In the early morning, early risers will see medium-sized trucks passing through the campus.

The trucks regularly drive to dormitory buildings, teaching buildings and other places where student group activities are intensive, and then stop.

Two big men in yellow uniforms with "Sunshine Bicycle" written on it opened the back door of the truck.Then, the bright yellow bicycles were brought down one by one, and they were parked in the parking lot near the building, or placed on the sidewalk under the shade of trees.

After counting the number of sunny bicycles placed, the uniformed people went to the bicycle parking place to take a picture, then locked the back door of the truck, and drove to the next destination.

This scene can be seen in several campuses of Shuangyashan University.

The second batch of self-operated bicycles of Sunshine Bicycles has 4000 bicycles. In addition to some of the bicycles being put into Yangcheng University of Science and Technology for supplementary use, 3000 bicycles are distributed to Shuangyashan University.

As mentioned before, the labor cost of the company is actually very high. The salary of the employees may only be 5000 yuan, but the company has to pay nearly 1 yuan to the employees.

When Yangli Bike was in operation, the whole project could finally save several 10 yuan after a few months, which is closely related to the absence of labor costs.

For example, the usual transportation and maintenance of bicycles were completely driven by student volunteers at that time, which was completely for love.

But after the establishment of the company, there is no way to find such people who generate electricity for love, and they can only be driven by money.

Dozens of people are needed to transport and maintain thousands of bicycles. Although a start-up company such as Sunshine Bicycle has strong start-up funds, it cannot support so many people.

The final solution was to outsource this part of the work.Sign a contract with an outsourced labor service company. When Sunshine Bicycle Company needs it, the labor dispatch will help move the bicycles, and when maintenance is required later, it will also be charged on a piece-by-piece basis.And when there is no demand, Sunshine Bicycle naturally does not need to pay this money.

By dispatching this part of the labor service, Sunshine Bicycle has saved a lot of money in labor costs and at the same time met the company's basic needs.

Correspondingly, these labor dispatch employees are treated very poorly, and they are equivalent to being squeezed by Sunshine Bicycle Technology Co., Ltd.

It can only be said that labor dispatch is not as good as dogs, and temporary workers are really miserable.

"Whose cars belong to them? Why are they all here without locking them?"

"Does this company called 'Sunshine Bicycle' sell bicycles? Just put the bicycles here, but I didn't see the salesperson."

Most of the students of Shuangyashan University don’t know what these yellow bicycles are directly placed here for. Some people speculate that the bicycle manufacturers may directly pull the bicycles into the school to sell them. Some people are still speculating whether they are doing some performance art.

Confused students watched the group of bicycles, not knowing what it meant.Some clever students have already downloaded the "Sunshine Bicycle" app written on the bicycle and scanned the QR code on the bicycle, but the various fees and registration requirements that pop up after that make them lose interest.

After the morning class, the students found a young man wearing a red peaked cap and a yellow vest standing in front of the rows of yellow bicycles holding leaflets and handing them out to everyone.

On the flyer, there are eye-catching slogans such as "solve the last mile of your travel", "keep riding and prolong your life".

After receiving the leaflet, there are various introductions of Sunshine Bike and various statements advocating the bike-sharing culture.

In one day, the concept of Sunny Bike was poured into the minds of all the students of Shuangyashan University.

In the past, Yangli Bicycle had to let Song Gangyi and others run over from one gathering point to another, make exhibition boards, and stand in the crowd to give speeches.Not only is the speed of this promotion slow, but the effect of the promotion is very limited.

After one session, we may only be able to directly tell about one or two hundred students about the bike sharing. At that time, Song Gangyi and others did more publicity, and it took several days to barely publicize it to thousands of students.

The publicity effect is poor. In addition, Song Gangyi, Chen Guangyi and others who ran the publicity were exhausted.After a few days, my throat was so sore, my waist was sore and my back hurt, and several people shouted that they would never do this kind of tour again.The main reason behind this statement was poverty. At that time, there were not many people in hand and no money to promote it, so Song Gangyi and others could only be allowed to appear on the stage in person.

Now that Sunshine Cycling has money in hand, although the money must be used wisely, product promotion is also very important for a company.

With a swipe of a pen, Song Gangyi directly promoted the news by inviting people to distribute leaflets.Hundreds of people directly mobilized, each with more than 100 leaflets in their hands, and publicized at noon and evening, the meal time. Basically, more than [-]% of the students could get the leaflets of Sunshine Bicycle in one day. .

Although these local pushers are all outsourced personnel without exception, the cost of this wave of publicity alone will cost 10,000+, which fully demonstrates the arrogance of the rich.

Yangcheng University of Science and Technology did not have this kind of treatment before. After all, their alma mater is their base camp, and the bicycle sharing has been operating in their alma mater for several months, so there is no need to publicize it.

With money, everything is easy.

Sunshine Bike continues to implement preferential policies, such as free rides for three days for new users and free deposit for one week, etc., in order to attract these little white rabbits into the big pit of shared bicycles.

The free ones are the best, and the free ones are the most delicious.

The deposit is not expensive, and 200 yuan is barely acceptable for students.It only costs one yuan to ride for half an hour. In fact, for most students, each ride will not exceed half an hour. Basically, it only costs one yuan. This price is affordable for everyone. acceptable.

Soon, the students of Shuangyashan University accepted this new mode of transportation.

The two batches of 6000 bicycles launched by Sunshine Bicycle have achieved good results.

The number of registered users quickly surpassed [-], and will soon break through the [-] mark. It is foreseeable that teachers and students from both universities will register on Sunshine Bike.

With the end of the preferential policy of free riding for new users, the overall number of riders on Sunshine Bike has not dropped significantly, and the 6000 bikes can still maintain 6 riders per day per bike.Converted, this means that it will contribute 6000 yuan in income to Sunshine Bicycle Company every day.

This is when Sunshine Bike has only opened up the market of two universities. It can be said that the future is very promising.

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