I am the fifth king

Chapter 277 English Single Release

"Your shadow is everywhere,"

"A man's mind is like a speck of dust."

"Fall in the past and float into the future,"

"When you fall into your eyes, you will cry!"

"Once upon a time, the sea was filled with infinite emotion,"

"Sometimes loneliness is more real than youth!"


If He Jin was asked to choose one of his favorite songs in his Mandarin album, besides "Friends", this song "Gone with the Wind" is definitely at the forefront.

Just like the title of the song, the past follows the wind, bringing the past to your mind one by one, and then look at everything freely and freely.

That kind of free and easy is enviable and makes people feel the sadness in the song.

As far as lyrics and music are concerned, it is definitely the best of He Jin's album.

It can make you feel a feeling of "helpless memories are still here today, and you don't see the person you like back then" when you hear it.

Speaking of this song, He Jin and Zhou Huimin had an oolong.

After seeing this song, Zhou Huimin actually asked He Jin hesitantly if he had ever had an unforgettable love.

Generally speaking, the creators of many songs use their own experiences to create songs.

They will write their unforgettable past into songs.

This makes the song more resonant and more audible.

That's why Zhou Huimin asked such a question after seeing this song.

Fortunately, He Jin told her before that his source of creation is TV or other emotional stories, so it is much easier to explain.

Otherwise, it would be difficult for him to explain the problem.


October [-]st, National Day.

When the whole country is celebrating the country's birthday, Ho Jin's English single "We Are Not Zombies" was officially released in Europe, Australia and other countries.

As the number one record company in the UK and one of the largest international record companies in the world, Polygram's resources go without saying.

Although this is the first time He Jin has released an English single.

However, with the help of his influence in Asia and the high quality of the song, PolyGram not only put this single on the market on the first day, but also invested heavily in BBC in the UK and AV in Australia, and the production was excellent. Contacted the major music channels and started playing the MV of this single.

London, Warrington Centre.

As one of the most prosperous areas in London, there are all kinds of shops and entertainment venues here.

With the gradual rise of rap culture in recent years, some rappers' performance venues have gradually gathered here.

They will sing in various bars at night, and perform in squares during the day.

However, although British rap has become very popular in recent years, it is different from the United States where rap singers can become a kind of mainstream music.

In the UK, the British government hates rap very much. They think that this kind of rap music culture is promoting anti-social speech.

Therefore, in the UK, although the sales of rap singers' songs are increasing year by year, their status is very low.

Those raps who are backed by big companies are okay. Although they are hated by the government with their background, they will not deliberately suppress them.

But underground rappers are different.

Those without background will become the crowd suppressed by the government.

Just like Reddy at this time.

He was ejected by the police when he opened the show in a square near Warrington.

"Fack squid! These guys who don't understand art..."

Ruidi, who was expelled, looked back at the expelled policeman, and left cursing.

After counting the money tipped by the audience just now, Ruidi's face turned bitter.

He only made thirty pounds today.

This amount of money is already very good for ordinary people.

But as a singer, this amount of money is very little.

Especially for Reddy, who loves music.

This little money is not enough for him to buy records.

"Fack, sooner or later, I will drive a luxury car and light cigarettes with pounds in front of these damned policemen, to let them know that Uncle Reddy is not short of money."

Even though he said this, Rui Di also knew that what he said was actually just angry words.


Sometimes I wander under the moonlight


Thank God I can still breathe


I pray the gods don't take me away so soon


"What song is this?"

Crossing an alley and passing a bookstore, Reddy was attracted by a sad singing.

The song oneday is magnificent, but it also feels like it has been through many vicissitudes.The lyrics of the song are high-spirited and progressive, giving people a sense of righteousness.

It makes people who hear it can't help but notice it for the first time.

"Hi! Whose CD is this playing?"

Reddy walked into the bookstore and asked the clerk.

Similar to Asia, on the European side, the places where records are released are mainly video stores, bookstores, and some newsstands selling music magazines.

The clerk was a white and beautiful big wave, who was lying behind the counter with his eyes closed.

Perhaps it was the song that infected her. When she heard what Reddy said, when she opened her eyes again, there were tears in her eyes.

"Sorry! A relative of mine died in the Warrington bombing last time. When I heard this song about the Warrington incident, I would think of him unconsciously!"

Da Bo said apologetically.

Reddy gave her a strange look, "Is this song about Warrington?"
"This is the single record that Polygram sent today. It's called "We Are Not Zombies". There are three songs in total. Believe me, it's very good. Do you need to buy one?"

Big Wave pointed to an area in the bookstore and said.

"Let me see!"

Reddy really feels that this song is very good now, and from what the clerk said, the other two songs seem to be good as well.

So, he walked to the record area pointed by the big wave.

"Fuck, is it an Asian singing?"

When Reddy found the single and saw the cover of the single, he couldn't help but exclaimed loudly.

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

The big wave clerk asked suspiciously at the counter.

"No! I'm just surprised that Asians can sing such pure English songs!"

Reddy said, looking under the cover of the CD case.


Hejin is He Jin's English name.

After thinking about it carefully, Reddy didn't remember such a person in his memory, so he looked to the back of the CD.

In general, on the back of the CD, in addition to the title of the song on the disc, there will also be a brief introduction to the singer.

"Hejin, the King of Pop in Asia, the annual sales champion in Asia in 1992, and the record holder for single album sales in Asia!"

Seeing this introduction, Rui Di couldn't help but widen his eyes, "So powerful?"

The king of pop, the sales champion, the sales record holder, every statement is a very eye-catching one.

Seeing these introductions, Michael Jackson was the first person that popped into Reddy's mind.

If it weren't for the introduction of Asia in front of these introductions, and if they didn't read the front of the CD, almost everyone's first thought would definitely be Michael Jackson.

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