Samurai of the Takeda Family

Chapter 459: Overall situation

Full text and no advertisements Chapter 459 Overall


Sakuma Nobuhiro's four thousand army finally collapsed under the courageous assault of the Mino crowd of Shima Katsumou.

At the bottom of the mountain, the Oda Army was defeated. Under the chase of the Takeda Army like a tiger down the mountain, they threw their helmets and armor, and fled everywhere.

Seeing that the general situation is over, Nobumori Sakuma finally gave up the resistance and fled in embarrassment with the support of several people.

The disastrous defeat of the Sakuma Nobori team naturally alarmed the Oda Army who was located behind Maruyama in Chame Mountain.

"Sakuma Nobumori's performance really lost the face of my Takeda army!"

Under the flag of Jin San Danzi, Takikawa Kazuki said in a deep voice.

"Uncle-sama, I think that idiot Sakuma will lose his life!"

The man named Uncle Takikawa Kazuyuki was unusually tall and dressed very strangely. He carried a vermilion lacquer spear on his shoulders.

Kazuyuki Takikawa glanced at the weird man who called him his uncle.

The opponent is the unparalleled Maeda Keiji, known as the first stranger in the Warring States Period.

Originally, Maeda Keiji had been wandering all over the world, but this time Nagashino heeded his uncle's call and returned to Oda to join the battle.

Of course, Takikawa Kazuyuki also has to rely on his courage.

Takikawa Kazuyoshi said: "Although Sakuma is incompetent, he can't see the death without saving. Keijiro, you lead 300 knights, save him for me, and I will send an army to support him!"


When Maeda Keiji heard the order to play, he couldn't wait to step up to the BMW Songfeng, and use his Zhuqiang to ride straight down Chaye Mountain.

He actually wanted to ride away alone, ignoring the cavalry behind him.

"This kid!"

Seeing Maeda Keiji's distant back, Takigawa Kazuka immediately showed a look of anger, and then said to the envoy: "The Takeda army is chasing Sakuma Nobu Mori, the army is in chaos, immediately notify Mi Goro left, and Kii Mori sent troops together to save Kazuki Takigawa!"

"In addition, report the battle here to the Lord and ask for support!"

In order to rescue the Sakuma Nobuhiro team, with the order of Takikawa Kazuka, the six thousand troops of the Oda Army North Road defense line were dispatched together.

Kazuyuki Takigawa took the 300 horses of Keiji Maeda as the leader, his own North Ise Corps 2,700 in the middle, Niwa Nagahide Sawa Yamato 1,800 people on the left, and Ikeda Tsuneko’s 1,200 people. For the right wing, a figure-shaped formation was formed, and he went down the mountain to rescue Sakuma Nobumori.

And when I heard that Kazuyuki Takikawa gave up a strong position and rescued the Sakuma Nobunori team. (Free download of full text e-book)

Oda Nobunaga heard it, hummed, and said: "Sakuma is dead if the trash is dead. It's not my pre-war plan to give up the strong formation and fight the Takeda army!"

Nobunaga thought of this, and said loudly: "Forget it, order the Akechi Mitsuhide team and Hashiba Hideyoshi team deployed on Kekrakuji Mountain to attack and rescue, cooperate with Takikawa Kazuki and them, flanking the flank of Li Xiao's army! Li Xiao also lifted off. Can't afford any waves!"

After thinking of this, Nobunaga looked at the main battlefield south of Sagarakuhara and said: "The Takeda army has exhausted its offensive. I order Quan Liu, you will lead your main force of 10,000 into the battlefield. This is about dominating the world. The glory of war is in your hands."

With Oda Nobunaga's order, Shibata Katsuya knelt down, and he understood that the victory of the Naga Shino battle against the Oda Army was in his hands.

At twelve o'clock in the morning, the fighting went into intense heat.

On the northern battlefield, at the turning point that had just occurred, when the Li Xiao army defeated Maruyama's Sakuma Shinmori team.

Other directions on the battlefield continued to be detrimental to the Takeda Army.

Without the support of a big tube, under the field fortifications of the Oda Army's three horse-proof fences, it is again a strong position defended by inferior forces and attacking superior forces.

Although the Takeda army showed the most determined courage and the spirit of the Kai samurai, they were still unable to break through the position of the Oda army.

In the central battlefield, Nobuya Takeda, Masatyo Naito, and Keshige Yasaka are on the Shindoyama position, fighting with Oda Army Oda Nobutada, Inaba Kichitsu, Kawajiri Hidetaka, and Mizuno Shinmoto in a stalemate.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties and piled up corpses, but they were still unable to move forward.

On the left-wing battlefield, Yamaxian Masaki led the Red Army Corps and launched more than nine assaults on Takehiroguchi.

Under the attack of the Red Army Corps, defending Takehiroguchi, the Tokugawa family general Shi Rakusada was severely injured and his remaining army was incorporated by the Honda Tadashi team.

Tadyo Okubo, who was a brave commander of Tokugawa, was wounded by the Okubo brothers, and most of his subordinates died in battle.

Tokugawa Asigaru General Doi Bungo Mamoru was taken over by the mountain prefectural army.

Although the Red Army Corps fought very bravely, the Tokugawa Army Honta and Yasushi Kanbara were both young generals who were not inferior to the young generals of Masakei, and the nine assaults of Masakei in Lingshan. , All failed.

At present, the army in Changjing County, Shan County has more than half of the casualties.

After the triple formation of the Takeda left-wing army, Obata Akabi, the commander-in-chief Ken Obata died in a heavy battle, and Nobatada Obata took over the command, and more than one-third of the casualties were also caused.

The remaining Nobuhiro Oyamada, Nobuyoshi Takeda, and the other Shinryu teams also suffered casualties.

The price they paid caused damage to more than half of the Tokugawa Army’s three anti-horse fences at Takehirokou. Even the Tokugawa Army’s Datong squad was attacked by a Xinlong team in one of the wildest offensives of the Takeda Army. They detonated with gunpowder. The execution mortal warrior of the Takeda Army, together with the Sanmen Datong and dozens of Datong, went to heaven together in the explosion.

However, the Takeda Army's attack that almost broke the Takehiroguchi position was restrained by the reinforcements from Hachiken Mountain to Torii Tadamoto and Ishikawa Suzama.

Torii Tadamoto and Ishikawa were just breaking through. After Takeda Army Yokota Yasuke and Kanri Shinyasu's team, they succeeded in reinforcing Takehiroguchi. The efforts of Masakyoyama Prefecture, Shinryu and their efforts, finally fell short.

On Hachiken Mountain, Osuga Yasugao team, this multiple team also successfully defended, the Takeda Army Central Corps Anayama Shinkun team, Hara Changyin team attacked.

As a family member of the Takeda Army, Anayama Shin-kun was very poor in this attack. He attacked Hakken Mountain with nearly three times his strength, but was easily repelled by the Tokugawa Army.

At 12 o'clock in the war, most of the Takeda troops had been on the battlefield for nearly five hours and were exhausted. At this time, the Takeda troops had already suffered setbacks in all aspects of their offensive, and their morale was temporarily low!

And at this moment, in the direction east of Mount Kekrakuji on the battlefield, the main force of the Oda Army had not been dispatched. At this time, there was movement.

The gust of wind roared.

In the middle of the battlefield, the Oda Army's Yongle Tongbao banner, which stood like a forest into the sea, began to move.

At 12 noon, under the leadership of Shibata Katsura, the Oda army even dispatched the maternal costumes of Honjin.

The 10,000 Oda Army's powerful force attacked like a raging wave.

The goal is the Central Army in front of the Takeda Army!

The building will fall!

The four words are what the Takeda Army Central Corps is thinking at the moment.

Ten thousand Oda troops emerged from the Xintangshan position. Needless to say, the numbers were like the flags erected in the virgin forest, and the army formations covering the entire plain were covered with black pressure.

Suddenly, the earth began to tremble.

Teams of horse riding corps emerged from Xintangshan, behind them all carrying red and yellow mother clothes.

They are the most elite of the Oda Army in red and black.

Under the red and black head pockets, the heavy and full-length female Oda army uniforms looked down at the Takeda army down the mountain with an indifferent look.

For an instant, the Takeda Junan Zhongjingfan team under the mountain felt that his legs were soft and his mouth was dry.

Suddenly one of the war horses in the Oda Army's mother's clothes hissed, and then the leader of the Oda Army's mother's clothes swung the sword. The Oda Army's horse-riding samurai, condescending, launched an assault down the mountain!

The sharp swords connected together, and the thundering momentum, the Oda Army female uniforms rushed forward, but in an instant, they defeated the Takeda Junan Zhongjing Fan team.

Takeda Army General An Zhong Jingfan didn't even have time to blink his eyes, and the first stage was hung beside a horse in the maternal costume.

With the emergence of the main force of the Oda Army, the general offensive of the Oda Army has begun.

The Anzhong Keihan team was only defeated in a moment, and the infantry was like a huge wave rolled up by a tsunami, impacting the Naito Masaoto and Takeda Shinren teams of the Central Army.

Tokugawa Ieyasu, the general general of the Tokugawa Army on the southern battlefield, personally led the Mikawa Army to counterattack the left wing of the Takeda Army, while on the northern battlefield, Takigawa Kazuke, Niwa Nagahide, Ikeda Tsuneko, Hashiba Hideyoshi, Akechi Mitsuhide, and Akechi Mitsuhide also fought Takeda Army Li Xiao's army attacked!

The intention of the two armies is to hold the Takeda Army's left- and right-wing corps and prevent them from supporting the Central Army.

In order to give the main force of the Oda Army, break the Takeda Army Central Corps to gain time.

Once the Takeda Army Central Corps is broken, then the overall situation of the battle is set.

Anatoyama Shin-kun, who had just retreated from the Tokugawa Army's position in the Hakkenyama Mountains, waited to see the 10,000 main force of the Oda Army attacking the Central Army.

He was so scared that Nobuyuki Anyama did not even hesitate for a moment. At the moment, he abandoned Naito Masaoto and Takeda Nobuyao, and led one thousand and two hundred troops, and took the lead to withdraw from the battlefield from the front position and flee.

Only the original Changyin team, regardless of the three hundred remnants, approached the Central Army's Naito Masaoto and Takeda Shinren team, and risked their death to help.

Now Naito Masahiro and Takeda Nobuyao have just attacked the Oda Army’s Shindōyama position. They have paid a huge price and are exhausted.

Under my eyes, the new force of the Oda Army ~ The two generals of the Takeda Army looked dead at home.

"Unexpectedly, Naito would die here. It would be an honor for me to die together with Xiaoyaoxuan!" Naito Masao said.

Takeda Shinren smiled, touched his white beard, and said: "It's nothing to die in the battle, but it's a pity that I have only half of the famous painting handed down. It seems that it can't be passed on to the world."

Afterwards, Naito Masao got off his horse and hit the horse's hip with the back of a sword, and the horse ran wildly after eating pain.

Seeing Ai Ma going away, Naito Masahiro sighed: "Run for your life, don't fight and die here with me."

Nobuhiro Takeda also let go of the horse, and also told the army that they died here, and their determination to abandon them and escape for their lives.

Following this, Naito Masahiro and Takeda Nobuyasu shook hands with each other and smiled on each other's faces. Then they looked at the Oda Army leaning towards the front.


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