I am the fifth king

Chapter 276 "The Edge of Love and Pain"

Because the expected release date of the third Mandarin album is December, and now it is almost October.

Therefore, the time for this album will be very tight, so, starting from September [-]th, He Jin turned down most of the other commercial performances and devoted himself to the production of the album.

Among the songs "Friends", "Love Is What You Need", "The Past Follows the Wind", "Duplicity", "Wait until I Heartache", "How Much Love Can Come Again", He Jin chose to be the first to produce "Friends" "This song.

This song, like his name, is a song about friendship.

Whether it's "friends walk together for a lifetime, those days are no more!" in the lyrics

Or "friends have never been lonely, you will understand when you say friend", which fully expresses the friendship between friends.

And this song is also the first title of He Jin's album.

Because there are a lot of hits in his albums, so, I don't know when He Jin habitually scored his albums as the first hit, second hit... and so on.

If we say that the song "Kiss Goodbye" by Jacky Cheung vividly expresses the heartache at the time of parting.

The song "Friends" is the ultimate song that describes the friendship of friends.

This is not He Jin bragging about his own song.

But in his opinion, this song can indeed be called the top song in this category.

There are many songs about friends in the world.

But in He Jin's view, apart from the song "Friends" sung by Alan Tam for the movie "Dragon and Tiger Brothers" in 1985, there is no song about friends and brotherhood in the world that can match his current song.

He Jin attaches great importance to the quality of the lyrics and music.

However, regarding the recording of songs, after all, he has recorded four or five albums, so He Jin should not be too familiar with the arrangement and recording.

As for singing, among the five kings of the industry who can rival Jacky Cheung in singing, he will naturally not lose the chain when singing this song, and he interprets this song perfectly.

Speaking of He Jin and Jacky Cheung's singing skills.

Although the singing skills of the two are recognized as the best among the five heavenly kings.

But there is still a big difference in singing skills between the two.

Jacky Cheung's singing skills are mainly reflected in his singing skills.

And He Jin's singing skills are mainly reflected in the changeable style.

He Jin is no match for Jacky Cheung in terms of emotional singing.

Jacky Cheung's control of singing emotions has reached the point of perfection.

As for He Jin's control of this aspect, due to age and various factors, when he interprets songs, his appeal is slightly inferior to Jacky Cheung.

However, although He Jin is slightly inferior in terms of appeal.

But He Jin is better than Jacky Cheung in terms of timbre, vocal range and singing of various styles of songs.

Well, to put it simply, both of them belong to the powerful faction.

But Jacky Cheung may belong to the hardworking type. After all, the appeal can be enhanced through practice and experience.

And He Jin belongs to the gifted type. He has a natural timbre and a wide range of sounds, and can control different styles and types of songs. To put it simply, he belongs to the kind that God appreciates.

The recording of the song "Friends" did not take long. He Jin completed the recording of the song in two and a half days.

September 26.

After recording "Friends", He Jin temporarily stopped his recording work and went to help Zhou Huimin record songs.

So far this year, Zhou Huimin has only released one Cantonese album.

According to the plan, she will also produce a Mandarin album in the second half of this year.

But because she has been busy with movies and performances in the middle of this year, the album production plan has been delayed.

So this year her Mandarin album can only be delayed until January.

As a popular singer, she naturally cannot stop releasing songs for a long time, which will lead to the loss of fans.

The entertainment industry has always liked the new and disliked the old. If you don't show up often, maybe it will only take a month or two, and the audience may forget about you.

Of course, Zhou Huimin's exposure this year is very high, whether it is the Cantonese album "The Queen of the Next Stop" and "Eyebrows" some time ago, or the movie "Tang Bohu Spots Autumn Fragrance" that she co-starred with Stephen Chow has brought her a lot of attention. heat.

Therefore, it is definitely unreasonable to say that she is not popular anymore.

To say that the audience doesn't remember her is simply to say that her position in the Xiangjiang music scene is easily replaced.

And in order to maintain her status in the music scene, when the album cannot be released, naturally she can only produce a single.

This is why He Jin temporarily put down his work to help her produce a single.

"The Edge of Love and Pain".

This is a song produced by He Jin for Zhou Huimin.

This is a Cantonese song, mainly used to maintain her status in the Hong Kong music scene.

Of course, based on He Jin's estimation, it may not be certain that this song can make her go to the next level.

He Jin is used to being a producer.

Since Lun Yongliang quit Huaxing Company, without this gold medal producer, He Jin's follow-up albums and even singles have always been produced by himself.

In addition, after Zhou Huimin joined Huaxing, many of the songs released were produced by him.

Therefore, in terms of production, He Jin is not called a gold medal producer in Xiangjiang, but he is definitely called a silver medal...

An album producer, as the name suggests, is responsible for the production of the album.

This production work includes the coordination of lyrics, music, arrangement work, and many things in song recording.

If this job is busy, it is not difficult for him, because he is a unified person and will not be too busy.

But if he is not busy, he is very busy, because he needs to review and examine all kinds of work on an album, including work on music, lyrics, and music.

Compared with other producers, the producer He Jin is busier.

Because he is not like other producers, all the songs are recruited from outside, and only need to be reviewed.

Here at He Jin, he is in charge of the albums he produced, the lyrics, music and even the arrangement of the songs.

In this way, it caused his work to appear busier.

However, this is also good, that is, the level and style of the song is completely up to him, and he is relatively free.

The song "The Edge of Love and Pain" requires a lot of singing skills, and Zhou Huimin is a bit poor in singing skills, so it took a total of three days to complete this song.

It was not until the 29th that the recording of this song was announced.

After the recording was completed, He Jin started recording his own album without any delay.
He has several shots in it.

Well, he's the man who dumped Little Jew again in this song.

As the outside world said, "He Jin and Zhou Huimin are arguing and breaking up every day."

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