Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 297 Head-on Conflict

It is impossible for BMW to import and label Pajero off-road vehicles on the market, and Yao Yuan will not do things that are exhausted.

Yang Sheng said eagerly, "Boss Yao, what should we do then?"

From the subtle changes in his address to Yao Yuan, it can be seen that he has begun to feel dissatisfied with Yao Yuan.

From Yang Sheng's eager eyes, Yao Yuan gradually saw the opportunities contained in the crisis.

An opportunity to show that you will not stand in line, an opportunity to obtain the qualification for automobile production, and an opportunity to win at least five years of rapid development.

A huge plan quickly took shape in his mind. In a very short period of time, he repeatedly measured the operability of the plan and believed that it was at least 60.00% sure. Then, in just a few seconds, he Made up my mind.

Then, Yang Sheng saw that Yao Yuan suddenly laughed slowly, and Yao Yuan said, "Director Yang, from another perspective, this is not a bad thing. Market economy and market economy, BMW machinery can assemble Pajero, and Sanqi company can also assemble Production overbearing."

"As for the competition between each other, this is more normal. They are all automobile factories, and they are competitors in themselves. BMW Machinery is not just a competitor of Sanqi Company. All automobile factories in the country are competitors, and it is the same for Sanqi Company. .”

"Moreover, only with competition can there be development and continuous promotion of industry progress, which is a good thing for local economic construction, don't you think so?"

Yang Sheng stared blankly at Yao Yuan, but at this moment he quickly calmed down despite being flustered.

He heard another meaning from Yao Yuan's words - how you fight has nothing to do with me, BMW Machinery and Sanqi Company are competitors in the market, that's all, that is to say, don't divide me into camps What, I am me, I am not someone on which line.

This statement is crucial.

After calming down, Yang Sheng's tone suddenly turned cold several times. He said, "Mr. Yao, I understand what you mean. Do you know what you mean by doing this?"

Yao Yuan replied coldly, "I am a businessman, and I only know how to do business."

"Aren't you worried that Yuanda Electric's business in Nangang area will suffer setbacks?" Yang Sheng burst into a rage and suppressed his anger.

Yao Yuan chuckled, "It's a big deal to give up the business in Nangang area, so what?"

This sentence turned Yang Sheng from extremely angry to extremely calm. After a few seconds, his emotions could reverse 180 degrees twice.

This is the first time that Yao Yuan and Yang Sheng had a direct conflict.

When Yang Sheng calmed down again, he realized that the current Yao Yuan and his companies are so huge that the city government can't handle it like before.After the last forced palace, there was a crack in the relationship between the two parties. At the time when they were trying to repair it, they encountered such a crisis again, which exposed an irreconcilable principled contradiction, which is also the current relationship between many places and private enterprises. the contradiction...

The perspective of local governments is mostly from the perspective of political performance, while enterprises always consider how to maximize profits.

Yao Yuan figured this out early on, so he didn't want to have too deep a relationship with the locality. In the final analysis, he made money based on his ability.

Yuanda Electric did receive support from the city government in the early stage, but then again, shouldn't the city government support an emerging industry with great potential like Yuanda Electric?

Yao Yuan doesn't think that Yuanda Electric has been labeled as someone because of this, and he won't be labeled as someone because of this.

Now is the time for him to express his attitude.

Looking at Yao Yuan's firm but indifferent eyes, Yang Sheng understood that from the very beginning, he didn't think that he was on someone's line, it was just wishful thinking on his side.

After taking a long breath, Yang Sheng lowered his head and said, "President Yao, I'm sorry, I was impulsive just now, let's calm down first, after all, the threat brought by Sanqi's actions to BMW Machinery is real. of."

After saying this, he sighed and turned away.

This made Yao Yuan take a high look at Yang Sheng, and it was all for this sake. Yang Sheng still managed to change his attitude in time and lower his stance, and didn't continue to fight with himself to make the relationship completely deadlocked. Based on this alone, Yang Sheng won. than ordinary people.

At least he is better than many people in terms of self-cultivation, even better than Zhou Liang.

"Send Director Yang off." Yao Yuan said to Lin Xiaohu.

Lin Xiaohu followed quickly.

Yao Yuan didn't care about severing relations with the city government. The city government dared to treat him like this because the city government hadn't realized how terrifying the Xiangfang Machinery and Spring Breeze Academy of Sciences were.At this time, Yuanda Electric and BMW Machinery are the most proud on the table. However, on the contrary, within Nanfang Industrial, Yuanda Electric and BMW Machinery are both second-tier companies...

After clearing up his mood, Yao Yuan returned to the meeting room.

There are quite a few people in the conference room, Yao Yuan has Lin Wei and Luo Jinhong on his side, and on the opposite side are the leaders of Xihai Sugar Factory headed by Wang Jianguo, there are seven or eight people.

Today's meeting was requested by Wang Jianguo, and there was only one topic on the agenda—to invite Nangang Yuanhai Trading Company to inject capital into the Xihai Sugar Factory and carry out shareholding reform for the Xihai Sugar Factory.

The document for the shareholding system reform has come down, and the Xihai County Government has made up its mind to restructure the Xihai Sugar Factory, but the Xihai County Government's attitude is very clear. They hope to sell all the shares in cash, get rid of a burden and get a sum of money at the same time. Funds are invested in infrastructure construction.

Xihai county government is also difficult, just look at the dilapidated roads.But if you want to get rich, you have to build roads first. The problem is that if you don’t get money, you can’t get financial revenue. If you don’t have money to invest in infrastructure, it becomes an endless loop.

There is no other way but to exchange the property for money and sell the state-run factories with poor returns.

It cannot be said that the Xihai County Government has no vision, it can only be said that this is the limitation of the times.

Yao Yuan is completely unwilling to participate in the restructuring of Xihai Sugar Factory. He is willing to help Xihai Sugar Factory, otherwise Nangang Yuanhai Trading Company will not be able to find foreign trade orders.However, if he were to join the state-owned factory restructuring with complex conditions and many sequelae, he would be too late to hide.

Xihai Sugar Factory is not Tong Yongfu's little conch cement!

Xihai Sugar Factory is a large state-owned factory with more than 3000 family members of employees!

There are at least the same number of retired employees and family members behind this, and behind these families, the lives of tens of thousands of people may be involved...

In this day and age, whenever a family member becomes an employee, the whole family will benefit from it.Not to mention anything else, just the frequent benefits, such as daily necessities, can benefit the entire extended family.

In the era of material scarcity, one catty of pork per month can improve the lives of three members of a family.

The relationship here is too big.

It doesn’t mean that if you do a good job, it’s fine. Sometimes no matter how good you are, someone will jump out to pick on you. One hurdle you can’t get around is—the factory you participated in is a state-owned factory, which in principle belongs to the entire Xihai people. of!

The crime of loss of state-owned assets will destroy a person, no matter how big your business is in the future and how high you stand.

However, since Yao Yuan can acquire the City First Construction Company, why is he afraid of participating in the restructuring of the Xihai Sugar Factory?

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