Shaman from Afar

Vol 2 Chapter 205: Talking rest stop (on)

The genius remembers "Love ♂ Go ÷ Little? Say → Net" in one second, to provide you with wonderful novel reading.

No one expected that the catastrophe that destroyed half of Ebden would actually end overnight; just as no one could think that this sudden disaster would have evolved to such a degree.

The forced army rushed to the Imperial Army of only 3,000 people in Ebden, and controlled the city defense of Ebden with incredible speed. All the patrol guards who had sworn allegiance to the Bellini family were all disarmed and detained. The mercenary was disbanded in situ. The south of the city cordon was demolished.

Overnight, this strong city defense with one of the best empire, more than 3,000 patrol guards, and can also call at least 5,000 elite and several times the mercenary regiment of the autonomous city-state was completely controlled, and immediately entered the state of martial law, street Legionnaires on patrol can be seen everywhere, and the sound of iron boots is everywhere.

Of course, there is also the "burst of thunder" resounding through the sky-the giant dragon Milassis, which symbolizes the authority of the "Dragon King Family", is entrenched at the top of the tallest minaret in the whole city.

Under the fluttering dragon, it was trembling in the violent wind, like a ruined Eboden ...

After a quick discussion, the neutral free aristocracy, the mercenary leader who controls the mercenary regiment, and the Nine-Mount Star Wizard Tower reached a compromise with each other under the "persuasion" of Prince Brandon de Salion, A new Liberty Council was formed, and the old head of the Corona family was elected. Lorenz Corona, the veteran of the wizard tower, became the new governor.

And after unifying the caliber, they put all the blame on the Bellini family ... or Alto Bellini.

"Because Aalto Bellini deliberately concealed the true efficacy of the" Holy Blood Elixir ", Bishop Fanesis distributed the drug to half Ebden without any knowledge, and caused thousands of , And even the mutation of tens of thousands of people, finally led to a terrifying ritual, summoning blasphemous monsters from **** to the real world.

Fortunately, due to the timely discovery of the Nine-Mounted Star Wizard Tower, the Imperial Corps and His Royal Highness Brandon de Salleone prevented the further spread of the tragedy, and the monster also died under the dragon of the dragon Milasis .

In this terrible catastrophe, Aalto Bellini died in his own experiments. The entire Bellini family and the rest of the party tried their best to be decapitated by the collective in the eastern square. All property was vested in the Free Parliament .

The only misfortune is that Bishop Eboden, the devout Lord Fanesses died heroically in order to remedy his mistakes, and most of the Eboden churches were also tragically collapsed and on the verge of collapse "-this is the" official version "of the Liberty Council and Brandon ’s publicity .

No one knows the true cause of death of this bishop, nor does anyone want to know. Neither Brandon De Salion, the imperial prince, nor Corona, who was the spokesperson of the Wizard Tower, very much did not hope that this event would trigger a war between the Wizard Tower and the church, and it would not lead to it.

On the night of that day, Corona had written a secret letter in the name of the sorcerer's tower, and sent it to the archbishop to the archbishop, vaguely implying that the other party had the "evidence" of Fanesis-if the Holy Cross Church was going to seek provocation Trouble, the wizard tower does not mind letting the empire know that Fanesis is the real murderer of the entire "Holy Blood Elixir" incident.

A devout Holy Cross bishop who personally turned thousands of civilians into monsters and tried to summon evil spirits ... This will be a heavy blow to the church!

But Corona did not really want to use this incident to attack the Holy Cross Church. In addition to the fact that the Wizard Tower has just taken control of Eboden, most of the wizarding world has not yet competed with the Holy Cross Church. His backers , Brandon de Salion also does not want to see such a result ...

"In fact, compared to the wizards, certain fanatics and power-obsessed priests are indeed a headache; as a member of the De Salien family, it is my duty to defend the faith, but no one can force me to like it. they."

In the empty parliament hall, sitting on the chair, Brandon de Salleon, who was on the leg of Erlang, nagging at the dark-haired wizard on the side:

"But these ... are not enough reasons to declare war on the church, because the Holy Cross Church ... or faith in the Holy Cross is the basis for maintaining the entire empire not torn apart!"

"Even in the thirteenth generation of the establishment of the empire, she is still not a real whole-Lotel, Sacran, Bayern, Ebden ... in addition to common beliefs, and exhaustion The thirteen generations who have worked hard to finally unify the text and language are completely different nations. "

"In addition to the belief in the Holy Cross, except for a crown representing commitment and authority, what exactly has kept us from splitting for thirteen generations?"

This is the same thing that once puzzled Loren-such a feudal system, with many different nationalities and customs, and even a huge empire that is divided geographically, it is impossible to maintain the division and disintegration only by common belief.


"Yes, it is a threat." Brandon's smile looked very helpless: "The one from the north destroyed the ancient dragon kingdom, once forced the kingdom of Sacran to move west, the enemy of the Holy Cross, from the abyss The devil; the Centaurs from the East, who rode the Iron Sea all over the Green Sea; "

"From the west, across the misty sea, and have the same roots as the ancient wood forest elves. They claim to be the elven kingdom of the Yasul eagle king; from the southeast, bordering the Principality of Bayern, and now the children of the mountains that have formed an alliance with the empire, we are The mountainous city-states collectively known as 'dwarves'! "

"Their armies have once stepped into the empire's frontiers, and they have destroyed several ancient ancient countries-the fallen northern dragon kingdom, which has long since disappeared; the roaring samurai of the Centaur Mark Khan once drank outside the capital of the horse; Now the Luotaier people in the north still have the ancient elf blood in their bodies; the dwarves in the mountains have also been burned and looted in Bayern, and most of the territory has become their colony. All humans can only be their cattle Be a horse. "

"If you don't unite, you will die!" Brandon pouted and spread his hands: "I want to say that this reason is more than the Holy Cross blessing the De Salion family.

The thoughtful dark-haired wizard nodded as if in agreement, but what he was thinking was something else.

The fusion of language and words, the increasingly centralized and powerful royal family, threats from the outside world ... when these overlap, what does it mean?

From feudalism to centralization, a real ... the birth of an empire?

At that moment, Loren suddenly remembered what Corona had said--

"They represent the past, and we represent the future!"

Once Loren thought that he wanted to say that the wizarding class represented curiosity and exploration of the world, and would gradually replace the blind obedience to doctrine in people's hearts; now it seems that he might expect much more.

For example ... when the whole empire is truly integrated and no longer needs the church to maintain it, can it still have such an unshakable position today?

"As expected, the past should make way for the future!"

This is Corona's ... No, it shouldn't just be him alone, but the ultimate ambition of the entire Nine Stars Wizard Tower-completely replacing the status of the Holy Cross Church, so that the wizards have absolute power in the Sacrament Empire The right to speak and a place!

Really ... generous.

The dark-haired wizard couldn't help but chuckled.

"Okay, the boring history class is over. I guess you are probably not the type who likes to listen to people." Brandon shrugged his shoulders and raised a sly smile: "Let us talk about some practical things. Some, like ... what about your rewards? "

"Of course." Loren stood up in a humble manner, and also smiled a little: "Everything listens to you ~ ~ Your Highness Brandon de Salion."

"I have been thinking about this for a long time-as you can see, I am the second prince, there are still a lot of things that I can do, even some things that are not real things, such as titles and positions. , Even if it makes you a duke in power! ”

Brandon's voice slowed down, and his bright, ruby ​​eyes suddenly became deeper: "But before that, tell me another thing ... Where is the Holy Grail of the Nine Stars?"

"I destroyed it." Loren replied without changing his face. "Fanesis was behind me at that time, and appeared at any time. It was too late to take it away."

In a moment of silence, two pairs of twinkling eyes looked at each other, as if they had experienced countless confrontations in an instant, trying to find evidence of each other's lying from each tremor of eyelashes and spreading pupils!

"So this is ah……"

Brandon spoke first, a bright and sincere smile on his handsome face:

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