The Spring Festival Gala program on New Year’s Eve is less cheerful than before. At this special moment, everyone’s eyes are on Hanyang City and the province where it is located. The country has issued an administrative order to seal the province. Everyone in the country except certain Workers, stay at home.

On New Year's Eve, Sister Fang told Liu Jun that she had already got the mask. On the day of shipment, the boss of the processing factory said that what they wanted was really timely. If it was a day later, the price would not be the same. On the phone, Sister Fang admired it Liu Jun's foresight.

Liu Jun asked Sister Fang to keep about 5000 of them in the store, and gave 5000 to Liu Jun. Liu Jun hadn't figured out what to do with the remaining 20000.

If you sell these masks at this time, you can definitely make a small profit. According to the news he got, a mask has been sold for nearly 20 yuan now. Because of the sudden blockade measures, many people have to wear masks when they go out. , and the Spring Festival period is a time when raw materials are scarce, and masks have become a hard currency for a while.

At home, Qin Xue can only stay at home to watch dramas and sleep late, while Liu Jun is bored at home playing games, and the two interact with each other from time to time, which is the best way to pass the time.

Such days lasted for nearly three weeks. Under the national key control measures, this wave of epidemics has been brought under control, but after all, the number of people involved is too large, so the unblocking of the region can only be carried out bit by bit.

During the period, Liu Jun communicated with Lin Xu, asking whether the task target for this year could be lowered. Many people have been affected by weight loss, including the market environment, customer groups, etc. Now Lin Xu regrets setting up a store in the mall.

"There is no way around these situations. Now we can only face the reality and act steadily. I will call Lao Pan and the others in a while and ask them about the situation there."

After consulting Lao Pan, I learned that their views on the market are inconsistent with those of the mainland.

From the perspective of the general environment, this wave of epidemic has caused serious and even fatal blows to enterprises, but for their industry, it may be an opportunity to better popularize mid-to-high-end products.

After listening to Lao Pan's analysis, Liu Jun seemed to have opened another door in his head, and he agreed with this opinion.

In the fourth week of the outbreak, some large enterprises in Yuzhou have started work. Under the guidance of the epidemic prevention policy, enterprises have started to start work one after another.

Lin Xu also asked Sister Hu to apply for resumption of work with relevant materials. After all, there are still so many things at home, and the wages paid to the employees before the Chinese New Year are in place, which gives him the confidence to sit on the Diaoyutai.

During these few weeks of control, Lin Xu still paid each employee wages according to the minimum wage standard. According to his estimation, by the end of March, life will be a little easier. Going to work to earn money, few families can last too long.

The company's request to resume work was quickly approved. After all, Demo Electromechanical has become a major taxpayer in this jurisdiction due to its development in the past two years. At the same time, the government also cared for them and exempted them from taxes for three months.

This news gave Lin Xu a little comfort. The importance of these national policies to private enterprises is self-evident, and it made him see the light from the gloomy situation this year.

The date of the company's resumption of work is set on March 3th. Because large-scale gatherings of people are not possible, the resumption of work is carried out in batches, and the relevant work is also communicated on the Internet and communicated to the following.

The first thing I did when I came to the company was to distribute masks to people. Each person distributed 10 pieces, making Demo Electromechanical the most "luxury" company on the Internet. Now the price of masks outside is still high. This company The ability to distribute masks to employees shows that the company's leadership has forward-looking leadership.It suddenly became an Internet celebrity company on the Internet.

In contrast, Gao Qiuming had to react a bit slower, and his pressure was also huge. Last year, the company's performance did not get high returns despite high investment, which made him spend the entire New Year in a state of depression. Spent in depression, he was reflecting on whether his business path was wrong, or because of the monster Demo in front of him, he couldn't get over it.

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