Yang Sheng smiled wryly and was about to report when Zheng Kaijin waved his hand and said, "I heard."

After thinking about it, Zheng Kai smiled, "Mr. Yao really has a kind heart. He does things impulsively and emotionally. After all, he is a young man."

Zhou Liang said helplessly, "I didn't fully figure out his character and temper before, which led to many conflicts between the city government and Nanfang Industrial. Now I can understand that Mr. Yao is just a donkey, and he wants to be a donkey. Hey, if you fight against him, he will really get angry."

"Two leaders, the problem now is that the compensation funds are sent directly to individuals without going through the city government, and the funds for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the three districts and four counties cannot be solved." Yang Sheng reminded.

Zheng Kaijin pondered, "Yeah, let him do it like this, it will be hard to do the next job."

"Without this money, the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the three districts and four counties will be postponed until next year, and the scale will also be reduced." Zhou Liang felt a headache.

According to the original agreement, Nanfang Industrial paid the land acquisition and compensation to the city government.Rural land is collectively owned, and most of the requisitioned land is collectively owned.

Collectively owned land cannot be bought or sold, but can only be transferred according to law.

Farmers whose houses, homesteads, and farmland are expropriated by the city government can get three sums of money, land acquisition compensation (house, homestead, farmland), compensation for young crops, and the third sum is the resettlement money proposed by Nanfang Industrial.

According to the current regulations, the first two sums of money are very small, because the standards of different places are different, and the Nangang area is naturally based on the standards of the Nangang area.

In order to allow the people on Dongan Island to take this opportunity to step into a well-off society in one step, Nanfang Industrial has come up with a package of compensation and assistance plans, in which the resettlement funds are distributed to each household in the form of cash. big money.

Dong'an Island has a permanent population of 12, and the registered population is about the same as the permanent population, with more than 3 households.

However, the resettlement funds proposed by Nanfang Industrial are calculated on the basis of headcount, no matter men, women, old or young, only the members of the household registration book are considered.

Now the preparations for the expropriation and relocation work have just begun, and these policies have not been officially announced, but there have been gossips flying around, so that now every household has turned off the lights to make new people, and those who are not married are busy begging for a wife. Add people.

That is to say, Nanfang Industrial is going to distribute resettlement funds to 12 people. According to the standard proposed by Nanfang Industrial, each person is 6000 yuan, which is a resettlement fund as high as 7.2 million.

The original plan was that Nanfang Industrial would call the city government, and the city government would distribute the money.Yao Yuan's goal is to let the farmers get real compensation. He tacitly agrees that the city government will distribute the money in the name of the government, which is good for everyone.

The city government has long planned to spend the money in this way. It will be held for three to six months, and then a part will be issued first, and the entire distribution process will be completed within one to two years.

In this way, it is equivalent to having hundreds of millions of funds in the hands of the city government, which can be flexibly arranged.

This is also Zhou Liang's confidence to come up with a big plan for the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in three counties and four districts. As long as there are 3 million restructuring funds, the restructuring of state-owned enterprises in three counties and four districts can be basically completed.If this plan is completed, the Nangang area will become a model area for the reform and restructuring of state-owned enterprises in the whole province and even the whole country!

Yao Yuan did not expect the city government to plan this way. In fact, after gradually deviating from the basics of society, he often thought of some people and things too ideally.

But Tan Fa's incident reminded Yao Yuan that even if the city government does not delay or divide the batches, the grassroots will use this matter to make a fuss.Family planning is a national policy, and family planning work is a one-vote veto job. That is to say, no matter how well you do the work in a region, if the family planning work is not up to standard, it will definitely not be linked to excellence.

To Yao Yuan, it is unthinkable for grassroots units to link family planning tasks with compensation. Some people are lawless, but it is very common in this era.

If it is distributed from the city government level by level, and each level is delayed or even deducted, the money in the hands of farmers may change from 6000 to 600, or even less!

The thoughts triggered by Tan Fa's incident made Yao Yuan blame himself secretly, and also woke him up.

So he decisively changed the original plan, and Nanfang Industrial directly distributed the resettlement funds to farmers, and paid them in full and on time.

The wishful thinking of the city government was also in vain.

Zhou Liang said that the reduction of the scale of the state-owned enterprise reform and restructuring in the three counties and four districts is the best result. Without this resettlement fund, which can be turned around for at least two years, he can't do anything.

However, Zhou Liang did not lose his head. Instead, he was worried that Zheng Kaijin had offended Nanfang Industrial Co., Ltd. for a while, so he said, "Secretary Zheng, the reform and restructuring of state-owned enterprises in three counties and four districts cannot be completed in three to two years. The most urgent thing is to fully protect Baojun. The construction of the automobile production base, and at the same time fully promote the planning of Southern Industry on the industrial island on the east coast.”

Zhou Liang pointed to the sea-crossing bridge across the entire Mingtong Sea on the blueprint, and said excitedly, "I think we must first fully promote the construction of the sea-crossing bridge. This is the first sea-crossing bridge in our country. An advanced sea-crossing bridge should rank among the top ten in the world in terms of length.”

"The longest in Asia." Yang Sheng added, "I checked the information, and the cross-sea length is the longest in Asia. If you count the contact line, it is also the longest in Asia."

Officials in this era are very keen on titles such as "the tallest", "the longest", and "the largest". For example, the French Ward Investment Management Company plans to build the third tallest building in China in Nangang City. The enthusiasm and enthusiasm shown are stronger than the hundreds of millions of foreign investment.

It reflects the strong pursuit of the Chinese people for a better life in this era.

Zheng Kaijin quickly calmed down, and kept nodding his head, "Yes, yes, if the East Coast Cross-sea Bridge can be built, the popularity of our Nangang area can be regarded as a real achievement."

"So regarding the resettlement fund, my opinion is to fully respect and understand the practice of Nanfang Industrial. In fact, it is meaningless even if we oppose it. You understand, Mr. Yao. If you are not happy, you will really transfer the property away. He will not If you are short of money, you are welcome everywhere,” Zhou Liang said.

Yang Sheng went on to say, "There is some news from the investigation by the Municipal Bureau. Indeed, some people from other provinces and cities have come. Their targets are the two truck production bases of Xiangxiang Machinery. The biggest threat is Mingzhu City. It is understood that , their goal is bigger, they may want Mr. Yao to invest in Mingzhu City."

Zheng Kaijin was taken aback, but didn't understand, and asked, "What's going on?"

Zhou Liang explained, "I have noticed that there are always some strange faces appearing around recently, and some people may have come into contact with Mr. Yao. Nanfang Industrial started up in our Nangang area, and more than half of Mr. Yao's enterprises are in our Nangang Incorporated……"

"No, absolutely no outsiders are allowed to poach the wall. Needless to say, Lao Zhou, you are responsible for it yourself. These people must be persuaded to leave, and you must not let him confuse Mr. Yao!" Zheng Kaijin immediately put the resettlement money behind him. .

Compared with the hundreds of millions of resettlement funds, Nanfang Industrial is much more important.

Nangang does not expect all the subordinate group companies of Chunfeng Group to stay in Nangang. In fact, the Nangang area cannot be let go, but it must be done to retain Nangang.

Invisibly, with Yao Yuan's intervention, the Nangang area abandoned the economic development strategy of "two waters and one animal husbandry" and changed it to "developing a strong industrial city". This is excellent news for the people of Nangang.

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