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Chapter 588: Home

The space for armored vehicles is actually quite large. This team now has ten people, including Chu Xiang, Song Jun, Li Haipeng, Fang Yuxuan, Su Yulian, Evelina, Rashid, Rongyi, Ronger, and Rongsan. Apart from the two in the cab, there is space behind It's extremely spacious, but this spacious space is now making people sweat. The timid people like Dragon One and Dragon Two have been snoring with fear. You must know that the armored vehicle is only parked on the side of the road in case of zombies. Step on both feet directly, I'm afraid everyone will become meat pie.

"What's the situation?" Fang Yuxuan finally couldn't help after bearing more than five minutes, and quietly asked Chu Xiang, who was still naked, Chu Xiang said, "I only heard the cluttered voice, and didn't distinguish Be hostile, in short, dodge the benefit and harmlessly! "The breath of Chu Xiang sprayed from Fang Yuxuan's face from time to time, and then smelled the smell of Chu Xiang's body, Fang Yuxuan was dizzy for a while, she really wanted Chu Xiang to hug her To live with her intimately, Fang Yuxuan immediately thought that Chu Xiang had not been identified 100%, and her own idea was ridiculous.

"I'll go out and see," Rashid was timid, but most curious, and he couldn't stand this kind of silent silence.

Chu Xiang nodded and said, "Let ’s get closer together. But it seems that the goal is not against us. No one should act lightly. The number of the other party is more than a few thousand, which is not something we can handle."

When he got out of the armored vehicle, his vision was bright, and Chu Xiang took the faint moonlight to Rashid to see the situation ahead. There are really zombies, and there are many, but these zombies are not worth worrying about, because they are being quickly Extinction, what really worries everyone is the power to destroy zombies. They are not humans, but mutant mice! There are also ants with the size of normal mice, densely distributed in a range less than three kilometers in front of them. No wonder the noise is so chaotic that Chu Xiang can't distinguish the target.

The zombies surrounded by mutant mice and ants are all t2. Each of them is almost full of mice and ants. Those guys are quickly swallowing the rotten meat on t2. From time to time, you can hear a white bone falling to the ground. According to the calculation of the speed of their eating, it is estimated that thousands of zombies will be wiped out for up to half an hour.

Chu Xiang quietly opened the doorway of the armored car: "Bring our luggage and withdraw."

Li Haipeng said reluctantly: "Don't the car go, we will be very dangerous on foot."

Chu Xiang pointed to the front and said, "There are mutant mice and ants there. They haven't found us yet. If they startle them, I'm afraid we don't even have bone residue. What kind of danger are you talking about?"

Li Haipeng put out his tongue and said, "Let's look at the front, let's get out of the car and walk, and bring some cooking utensils and clothes."

The crowd climbed up a small hill. At this time, the eyes of Fang Yuxuan and Su Yulian could be clearly seen. There were few zombies left in the dim moonlight. A large number of mutant mice and ants marched forward. Soon they surrounded the armored vehicles in the team. Listening to the clattering sounds of a few miles away, there must be a human smell on the iron plate of the armored vehicle. The mutant mice and ants are biting the iron plate. If they still stay there waiting for the guys to cross, They were already boned by them.

With the hearing of Superman Chu Xiang, everyone escaped again. At this time, the cold sweats had already gone. Everyone, look at me and look at you. Obviously, it is not safe to go east. In this way, the team has no direction. The world is really difficult to mix. It's not enough to find a place to stay. What's more worrying is the food. I will drink the northwest wind tomorrow morning.

The dragons one or three hid to one side and began to sob in a low voice. It seemed to foresee that in the near future, they would either starve to death or be eaten by zombies, but everyone is a young man, and the great time has not been enjoyed. Is n’t it a loss to die now? Although the three coveted the beauty of Fang Yuxuan ’s three women, their restraint was pretty good. In this despair, they did not do too much, otherwise Chu Xiang would have to Consider Terminators dropping them.

Song Jun stopped making new suggestions, tried all four directions, and he was okay. In the end, Chu Xiang stood up and listened left and right, and followed his fingers in a direction that was not east or south: Walking over there, what do you encounter? You ca n’t just sit here and wait for death. Maybe there will be a miracle waiting for us. At this time, if you are discouraged, you will find your own way.

Chu Xiang's words finally injected some vitality into the team. The crowd went southeast overnight. There was no rest overnight. At dawn, they encountered a town again. This town was much larger than the one last night. It was smaller than the smaller country. City, but the prosperity was not necessarily a good thing, because it means that there are more people and more zombies, so there is no joy on everyone's face, but there may be food in this town, which makes people's empty stomachs a little bit hope.

"Too tired, I can't move," Rashid sat on the ground, Chu Xiang observing the terrain from side to side. Song Jun didn't say anything overnight. He had given Chu the power to lead this team. Xiang, because he knows that with his current strength, it is impossible to take these people to life.

Chu Xiang pointed to the front left and said, "Let's go there to rest. The goal here is too obvious. You don't want to be found and eaten by the zombies," said Chu Xiang at a small river outside the town. The two sides of the river were intersecting. Trees, but most of them have fallen leaves and are even dead, but there are also some evergreen trees.

The people set off and walked along, two kilometers along the small river. A small valley not in front of the river appeared, the end of the river arrived, and a house appeared under the trees of the valley. It seemed that it was not rich. The villa's door is just blocking the entrance to the valley, and behind the villa are two steep hills over 100 meters high. This terrain is good for defense. No wonder Chu Xiang has to rush here to rest.

Chu Xiang dragged his leg to enter the villa first, and he came out half an hour later, "There is no danger inside. There must be no one here when the virus erupts. Let's settle here temporarily and wait until we find transportation and supplies."

Rashid and Long one or four rushed in happily. They wanted to see if they could find something to eat. The three women Fang Yuxuan also showed a happy smile. Walking in the zombie world is a very dangerous thing. Chu Xiang's decision to find a place to settle is very wise. Moreover, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. With the terrain, everyone will be more assured. It is really good to be a temporary base.

Song Jun and Li Haipeng followed Chu Xiang at the end. The three kept watching the surrounding terrain. Song Jun said: "After the mountain, I can't see t2 climbing, but the entrance is too smooth, and the iron gate over there can't stop it. Hundred t2 squeezed together. "

Chu Xiang said: "Cut some branches and push some broken cars to set up some obstacles and build a few walls, but you can only block t2, in case it is t3, t4 and the creeper. It is to come out of the Great Wall It's useless. "

Li Haipeng said: "Yeah, I think it's better to find a cave to hide. Even if t3, t4 pass through here, we will not be noticed. Otherwise, how are they their opponents? Hard fight is not our strength."

Song Jundao: "But where can I find a cave near here? We can't go too far. If we go to find a cave, how can we solve the food problem? Doing business here will be a good place to stay. Come and rescue everything. "

The three men spoke while turning this small valley, which was artificially remodeled. The owner of this villa may also consider safety issues. Barbed wire is pulled on three sides behind the villa. The **** was hollowed out by others, and even if t2 can climb from the outside to the top of the mountain and want to jump down from a distance of nearly 100 meters, it is estimated that he will fall to death.

The birthplace of the small river is behind the house, where there is a spring eye muttering water, and the river stretches around the valley and then flows out of the valley under the fence wall. It is in the former world. This is the paradise. , It is by no means ordinary people can enjoy it, it may be a hidden place for businessmen.

The only thing that makes everyone feel insecure is Taniguchi's iron gate and fence wall. Although the iron fence looks very strong, but everyone knows that the number of t2 is enough to push it down, but it is not considered so much at the moment, just to be temporarily safe Yes, no one wants to stay here forever.

Two hours later, everyone sat in the luxurious lobby of the villa. All the furnishings in the house were not damaged. Everything was the same except for the dust, as if the owner had just gone away and did n’t return, but everyone knew that the owner of the house I'm afraid I can never come back.

"Damn, don't people here eat fireworks?" Rashid yelled first, because after searching with him and Long or four, he finally confirmed that there is no food to eat here, although the refrigerator and lockers, The utensils and cooking utensils are complete, but nothing is found except to find some foods that have been rotten to unrecognizable.

Chu Xiang said: "Although I did n’t eat it, there were harvests. We can drink pure water, pad our stomachs and wait for a while to go to the small town in front of us to find food. The goal should be there. Next, we will assign tasks. , Taniguchi needs to be on guard all the time, check the amount of ammunition first, and concentrate the weapons. "

One Colt and one M11, with a total ammunition of less than one hundred rounds, two pistols, four magazines, and four daggers. The remaining submachine gun rifles were thrown away. It was a waste of energy without a bullet. There are no more powerful grenades. I am afraid that this ammunition is enough to burst up for less than a minute. In the event of t2 attack, there will only be retreat.

Rashid and Long carried Colt and M11 first on duty, and Long II and Long 3 were on duty. In case of hostility, they were only allowed to report immediately, and they were not allowed to shoot at random. Two pistols It was given to four women, and it was given to Song Jun by the dagger. Although he lost his super power, the aim of the weapon was still there. At the critical moment, this dagger could be used as a flying knife. Li Haipeng had a trial spear on him, and the weapon was given to Chu. Xiang, Chu Xiang had lost the gas station.

Chu Xiang used perspective eyes to take a closer look at the building, let alone a new discovery. There was a basement the same size as the ground below the hall, and two Remington shotguns were hidden inside. It is estimated that it was the owner's refuge. After finding the entrance, Chu Xiang and Song Jun entered the basement and found more than 200 shots. Chu Xiang brought a hundred shots and a Remington with him, and the rest went to Li Haipeng.

There are new discoveries in the search, but it is not of much significance to everyone. There is a small cave on the mountain wall behind the spring. There is a pile of farm tools. It was only used as a warehouse. Since the villa was found, In the basement, this cave, which appeared so hard, didn't help much.

It is clear that the situation in the small valley is already dark, and there is no dinner to make. Everyone simply drank the cold water taken from Fanghouquan's eyes. Because the groundwater was not polluted, there was no sour taste and it was more comfortable to drink. Now, Chu Xiang wiped the water stains on the corners of his mouth and said, "I'm going. Hold on to my good news here."

Song Jundao: "Let's go with you. Although my energy has disappeared, both of them have a good care."

Chu Xiang shook his head: "Military brother, you stay here to defend, I can easily retreat alone. In addition, we have just come here to avoid the situation, and for the time being, do not set off a fire for the time being. I see a lot of heating in the villa, will Say it tomorrow night. "

Song Jun nodded and no longer insisted. Chu Xiang walked out of the valley towards the town in the eager eyes of everyone. It was only a few miles away. Chu Xiang appeared at the town entrance in less than half an hour. There was a small snowflake, and the hazy people's vision was a little blurred. Fortunately, Chu Xiang's perspective and super hearing were very useful, plus the big loss at the gas station last night, Chu Xiang was more important than ever. He was very cautious. It took him a full half hour to sneak into the town center, bypassing the zombies of the town entrance. There are many shops here, but many of them have been disrepaired over the years, and even there have been fires in some places. Found any useful items.

Chu Xiang twisted the bone ring on his finger. There was a bottle of wine in it, and the remaining space was large. I hope I can get something tonight, but Chu Xiang did not dare to have too much hope because the time of the virus outbreak It ’s been too long, most of the food has been completely rotten, and Americans do n’t have the concept of Chinese farmers. They usually do n’t store too much food at home. In their opinion, it ’s more in line with life philosophy to buy a meal .

Chu Xiang hid in a trash can full of grass and looked around. Fashion stores, cafes, shoe stores, and fishing gear stores are not likely to hide food. Although there is a bar not far away, there is a bar inside. Over the fire, almost all of the houses collapsed, and it is estimated that there was nothing to eat. There was also a Chinese restaurant, but dozens of zombies were walking around the door and inside the store. From the perspective of security, Chu Xiang also gave up.

I haven't found a target after changing several observation positions. Seeing that it's not early, Chu Xiang speeded up. Finally, he focused on a building with a food processing factory. After all, it is a food-related company. Here The probability of finding food is higher, and there are not many zombies there through perspective, and they are not the key points. It is easy to avoid them. At the same time, Chu Xiang finds that there are many boxes inside, but they are a little far away. You can't see the contents for the time being, maybe you can find food that is still edible.

Chu Xiang dragged his leg slowly into the food processing factory. The space in the plant was very large and it felt quite cold. Chu Xiang carefully avoided the moving zombies and hid in rows of boxes. Open one, the outer skin of the box is already hairy, and some are even rotten, but fortunately, the contents inside have not been damaged with plastic packaging. Chu Xiang gently squeezed with his hands, there is a play, at least not empty, tear the packaging The bag smelled like a biscuit, it was a biscuit, but it had deteriorated, as if it had been stung by a worm, with a touch of white hair.

Chu Xiang's heart was still very pleasantly surprised. Although he had deteriorated, the most human body has eaten at the moment. It is not important compared to filling his stomach. Chu Xiang unscrewed the bone ring and started to move in. After removing several of the boxes, the weights of the boxes below were different. Chu Xiang opened one box again. It turned out to be one iron can. Although they may not recognize the highly professional descriptions above, Chu Xiang still recognized it at a glance. This is a beautifully packed barrel of cookies.

Chu Xiang couldn't help but pry open a bucket first, smell the smell is not bad, although it has deteriorated, it will not affect the food at once. Looking at the piles of boxes in front of me, Chu Xiang's heart is beautiful, also Thanks to the bone ring, otherwise how to take these things away, it seems that walking the rivers and lakes equipment is extremely important, while fantasizing that he has more magical equipment while moving boxes into the bone ring space, the busy Chu Xiang actually sweated However, afraid of being discovered by the zombies, Chu Xiang did not dare to rest, and after a while, Chu Xiang suddenly heard the roar of the engine in the distance, he gave up the box in his hand, quickly closed the bone ring space, and then climbed up and piled up Get up the box and flip out through the window.

Standing high, I touched a row of lights dazzlingly about five kilometers away. Chu Xiang felt a little embarrassed. These survivors were too brave. It can be said that this place is surrounded by all sides. The zombies I encountered in the past two days were alarmed, I was afraid that even the bones would not be left!

Five kilometers at the foot of the car was nothing. They soon reached the periphery of the town. At this time, the lights were on in the other direction. Chu Xiang thought that this group of soldiers had two paths, but he soon understood that this was not at all. Along the way, because those who have arrived in Zhenzikou are extremely vigilant about the lights of the oncoming cars, the two teams met each other more than ten minutes later, and they had a total of ten cars in their forties, which was in the last days It's a lot of scale, after all, after so many days, Chu Xiang and others have not encountered a survivor.

The two sides quarreled and quarreled with each other, and surrounded them with a few words of zombies, so everyone hit them with a machine gun, and moved to the town while they were fighting. Chu Xiang looked at them as if they were in this food processing factory. Say they also know that there is food here? Chu Xiang no longer hesitated and jumped into the factory building. He moved the biscuit into the bone ring more quickly. The other person was crowded and did not know his temperament, so it was better to avoid them and save his share first. .

boom! The door of the food processing plant's factory building was knocked open, and several off-road vehicles squeaked into the factory building. Four large trucks also rushed in, knocking the rows of boxes stacked in the front row into a slump. The barrels flew out of the bucket and scattered all over the place. Those people slammed around after seeing them, all eyes were greedy.

The squeaked door opened, and then slammed shut. The town's heart beat, and the leading truck got down alone. Chu Xiang lay on the beam of the house and his body shook. In front of the cracked biscuit box, he grabbed a biscuit, put it under his nose, and smelled it, and then said dullly, "Move!"

A group of people bent over to lift the boxes, and the other group said, "Sister-in-law, you are too blind. This is the food we found. Get out! Otherwise don't blame Lao Tzu ..."

Xunzi's face remained gloomy and unchanging: "Food is left over from the former world. It is not who finds it, but whoever has the ability. The law of nature is survival of the fittest, the unfit ......... Hey, let's get rid of it! "

The leader of the other group was obviously provoked, and he yelled, "Let's see who is eliminated!" Then they shot at the sister-in-law, who was busy carrying boxes, while the other group kept holding The gun didn't let go. On the surface, they seemed to have an advantage. I'm afraid this bitch's team will suffer a lot.

However, as Chu Xiang thought, the mule was not a fool, and would not expose his own people to the enemy ’s muzzle, and his people dared to hold their backs to the enemy. There was no fear, just when the sound of the gun rang The mule moved, and his body suddenly grew countless tentacles. He entangled those people's guns before the bullets were fired out of the gun barrel, and the bullets were all empty. There were a few ears attached to Chu Xiang. Brushing, scared Chu Xiang a cold sweat.

The leader of the other group was not a mediocre hand. The gun in his hand jumped up as soon as he was rolled up, and his body screamed at the mule under the sound of the wind. Under the light of the car, a flash of cold light flashed, and his arm changed. Two large bone knives. If the chopped pork ribs are chopped by Zhong Fei, the **** seems to know that the body is retracted to open the bone knife, but his tentacle is chopped by the big knife. It fell to the ground, and at this time Chu Xiang squatting on the beam of the room could see clearly what the tentacles were, the rattan roots. This mule controlled the rattan bars to attack people.

The sister-in-law twitched his arms two steps back, and a layer of rattan sprang up immediately behind them. Those rattan entangled with the collar like eyes. The rattan entangled him, but the two big bone knives on the head were not vegetarian ~ ~ His arms widened outwards, alas, the rattan was cut again, but he was too busy I couldn't take care of the bottom, the head and feet were tight, and they were even lifted up by the rattan drilled from the foot. At the same time, dozens of rattan rattles were wrapped around his neck, which made him unable to take care of the rattan rattan for a while. In this way, the leader was hung in the air, and it seemed that his situation was more dangerous.

However, in response to the old saying of pride that lags people behind, the sister-in-law restrains the leader in a moment, but he is somewhat proud. However, the leader's skills are not low. In this unfavorable situation, he even broke out. To the rattan of his upper body, then the bone knife was automatically rubbed open like a noodle, and turned into a small bone knife. The sister-in-law did not expect such a hand in the head, and more than a dozen handles were nailed into him. In the chest, even a few shot through his chest and hit the truck behind him. The truck's car was pierced through, showing how powerful the small bone knife is!

The sister-in-law's face was pale. He suddenly tossed out the rattan drilled from the back. The figure disappeared after shaking at the door of the factory building. After such a fatal blow, he had to find a place to heal, maybe he didn't need treatment at all. It won't take long to get through the chest, but human instincts can make him escape. As for the rest of the people, they can only take care of themselves.

Chu Xiang quietly touched the window from the beam of the room, and then followed the mule's back. What was the mantis catching the cicada and the yellow sparrow? This mule was exactly the kind that Chu Xiang wanted to find!

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