Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 204: Blood red period (below)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

In the gray dawn, the dragon's roar still shook the sky, making its majesty Eboden tremble.

No, not just the thunderous roar, but also the thousands of uniform sounds of iron boots ...

Amidst the ruins, the guardian knight holding Fanesis stopped at the spot, staring blankly at the oncoming team of patrolling soldiers.

Usually the patrol guard of Ebden has only a simple burqa and a fairly strong chain armor. The weapon is only a broad sword and a thin single shield, a dagger and a crossbow, even the captain is at best. There is a decent helmet, not to mention knee pads and armguards.

But these soldiers ... The guard knight narrowed his eyes slightly.

The dense composite armor lined with black military uniforms, not only has shoulder pads on the fine chain mail armor, but even the chest is also reinforced with iron pieces, which looks quite heavy; almost all the soldiers are carrying nearly one person behind The zither-shaped shield has a single-edged halberd with a swallowtail flag in his hand and a heavy sword hanging from his waist.

Heavy and slightly rough armor, black and slightly thick military uniforms, as well as their halberds and epee ... The guard knight slowly raised his head and looked at the flag held by the "Patrol Soldier"-on the black flag, was The iron crown held by the red dragon.

It was the Dragon King family, the coat of arms of DeSalle, these people were soldiers of the Imperial Legion from the Prince of Sacran.

Did the legion of the empire arrive at Ebden so soon?

Just then, among the soldiers, a middle-aged man dressed as an officer wearing a cloak suddenly came out, and he looked at the guard knight and Farnesses with suspicion:

"This knight, and ... the priest of Holy Cross, can you tell us the identity of the two?" The officer waved his hand at the soldier behind him cautiously:

"The entire Ebden is already under martial law. Why did the two appear at the civilian block in the south of the city that has been blocked?"

At the same time as the questioning, the hundred people standing behind him had blocked the street, and the uniformly erected shields stood in front of him, and the cold halberd made a slight noise in the cold morning wind.

For a moment of silence, the officer had pressed his right hand to the hilt of his waist, and the soldiers in the first row raised their shields almost simultaneously.

Looking at Rulin's halberd, the guard knight slowly turned back to look at him. The unrecovered Farnesses looked pale, and he slowly spoke after hesitating for a moment:

"We are the waiters of the Cathedral of Eboden ... Below is the personal priest Anthony of the Bishop of Eboden, the great priest Anthony." Suddenly, the flashing eyes of Farnesses remained as usual as usual: Is a guardian knight of the bishop. "

"We carry a very important message that we must go to the Imperial Capital as soon as possible and arrive at the Archbishop!"

"What news?" The officer still refused.

"This is important information to be delivered to the Archbishop!" The guard knight glared at him, his voice cold.

"What ... news?" The officer pulled out his sword, and Lin's halberd crossed the shield.

"Bishop of Ebden, Lord Fanesis from Lotel ..." Fanesis' lips quivered slightly, his expression still humble as before:

"Has been called by the Holy Cross to be honored in the kingdom of heaven--!"

A trace of surprise flashed on the officer ’s face, and he quickly gestured behind him, and the soldiers lined up immediately opened a passage, not forgetting to salute the two: “I ’m sorry, the Empire ’s legions are all loyal to the Holy Cross Believers-I guarantee with credibility that no more soldiers will stop you! "

"Pious child, may the Holy Cross protect you forever!"

The weak Fanesis smiled and thanked, and the identity of the priest made him habitually pray for these soldiers.

"and many more!"

Just as the two were about to leave, there was a cry from a certain queue: "I know him, he is Lord Fanesis-he used to come to our hometown to preach, and I will never forget it in my life!"

The atmosphere suddenly froze.

Farnesis, who had stopped at the same place, still smiled, and the guard knight silently pressed the sword handle around his waist.

"Can you please ..." The officer's expression became ugly: "Explain?"

"The dog of Holy Cross ... what are you going to do ..." The sound of the wind echoed again in the ears of Farnesses, with a slightly playful laugh, as if expecting something: "If Found here ... that kind of ending ... I should n’t have to tell you, right ... "

"But ... there seem to be too many enemies ..."

"Just let me do a little favor ... will not ask for anything in return ..."

"If ... you really need ..."

Farnesses slowly lowered his head so that the surrounding soldiers would not see his face. The trembling voice seemed to bring endless fear to the loyal guardian knight:

"Do it--!"

…………………… Eboden, Freedom Council.

This room, once full of quarrels, shouts, and various noises, is now only a wailing, and the free aristocrats in Chinese clothes are ashamed, even lying on the tables and chairs and crying.

No one talked, no one whispered, and many ashamed people just sat there quietly, like death row in line waiting for the guillotine.

If you count carefully, you will find that only one-fifth of the "noble congressmen" are left in the hall of the entire Freedom Council. Even if this number of people passes, it is not enough to pass any bill that is not worth mentioning.

There is only one reason for them to stay here, which is their common identity-they are all the doggies of the Bellini family.

In the face of the imperial legion, the supporters of the wizard tower naturally enjoyed their success, while the neutral nobles were gloating, and the little nobles on the wall of the weekdays fled ...

Only they, standing firmly behind the Bellini family from beginning to end, used the wealth and power to help the Bellini family pass one bill after another in their favor and against the **** wizards.

Now that the Bellini family is over, they naturally become burials-even if they don't want to, the little nobles who are eager to disconnect from the Bellini family will be eager to offer them out, and the situation is not as good as hiding Security from the Free Council.

All the Yaowu Yangwei in the ordinary days have become disheartened, and the hope is that the Imperial Corps will not be too tough, at least it will allow them to spend money to buy a living ...


The heavy gate was violently opened, and the legionnaires with shields rushed into the hall of the Liberty Council with a roaring and tidy pace, and the cold halberd pointed to the "noble congressmen" sitting on the seats.

The nobles who were still ashamed of the previous moment immediately turned into a frightened rabbit, staring at the heavily armed soldiers with fear.

The power, wealth, and status of the past, in front of these cold swords and shields, turned into a paper tiger with a prick.

"You, what are you doing ?!" An elderly man stood up bravely and courageously: "This is the free council of Ebden, which is a forbidden place where soldiers are absolutely not allowed to step on! Even the legion of the empire have to……"

"How must it be?"

A half-joking voice suddenly sounded, and the door that was knocked open came into a red-haired red pupil ~ ~ neat and exquisite Chinese clothes, and the cynical smile, it was a standard nobility. Rich playboy.

If, behind him, there was no girl who was also wearing a knight hood, and a hundred soldiers ...

"According to my usual habit, I should have set up with you first, and then enter the topic, but unfortunately we are very busy today, there is no time, so it is simpler."

The laughing boy stood up with his right hand behind his back, and coughed twice deliberately: "My name is Brandon de Salion, the thirteenth generation of the Dragon King family, Eckhart II, the supreme emperor of the Sacran Empire The son of the world, the dragon driver. "

"And this one ..." The boy quickly turned his right hand to the side of the knight girl: "This is Fei Tronai de Salion, the twelfth generation of the Dragon King family, the daughter of the first emperor of the Sakran Empire, Alto I, Sister of Supreme Emperor Eckhart II, Her Royal Highness Princess! "

As the words fell, the smile on the teenager's face gradually became cold: "Now, adults, can you please ...

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