Re-recognize the peak

Chapter 33 Stockholm Syndrome

Chapter 33 Stockholm Syndrome

What are you doing, it's our job to help this liar?

Lao Qin, who didn't understand for a moment, hurriedly said to the phone: "I'm eating, I'll talk about it later."

After hanging up the phone, he asked the system suspiciously: "Are you having an affair? Is there another host outside? Are you going to kill me so I can find another home?"

The system was stopped by his resentful wife-like tone, probably because he didn't figure out how to complete the task and still have something to do with an affair?He was about to try his best to explain his innocence, but was stopped by Ziyu who rolled his eyes wildly.

The young lady has seen through Lao Qin's tricks a long time ago. She just wants to know the reason and bargain to gain benefits. Seeing this slut's showmanship possessing the fooling system, she can't get angry at all.

"Old Qin, you said it yourself. You can't rely on yourself to revitalize the national art. You have to make friends and build a circle. A big brother who can lead a younger brother to make a fortune is a good brother, right?"

This guy blinked his eyes, nodded reluctantly, there is no way, the two in front of him are invincible, as long as there is a record in history, people will know, there is no way to break it.

"Then now is your chance to make friends!" Ziyu clapped his hands.

"But I don't want to have anything to do with the haunted house. If you walk too much at night, you will always encounter ghosts, don't you understand? You don't love me anymore!" Some real feelings?

Miss sister is tired.

The system is like a mentally handicapped child prodigy with high IQ and zero EQ, she has to make supplements to deal with the aftermath; Lao Qin has no normal form except for practicing all day long, just like this moment, you don't know whether he is really afraid or just wants more benefit.These two guys get together and dance around all day long, and it really breaks her heart to be caught in the middle.

Come on!If you help the system again, maybe that guy will really be jealous, let's analyze the pros and cons carefully for him, and he can bully the system as he likes.

"Old Qin, have you heard of Stockholm Syndrome?" Ziyu asked.

"Uh, I have the impression that the hostage has a good impression of the kidnapper or something, the thief is perverted."

…His description made the younger sister not know how to answer it, and she reluctantly continued: "The hostage complex is just one of the manifestations of Stockholm syndrome. In fact, human worship of gods is also a manifestation of this psychology."

"Beauty, don't lie to me because I don't read much! The worship of gods has started since the time of the apes. What kind of syndrome has only been discovered for a few years." Lao Qin didn't believe it.

Ziyu found that ever since she got to know this guy, she had a tendency to evolve into a sanitary ball manufacturer, so she gave him a big white eye for free, and then explained to him:

The name of this syndrome comes from the fact that in this place in Stockholm, two robbers held four bank employees hostage during a bank robbery. When the robbers were caught, the bank staff felt sympathetic to the robbers and refused to testify against the robbers. He also raised his own funds to find someone to defend the robbers, and even a female employee fell in love with one of the robbers.

This matter aroused the interest of a group of experts, and the result of their discussion was that these bank employees were sick-look how high-end this result is!How can I say that it is a brick family? Finally, in sociology, place names are used as the names of such symptoms, which are called "Stockholm Syndrome". The key point: it is not medicine, but sociology.

In fact, this syndrome generally refers to the gratitude and obedience of the audience when encountering irresistible, inescapable, life and death depends on a certain object, if the other party shows grace and friendliness.

The ancients believed that the gods controlled the power of the heaven and the earth, and that life or death depended on the attitude of the gods. He could make the tribe smooth and rain, and he could also make the houses of the ethnic groups collapse. He was omnipotent and ubiquitous, and people could not resist or escape. , so the ancients often worshiped and worshiped the gods, thinking that this could please the gods.

When the times are good, we should thank God, because it is a gift from God; when the times are bad, we should worship God, in order to ask the gods for forgiveness.Even in modern times, believers of certain sects still believe that food, drink, clothing, housing, and use are all given by the gods, and that promotion, wealth, marriage, and university entrance examinations are also the grace of the gods, and they attribute their achievements to the gifts of the gods. Suffering is attributed to the test of the gods, and the repeated strengthening of gratitude and obedience to the gods is also a manifestation of Stockholm syndrome.

Hanhan's hallucinations passing through that house stimulated his usual self-hypnosis, coupled with several coincidences, his sense of Lao Qin had already moved closer to "omniscient and omniscient". The one who rescued the suffering and saved him from the sea of ​​suffering basically reached the stage of Stockholm Syndrome, which is hopeless.

"Ziyu, even if you subdue him, Hanhan is my friend? I'm afraid you have misunderstood the word 'friend'." Lao Qin had finished his breakfast at this moment, and asked while clearing away the dishes.

The young lady was a little stunned by the question, and she became angry from embarrassment: "Idiot! He can pick words. This liar is actually very capable, not just deceiving people. The information queried by the system shows that his management ability and execution ability are excellent. Very powerful, do you want to subdue him?"

The second senior brother is right when he thinks about it, this scumbag trick is still very powerful: from the moment he recommended the gangster lair to him, he could be deceived, and he could justify himself if he was exposed, and he successfully dispelled it with an attitude of super remorse, acknowledging mistakes and correcting his vigilance.If it wasn't for the kind-hearted person's singing reminder first, and after the system detected an unknown magnetic field, if this chain goes on, it is very likely that I will fall into the trap.

Such people are often shrewd and capable, have clear goals and methods of realization, and are difficult to be subdued and controlled.

Hanhan was first affected by the abnormal influence of the magnetic field and believed in the existence of gods, gods and monsters. Then he met Lao Qin, a smug bastard who was frightened. He talked nonsense a few times, either exhausted his thoughts, or guessed His wish, Hanhan went through countless brainstorming before he fell into the pit.

If after a while, the memory brought by the abnormal magnetic field and the closed environment gradually fades away, maybe Hanhan will crawl out of the pit by himself. At that time, only with Lao Qin's experience and IQ, he might not be able to withstand the counterattack Son, not to mention subduing others, that's why the system thought it was a rare opportunity and issued a temporary task to Lao Qin. In the end, it still took a fancy to Hanhan's ability to make an early talent reserve for the promotion of Chinese martial arts in the future.

Although the cause and effect have been figured out, this guy is still afraid, it is a haunted house!He is not a Maoshan Taoist priest, and he is not related to uncle Jiu. Even if he wants to save Hanhan, he can't involve himself in it, right?

"System, how do you break this haunted house? The task support you gave is good?" Old Qin asked.

"The scanning function can scan the magnetic field of the house, combined with the database comparison, it can determine whether there are objects and souls that are harmful to human beings in the house."

"This... is there a ghost?" In fact, Lao Qin was also dubious about this matter, curious and afraid at the same time, so he kept warning himself not to die.

"What's the matter? I am! You despise me?" The young lady was not happy when she heard it. You scumbag swore yesterday that you don't mind, but today you think about it again and feel scared?

"How can you! How can those coquettish sluts compare to you?! You are a pure soul, I don't know what they are!" Slag Qin turned into a dog licking dog, expressing his loyalty in a hurry.

"Then what are you afraid of? The system can only compare the similarity between the data and the scan results. It doesn't know if it is a ghost. If there is a ghost, I can't hurt anyone. It's okay to fight with a ghost. You practice I know all the Chinese martial arts!" Ziyu was gearing up, eager to try, very excited.

Lao Qin is depressed, and the most annoying is this kind of cheating and showing off. If you weren't for Ziyu, I would have beaten you!

He turned around and began to bargain with the system:

"I'll do it with more rewards! For example, your scanning function and body detection function."

The system kept flickering, as if thinking.

At this time, Ziyu also chimed in: "The physical examination is very helpful to Lao Qin! With this, I can arrange his diet and exercise more accurately. Promise him."

Ultimately, the system makes a decision:

"This task will increase the degree of completion assessment, with Bancroft Wilson's loyalty as the assessment standard, a full score of 85 points, reaching [-] points or more is considered a perfect completion of the task, and the scanning function and body detection function are regarded as perfect completion of the task reward."

Lao Qin laughed aloud, the system is almost becoming his own buddy, so it's better to discuss it.He winked at the young lady again, the husband and wife are of the same heart, and their benefits cut through gold!

The tableware was cleaned at this time, the mage wiped his hands, picked up his cell phone and called Hanhan back - if he didn't call back, that scumbag would never dare to call again.

"My lord mage..." The other end of the phone started obediently with anxiety and hope.

"Ben, the breakfast time is very sacred, and you interrupted my happy meal time." This guy put his posture high first.

"I'm sorry, Master Mage, I..."

"I told you, call me Qin. Besides, I'm not a mage, this profession is called 'Daoist' (Daoist or Taoist priest)" Lao Qin interrupted him.

"Thank you for your generosity, Qin." As expected, Hanhan was taken by Stockholm, and he could be very excited by emphasizing the title.

"So, Ben, give me a reason to help you." The mage said in a slightly thin and unhurried voice, with a tendency to be possessed by the godfather.


There was silence on the other end of the phone. Bancroft Wilson really couldn't think of any reason for the other party to help him, so he bought the house at the reserve price and applied for an interest-free loan?That was the price he asked the mage, no, Taoist Qin to forgive him. It was the price he had to pay for his life after he tried to deceive and was found out later.

Besides, what else do you have?

Think about it, if it wasn't for his efforts to persuade Qin to show his value, Qin originally planned to buy a house with all the money, and he looked like a rich man, and he didn't even have much savings, so it wouldn't work to spend money on it Yes, if you have no money, no feelings, and the other party doesn't owe you anything, what else can you do to impress the other party?

Lao Qin felt that the heat was almost ready, and if Hanhan gave up on himself, jumped off the building and swallowed a gun or something, or had a rebellious mentality in a desperate situation, it would not be worth the loss for him, so it was time to show mercy.

"It seems that this question has made you difficult."

"Well, Ben, Taoists say that 'God has the virtue of good life' (Note 1), whether it is persuading people to be good or saving people's lives, it is a beautiful virtue pursued by Taoists, so even if your deception makes me very angry , I still gave you a chance to repent."

After a pause, Taoist Qin said again: "Then, I will help you this time, but I have one condition."

"Master Taoist, I will agree to any conditions, even if you want my date of birth, my hair and clothes, I will agree to you!" Hanhan was excited.

Why don't you say give me your panties too?When I am a beggar!Lao Qin made a complaint silently.

"Bancroft Wilson!" he raised his voice suddenly.

"Yes!" Hanhan seemed to feel that something changing his destiny was about to happen.

Lao Qin's voice was serious and sacred: "I swear, from now on, I will help at least one person every day; I will gradually apologize to all those who have been deceived in the past, and give them compensation and care within my ability; Hurt others; do it so that those around you feel your kindness, but don't get hurt by it."

"I, Bancroft Wilson, swear on my life, on the honor of my parents and my family, to help at least one person a day from now on."

"I will gradually apologize to all those who have been deceived in the past, and give them compensation and care within my ability."

"I will no longer maliciously hurt others for my own self-interest."

"I will do my best to make people around me feel kind, even if it hurts..."

Lao Qin, who was secretly happy, frowned, and Hanhan was a little cruel to himself: "You remember wrongly, it is 'don't get hurt because of this', you were saved by me, there is no reason to be hurt by others because of kindness."

The class on the other end of the phone was already in tears, what a kind Taoist master!Not only did he forgive his sins, but he even made an oath that he would not allow himself to be hurt by others. He was always thinking of himself. He was like an angel sent by God to save him—well, these two seem to be from a different family...

Hanhan was first affected by the magnetic field and had real hallucinations, and then was frightened by Lao Qin's flickering and his own brain power so that he couldn't sleep all night. At that time, he had mentally determined that his life and death depended only on the mage's thoughts between.

Now that Lao Qin promised to save him in distress, and asked him to swear to be kind, and asked him not to be hurt by others because of his kindness, Hanhan only felt that he had committed a lot of sins in the past. The Taoist priest not only drove away the devil, but also helped himself Walking out of hell is like a living saint with a halo in the back of his head. It will be an honor in this life to follow the Taoist priest!

——He has completely fallen into the abyss of Stockholm Syndrome right now. If Lao Qin doesn't kill his whole family, he won't be able to climb up again.

Lao Qin on the other end of the phone laughed so hard that his stomach cramped. If Ziyu hadn't pointed at the progress of the task, and the system showed that the completion was less than half, he would have thought it was over.

You have to strike while the iron is hot, clear your throat quickly, and say:

"Tell your boss and the bank's idiot, I'll only take this shot once, don't dare to think about it, huh!"

Hanhan hurriedly agreed, and was terrified by Lao Qin.With his terminal illness, hearing Lao Qin's cold snort, he instantly imagined a hundred ways to die for his boss and bank manager, each of which was worse than the other!

"I'll leave the rest to you. Tell me where you are when you're ready, but it can't be too far away from the ** swimming pool. I have to go to exercise in the afternoon."

Someone continued to pretend, as if saying: Come on together, I'm in a hurry.

Hanhan once again praised the boundless mana of the Taoist priest, the haunted house that was fatal to him, the Taoist priest only took half a day to solve it including the round trip!If I abide by the oath in the future, can I be regarded as a follower of the adults?The more I think about it, the better it is!

He didn't know that the task deadline given by the system was only 31 days, which also included 30 days for him to live in and test the results. In other words, Lao Qin must finish the task today!

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