The 460th chapter decisive blow

Naito Masaoto and Takeda Nobuyasu have no more than 2,000 people in total. Together with the original Masayoun team, who risked their deaths to help, they must face the 10,000 vigorous force of Shibata Katsumi, as well as Oda Nobuada, Inaba Kazutsu, and Kawajiri. Xiuraka, Mizuno Nobumoto four thousand auxiliary army. This chapter is updated by netizens]

This is simply unimaginable and impossible to accomplish.

Even if Naito Masahiro’s minions are all Ueno jīng sharp, Takeda Shinren’s subordinates are all Kai Takeda jīng soldiers, it is not enough.

The difference in strength is too great.

The 14,000 Oda Army rolled around like a giant, and launched a fierce attack on the Takeda Army.

Prior to this, the Takeda army's formation was like a candle in the wind.

Without breaking Mitsuji, the Kamou clan, Sasa Narada, Maeda Toshiya, Naomasa Nao, Inaba Itetsu, Hidetaka Kawajiri, Moriji Ando, ​​and Naosho clan, all teams attacked more than two thousand Takeda troops in tiers.

Before the huge military advantage, the Takeda army front nearly collapsed.

Naito Masahiro and Takeda Nobuyasu almost fought their lives before they could withstand it. The main force of the Oda Army attacked in the first round, but for them, it was almost an incredible miracle.

Naito Masao, who was covered in blood, saw that most of his subordinates had been killed in the battle, and the next round of attacks by the Oda Army was bound to be difficult to sustain.

He simply said to Takeda Shinren: "Master Xiaoyaoxuan, if we endure another round of attacks, our army will be defeated!"

Takeda Nobuya nodded, and said solemnly, "You are right. Anyway, everyone has put life and death out of the question. It's a big deal. Do you have any other plans?"

After hearing this, Naito Masahiro nodded, pointed to the Takeda Army Honjin, and said: "The owner of the museum must have transferred the Reserve Corps of Baba Mino to the center to support the army from the left, so it only takes a moment to support it. It's okay, but if our Central Army collapsed before, then even if the horseba corps came to help, it would not help. Therefore, for the present plan, only to delay the Oda Army's offensive."

Speaking of this, Naito Masao sank his face, pointed his hand in the direction of the Oda Army's position, and said: "The direction of this papaya-patterned flag must be the main formation where Oda Nobuya, the young master of the Oda family, is located. Assault here, Oda Nobuyao's main line is attacked, and the Oda army will inevitably come from all sides. This can delay the Oda army's attack!"

Nobunaga nodded heavily and said: "You are right. Nobunaga is the son of the Oda family. If he fails, then Nobunaga will definitely not let go of Shibata, so Shibata will definitely try his best to rescue Nobunaga. This is the only chance for us in the current battle. In that case, I will personally..."

Naito seemed to realize what Nobuyoshi Takeda was about to say. He stopped with his hands and said: "Please also Master Xiaoyaoxuan, stay at the headquarters, and I can do this."

Takeda Shinren was slightly stunned, then nodded, and looked deeply at Naito Masahiro, and said, "Okay, Master Repair."

Naito Masakato nodded, stepped on his horse, and turned his head to say to Takeda Shinren: "Take care of yourself, please take your place in place of my lord, let me go one step ahead!"

After speaking, Naito Masaoto led the three hundred minion warriors, broke away from the Takeda army, and killed in the direction of Oda Shinta's flag.

This time, Naito Masao was already holding a broken heart, and facing the 10,000 troops of the Oda Army, he launched a mortal countercharge.

It was one of the three in Fuchu who blocked Naito Masaoto, who did not break the Mitsuharu team.

Not breaking Mitsuji came with the mentality of grabbing credit. In his eyes, the defeat of the Takeda army is set at this moment, and the Oda army will surely win the victory of the Naga Shino battle with absolute advantage.

So it was when he came to grab the credit, and saw the Takeda Army Naito Masatotoyoshi, he escaped from the army and killed himself.

If he doesn't break the light, he won't be surprised and rejoiced. In his eyes, this is simply a credit to mén.

Naito Masahiro, the commander of the Takeda Army Nishi-Ueno Army Corps, and the general general of the Takeda Army Central Corps in this Naga Shino battle.

If you can capture his first level, what kind of rewards you can get, and how much you know and do.

Bu Guangzhi suddenly jealous.

However, the three hundred warriors of Naito Masaoto counterattack against the assault, plunged into his army with a thunder and thunder.

Naito Masaoto led three hundred Ueno samurai, all of whom are mén of the Naito family, and they are in solidarity with Naito Masaoto. At the moment, with a heart of decisiveness, he is straight into the front of the unbreakable light.

It was these three hundred people who, after being put to death, exploded with powerful combat power, and actually penetrated the power of the unbreakable light from the front.

One of the three people in the Fuzhong, Mino's renowned general, fled in embarrassment without breaking Mitsuji, and even the flag print representing the general was stepped on the soles of the feet by the Takeda army.

The three hundred Ueno samurai of Masao Naito, who had already beaten a thousand unbroken Mitsuharu team at the cost of forty people!

After defeating the Unbreakable Koji team, Naito Masatoyo's team was unexpectedly surprised by the Oda army generals, not only did not break through, but instead headed towards the direction of the Oda army's heavy forces.

"It's the young master!"

"The goal of not breaking Guangzhi is His Royal Highness!"

The Oda army exclaimed.

No one expected that Naito Masatoyo would use this decisive strategy to directly assault Oda Nobuada's main formation.

This is horrible. Oda Nobuya is in the Oda Army. Doesn't Naito know that even if he kills Oda Nobuya, he will not be able to escape the Oda Army's siege?

However, after seeing through Naito Masao's intentions, the Oda army attacked the commander-in-chief Shibata Katsuji in horror, and was so shocked that even the military team fell to the ground.

Shibata Katsumi was angry and frightened, and shouted to the envoy: "Quickly, stop him for me, stop Naito repair Changfeng for me! Never let him approach the young master."

"Otherwise, I won't live anymore, Quan Liu."

After the envoy took the order, he immediately sent an order to the army near Oda Shinchu to intercept Naito Masaoto.

However, there was still someone in the Oda Army who had seen through Naito Masao's previous intentions in advance. This person was Omi Daimyo, the nv son-in-law of Oda Nobunaga, and the Kamao clan.

Although Pu Sheng's township was very young, he was well-versed in strategy and strategy, and the Pu Sheng family unanimously believed that he was the future hero.

When Naito Masao directly attacked Oda Nobuya, the Kamou clan led the 1,500 troops of the Masao family and blocked the way in front of Naito Masao.

Seeing that to approach Oda Nobuya, he must defeat the township of Kamao. Without a word, Naito Masaoto led the 260 dead soldiers and went straight to the Kampu army.

This war is everywhere!

The two sides fought **** battles, and the samurai of Nan Omi met the samurai of Kanto, who is higher and lower!

Vow to fight each other.

As a result, the 1,500 people in the township of Kamio were once again killed by Naito Masao.

The Oda army was shocked, exclaiming who could stop Naito Masao.

Now Masao Naito led less than a hundred Minowa all at once to the front of Oda Shinchu's Honjin.

Naito's crazy style of play completely shocked Oda Nobuya.

As the young master of the Oda clan, Oda Nobuada followed his father, and he always fought with the wind. The Oda army had an absolute advantage in force. Once the army was crushed, even if the opponent was defeated, he would sometimes encounter a scene where someone broke through and was killed in front of him.

The guardian of Oda Nobuada's main line had three hundred jing sharp Oda army, but faced with Naito Masao's assault, he was beaten like a terracotta dog by Takeda army, and he was killed and fleeing in all directions.

The samurai next to Oda Shinta could not care about his face right now, and directly put down the general's flag to prevent Naito Masakato from discovering Oda Shinta's location.

Then several people carried Oda Nobuya on their backs, dropped their horses, and fled directly in the Luàn army.

This trick caused Naito Masato, who was looking for Oda Nobuya in the Luàn Army, to lose his direction for a while, and within a moment's delay, Shibata Masakai mobilized Maeda Toshiya, Nomura Masaaki, Fukutomi Hidekatsu, and Naoto Naoto. Encircled Naito Masaho's team and finally encircled them.

However, Naito Masao, who was trapped in the siege, was surrounded by just over 30 people, facing the siege of thousands of Oda troops around him.

He just glanced at Oda Nobuada's flag, then laughed and said, "The Oda Army is vulnerable to Naito Masatoyo!"

Naga Shino fights together until one o'clock in the afternoon.

The general of the Takeda family and one of the four ministers, Masaho Naito, died in battle.

Just when Naito Masao's flag was submerged in the luàn formations of thousands of Oda troops.

In the Central Army formation, Takeda Nobuyao burst into tears and said, "Naito-sama, see you in the next life!"

And the two thousand men of the reserve army of Nobutsuna Sanada, Masahiro Sanada, Masaji Tsuchiya, finally rushed from the left wing to the central battlefield.

Machang Xinfang saw his robe and his death on the battlefield. He couldn't help but shed tears. He waved Taito and shouted: "Offensive! Offensive! Revenge for Naito Repair!"

When Naito Masao was killed in battle, the Takeda army became angry with the same enemy.

And his death in battle was also a chance for the Takeda Army to regain its momentum and respite.

The two thousand troops of the Baba Nobuya Army arrived at the central battlefield to support Takeda Nobuyasu's Central Army and began to resist the second round of onslaught organized by the main force of the Oda Army.

Oda Army Headquarters on Mount Kawakami.

It took Oda Nobunaga for a long time to take a sigh of relief. Only Naito Masaotoro broke three times in a row, and the desperate assault made his palms sweat.

When he finally saw Naito Masaho's team being encircled and annihilated, he let go of his heart, only then found that his whole body was stiff but he could no longer move.

Seeing this, Nobunaga couldn't help but said with a mockery at this moment: "If there are more Naito Masaotoyo in the Takeda family, this battle will not be necessary. The Kaii samurai is really terrible!"

Speaking of this, Oda Nobunaga smiled coldly, and said: "But it's over here. In this war, my Nobunaga's advantage can't be shaken. This is a general trend, and it's irreversible!"

After a pause, Oda Nobunaga's eyes closed, as if thinking for a while, and then suddenly opened, and said to the envoy: "I will tell Quan Six immediately, and I will order the unbroken Mitsuji who was defeated by Naito Masaoto, Shintadai, retreat. After finishing the preparation, the Pusheng Township Team immediately went into the offensive!"

"The Takeda Army has no more power. The Takeda Army Central Corps has little combat power, and there are only two thousand people in the Horse Farm Letter Box Corps. Our army has 14,000 people in front of them, and they are piled up to death. All you need to do is to break the Horse Farm Letter Box, Takeda Xinlian, this victory belongs to us. Let Quan Liu put all his strength into the total offensive, I want Tianwang Mountain!"

Just as Oda Nobunaga's voice just fell, a huge noise suddenly came from the north of the battlefield.

Rumble, like thousands of thunder.

At that time, the roar of the big tube, the sound of iron cannons, the sound of riding a horse on the ground, the sound of a charge like a muffled thunder, and the sound of killing one after another like a tsunami.

"The northern battlefield, what's going on? Who can tell me?" Oda Nobunaga's eyes widened, and he looked at his envoy and Mogami.

Facing Nobunaga's question, Shifan and Wujian were all at a loss.

"Lord, be careful of Li Xiao!"

Shibata's words before he left the battle shocked Oda Nobunaga at this moment. His confidence in victory was shaken for a moment, and the slightest anxiety in his heart was magnifying.

Oda Nobunaga turned to the envoy, and shouted: "Don't hurry up and check! What happened on the northern battlefield?"

Just as Nobunaga called, a **** envoy from the foot of Kawakami Mountain stumbled into Nobunaga's curtain.

After reporting his identity to Nobunaga, he fell headlong in front of Nobunaga, intermittently, and said: "Dadian, no... it's not good!"

Seeing the opponent hesitating, the impatient Nobunaga grabbed the opponent and shouted, "What did Takikawa ask you to do? Tell me what happened to the northern battlefield?"

The opponent yelled at Nobunaga and swallowed a mouthful of saliva. He said: "The main hall, Lord Takikawa asked me to report that the Takeda Army Li Xiao Corps has invested in the main force not long ago and aggressively attacked. Right now, the Kita Ise Corps and Mount Sawa. Everyone, the Ikeda Hengxing team was defeated and the whole army was defeated."

"Sakuma Nobumori and Niwa Nagahide also died in battle and gave their lives for the family!"

Sakuma, Yonegoro died in battle!

Oda Nobunaga dropped the opponent's body, couldn't help taking a step back, and said loudly: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, how can the Li Xiao army be so strong!"

"It must be a rumor!"

Oda Nobunaga's eyes were red, and he drew out the sword, put it on the ambassador's neck, and shouted: "Hún account, tell me right away that you are not true! Otherwise I will kill you!"

The ambassador shed tears and said: "The hall, it is true, it is true. Our army was defeated too badly. The Takeda army’s big barrels and the iron cannons are so terrible. Our army has tried its best, but it can be blocked no matter how powerful it is. Unstoppable, countless people died in front of the battle, it is useless, not only Sakuma Nobumori, Niwa Nagahide even the lord is still alive or dead now, my army in the north has been wiped out."

After speaking, the envoy actually wailed and said: "Dadian, kill me, kill me, I have no face to meet the lord."

With a sound, Nobunaga's Taishou was thrown to the ground.

Within the big tent, there was silence, deathly silence.

Right now on the battlefield north of the Oda Army, the scene at this moment can only be described as a landslide.

The roar of the iron cannon continued, and the smoke swept directly into the sky.

And the Takeda Army's big tube uttered a terrible roar, ploughing huge pits one after another in the ground.

One of the four kings of Oda, the commander of the Northern Ise Army, Kazuyuki Takigawa is now missing his head, his face is scorched, and he looks at the Oda Army that has collapsed on the battlefield with a disheveled look.

This scene is simply a nightmare for him!


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