Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 436 The Human World

The man's name is Tan Fa, and his father named him Fa, hoping that he would become rich and prosperous, but the reality is cruel. He is less than 30 years old, but has a 50-year-old image. He is thin and weak, and the white vest he wears is yellow. There are several holes in the back.

There is only one piece of furniture in the only complete earthen room—a square table with one leg missing.The innermost part is a bed made of bricks, covered with wooden boards, and a few dirty and tattered blankets. This is where the family sleeps.

The four children stood by the door and looked timidly at the stranger who suddenly appeared, wearing clothes that didn't fit well and were all tattered.They looked at their thin father facing seven or eight tall strangers, their eyes revealed not only fear but also numbness.

Tan Fa talked about the family situation as if he was talking about other people's affairs, with a compromise and indifference to fate in his simplicity.

"My wife died of dystocia when she gave birth to the fifth child, and the fifth child was blind. The children were unable to pay the fines for overbirth, and the house was taken away. The village only allocated three acres of land, which was not enough for the children. The fifth child was blind. , I will be blind when I grow up, there is really no other way but to feel sorry for her, and I will make it up in my next life."

Yao Yuan asked, "Where are your parents?"

"They all died, one died in a year, my elder brother and second brother also died, the elder brother had no children, the second brother's child was sold by the second sister-in-law, and then the second sister-in-law ran away with other men. I asked the village to arrest me My father and mother's fields are planted by me, but the village refuses, saying that when a person dies, there will be no land distribution."

Yao Yuan was silent, he couldn't tell what mood he was in, he just felt suffocated.

I can't imagine how such a family should be able to bring up several children.

Looking back at the Pajero off-road vehicle with a price of nearly 40, Yao Yuan remembered a sentence: the most ruthless is the world.

"Your village is going to be demolished soon. There will be new houses to live in, and you will have jobs and income." Yao Yuan said, looking weak and pale.

Is he not working hard, maybe, maybe not, no matter what, the previous life was a tragedy, it is a tragedy now, and it will be a tragedy in the future.

Yao Yuan found that he had become the small group of people at the top of the so-called pyramid, and the pain and cruelty in the world had gone away.But in invisible places, there are so many families like Tan Fa.

Tan Fa said, "The village said that if you don't pay the super-birth fine, you won't be given a new house. My family..."

He looked back at the house that couldn't be counted as a house, and said cowardly, "I don't know if people recognize this house in my house."

Yao Yuan was silent again.

After a long time, he asked, "What kind of help do you want?"

Tan Fa thought for a long time, and said embarrassingly, "Boss, the fifth child is blind, if, if you can give her a bite of food...it doesn't matter if you can't, it's her life."

"It can be cured." Yao Yuan didn't know what to say.

Tan Fa didn't believe it at all.

Yao Yuan said, "You are still young, and life will get better and better. Children cannot live without their parents. I will support you to raise them. What do you think?"

"Boss... I, I don't sell children." Tan Fa shook his head resolutely.

This is the last bottom line of this man.He would rather throw away the fifth child with eye disease, but he would not betray the child.This strange logic is incomprehensible.

Yao Yuan said, “It’s not about buying your children. It’s against the law to buy and sell children. I’ll help you pay the overage fine, and I’ll pay for your children’s schooling and living expenses. You are young, and there is still a long way to go in life.”

"This... you..." Tan Fa's cloudy eyes gradually lit up, and there was still a layer of doubt in them.He had resigned himself to his fate and did not believe such a good thing happened to him.

Yao Yuan didn't speak, but turned around and said something to Lin Xiaohu.

Lin Xiaohu returned to the car and took a stack of cash and handed it to Yao Yuan, the brand new fourth set of Huaxia coins, with a denomination of 1 yuan, and a stack of [-] yuan.

Yao Yuan handed the money to Tan Fa.

Looking at the brightly colored bills, Tan Fa couldn't believe it was real, he had never even seen a hundred-yuan bill.

"This is 1 yuan. It should be enough to pay the super-birth fine, and the rest is used for living." Yao Yuan said.

Tan Fa stared blankly at the money in Yao Yuan's hand, slowly raised his head to look at Yao Yuan blankly, and suddenly got down on his knees and was about to kowtow to Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan quickly helped him up, "There is gold under the man's knees, get up."

Tan Fa got up, wiped his tears indiscriminately, and suddenly begged, "Boss, take the children away, take them all away, I am not a qualified father, I am not capable of raising them after I was born, I am sorry They. I don't want to live for a long time, I don't want to live for a long time..."

Maybe if there is no child, he has gone with his wife.

This man, on the contrary, completely collapsed after seeing hope.

Yao Yuan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Life is difficult, but the future is good. If you don't think about yourself, you should also think about your children. They have lost their mothers and cannot lose their fathers anymore. Tan Fa, you are a man ,cheer up."

"I'm sorry..." Tan Fa lowered his head and cried loudly.

After a burst of crying, Tan Fa's mood gradually stabilized, and he kept bowing to Yao Yuan.

Yao Yuan couldn't bear to look at the expressions of those children. He put the money in Tan Fa's hand, patted him on the shoulder and said, "After the land acquisition, I will arrange a stable job for you, and the farmland will be redistributed to you. The days will get better and better, you are a man, be strong."

He didn't know what to say, he comforted Tan Fa and left Longbei Village.

In the car back to the city, Yao Yuan used Lin Wei's big brother to call Yang Sheng, and said straight to the point, "Director Yang, the relocation compensation of Dong'an Island should not be bundled with other things. The village uses this as a reason to deprive villagers of their eligibility for compensation, which is a serious violation of the law and very inhuman."

Yang Sheng was reporting to Zheng Kaijin and Zhou Liang about the blueprint of the industrial island on the east coast and the cross-sea bridge. When he heard this, he was stunned and said, "Mr. Yao, there is no such regulation in the city. The land and houses are all registered according to established standards."

"However, what I have learned is that the compensation eligibility is tied up with fines for overbirth, and there may be other bundles. My opinion is very clear. Dongfang Petroleum Corporation pays, and your municipal government is responsible for demolition and resettlement. The standards are in accordance with What we have formulated is absolutely not allowed to be tied to any affairs." Yao Yuan emphasized in a deep voice.

Yang Sheng looked at Zheng Kaijin and Zhou Liang, and immediately said, "Mr. Yao, please don't worry, the city will definitely conduct a thorough investigation, and deal with each found one by one, which will definitely guarantee the rights and interests of every household to be demolished."

Zheng Kaijin stretched out his hand and said, "Let me have a few words with Mr. Yao."

Yang Sheng put down his big brother, and said helplessly, "He hung up, and his tone is very angry."

"The situation at the grassroots level is more complicated, and the work at the grassroots level has its own particularities." Zheng Kaijin withdrew his hand and said in a deep thought, "Check it out, family planning work is very important, fines for overbirth, and other payments are also collected, but they cannot be bundled with demolition and resettlement. stand up."

However, Zhou Liang suggested, "Secretary Zheng, I suggest setting up a working group, and I will serve as the team leader to supervise and investigate violations of laws and regulations during the demolition and resettlement process, and deal with them one by one, so as to resolutely complete the demolition and resettlement work."

Zheng Kaijin thought about it and said, "It's not necessary."

"I think it's necessary. If we don't put a lot of effort into it, they will dare to withhold farmers' demolition compensation in the future. The farmers will complain, and it will be even more difficult to do the work in the future. Moreover, Mr. Yao called himself. Although he is a young man , but seldom lose our temper, and we have to show our attitude both emotionally and rationally." Zhou Liang insisted on his own opinion.

Zheng Kaijin is still hesitating.

Yang Sheng's mobile phone rang again, and he quickly connected it, and then it fell silent after a feeding. After a while, he put down the mobile phone slowly, and said with a strange expression, "It's Mr. Lin calling, and Mr. Yao has decided to Nanfang Industrial will undertake the demolition and resettlement work, and the compensation will be paid directly to individuals..."

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