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Chapter 587: New crisis

Two armored vehicles were driving on the shabby road unhurriedly. There were originally four vehicles. Considering the problem of fuel consumption, only two were driven, and the weapons and supplies of the remaining two vehicles were moved to these two vehicles. It has been walking for five days, but every town passing by is a real ruin. There is no trace of people, and the desolation of the future is visible.

Song Jun returned to the cabin from the roof of the car. He threw the telescope to the side, and looking at his expression, he knew that there was no result in front. thing."

Song Jundao: "I need to contact the country immediately to report the situation encountered here in detail, and to figure out a way to deal with the evolutionary energy bomb, otherwise humanity will face an enemy that is more terrible than the Terminator."

Chu Xiang leaned on the side of the cabin door and sighed, "It should always come. Some things can't be done in a hurry."

Song Jun nodded and no longer spoke. Chu Xiang's body had already recovered in the past few days, but his left thigh had fallen from the root cause. He actually became a mule. Fortunately, Chu Xiang didn't care because he was a mule. Now It's just to restore the original state. As for the second energy that appears in the body, Chu Xiang has basically figured it out. This energy has restored its original fullness in the rest days. It seems that it is not the first Chu Xiang to bring It is the energy evolved by Chu Xiang No. 2 itself, which makes Chu Xiang very happy. He is also an evolver, but he does not know that the energy he has evolved cannot stop the absorption of the energy bomb.

Su Yulian looked at the map with some worry. Authentic: "We have been walking for a week, and we are going to Seattle soon, but the human base there was destroyed by the Terminator long ago. If we ca n’t find a communication tool in Seattle, is it right? Going to Alaska or heading south? "

Song Jundao: "It would be too far to go to San Francisco if you are going south. Far away, try your luck near Seattle. The Terminator attacked Seattle's human base was two years ago. Presumably, the surviving humans should establish a new base, just scale. Not necessarily to the extent that it was discovered by a satellite. "

Alas, alas, there were two long beeps. The horn sounded, and Song Jun stopped discussing: "Rashid has found a suitable campsite. Let's stay at night and discuss it."

Rashid jumped down from another armored car and was behind him. There were three more. These three were the only survivors on the way to escape, Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three. It also happened that this happened. The three players who had been hired by Chu Xiang were lucky and did not die. They and a group of civilians rushed out of the Portland base after the Mafia team. Later, the Mafia people drove the armored car ahead of the road, and these people dispersed separately. Chu Xiang and others met them not long after they hit the road, so the three of them acted as Rashid ’s assistant. The four drove an armored vehicle, pioneering the road, and doing things in the mountains and the river. Really saved Chu Xiang a lot of heart.

An ordinary restaurant on the road, with fences and gates, and surrounding sight. It is wide, and Rashid chose a camp here. It is quite reasonable. Longyi and Longer two to clean the room, first check if there is any hidden inside Zombies, Long San began to pick up wood in preparation for a fire, and the farther north, the lower the temperature, so it is necessary to make a fire at night for heating.

There is some food on the armored vehicle, but after a few days of consumption, there is not much left. At night, everyone just drank a bowl of gruel made from fruit, and Chu Xiang and Rashid had a calm mind, no matter where they went. It doesn't matter that the two worked hard to find the next sister-in-law, but Song Jun and Li Haipeng had the same mentality as Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian at the beginning. They were anxious to find the communication tools, but unfortunately they could not even see the personal base, and it was even impossible. Found the communication tool.

Uh ... a scream. The long bark broke the silent night sky. Chu Xiangteng stood up from the ground, and Rashid hulled and covered the fire with asbestos tiles. Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three reacted extremely fast. He lifted the prepared bucket next to it and poured it on the fire. The hot fire just extinguished immediately. Song Jun and Li Haipeng grabbed the trial spear next to them and hesitated. The spear was lowered, and the rifle placed against the wall was retaken. They lost the energy of evolution. The two knew that the power of the trial spear in their hands had been lost, and it was better to use a gun.

Fang Yuxuan said, "Will you not encounter a large group of high-level zombies?" I heard that the group of zombies that Chu Xiang encountered when he returned to Portland to rescue Evelina was even surprised by Song Jun. With only one leg lost and taking Evelina back, she admired it to the extreme, and even more surprisingly came back on a creeper.

Chu Xiang winked at Rashid. Rashidla opened the covert door and went into the night. After a little time, Rashid returned. He whispered: "It's a passing zombies. , But it's huge, but the restaurants are not on their way, so rest assured that nothing will happen if you don't say a word. "

Song Jun got out of the window. His super power was gone but his skill was still agile. He got on the roof and saw countless zombies marching under the hazy moonlight. Alas ... a long cry, zombies Gaze stopped, then adjusted the direction according to the sound and continued to move forward. The closest batch of zombies to the restaurant was also 500 meters away, so Rashid would let everyone rest assured that there is no smell even if there is a house covering it. far.

After more than an hour, the zombies passed by, and Song Jun eased off the roof. He sat down with a somber face on the cold ground. "Zombie troops came to us. It seems we have to change direction, otherwise we are uncertain. I'll meet them someday, I don't know where these zombies will be transferred, and there may be bases to be attacked. "

Li Haipeng smiled bitterly: "Brother, we can't help ourselves, let alone this is in the United States. Their affairs can't be controlled. Zombies attack wherever they love to attack, as long as they don't stop us."

Song Jundao: "Why can't we stop our way? Tomorrow can't continue north. Let's go to the west coast. Maybe there will be human bases by the sea, even small bases temporarily settle in."

Arms, food and fuel are threatening this small army. Song Jun was worried that it was absolutely necessary. Almost no one could close his eyes that night. Even the wide-hearted Rashid and Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three turned over. Seeing so many zombies taking action is not afraid of being fake. Fortunately, the team decided to turn west, otherwise it would be more than just falling asleep.

The sky was bright, and Li Haipeng, who was in charge of the last post, suddenly issued a sirens alert sound. Everyone who had not slept securely woke up immediately, afraid that they would be found by the passing zombies. In the middle of the night, everyone simply did not regenerate the fire. The tattered heating object was rushing out anxiously now, "What's going on? Are the zombies turning back?" Song Jun was most worried about the zombies marching last night to surround the troops. At that time, except Chu Xiang, it was estimated that these people were not One can escape.

Li Haipeng whispered into the roof and said, "No, they are flying mutant creatures. They are about to pass over our heads! Prepare for the air defense guys!" Li Xiangpeng was stretched out by Chu Xiang before his voice fell: "Hide and hide first They don't have to come against us, don't act lightly! "

Li Haipeng was pulled down from the eaves and lay motionless on the ground to pretend to be dead. Before long, everyone felt the sight was dark, and then there was a cluttering sound outside the window. Fang Yuxuan quietly looked out of the window slit, and a large sea bird flew from a low altitude. However, they are not noisy, but the sound of fan wings sounds a bit harsh. There is no end behind this group of seabirds. They are heading for the west coast in unison, because the low-altitude flight can clearly see the sharp mouths of these seabirds. If they attack humans with such mouths, I'm afraid they can't deal with them.

After flying for more than an hour, the sky gradually cleared up. Li Haipeng's bones on the ground outside were all sour. He labored to get up and cursed: "Damn birds, what nerves do they make early in the morning, Could it be possible to cooperate with which human base the zombies attacked last night, but the directions are not the same. "

Chu Xiang stepped out of the restaurant and looked at the sky in the distance. The west was still dark. That was because the birds did not fly out of sight. It seemed that he could not get on the road for a while and a half, could he still go west on the road? I'm afraid we have to reconsider this question.

Song Jun stood beside Chu Xiang, his voice was old and authentic: "The road to the west doesn't look very smooth. We only have to go back to the east except for retreating. Zombie activities in the US are so frequent. Is this a sign of their great actions?"

Chu Xiang said: "Actually, zombies are operating every day, but we have no power to stop them, Jun brother, what do you do next?" As for the future of the team, Chu Xiang had to ventilate with Song Jun first, and their opinions were agreed. Don't be late again.

Song Jun frowned into a large Sichuan word. "If we find a suitable place, let's stabilize first. I'm afraid that we will be surrounded by zombies when we run on the road. At this time, we can't wait. Let's stand still and talk about the others."

Chu Xiang nodded: "I agree, then is it eastward or back? Eastward is the United States inland, I'm afraid there will be no zombies, and I can go back to San Francisco. Although the journey is long, but fortunately possible."

Song Jun made a few laps in situ, and finally made a decision: "Otherwise, let's go back and raise your hand if you agree."

East is an unknown world. Everyone was quite hesitant, so I chose to turn back, but I thought of the food and fuel on the car, and the road had been gone for five days. Everyone was heavy, maybe they could not walk. After these five days of turning back, the supply will be exhausted. There is no way to replenish food along the return journey. Now there is only one step to calculate.

The armored vehicle turned around and drove back along the road. Everyone was dull and didn't talk anymore. At noon, the first car ran out of fuel. Rashid and Longyi had to squeeze into the car of Chu Xiang. Everyone knew that the fuel of this car would be used up by tomorrow at the latest, and they would have to measure it with their feet.

Chu Xiang was lying motionless in the armored car, but his ears didn't rest. On this day, he encountered two batches of zombies to carry out a large operation. If he was not careful, who knew if he would be in danger next moment, suddenly Chu Xiang crawled up Get up, then jump out of the armored car, Song Jun knocked on the cab, the armored car squeaked and stopped, Chu Xiang had already got out of the car at this time, he climbed up a large tree, and soon from the tree again Slip down.

"Drive the car to the ditch on the left, where there are woods and grasses, everyone goes in to hide!" Chu Xiang's voice was extremely anxious. Although Li Haipeng didn't know what happened, he still turned according to the direction of the armored car that Chu Xiang said. Booming into the woods, Rashid and others took action and cut dozens of branches to cover up the armored vehicle, and half of the rolling traces were cleaned. Everyone hid in the grass and heard a long howling within ten minutes. The sound It appeared quickly and urgently, and it was just a few minutes later.

"T4!" Song Jun's voice trembled. This kind of howling was too familiar. He had killed countless t4. He was excited to hear the t4 howling in the past, but now he only has deep worries, with So many ordinary people who do not have the ability to evolve, it will be a big problem if you let t4 keep an eye on it. Although Chu Xiang escaped from t4 and the creepers, he lost his leg, after all, it was just a fluke. If you meet them again, who knows if they will save their lives.

Rashid and Long Yi's frightened legs became weak, and the four of them shrank and shrunk into the grass. No wonder they were not afraid of them. Even Chu Xiang and Evelina, who had experienced it once, had large complexions. Change, the howling is getting closer and closer, and finally I can clearly see a group of zombies rushing fast, they are constantly leaping on the trees and electric poles on the side of the road, each jump has a height of several meters, the tall body makes people I can't believe they will make such a light movement.

Fortunately, these high-level zombies did not find anything wrong with this place. They continued to move forward without stopping. Thanks to the early discovery, otherwise the sound of the armored vehicles would be enough to shock them. Once they are found, today It must be a dead end. Everyone wiped the cold sweat from their brains. Some people wanted to hide out. Chu Xiang grabbed and said, "Don't move, there!" Five minutes later, there were several t4s. Passed before everyone's hiding place.

After repeating this a few times, Chu Xiang finally stopped blocking, and at this time the number of t4 in the past has exceeded twenty! As for the number of high-level creepers, there are already over a hundred! People like Song Jun who have experienced the big scenes can't help but chill. If these zombies are going to Alaska, then the American general rear base will be in danger.

Chu Xiang stepped out of the grass, "big guy, let's get out of here, I'm afraid there will still be zombies rushing from here," Fang Yuxuan said, "continue to turn back to the south? In case of t4 only crossing the road, it will be trouble It ’s too late to hide, and it will be exposed. This road is too dangerous. ”Li Haipeng said,“ Yes, it ’s more worrying than walking the sword mountain. ”

Chu Xiang and Song Jun discussed it a little, and there was no other way, eastward! Entering the interior of the United States is the same as long as you can escape. After making the decision, everyone no longer hesitated. Su Yulian pulled out the map to determine the new marching route, and the armored car roared and continued on the road. When night fell, it reached a small town with a total number of buildings not exceeding one hundred.

Song Jun and Chu Xiang sorted their weapons. After a while, they were going to the town to search for supplies. Rashid and Long Yi, Long Er, and Long San started repairing cars. Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian were cooking. Evelina recovered almost. Help to burn the fire. After simply drinking a bowl of porridge, Chu Xiang and Song Jun walked towards the town in the dark. The zombies at the intersection are clearly visible. The two took a few more steps to get around, and it would be best to not alarm them. It's troublesome as soon as it gets tangled.

There is only one transit road in the town. The houses are built along the two sides of the road at a distance of 40 to 50 meters. However, although there are few sparrows, the gas stations are as good as hotels and shops. Chu Xiang and Song Jun first look for fuel. Otherwise, the armored vehicle will break down tomorrow. The second is to find food. After drinking the gruel tonight, tomorrow's meal will not be settled.

Chu Xiang made a gesture to Song Jun. Song Jun nodded his head to understand. The two left and one left. Chu Xiang touched the gas station and Song Jun went into the store. Both places were dangling outside. So they were very careful. After Chu Xiang entered the gas station, he tried to turn on the gas gun. It ran out of fuel and did not smell any gasoline. Chu Xiang had to move to the oil depot behind him. Standing next to the tanks, seeing that their clothes were not the staff of the gas station, it was likely that the survivors who came to find the oil changed. Chu Xiang took the long knife in his hand and wanted to check the oil in the tank. They must be eliminated.

Dang, Dang, the rattling sound came out of the oil tank, several zombies beside the tank listened curiously, two even hit the oil tank with a rotten head from time to time, whine, whine, dull The sound of one should be like a telegram. The strange sound added mystery to the night. Chu Xiang leaped from the dark corner and screamed, the sword swept across, banging, and several zombies' heads fell to the ground. Then, the corpse also plunged to the ground, and Chu Xiang swept through the army to destroy a dozen zombies in a moment. Originally, he had a lot of strength. The last time the body evolved and received a new boost, so destroy these t2 is more than enough.

After killing the zombies next to the tank, it was determined that there were no enemies that could affect it. Chu Xiang stomped on the tank, opened the tank valve, and a pungent smell of gasoline rushed up. Chu Xiang blasted the spear of judgment. Going down, you can find out if you have any oil and smell it. Alas, the spear of judgment touched the lower part of the oil tank, Chu Xiang reached out and prepared to bring it up. Suddenly, the spear of judgment sent a huge pulling force. Chu Xiang stood stably and plunged into a large one-meter diameter valve. A burst of oil splashed, Chu Xiang's eyes were splashed with sulfuric acid, and the thick oil smell made his tears and snot flow out together.

Huh, with a splash of oil on an object at Chu Xiang, Chu Xiang's eyes can't open, even if it is opened in this small and dark oil tank, it may not be useful. He just instinctively puts the judgment spear outward. With a push, I wanted to block the attacking object, bang, and a huge impact force came from his arm. Chu Xiangteng backed up a few steps, and his back slammed against the tank wall.

Huh, without waiting for Chu Xiang to stabilize the object in the oil flower and attack again, Chu Xiang wanted to pick the sword of the combination of the spear of judgment and chop it, but he forgot it was in the oil tank, the judgment spear in his hand Before I lifted it, I bumped into the wall of the tank, and at this moment, the object in the oil flower hit Chu Xiang's chest. Chu Xiang could only throw the spear of judgment and two fists forward at the same time!

boom! The huge impact almost did not knock Chu Xiang into the oil, and the hit object hit a tank wall to form a large dent, but it responded faster and fluttered again with the rebound force during the impact. Xiang Xiang, Chu Xiang's eyes could not be opened at this time because he was listening to the sound and he felt the challenge. He hugged the thing with both hands, and the two of them flung into the oil. He heard the muffled sound from outside the tank. However, the oil tank was slamming and making a slice. Chu Xiang was now able to determine that he was fighting a zombie, but he did n’t know how this guy hid in the oil tank. Chu Xiang was too late to lose his weapon. What's more annoying is that zombies are not afraid to act in oil. Once Chu Xiang has been flooded with oil, his mouth cannot bear it. This battle is really a failure, not to mention that Chu Xiang cannot open his eyes.

Bang, Chu Xiang opened his zombies with a punch, and then he quickly launched a sonic attack. He couldn't let the guy get closer, or he had to fill himself with oil! Hum, the sound wave vibrated at a specific frequency. The zombie was thrown behind him again before he got up, and suddenly he made a loud noise. The oil tank did not hold Chu Xiang's sound. The whole thing was scattered, and the zombie was thrown further by sound waves, and finally hit a tree pole, and the tree pole was broken and stopped.

Chu Xiang was a little dazed. Since he escaped from the high-level zombies last time, he hasn't tried his skills again. I didn't expect it to be so powerful? The level of the zombies is unclear, but breaking the oil tanks easily is not something that you can do before.

The noise here still shocked the zombies on the street. They dangled all the way to march here. Chu Xiang found the spear of judgment from the fuel everywhere. At this time, the zombie who had broken the big tree had already risen. Chu Xiang rubbed his eyes with a faint moonlight. The oily stimulus was much weaker, and it could be seen that it was a t4 with only two bones and long legs. If it wasn't for this level, it would be impossible to pull Chu Xiang Into the oil tank.

Chu Xiang stabbed with a long knife. The t4 did not know the depth. Besides, it was their nature not to be afraid of death, so it did not retreat to Chu Xiang. Although Chu Xiang was fast, the t4 was not slow. So, after slicing this knife, he only cut the back of t4, but t4 took the opportunity to rush into Chu Xiang's arms, and a slamming bump knocked Chu Xiang to the ground, and the zombies from the street immediately moved forward. They Ready to divide this live.

At this time, Song Jun had heard the fighting coming, but his evolutionary energy was lost. Although he had the spear of judgment in his hand, he could not kill much t2. Instead, he was surrounded by t2. The situation was dangerous. He flew several t2s with his feet, and then the spear of judgment broke off from the back of t4, and was combined into a spear again ~ ~ Chu Xiang threw forward, and then threw Song Jun to the ground The spear flew out and stabbed another large oil tank. The thick alloy plate made a squeaking noise. The faint flare produced by the impact of the metal was suddenly heard. A sudden noise rang around and a sea of ​​fire rose immediately! Chu Xiang held the Song Army to roll quickly, but the flames still surrounded them. Chu Xiang fired a wave of ultrasonic waves at the Song Army. The power control was relatively weak. Song Jun's clothes on fire were immediately shot down, and Chu Xiang himself slammed into the fire sand next to him.

When the two killed the flames on their bodies, there was already a sea of ​​fire around them. The zombies walked in the sea without fear of high temperatures, and they could not be burned for a while. If they were to hold them, it would be troublesome. Chu Xiang pulled up Song Jun The two ran into the back wall of the gas station, and then ran back in desperation, looking for fuel, but they didn't expect it, let's escape first.

When the town's fire was burning, Rashid took Dragon One, Dragon Two, and Dragon Three to move to this side. The four were ready to respond to Chu Xiang. When the two light men came back, everyone couldn't laugh. , Launched an armored car roared eastward, the noise here was so big, and if I stayed, I was afraid that he would be surrounded by zombies.

The armored vehicle traveled less than two kilometers, and the fire behind was still clearly visible. Chu Xiang suddenly drank: "Stop! Flame out and hide!" Everyone immediately knew that there was danger. Rashid and Long immediately jumped out of the car and broke the tree. The armored vehicle was covered twice, and everyone dared to hide out of the vehicle.

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