“5.5 billion U.S. dollars, 38.5 billion Xia coins, Tk short video completed the first round of financing!》

《Li Yi’s net worth may skyrocket by 30 billion!》

《Is Tk Short Video Li Yi’s company?》

《In-depth analysis: The relationship between Tk short videos and musical note short videos!》

《Overseas Tk short video users exceed 200 million!》

《Meiying completed 500 million Xia Yuan financing……》

Tk short video completed US$1 billion in financing, with a valuation of US$5.5 billion, which silenced many people.

It also made many people crazy.

Especially for Slow Shou, Meiying, and Weishi, they are all like chicken blood.

Full of energy.

Even if I have been left behind by the short video of musical notes.

But he is also the boss of the second echelon.

If we capture some market share, the valuation won’t be too low, right?

Meiying did not participate in the cash bonus sharing before, and failed to seek financing… Now that it has received investment, it can fight again

“Do I rely on $5.5 billion? Didn’t I say before that Tk short video is valued at US$5 billion?”

“Previously, it was a pre-money valuation of US$5 billion, but it was obviously not negotiated. Now it is a post-money valuation of US$5.5 billion!”

“5.5 billion U.S. dollars, led by giants such as Microsoft and Goldman Sachs. How many shares did you get?”

“In the first round of financing, it is impossible to give up more than 30% of the shares, right?”

“Judging from the news exposed by overseas media, Tk Short Video will not give up more than 25 shares.%!”

“A Tk short video brought a nearly 30 billion increase in net worth to Li Yi?”

“Foreign media and netizens are discussing that Tk short video is not a Xia Guo company and may have nothing to do with Li Yi.”

External media and netizens are also discussing: Tk short video, is it Xia Guo Company?

Domestic news media also reported it.

Domestic netizens also participated in the discussion

“You’re just talking nonsense, you don’t even know this? People obviously said this deliberately to eliminate the Xia Guo attribute of Tk short videos. After all, short videos are still very sensitive!”Haha~ Li Yi is just a white glove of capital. The overseas Tk short video has nothing to do with him. It was created by the capital behind Li Yi. Is it because Tk short video has brought Li Yi a 30 billion increase in net worth?” That is not understanding the truth!”

“Are you talking like you know the truth?”

“By the way, Li Yi built the financial technology empire, Xinghai Group and Musical Note Group, and spent so much money. I really can’t tell where so much money came from?”I also feel that behind Li Yi, there are other capitals and even the national team… Otherwise, why would Xia Yin help him like that?””

“You know, Li Yi is the vice president of Xia Yin’s State Investment Corporation, which has proven a lot of things!”

Some people believe that Tk short video is actually controlled by Li Yi!

Some people believe that the earliest statement on the Internet: Li Yi has other capital behind him.

Li Yi is a white glove of capital.

Otherwise, he would not be able to spend so much money to build his own empire

“Tk short video has been online for about 5 months, with a valuation of US$5.5 billion, making domestic short video companies crazy!”

“Because of the Tk financing, Meiying has just completed a financing of 500 million Xia Yuan, but it can’t do music note short video.”

“Overseas Tk short videos are developing rapidly, and our domestic note short videos are developing even more vigorously!”

Affected by the first round of financing of Tk short videos, Meiying successfully completed a new round of financing. It accelerated the pace of promotion and wanted to catch up.

But… it’s a bit difficult , has gradually become the third echelon!

In the first echelon, Note Short Video is now the dominant one!

The second echelon:

Slow Hand, which was the first to enter the short video field, and with its previous accumulation, ranks in the second echelon.

Penguin Weishi, rely on With the resources of the Penguin Group, it is also ranked in the second echelon; the third echelon is the laggard Meiying!

The remaining fourth echelon is some other short video applications.

Meiying Company.

The person in charge Tian Liwen signed the contract and sent away Several investment institutions heaved a sigh of relief.

They couldn’t help but sigh:”Unexpectedly, Tk Short Video completed the financing and actually saved us!”

After sending away the investment institutions, it didn’t take long for 500 million Xia coins to be credited to the company’s account.

Tian Liwen felt that the company could hold on for a while!

Starting from the note short video, it started the money-spending mode: 1 billion to support original content creators and 500 million subsidies. traffic, share 500 million in cash… not to mention various promotions and various small activities.

This series of activities makes Meiying overwhelmed and a little difficult.

Let alone Meiying, even if you are slow, it will be difficult.!

According to the person in charge of Meiying, Shou Shou is also seeking financing.

Only Weiwei, backed by Penguin, can keep up with the pace of money-burning expansion of Music Note Short Video.

This time, Meiying did not participate in the activities of dividing cash during the New Year Participate!

It’s not that you don’t want to participate!

It’s because you don’t have the money!

If it weren’t for the successful financing of overseas Tk short videos: about 5 months after its establishment, the first round of financing was valued at US$5.5 billion.

It attracted venture capital and capital to pay attention to the short video field.

It is not that simple for M

Novels Knights – Read Faloo novels for free eiying to complete this round of financing of 500 million Xia Yuan.

500 million Xia Yuan… seems like a lot!

In fact, it is just more than 70 million US dollars.

During the Chinese New Year, the short video of Music Note does not count the sponsorship of the Spring Festival Gala, Not counting continued investment in promotion… 500 million was invested just in sharing cash.

Not counting the Spring Festival Gala sponsorship!

There are also consolation rewards for those users who have not collected all the five blessings and did not share 500 million in cash: random red envelope rewards.

Don’t look at the random red envelopes The reward is not much, just a consolation prize.

But Yin Yin Short Video has many users!

The Yin Yin Short Video official announced the data in person on New Year’s Eve: the number of users participating in the activity of”Watching the Spring Festival Gala, collecting five blessings, and sharing 500 million in cash” exceeded 200 million. For

200 million people, even if each person has 1 yuan, they have to invest 200 million.

During the New Year period, Yin Yin Short Video shared 500 million in cash activities, and various sponsorships and promotions… may cost 1 billion.

It can be said that trenches are inhumane!

With 500 million in funding, Meiying can only guarantee that it will not be exhausted so quickly. It can barely keep up with development.

Originally, some short video platforms… and after the rise of Note Short Video, the newly established Some short video platforms.

In this money-burning war, no company developed at all. They were all burned to death.

This is a war between industry giants.

It is not targeting anyone or any company.

It is just the giants who are burning money. Money developed and expanded.

The other minor characters… were directly burned to death.

The boss, second child, and third child fought… As a result, all the companies behind were ‘beaten to death’!

In a short period of time, the field of short video has gone from The blue ocean…has turned into a red ocean!

Other fallen short video applications have dyed this blue ocean into a red ocean!!

Here is Slow Hand.

As the founder and person in charge of Slow Hand, Su Hua has been very anxious recently.

He is also active Contact venture capital institutions to seek financing!

This New Year’s cash sharing activity, Shou Shou has also followed up.

However… the effect is much worse than expected!!!

The number of new users has increased by more than 10 million. Originally, due to the rise of musical note short videos, The trend of user loss has also stopped.

Even the number of active users has increased by 200% compared to this period!

But… after the New Year, the newly added users are not active at all, and the original trend of user loss has stopped?

No, It’s even more of a cliff-like drop!!

It’s obvious that these newly added users, users who have stopped flowing, users who have become active again… are all just here to participate in the activity of carving up Slow Hand’s 200 million cash.

After the event, I had no intention of staying with Slow Hand.

Even if there are, there are very few!!

The effect of Shou Shou’s activity of dividing 200 million in cash was much worse than expected.

Didn’t live up to any original expectations.

We can only seek financing to continue development.

Su Hua knew very well: Shou Shou’s current situation.

The Weishi and Meiying behind will only be worse than themselves!!

Fortunately, the overseas Tk short video financing was successful, which brought a lot of attention to the short video field in Xia Guo.

Meiying also successfully raised funds as a result.

As the second echelon and the earliest short video application, Kuanshou is seeking financing and has many interested institutions.

Although the data has declined seriously recently, it can still look better with a little ‘optimization’.

If you talk slowly, you can always find the enemy… No, you can always find like-minded investors!!

Xing Yu, the person in charge of Penguin Micro Vision, found the group company and continued to apply for funds for promotion.

He is very optimistic about the short video field!

With the completion of overseas Tk short video financing.

It also proves that Micro Vision has great prospects.

This time Xing Yu applied for funds, in addition to continuing to invest in Weishi.

I also want to formulate overseas development plans.

Which domestic Internet company and product doesn’t want to go overseas?

I never expected that the overseas version of Music Note Short Video: Tk Short Video, completed its overseas expansion first.

It has also achieved very dazzling results!

Nowadays, music note short videos are released first and come first, achieving overtake and leading.

Xing Yu felt that he had all the resources of Penguin.

Introducing Qiuqiu and WeChat users.

There are also many users of Weishi.

As long as the promotion keeps up, various activities continue, and the user experience is continuously improved, then the technology can be improved!

It is not a problem to catch up with the short video of musical note, or even surpass the short video of musical note.

It’s just that… with so many shortcomings, it’s not that simple to catch up with short musical note videos.

Just one technical improvement… compared with the short video of musical notes?

That’s enough!

The core technology used in the musical note short video was brought back by Li Yi from the next 10 years.

Ten years ahead of the present!

This leading technology is still recruiting technical personnel.

It is still being continuously improved and optimized.

Always keep that lead!

Is it so easy to catch up?

Even overtaken?!

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