Rewrite the Technological Landscape

Chapter 421: Eighteenth Thanksgiving Season

Under the atmosphere of the ten-day event, the Thanksgiving Gala has attracted tens of millions of attention, and the number of people who live on has exceeded 1 million.

The party was held at the Huanglong Stadium in Hangzhou. More than 50,000 seats were filled, and most of them were lucky users drawn through a lottery in the past ten days. Thanksgiving season, of course it is to thank users.

At 6:18 in the evening, live music sounded, and a door on the stage slowly opened. A man and a woman walked onto the center of the stage under the cool stage effect. When the audience saw the two people clearly, they instantly applauded.

Dafeng Group invited Li Yong and Wang Xiaoya who were named the most popular hosts in China in 2005.

"The Dafeng Group is too awesome, can this be invited?"

"It feels like Dafeng Group has been refreshing my understanding."

In the ensuing performance environment, Dafeng Group has also been bringing surprises to everyone. Dafeng Group has invited a lot of stars, including Zhou Milk Tea, who was on fire in 2005, and Super Girl who was on fire in 2005.

All of the most popular artists under the Emperor's brand are here. At the same time, the artists under Dafeng Entertainment have also started to become popular in the past two years. Naturally, all the parties of their own company have appeared on the stage. As for those who are not well-known, the company also takes the opportunity to provide Show the stage.

However, among the entertainment stars that night, the voices of the four heavenly kings were the highest.

And the biggest feature of this party is that it is full of Chinese style, including songs, dances, martial arts and other performances are full of Chinese elements, some people may say, is it necessary to be so deliberate.

It is not necessary to put it in the previous life, but it is necessary to put it in this life.

Because Hualiu is going out, the Chinese flow that goes out relies on these obvious Chinese elements, including the most popular artists and teams of Dafeng Group that are taking the Chinese style route.

Just as the cultural output of Korea and Neon countries should continue to be refined, since Hualiu has already taken off, of course, it must concentrate on making this trend bigger and more refined. This is what foreigners are obsessed with. To show this is not a fool.

What's more, Dafeng Group is a leading enterprise of Hualiu. If Dafeng Group does not engage in Hualiu at the party, it is really sick.

No, Neon Country and Goryeo Country can see that many media have written sad articles.

"The young people born in the 90s in our neon country have been ruined. This is simply a generation of brain-disabled people. They know about Hualiu Hualiu every day, read Huaxia’s novels, play Huaxia games, study the history of Huaxia, and are proud to speak Chinese. ,What exactly happened here?

They have almost forgotten that many Chinese cultures have been learned from our neon national studies. If this continues, will young people in the neon country still remember their own history? Will they still have a sense of national pride?

I think all walks of life in our neon country should stand up to resist the Chinese current. This is an ideological impact on young people. He will destroy the faith of a country!"

"Hua Liu is not Hua Liu at all, it is completely a malignant tumor. The young people in Korea now know how to learn Chinese costumes every day. There are more and more Hanfu shops appearing in the city, and we are also seeing more and more young people. Wearing Huaxia's Hanfu to go to school, they waste their studies and youth, and some even steal their parents' money and go to China to chase stars!

We can't continue to watch. If we continue to let the Chinese current spread freely in Korea, do we young people in Korea still have dreams? Is there any hope? When one day in the future, young people will wear Hanfu to the streets, will we be Goryeo or Goryeo? "

Even in the far west, the Chinese current has begun to spread to a certain extent.

"It's really time to pay attention to Hualiu's invasion. This thing is terrible. Before, some drug rehabilitation centers used Huaxia's online novels to assist drug rehabilitation. The key is that the effect is remarkable. What does this mean?

It shows that Hualiu is more terrible than D products. This is simply a spiritual opium. My God, I can't imagine what impact Hualiu will have on our society if this continues.

When we were young, we liked muscular men and chased strength, but now children all like the so-called Dao Bing Xian Feng, what is the aesthetics of young people now? Are they crazy? What is the attraction of Hualiu? "


Back to the party scene, besides the performance tonight, there is another very important theme that is public welfare.

The entire charity event runs through the audience. Tonight, many corporate executives who cooperated with Dafeng Group in the 18th Thanksgiving season event came to the scene. Basically, after every two or three programs, there will be a charity link. The first is these entrepreneurs Take the lead in donating.

Secondly, Fengxin has opened an online donation channel. According to your own situation, you can donate if you are willing to donate, and no one will force you to donate if you don't want to.

Then, the charity value obtained during the event can now be exchanged for money. The exchange ratio is determined according to the final total donation tonight. The higher the total donation, the more valuable the charity value, and this money will be paid by Dafeng Group.

As for the use of funds, all will be used to build Hope Primary School. As for donating money to poor areas to subsidize poor households, Meng Qian did not want to do it.

Although it’s easy to get scolded when you say this, Meng Qian has been doing public welfare since college. He has been to too many poor counties in the country and has seen some very real problems. Some people are really poor because they are poor, but some people are poor. They really deserve it. They don’t want to make progress, they don’t want to work hard, and they don’t even want to get rid of the poverty hat because then they won’t get subsidies...

Therefore, Meng Qian only pays attention to his biggest concern, education.

Dafeng Group’s public welfare focus has always been on education. Finding ways to allow more children to receive better education is the public welfare that Meng Qian most wants to do.

Towards the end of the party, Meng Qian came to the stage wearing an improved Hanfu. The host got the latest donation data that has just been counted. "As of now, 136 entrepreneurs have donated 36.79 million, and online donations have reached 11.56 million. , The charity value totals 35.19 million points. According to the corresponding ratio of 50 million, it is exactly 1 to 1. In other words, our total donation has now reached 83.54 million."

There was a round of applause at the scene.

Meng Qian received the message at the host’s gesture, “I really appreciate every friend who has given love. Whether it’s donating money or donating blessings, everyone’s feelings will be passed on to everyone who needs help. Of the child.

Seeing this number is really warm, so I personally decided to add another bargaining chip, there is almost half an hour before the end of the party, after the end of the party, regardless of the final donation amount, I personally doubled, If the donation can exceed 100 million in half an hour, I personally triple it. "

"Wow!" The host drove his emotions a bit, and the scene immediately burst into warm applause.

Meng Qian bowed to express his gratitude and continued, "Although I may have donated more money, I really want to say that what I have done is really nothing compared to many people.

There are many entrepreneurs around me. They may only make a few million a year, but insist on donating one million every year. I also know that there are many ordinary people who save their wages to donate to people in need. So what I want to do, what Dafeng Group wants to do, is actually more of a publicity and connection work.

The reason why we spend so much energy doing charity in the 18th Thanksgiving season this year is because we will continue to build more charity platforms in the future. We want to use this event to let everyone know that it is not my Meng Qian who donated The amount of money is not how much Dafeng Group donated, but to introduce our charity plan to everyone. Charity needs everyone to support Dafeng Group is unable to bear the so-called greatness.

I hope everyone can pay attention to our Dafeng Public Welfare Official Account, and we will continue to post follow-up actions on the Official Account.

At the same time, with the help of this platform, I would like to introduce you to heroes who truly deserve to be great. "

After finishing talking, Meng Qian stood sideways and started to play several videos on the big screen. Some donated students in three rounds, some donated waste products to students, and some offered free teaching. When the video ended, Meng Qian invited them all. At the scene, let them pass on the heart of charity.

At the finale of the party, Meng Qian sang a song, and the final donation amount reached 103.27 million. Meng Qian tripled as promised.

With the end of the party, the 18th thanksgiving season of the first world also came to an end. Many people felt that their meaning was still unfinished. In these short ten days, there were madness, surprises, touches, and gains. I really felt the entrepreneurs I am grateful for the feedback, and at the same time I feel the changes in Huaxia and the output of Huaxia culture.

The 18th Thanksgiving season will be a very special holiday for China in the future.


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