The crow gave me a pair of eyes

Chapter 592 Talking with Liu Chengshan

Chapter 592 Conversation with Liu Chengshan

Liu Chengshan was also receiving customers in the store. His business was also affected by the "Fangtang", which was a good kind of influence, and the two families lived in peace. Liu Chengshan didn't know the good business on his side. It was Liu Jun and the others who brought it to them. They only felt that their products still had a place in the market, and they were not small, so they ignored Liu Jun and the others downstairs.

When Liu Jun passed by the door here, Liu Chengshan still saw him. Although it had been a long time, and Liu Jun's appearance had changed, to Liu Chengshan, this was not important.

After trotting out, Liu Chengshan shouted: "Liu Jun!"

Hearing someone calling him, Liu Jun stopped and turned to look at this unfamiliar acquaintance.

"Oh, Mr. Liu, hello!" It is a habit of Liu Jun to gesture politely to the other party. This point became more prominent after he gained ability. He is not like other people who have money and ability. , What brings it is expansion, defiant.

The two held hands together.

"Long time no see! Growing up fast!" Liu Chengshan's evaluation blurted out.

"I won't talk about the past, your side is also good, Quan Air is played very well by you!"

"each other!"

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, all of which were innocuous greetings and daily routines. The initial trial ended hastily like this. For Liu Jun, he just came to see each other's appearance, and there was no other meaning. As the main character, there would be no Liu Chengshan today.

At the end of the conversation, Liu Chengshan thought that Liu Jun was more stable than before. After all, the scale of the business had expanded several times. It would be incorrect to evaluate a person from the previous perspective. Besides, Liu Chengshan's mind was not as different as that of Old Zhao. In Liu Jun's eyes before, they were all at the level of an old fox.

Leaving Fangtang, Liu Jun came to the experience hall outside. Lin Xu was talking about clients, Wang Qin was helping him with the list, and Yan Yue was receiving a small client. The house was about 80 square meters, just for practice kind of.

The few people here also didn't notice his arrival. Liu Jun now feels that he is dispensable, because the company has stepped on a regular path, and his current state is not an absolute existence. Of course, this is just a temporary one in his mind. An idea that popped up, in the eyes of other people, it is not like this.

Yan Yue’s client was a bit difficult to talk to, and she belonged to the kind who cared more about the price. Liu Jun heard most of the process. In fact, she didn’t explain the mistakes and the like as a whole, but she was not proficient enough in terms of price flexibility. .

Just in time, Yan Yue saw Liu Jun approaching, as if he saw a life-saving straw, and quickly said to the customer: "The leader of our company is here. I want to explain the problem you raised here to him!"

"Mr. Liu, long time no see. I have encountered some difficulties here. Can you help me?"

"I just heard something, it's all right!"

After seeing Yan Yue leading a handsome young man over, the guest obviously couldn't sit still. This is a female customer, and she still has no resistance to a handsome guy.

"Hello, I am Yan Yue's leader!"

"Hello, hello!" The customer was a little flustered. Facing such a handsome guy, the lady in her 40s was also a little uneasy.

Yan Yue gave Liu Jun the plan in his hand, and briefly stated the company's activity policy to the two, and then waited for Liu Jun's judgment.

"Handsome guy, look at our small house, which is at the level of a working class, can we give some more discounts?"

"Ma'am, the price has indeed reached the end. You might as well tell me about your decoration, and I will give you advice!"

The woman told Liu Jun about her situation again, and Liu Jun listened attentively, and then said: "We have reached the end of the price, but because we have cooperation with the mall, I will make a call later, and you will Go into the store and buy other products, I promise to make them 5-10 points lower than the evaluation price, so that you can save other budgets!"

Liu Jun used a hypnotic ability to make the woman unconsciously follow him.

(End of this chapter)

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