Returning to ’90s, She Became Famous in Major Surgical Fields

Chapter 3996: [85] The risk increases sharply

  Chapter 3996 [85] The risk increases sharply

   Non-Chinese medicine practitioners present: dizzy vegetables.

  Don’t listen to Chinese medicine practitioners themselves, just listen to these two names, you may really feel that they are exactly the same school.

  The academic viewpoints of febrile disease school and warm tonic school are far from each other.

   To say that the school that is relatively similar to the academic point of view of the Febrile Disease School should be the Nourishing Yin School.

  Overall, Western doctors were silent, and they didn’t understand why the faction that mainly focused on nourishing yin had a name similar to that of the warming and tonic school.

  It can only be said that the Chinese language is profound and profound, and the difference between one word and the other is thousands of miles away.

  What kind of results will be caused by the different academic concepts of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine?

  This is like the example of Western medicine mentioned in the previous article, Dr. Chen who advocated that surgery should not be done like that.

  Doctors with different academic views must have different treatment plans for patients, and they may be completely different.

  Director Qin and others were worried that the doctors of traditional Chinese medicine would quarrel, and after listening to it now, they definitely would.

   According to this, someone at the scene first sympathized with Director Qin:

  Now, scholars of the three major schools of traditional Chinese medicine are here, the first is the warming school, the second is the warm disease school, and the third is the disciples of the cold and cool school.

  Director Qin, which faction do you support?

   "Vice President Zhang." Director Qin suddenly turned his head and asked Zhang Huayao for experience points.

  Zhang Huayao frowned twice: Oh, didn't you come to find fault with me, come to me for help?

   Zhang Huayao knew all of the three TCM doctors on site, but he wanted to make it clear: "I don't know anything about the patient's condition."

   Director Qin immediately gave the patient's medical records to the participating experts for review.

  On the hanging screen in the meeting room, the medical records are displayed on the wall with projection lights.

   All the doctors on site are interpreting the data of a row of patients, regardless of whether they are Chinese or Western medicine practitioners.

  Modern Chinese medicine must also learn to read the inspection results of these modern medical instruments.

   The patient's diagnosis is displayed.

   "Didn't Dr. Chang come with you?" Shen Youhuan turned around and asked Dr. Fu Xinheng.

  The two were known to be inseparable.

   "His operation is not over."

  Dr. Chang Jiawei happened to be busy, otherwise it would be impossible not to join in the fun.

  So, this patient is a spinal cord tumor patient.

   Treatment of spinal cord tumors, we all know that Beijing is famous in the third shift. The patient is now in Beidu 2, it must be because he has been seeing a doctor in Beidu 2 before. Besides, the same Department of Beidu, Beidu Er also has powerful experts in the treatment of spinal cord tumors.

  Due to the late discovery of the disease, the patient had no time to operate the knife and went directly to the ICU.

  Spinal cord tumors have a major disease characteristic, because it belongs to the branch of neurosurgery. As mentioned before, as Dr. Song predicted earlier: it will compress the nerves and cause urinary and bowel dysfunction.

  A group of other Western doctors who had just arrived looked at each other after seeing the patient's diagnosis.

  According to the point of view of Western medicine, can the organ dysfunction caused by tumor compression of nerves be solved with medicine?

  If such a drug can appear, Western medicine believes that it is developed, and it must be a milestone drug that breaks through the history of human medicine.

   It can also be seen from here that Western medicine does not have any particularly good drug treatment options.

  In this case, no laxative or probiotic is suitable, and it cannot solve the root cause of the disease. The best way is surgery. Moreover, it depends on how well the surgery is done, and the bowel and bowel dysfunction may not recover in time after the surgery is completed.

  No matter what, let’s not talk about whether to do surgery or not. The current situation is obviously that the patient’s condition is not suitable for surgery. Director Qin invited various experts to consult because the patient had not had a bowel movement for several days, was blocked from eating, and may have intestinal obstruction.

  If you are afraid of intestinal obstruction, the risk of using laxatives will increase sharply.

   Thank you for your support, good night, dear~



  (end of this chapter)

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