“Congratulations, Tk short video financing, the value has skyrocketed!”

Li Yi met Manman’s father two years later.

He was congratulated upon meeting: his net worth has skyrocketed.

It can be seen that during the Chinese New Year, the most popular news on the Internet is that Li Yi’s net worth has skyrocketed.

Everyone had a great time eating melon.

Li Yi smiled bitterly and said:”Thank you, welcome Uncle Gu to join Xinghai!”

Gu Bangguo said:”I heard that major factories are recruiting programmers in algorithm, and the salary has increased by more than 10 times!!”

“It doesn’t matter, it’s impossible to surpass Note Company in a short time!”

“I tried the products from Penguin, and I can only say… the effect is just average.”

“Penguin currently optimizes the basic algorithm and sorting algorithm, mainly increasing depth search distribution, breadth search and distribution… Compared with the algorithm of our musical note short video, there is a huge difference!”

Gu Bangguo resigned from his position as the head of Liansu Asia Pacific years ago. He spent a good year with his family and learned about the current actions among major factories.

After Li Yi learned that Gu Manman’s father resigned, he personally invited Gu Bangguo to join him. company.

And asked Manman, a little cotton-padded jacket, to come forward and help with a good word.

Gu Bangguo actually has ideas and thoughts to join Xinghai Group!

In charge of: Pinxixi, online supermarkets, community group buying, and logistics businesses.

However, he still needs Let’s take a look at the actual situation.

Let’s chat at this time.

Speaking of the rise of Express Company, Note Short Video, and Tk Short Video, major companies have begun to pay attention to algorithms.

In this regard, Li Yi is not panic.

Where has this come from?

In these years, Data structures and algorithms are not taken seriously by big manufacturers.

Even in Silicon Valley.

Everyone thinks this stuff is a bit mysterious.

Data structures and algorithms are not used at all in actual work.

As long as you master the development framework, it will be different. Can you write code well?

In the next few years, Silicon Valley will be the first to pay attention to data structures and algorithms.

However, domestic major companies, belatedly, began to pay attention to data structures and algorithms.

That’s it?

To catch up with Li Yi The intelligent algorithms brought back from ten years ago cannot be solved in a short time by throwing money and recruiting people.

It takes time!

It requires the accumulation of time, constant updates and iterations, constant optimization… Sometimes many things just rely on time. Accumulation, coupled with a flash of inspiration!

Often the latter is more important.

After the New Year, the New Year greetings are over.

Everyone who should go to work has gone to work.

Li Yi and other students have a few more days off.

The entire month of February is over , school starts on March 1st.

In fact, it’s just a few more days.

There are only 28 days in February. In these few days after the new year, after Li Yi and Gu Bangguo met, they officially finalized Pinxixi, online supermarkets, community group buying, and logistics construction. Person in charge.

Pinxixi, Pintuangou, and Yigou Supermarket are industries under the Xinghai Group.

Gu Bangguo chatted with Li Yi and talked about the positioning and development direction of the three companies.

Gu Bangguo has decided to join the Xinghai Group

“I am going to sort out these three companies first. Do you want to do them together?”

Gu Bangguo did not take office immediately.

He invited Li Yi to go to see Pinxixi, community group buying, online supermarkets to build logistics and warehousing centers… and the entire supply chain system.

It will be much more convenient with the boss Li Yi accompanying him.

Li Yi It was still a holiday and school had not started, so I agreed!!

First, I went to see the logistics and warehousing system.

I also went to see some manufacturers that have settled in Pinxixi.

Gu Bangguo is the person in charge of Asia Pacific at Liansu Express.

It seems that he is only in logistics and warehousing. I understand better.

In fact, he manages the entire Asia-Pacific business.

His management and coordination abilities are first-rate.

It is easy to sort out the entire Pinxixi, online supermarket, and community group buying business.

Luo Guangming manages Pinxixi, Already feeling overwhelmed.

What’s more, there are online supermarkets, community group buying and logistics systems!

“The entire warehousing system is still not good enough, it’s too far behind.……”

Looking at Pinxixi’s largest warehousing center in East China, Gu Bangguo felt that there was a big gap.

You know, Liansu Express, where he works, is the world’s number one logistics express company.

The entire system, software and hardware, are among the best in the world.

Li Yi was not surprised by this. He smiled and said,”That’s why I asked Uncle Gu to join in to help solve various problems.””

“In fact, the entire warehousing center is quite complicated because it involves fresh food and various express logistics items.”

“In terms of software technology, we have made corresponding adjustments!”

“We use intelligen

Novels Knights – Read Faloo novels for free t algorithms to carry out partition management for all warehousing products.”

“Various fresh products are marked with storage time and storage time.……”

“Various types of logistics express delivery are classified according to type and region.”

“As for the hardware, we are still designing and developing it, and then we are looking for someone to manufacture it.”

“In the future, this will become a very smart warehousing center!”

Li Yi doesn’t think that the warehousing center in front of him is too different from Liansu when Gu Bangguo compares it with Liansu, which is a blow.

After all, Liansu is the world’s number one express logistics company. Of course, all aspects of technology are advanced and powerful.

But it does not mean that it cannot catch up.

In all aspects of software, Xinghai Technology has advantages. It is currently researching and developing, combined with hardware, to create an intelligent logistics and warehousing center.

This After the project is completed, it will be of great help to the entire Pinxixi, online supermarket, and community group buying projects.

There will be qualitative changes to the entire logistics system.

“I’m looking forward to it. Software has always been Xinghai Group’s strength!”

Gu Bangguo listened to Li Yi’s description of the future intelligent warehousing center.

He had some expectations.

But, how far is this ‘future’?

Then we don’t know?

According to Li Yi, it shouldn’t be too far.

After all, Xinghai Technology’s Technology, that is obvious to all, is very famous in the global industry.

It is the same overseas!

Like the Note Group.

Note Cloud, Note Short Video, Note Payment, and even Tk Short Video… are all from Xinghai Technology Company.

The outside world can imagine How powerful is the technology of Xinghai Technology!

Many ordinary people abroad may not know about Xinghai Technology.

But in many foreign companies, especially Internet technology companies, basically no one does not know: Xinghai Technology

“Pinxixi showed that there should be a factory here… but there is none!”

“In the early days of e-commerce platforms, it is understandable that they did not have high requirements for merchants and products.”

“But optimization still needs to be done…both for users and for the Pinxixi brand!”

“I very much agree with your positioning of Pinxixi, mainly because of its low price and great value for money!”

“It is right for the countryside to surround the core of the city!”

“But low price and cost-effectiveness should not be equated with ‘fake'”


Li Yi and Gu Bangguo came to Hui Province to fight at a shop where they stayed on Xixi.

It is marked above that there is a factory at this address.

After on-site inspection, it was discovered that there was no factory.

There is only a closed door. After asking the local residents here, this factory has been closed for several years.

Obviously, the merchant who checked in provided false information and information.

Pin Xixi did not do a good job in auditing and verification.

This aspect is difficult to prevent.

This is not just about fighting Xixi.

Cat Factory and Dongdong Shopping are the same in every aspect.

It’s impossible for every merchant to go to the field for verification, right?

“This company is not as big as this shoe factory, but it has been established for more than 10 years. It has its own brand, but no one has heard of it. It helps with more OEMs… Its own brand and products are available on several e-commerce platforms. Settled in, but not much attention”

“I think Pinxixi is positioned to be of high quality and low price, and this type of manufacturer should be the main recommendation.”

“Like some ‘new rice product’……”

This kind of thing is a bit funny, and it’s obviously fake.

It can’t be said to be fake.

Their name is ‘Rice New Product’.

When users search for rice, they will definitely see ‘rice new products’? any idea?

Pinxixi has just started, so we can’t just block ‘rice new products’ directly?

But now, Pinxixi has nearly 100 million users!

It took 3 months to go from 0 to 10 million.

It only took 1 month to go from 10 million to 30 million.

From 30 million to 100 million users…it will not take more than 3 months.

Starting everything from 0 is the hardest!

After users develop, as long as they are willing to spend money, user growth will undergo fission.

During this time, Gu Bangguo got to know Pin Xixi.

I also feel my scalp is numb due to the practice of trying to get new ideas and cutting them off!

Zhihu is an expert!

Don’t waste talents by engaging in pyramid schemes!

Very top!

However, the effect of attracting users is really good!

Currently, the number of Pinxixi users has reached 100 million.

That is to say, there is the software Note Short Video, there is also a money-burning war in the short video field, plus software such as Note Music.

In the download lists of major app stores, Pinxixi did not even make it to the top.

In fact, Pinxixi’s user growth rate is very scary.

The war in the field of short videos has only obscured its brightness and edge.

In this regard, Li Yi and the people in the company thought: This is a good thing.

Hide and develop slowly!

It is better than being noticed, letting opponents pay attention, and being targeted.

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