have to recover all the failures just now. The tree frog in front of the frog king is getting less and less, so it starts to retreat. Only the two hind legs are injured. The best bouncing function of the frog king is lost. It Only crawling on the ground, the python's tail swept away the other tree frogs around the frog king, and then its big mouth went to swallow the frog king again.

Chu Xiang slammed his finger at Song Jun. It was time. If the frog king was rescued and he did not know whether it would be grateful to human beings, there might be unexpected benefits at that time, even if the frog king did not appreciate it, then he took the opportunity to kill the giant The python also eliminates a hidden danger, otherwise the python dives into the water or deep in the forest, and it will be troublesome if it encounters the human force again and again.

Alas, Song Jun pulled a bow and fired a steel arrow. The arrow pointed at the python's head, and the sharp whistling sound passed through. The python's head was thrown away and he swallowed the frog king. Song Jun's steel arrow was missed, but immediately followed The second steel arrow was shot, and the python could not hide it. Alas, the second steel arrow hit its head, but Song Jun ignored the thickness of the python's fat. The steel arrow disappeared most after penetrating the snake skin. Therefore, the nerves of the python were not injured. The wound made the python suddenly go mad, and its snake bombarded a large tree hidden by Chu Xiang and Song Jun.

Where the python passed, several trees embraced by it were overwhelmed by it, showing the huge impact force. The frog king who had just escaped from the tiger's mouth was in the place where the python must pass. As long as the python pressed it, it must be a meat sauce, fear. It appears on the face of Frog King's face that is not swallowed by the python. It may also release toxins to attack it, but if it is crushed to death by the python, it will be sacrificed for nothing. Besides, the Frog King does not want to die.

Chu Xiangxi leaped from the tree, his long sword holding the spear combination of trials standing beside the frog king, the python just pressed down, the long knife swept across the belly of the snake, and the flesh of Zrazila cracked Stinging eardrums, visceral blood fell from the top of the head, poured Chu Xiang and Frog King together, and the python fell to the ground after impacting for another distance, but the rupture of the abdomen did not hurt its life, and was readjusted After the attack, the python turned around and entangled Frog King and Chu Xiang.

The plump snake body almost jumped out of the frog king's entangled eyes, it murmured silently, and Chu Xiang's hands were also entangled with the snake body. He immediately spurred the bone knife, and the bone knife penetrated deeply into the body of the python. With a few strokes of a piece of snake meat weighing several tens of pounds, he peeled off the snake body, exposing a layer of snake bone, and then all the frog kings were rescued. Chu Xiang grabbed the frog king and threw it away. The frog king looked at Chu Xiang She called gratefully twice, and Chu Xiang turned back to continue attacking the python. At this time, the python felt pain. It rolled madly on the ground. Chu Xiang was entangled by the snake body and could only roll on the ground together. The battlefield was from a dozens of square meters. The square quickly expanded to several hundred square meters.

The frog king fell on a piece of grass and saw Chu Xiang entangled by the python. He shouted loudly. Immediately, numerous tree frogs rushed out from the surroundings. They desperately attacked the python, but the python was desperate at the moment. It didn't have to Ignoring these tree frogs, the single snake's rolling body makes the tree frogs unable to cope. The squashed tree frogs are everywhere, and the scene is extremely bloody.

Chu Xiang was no longer entangled, the quick freezing skills were quickly stimulated, the snake body began to stiffen, and the rolling range was greatly reduced. Song Junzhen fired two more steel arrows. These two steel arrows hit the steel that had previously hit the python. The arrow tail slammed the steel arrow completely into the python's brain, and the python that was injured by the nerve was completely crazy. At this time, the power it exploded was by no means comparable to that of ordinary time, but Chu Xiang's quick freezing skills became more and more Strong, the python's body was stiff for a while, but it was still violently moving, the crackling sound of gurgala sounded, and the huge snake body continued to rupture. In the end, there was only one snake head, two eyes opened unwillingly. The tree frog that was finally fenced up stepped on.

It only took more than a minute to kill the python, but the damage caused by the python was extremely huge. The surrounding hundreds of square meters were flattened. The number of dead and injured trees was between five and six hundred, but such a large forest was five or six. The number of hundred was not necessarily large, and soon thousands of frog kings gathered.

Chu Xiang told Song Jun: "We saved the tree frog's life. I wonder if it will repay us?"

Song Jundao: "Ask in the past, there will be no revenge. These tree frogs do not have much attack power. They should not be the kind of unreasonable mutants. Otherwise, we will lock the frog king and send us to the Terminator base. Let it go. "

Chu Xiang said, "That's a good idea, let's go." The two said they separated a tree frog and came to the frog king. The frog king suffered a lot of injuries. It can persist to the present and its powerful physique is at work. Chu Xiang first helped wound the frog king. Although tree frogs are also wise, they are far worse than humans, and they wo n’t do things like healing wounds.

After finishing the aftermath, Chu Xiang said to the frog king: "We are not helping you for nothing, can you borrow some tree frogs for me?"

Song Jun laughed: "Do you think they understand?"

Chu Xiang said: "Do you know what to try? Otherwise, what do we say, haha, learn frog calling?"

The Frog King looked better, but still couldn't walk, so he let a few ordinary tree frogs camel at it. It shouted at Chu Xiang and Song Jun, and then led the way. Song Jun said, "What does it want to do?"

Chu Xiang said: "Follow up and take a look." This walk took more than an hour, and the anxious Chu Xiang and Song Jun almost gave up. Fortunately, they stopped in a ruin hidden in a dense forest and a few trees. The frog bit a few bricks into the ruins and delivered them to Chu Xiang and Song Jun. The two were puzzled, but soon they came to their senses and cut the bricks with a saber. Jin Cancan.

"Golden City?" Song Jun couldn't help screaming, Chu Xiang nodded, and threw the bricks away, saying to the frog king: "You have misunderstood what we mean, I want to borrow your tree frog as a means of transportation, we don't need gold."

Song Jun had no choice but to pull a tree frog into a horse-like shape. Then the frog king understood it. He whispered a few times, and immediately more than a hundred strong tree frogs came out. I called them a few times, and more than a hundred tree frogs were standing behind Chu Xiang and Song Jun. It seemed that they were members of the business sent by the frog king. I did not expect that the frog king was really smart and happy. Chu Xiang and Song Jun said several thanks in succession.

When Chu Xiang and Song Jun returned to the camp with more than a hundred tree frogs, John and Stephen were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, but when they saw Chu Xiang and Song Jun returning with a tree frog army, everyone Startled, and forgot to blame Chu Xiang for not waiting for them to catch the tree frog.

There is no rest for the rest of the time. We need to find ways to make frog saddles easier for people to ride. In addition, these tree frogs rely on jumping to advance. Some people are not used to this method of advancement, and even some people will faint the frog. Bright sky was noisy, but finally hit the road in the early morning. After getting familiar with it for a day, everyone finally accepted this kind of transportation. Even the nuclear bomb equipment was replaced by tree frogs. Humans began to feel extremely relaxed, and they did n’t even need to enter the water to feel the danger. .

The speed has suddenly increased, but every few hours you have to stop the frog to catch the worms, because tree frogs need to supplement food for their strong physical exercise, otherwise they will strike. Fortunately, everyone is an evolutionary, catching those aggressive creatures There are difficulties, but small insects are still not a problem.

"Advancing at this speed, we can definitely reach our destination within five days!" While the team members were catching bugs nearby, Chu Xiang and everyone studied the map. After losing the satellite navigation, they could only rely on the terrain to modify the direction of advance.

"If we were on the road 24 hours a day, we could be two days ahead of time," Stephen said.

John said, "No, tree frogs can't take it that way, they will exhaust them."

Stephen said: "They are just mutant creatures, as long as we can reach the Terminator base in advance and pay anything, let alone a few tree frogs."

He Yaohui said: "We can't do such ruthless and meaningless things, how can we say that the tree frog is helping us?"

Stephen flushed and said, "I'm in a hurry."

Chu Xiang said: "Okay, let everyone hurry up to catch bugs for dinner, and get on the road an hour later."

The sky was beginning to get dark, and another night was coming. The team was still hopping forward. Be sure to catch some roads before the twilight fell completely. These tree frogs have a strong ability to distinguish the terrain. After riding on them The swamps ca n’t hold the team, they can walk where they ca n’t go, they can see through at a glance, and they can choose a place where they are not dangerous even when they encounter the river. With the help of the authors, these tree frogs are in shock.

"What sound?" Someone looked up and listened, and there was a dull vibrating sound in the air.

Chu Xiang also held down the tree frog to stop beating. He Yaohui stepped onto the tree, but there was nothing wrong with sight. At this time, the sound was getting louder ~ ~ The tree frogs started to stir. Uneasy, they gathered in a pile, and then drilled into the ground. No matter how the team pulled, they quickly hid in the soft humus. From the trembling soil covering the tree frog, they encountered Extremely terrible enemies may scare them more than pythons.

"Everyone is in a circle!" Chu Xiang shouted. The performance of the tree frog made him vigilant, but he flew into the air without seeing any abnormalities. After a few minutes, his voice became clearer. At this time, everyone noticed that Not from the sky, but from the depths of the rainforest.

"Come here ..." someone trembled, and the evolution of the tree frog scared the evolutionist.

I saw a black-red creature flying out of the woods. Their volume is not large, it may be the size of an ordinary person's thumb, but the buzzing sound is piercing the ears, and the speed of flight is very fast. The more critical point is that they are huge. Someone recognized it closer, "It's a mosquito!"

Why are tree frogs so afraid of mosquitoes? It should be said that mosquitoes must be afraid of them. People can't help but wonder. At this time, the black and red mosquitoes flew into the attack range of the evolutionary. Chu Xiang gave an order and all kinds of blows were launched. However, the mosquitoes were too small. Many Become a leaking fish, they fly into the human protective circle, climb to the human face and start drilling holes, nostrils, ear holes, mouths, as long as there are holes, they drill.

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