The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 457 The Company's Dilemma

People whose rhythm has been disrupted want to return to normal life, relying on the power of time, but this epidemic has changed many people's thoughts and attitudes towards life, and earning money has become the trend of the entire society. This situation made many people feel insignificant in the face of natural disasters. If they are not strong enough, then they will only be the ones who are unlucky in this situation.

Gao Qiuming has used part of his old background to pay employees wages. Last year, he expanded too quickly, but with little effect. Coupled with the impact of this wave of epidemics, the company's funds suddenly became tight.

Taikoo’s accountant has been calling Gao Qiuming since the Chinese New Year, saying that money is needed here and there, and their wages were originally paid according to the amount in the contract, but now the funds are suddenly unable to turn over, and they are in a dilemma. In the stalemate, Gao Qiuming asked the finance minister to only pay the minimum guaranteed salary, which is 1800 yuan per person for living expenses.

At this moment, many people in the company immediately became emotional. After all, in this day and age, money is used at any time. 1800 yuan is obviously not enough to live on. With the addition of mortgages, car loans, and Chinese New Year, the employees immediately exploded. .

"Everyone, please understand that part of the company's funds have not yet arrived, and we will make up the rest in a few days!" According to Gao Qiuming's wishes, the finance manager sent such a message inside the company.

Although he calmed down for the time being, the finance manager who understands the predicament knows that this is not a solution, because since the Chinese New Year, he has been sending messages to Gao Qiuming every day.

Gao Qiuming is also a person with a temper. At first he was able to explain well and talk to his subordinates well, but he couldn't bear to bother him every day, so he finally broke out.

"You fucking eat dry food, call every day, I'm not thinking of a way yet!"

The person on the opposite side was so scolded that he didn't dare to speak. Mr. Gao's notoriety was widely spread among the employees. The accountant was obviously driven into a daze, so shortly after Gao Qiuming finished scolding, he disclosed himself to the outside world. Contact status is broken.

As a result, there were no messengers between the company's grassroots and high-level employees, and all kinds of rumors spread among grassroots employees all of a sudden.

Taikoo’s holiday was extended for 2 weeks as required. Like most companies, it also resumed work in early March. After Gao Qiuming cursed people, it was indeed a lot cleaner. It can be regarded as mentally relaxed. However, after returning to work, the state of the employees And the arrival rate is obviously much worse.Immediately he organized a meeting of the company's middle and senior management.

"Everyone, this wave of epidemic came suddenly. We have never experienced such a situation before. It is understandable that employees complain. The company will definitely make up for the unpaid wages. Get this done as soon as possible.”

At the meeting, Gao Qiuming's speech obviously did not gain everyone's full trust, and the spirit conveyed by the middle management to their own department after the private meeting was to let everyone work hard.

In the office, Gao Qiuming was listening to the report.

"Mr. Gao, our working capital is only about 200 million yuan. When we resume work, we will have to pay at least 150 million yuan for materials. In addition to the arrears of wages, we need at least 100 million yuan to meet this month's expenses!"

"Why is there so little working capital? I remember that there are many balances every year, not to mention 1000 million, but there are still around 500 million!"

"Last year, our publicity expenses were too high, and most of the expenses went to this, resulting in a lot less money in working capital."

"Is Mr. Zhao here?"

"He told me yesterday that he needs to be quarantined at home for another three days before he can come to work!"

Gao Qiuming rubbed his forehead, looking tired, why on earth did he believe what Lao Zhao said, and became what he is today, just work hard on his own decoration, and he has to do some air-conditioning business, what is he doing now? people.

"Okay, I see, the financial side, you can ask the bank if you can get a loan or something!"

"Mr. Gao, how to solve the salary issue?"

"I'll find a way, and I'll give you an answer in a few days!" He signaled to let the two go out, and he stayed in the office dejectedly.

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