The sky is gradually breaking, the pale blue sky is inlaid with a few remnant stars, and the earth is hazy, like a veil of silver-gray shrouds.

Students dressed in camouflage and dragged their bloated bodies to the stadium. When the eastern sky revealed pale white, the sound of shouting horns had already resounded through Jincai.

After a first experience in the morning, all the freshmen were pulled back to reality, and the horn of military training has already sounded.

Chen Zhe really felt that Jincai's military training was the most rigorous in the entire southern university town, and it was superior to other schools in terms of training subjects and duration.

During breakfast, there was a lot of complaints in the cafeteria, and some deliberately yelled loudly, hoping to arouse the sympathy of the instructors who also ate in the cafeteria.

Doomed to be futile, the instructors finished their meal quietly, lined up in an orderly line and left the cafeteria, and blew the sharp assembly whistle 10 minutes later.

"What are the boys doing? Hurry up and line up, the instructor is here."

Yu Yunlei reminded loudly in front of the messy queue.

She thought very well before, and she wanted to show herself well during the military training and strive to gain more people's support.

But the reality is that the girls are very cooperative, and the boys are like a herd of wild horses, some wandering leisurely, some discussing which class of girls are beautiful, and they don't listen to orders at all.

The performance of the boys dealt a fatal blow to Yu Yunlei's prestige.

"Do you want to be penalized?"

Yu Yunlei stomped her feet angrily. She was very helpless. There were 19 girls and 30 boys in the first class of public affairs management. The situation of more boys and fewer girls was not good for her.

In the end, it was Chen Zhe who waved his hand and said hello, and the boys quieted down.

While Yu Yunlei breathed a sigh of relief, the pressure also increased. Obviously, Chen Zhe's prestige among his classmates was higher than his own.

At this moment, the instructor also trotted over. The first thing he did was not to arrange the training programs, but to spot-check the memorization of the military training regulations.

The instructor glanced around, and finally pointed at Chen Zhe.

Fuck, he still holds a grudge.

Chen Zhe walked out of the team speechlessly.

Yu Yunlei felt much better immediately. In one night, not many military training regulations could be memorized. In their dormitory and her, only Xu Wan'er could memorize them.

Naturally, discussions were indispensable in the boys group, Zhang Cancan whispered: "I bet Lao Chen will be fined at least five laps today."

Han Guangxin laughed and said, "I'll bet ten laps."

As soon as the two finished speaking, the atmosphere around them suddenly became quiet. The instructor stood in front of the line and pointed at the two of them: "You two disturbed the order of the line. If you go out, you will be fined to stand in military posture for 10 minutes. I will teach you the standard standing posture. "

Zhang Cancan and Han Guangxin suddenly turned bitter...

Chen Zhe almost laughed out loud, these two guys deserved to be punished.

After the instructor had finished instructing the two on their military posture, Chen Zhe memorized the military training regulations verbatim, and the others were a little surprised.

Yu Yunlei curled her lips bored.

The instructor was silent for a second, let him join the queue, and picked two more students. After this session was over, the rhythm of military training officially entered.

During military training, girls are the most prone to accidents due to differences in physique.

Near noon, when the scorching sun was in the sky, a girl fainted to the ground without any accident, and the team suddenly became chaotic.

Although they have all experienced military training in high school, the intensity is not the same. How can most students experience such a thing?

The instructor was still calm, walked over to check, and said in a deep voice: "Don't panic, this is a normal phenomenon, it should be hypoglycemia, send it to the infirmary first, and here are two boys."

The instructor is also a young guy, under discipline, it is not easy to contact girls directly.

"Instructor, leave it to me."

Chen Zhe ran over, first fed a piece of chocolate into the girl's mouth, and then greeted Zhang Cancan and Han Guangxin.

"Don't stand still, come and give me a hand."

The two hurried over and helped the girl onto Chen Zhe's back.

Chen Zhe's first aid experience surprised others again, and the instructor had to re-examine Chen Zhe. This boy might not be as bad as he thought.

"You three don't come back in a hurry, just report if there is any situation." The instructor said.

Chen Zhe nodded, and trotted to the infirmary with Zhang Cancan and Han Guangxin, carrying the girl on their backs.

Yu Yunlei looked at the few people who were leaving with complicated eyes. Before the military training, she deliberately checked the unexpected situation on the Internet, but she still panicked when it happened.

As soon as the three of Chen Zhe ran out of the stadium, they met Feng Shuang who came to see the situation.

Seeing that someone had an accident, Feng Shuang was also taken aback. As a counselor, she is the main person responsible.

It wasn't until the infirmary that the doctor confirmed that it was hypoglycemia that he breathed a sigh of relief.

After listening to Chen Zhe's dictation, Feng Shuang once again felt that he was very accurate in judging people. Although it was only a trivial matter, it was enough to show Chen Zhe's emergency response ability.

The situation of the girl was stable, after a few instructions, Feng Shuang left.

She walked forward, and Chen Zhe and the three left the school behind.

"Old Chen, do we count as absent from class? If the instructor doesn't see us by noon..." Zhang Cancan and Han Guangxin had just been punished in the morning, so they were inevitably a little cautious.

Chen Zhe smiled cynically, "When have you ever seen someone who was punished for helping others? Don't think about it too much, have a snack and drink two glasses of beer at noon, and take you to another school to see beauties in the afternoon."

The two of them suddenly had no worries, and their eyes lit up.

After lunch, Chen Zhe led the two of them to the water stations of various schools in the University City in the Southern District, and they really didn't fool them. The girls in charge of the water stations were all beautiful.

But the two of them could only sigh silently. Those who were in charge of the water station were all seniors, and they didn't even look down on young boys like them. They didn't even say a word, just listening to Chen Zhe discuss business with them.

But when they went to Chen Zhe's company, the only sound of surprise left in their mouths was "Fuck".

Although there are only seven or eight people in the company, they are all busy in an orderly manner, very formal, not at all like a grass-roots team that has just started a business.

Moreover, there seemed to be only two men, and the others were all good-looking female staff, with a strong working atmosphere, polite and mature smiles, and the two of them felt that they had entered a pansi hole.

The two stayed in Chen Zhe's office cautiously. At this time, they should smoke a cigarette to cheer up the fun, but they both consciously sat upright and waited for Chen Zhe.

"It's better to underestimate Lao Chen. These people's salaries are quite a lot in a month."

Zhang Cancan and Zhang Cancan both knew that Chen Zhe was starting a business, and they had also seen the water station. This was the first time they had come to Chen Zhe's base camp.

Han Guangxin also said with emotion: "Aside from family factors, Lao Chen should be the richest among the freshmen."

Zhang Cancan admitted: "Compared to old Chen, those seniors in our school who open a store and advertise themselves as entrepreneurship are too rubbish."

In the minds of ordinary people, the level of a company is much higher than that of a store. Although they may not be able to open a store themselves, it does not affect the disdain between words.

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