Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 218 Turning the Opponent into a Vanguard

He Xueli understands a little bit.

She frowned and said, "Boss, this requires a lot of resources. Not only do you need to purchase a certain number of computers, but you also need to recruit employees who are proficient in using computers. In addition, I heard that you need a statistical software, which seems to be charged annually. of."

"Personnel expenses and equipment maintenance expenses are the big ones."

Yao Yuan said, "Isn't Fei Wei studying at the School of Finance? In addition to financial accounting, you should also study the application of computer office technology. You will not be overwhelmed by the skills. I will do the preliminary work myself, and Director He will assist me."

This matter can only be done by him personally, and no one knows except him.

The boss is personally responsible, even if he doesn't understand, he knows that this matter is very, very important.

Lin Wei replied seriously, "Okay, I'll talk to the school about taking another major. But A Yuan, this major seems to involve English, so I still have to learn English?"

"Just learn, what are you afraid of? You are an outstanding junior high school graduate." Yao Yuan complimented.

"Fuck you, what kind of outstanding graduate am I?" Lin Wei blushed.

Yao Yuan said, "Study as hard as you can, and count as much as you learn, right?"

"That's about the same." Lin Wei was relieved.

One of the reasons why He Xueli was chosen to assist was her ability to speak English.

Yao Yuan has long wanted to create such a database. You must know that families who can afford color TVs, refrigerators, and washing machines these days can be said to be middle-class families in this era. The purchasing power of this group of people is the strongest in this era.

On the contrary, the purchase of air conditioners is secondary, because the base is small, and most of them are purchased by the public.

What makes Bao and Penguin able to rise to behemoths in such a short period of time is the users!The vast majority of Internet companies have only one purpose of spending money in the early stage-to gather users and grab users.

Whether it is the money-burning battle between Beep Taxi and Slow Taxi, or the early competition between Ugly Tuan Waimai and Baole.me, the purpose of burning billions of dollars is to rob users.

Mastering the user will master the fundamental means of winning.

Now there is not only a lot of time and opportunities, but also no one can think of this point, if Yao Yuan doesn't start to deal with it, he will really be sorry for his status.

After ten or eight years of development, whether it is Penguin or Moubao, or other first batch of Internet companies, when they start to enter this industry, they will be shocked to find a cruel fact - if you want to make money, you have to Look at Yao Yuan's face.

Yao Yuan couldn't help but smile when he thought of the scene where Internet celebrities of later generations humbly asked him for instructions and reported.

"Ah Yuan?" Lin Wei shook Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan came back to his senses, wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth, and said, "Mmm, eh? What else is there?"

"You've said so much about the Erdao dealer, what should you do?" Lin Wei asked with a frown, "It's daydreaming and drooling."

Yao Yuan was furious, "Didn't you just say that? They can sell as much as they want. Why not make money if they have money? Didn't you also say the countermeasures later?"

"Oh." Yao Yuan suddenly remembered something, and said, "Since the sales during the New Year's Day holiday are better than expected, there will be no problem with funding. Let's put the construction of branches in several surrounding cities on the agenda ahead of time, and wait for the second-hand dealers to replace them. We put out the advertisement, and the branch store can also open."

Lu Gongming was the happiest. The faster the territory expanded, the higher his status as the general manager would be.

He quickly asked, "What about the counties and cities below?"

"Treat with the specific situation. The purchasing power in Anhai County should be the worst. There is no need to open a branch. It is no problem according to the current method. Tianchuan and Xihai are next to the urban area, so there is no need to open a branch. Jianjiang City and Kanghai City To open a branch, Hongkan District also needs to open a branch." Yao Yuan spoke out the layout he had planned long ago in one breath.

He said, "In accordance with the standards of second-tier stores, there can only be one first-tier store in Nangang, which is the flagship store."

Grand Electric divides stores into three levels, the highest level is the first level, which corresponds to important prefecture-level cities and provincial capital cities; the second level corresponds to county-level cities and municipal districts; the third level corresponds to large towns, small It's at the county level.

However, apart from some places in the Pearl River Delta, townships and small counties do not yet have the conditions to open tertiary stores.

The reason why they prefer to let the pick-up point continue to operate is not only because of the development needs of Headwind Logistics, but also because of the fact that Yuanda Electric needs to invest more in opening branches.

A pick-up point can often be managed by only one person, but no matter how small a branch is, it cannot be done without three or five people, and there are more other costs involved.

It is one thing to be willing to spend money, but it is another thing to control costs in the process of business operation.

Lu Gongming quickly jotted it down. A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. The people around Yao Yuan have already formed a habit, because sometimes the boss takes a lot of time to understand what he said.

At this time, Lin Wei figured out the joints, and suddenly realized, "Ayuan, so you want to use those second-hand dealers as pioneers! There is a nameplate on the electric appliance exclusively for Yuanda Electric, so customers will know that the electric appliance is It went out from us. TV stations and newspapers promote the after-sales policy, and customers will definitely ask them for invoices. After the word of mouth spread, everyone must come to the branch to buy it, because it is cheaper!"

Yao Yuan looked at Lin Wei like a fool, He Xueli and Lu Gongming wanted to do the same, but they didn't dare, so they could only pretend not to hear with the corners of their mouths twitching.

"Fei Wei, you only understand now?" Yao Yuan's face was full of hatred.

Lin Wei said as a matter of course, "Yes, you see, none of you have thought about it."

He Xueli couldn't help coughing, and said quickly, "Boss, Mr. Lin, if I have nothing else to do, I'll go out and get busy first."

He said and left in a hurry.

Lu Gongming also hurriedly said, "Boss, Brother Wei, then I'll go down first."

Also left in a hurry.

If you don't leave, you will really be unable to control your laughter.

Yao Yuan shook his head and sighed, speechless.

At this moment, no matter how stupid Lin Wei was, he could see that the clown was himself...

"Fei Wei, don't blame yourself. Compared with before, you have made great progress. It's very good. Keep it up. Don't be discouraged. Well, I'm going to buy some oranges. You are here, don't move around " Yao Yuan got up and walked over, patting Lin Wei on the shoulder and said with emotion.

Lin Wei was puzzled, "A Yuan, do you want to eat oranges?"

"You want to eat."

"I don't eat."

Yao Yuan suddenly asked, "Didn't you learn a text called Back View in junior high school?"

"I know, I still recite a part of it now."

Yao Yuan said, "The author's father said something to the author, that sentence told me to buy some oranges, you stay here, don't move around."

He left after speaking.

Lin Wei frowned and stayed where he was thinking. After thinking for more than ten seconds, he suddenly came to his senses and rushed out: "A Yuan, you are taking advantage of me!"

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