Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 3995: 【84】Water and fire are incompatible

  Chapter 3995 [84] Water and fire are incompatible

  Fu Xinheng's silence and Wen Jinsheng's silence both gave people a stranger impression: What's wrong? Is it hard to say who is Dr. Wen's teacher?

It is up to Professor Wang, the questioner, to solve the mystery himself, and said, "I think, didn't her teacher quarrel with her? So I can't figure out whether her teacher asked her to come here. However, everyone knows that she That mentor has a tricky temper."

  You said that Professor Wang had solved half of the riddle, which made the hearts of other people itching even more when they heard it.

   What kind of top doctor in Chinese medicine, can he compare to Zhang Huayao in terms of personality? Dr. Wen Zihan quarreled with his teacher who has a strange temper. What was the quarrel about?

  The moderator of the seminar, Director Qin, had to ask clearly first: "Professor Wang, who is her teacher?"

   "You don't know, her teacher's nickname is also called Master of the Cold School." Professor Wang said.

  Dr. Wen's teacher is a cool guy.

  Cold and cool schools such as warming and tonic schools, as the name suggests, the treatment plan is mainly to clear away heat and purify fire.

  When it comes to the history of the cold and cool school of Chinese medicine, it started earlier than the warm and tonic school advocated by Professor Wang, because Liu Wansu, the founder of the cold and cool school, is the teacher of the warm and tonic school Li Dongheng.

  Because the academic point of view of the Hanliang school was established earlier, it has an influence on all the subsequent university schools.

  Probably because of this, Professor Wang respectfully called "everyone" when talking about Dr. Wen's cold and cool teacher.

  The cold and cool school, like other schools of traditional Chinese medicine such as the warm and tonic school, must first establish the theoretical relationship between the human body and diseases.

In the cold and cool school, unlike the warm and tonic school, which advocates that the yang energy of the human body is the most important, the focus of treatment is on the disease. It is believed that all six qi can turn into fire, and all diseases are caused by fire. Once sick, what is most needed is to clear the fire and clear the heat.

  One focuses on tonifying yang, and the other focuses on clearing away heat. Even if the Western medicine doctors at the scene don't know much about Chinese medicine, people can tell that the two parties are incompatible in academic discussions.

  Director Qin thought to himself:

   Fortunately, Professor Wang said that Dr. Wen Zihan had quarreled with his teacher. Maybe there is an academic dispute between the master and apprentice. Perhaps on the premise that Dr. Wen's teacher didn't come, today's situation would not lead to a stalemate.

  I feel that there are only these two schools of Chinese medicine, which is a kind of antagonistic relationship, which is something that laymen don't understand at all.

  Professor Wang continued to introduce: "I really didn't know you invited her here."

  When Director Qin invited people from all walks of life to come for consultation, it was impossible to say that he would invite other experts to say nothing to Professor Wang.

   I told Professor Wang that Dr. Wen Jinsheng was invited. Director Qin didn't know that Wen Jinsheng would bring someone here. At first, Director Qin thought that Wen Zihan was just a student of Dr. Wen Jinsheng, but now the more he heard it, the more he heard something wrong.

  For this reason, Director Qin recalled that it seemed that Professor Wang was not disgusted when he heard that Dr. Wen Jinsheng was coming on the phone.

  Will the academic views of these two people be the same?

  "No, no, no." Professor Wang waved his hand, revealing a trace of helplessness, which shows that the Western doctors present were ignorant of the Chinese medicine circle, "He is a scholar of febrile disease school."

  The febrile disease school has many followers since its birth, and is one of the most famous schools of Chinese medicine in the history of Chinese medicine.

   All the doctors present nodded. As long as you listen to people talking about traditional Chinese medicine, the probability of talking about febrile disease is definitely much higher than listening to Professor Wang's warming and tonic.

  Professor Wang was even more helpless, and asked a rhetorical question: "Did you hear clearly what they said about febrile disease or warm tonic?"

  (end of this chapter)

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