The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 533 Lao Xie's New Business

Chapter 533 Lao Xie's New Business

Several parties involved in the vortex didn't express their views, and seemed to be silently accepting the result.

At the same time, Lin Xu also re-explained the punishment of several people at the company's high-level meeting.Lin Xu, Liu Jun, Sister Hu, Sister Zhou, several project managers and Chen Qing all attended the meeting.

"Fortunately, Lao Pan discovered the problem this time. If he finds out after installing it later, I'm afraid the whole company will be in bad luck!"

"I have no objection to this punishment. Although Chen Qing is not directly responsible, there are management mistakes. Although there are many voices saying that she just joined the company and has little experience. On this point, I both agree and disagree. "Lin Xu said a lot in one breath.

At the meeting, Chen Qing also made a statement for the first time.

"In this matter, I do have management responsibilities. Since the company has put me in this position, I will accept any problems." Her tone was very calm, without the slightest argument.

"As a student who just graduated, I can be cultivated by the company. Over the past year or so, the rate of rise has been relatively fast, and I feel uneasy. This incident is also a wake-up call for me!"

Her words were affirmed by Lin Xu and Liu Jun.

"Our purpose is not punishment. No company is willing to punish its employees. But if something goes wrong, there must be someone responsible. Lao Yuan is the most direct, so this time his punishment is also the most serious. Yes, and another point is that once the company makes a punishment and identifies the responsible person, the content of the punishment will take effect immediately, and if you want to earn back the punished salary, it depends on your contribution to the company later!" Lin Xu said.

"Okay, let's end today's matter like this. The responsible persons of each department will go back and convey the content of this meeting. Doing things well is the first priority. The company will not treat you badly!"

After a few days, the turmoil gradually faded away, and everyone returned to normal work, but there was an indescribable atmosphere in the company, which was a little more than the original relaxation.

Seeing that the current situation has stabilized, Liu Jun started to wander around again, and went to Lao Xie's place to drink tea from time to time. The two of them had forgotten their friendship, and when Liu Jun was in trouble, he gave him a hand. .

"Mr. Xie, how is your business here?" The two were sitting on the tea table, drinking the new tea they just got.

"Industrial boilers, two lines of business have been stopped, all caused by this disease, it will take at least a few months to restart!"

"You shouldn't have much impact!"

"No one goes to work, and the equipment they bought is rusted there!"

"Oh! Then there is other business!"

"I've already sold an old house. I don't know how long this epidemic will last. It's always right to get some cash!"

Liu Jun nodded, agreeing with his point of view, but felt that his business station was single, and he was afraid that he would not be able to withstand such a blow.

"Fortunately, I got into a tobacco line last year. It's okay to start this one now. There is a market for cigarettes!"

"Then this is a long-term big business, more reliable than us!"

"Well, as long as this human being is not extinct, there will always be people who want to smoke!" Old Xie showed a proud expression.

(End of this chapter)

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