Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 448 Emergency Route

"Old Zhong, it's me. I have to make this call in an emergency. I need to fly to Jinling immediately. Can you think of a way to ask the Air Force to approve a flight route for me now?"

After the call was connected, Yao Yuan said bluntly.

Zhong Weiguo was in the capital, and like everyone else, he had not received any notice, so he was puzzled and asked, "Jinling? Now? Didn't you leave in the future, and it's not Jinling, it's the capital, and your special flight route has already been approved. "

"Sorry, I can't go to the capital for the time being. Our technical team analyzed the weather conditions in East China and believed that floods are very likely to occur in this area. I have mobilized all my companies to prepare for disaster relief and launched a first-level response plan. The first batch of personnel, equipment and disaster relief supplies are already being assembled, and our companies in East China have also moved quickly, so I must go to the front line to direct immediately." Yao Yuan quickly explained the situation.

Zhong Weiguo suddenly became serious, "Will there be floods in East China?"

He heard the seriousness of the situation from Yao Yuan's tone, and he knew that Yao Yuan was doing his best to build the Baojun Automobile production base. Mobilizing so many manpower and material resources would undoubtedly seriously affect the construction progress of the Baojun Automobile production base. The first-level response has been initiated, which has already explained the problem.

Yao Yuan had introduced to him the situation of the Spring Breeze Group's first-level response plan, because there are many collaborations that need his help.

Zhong Weiguo immediately said, "Wait a minute."

After finishing speaking, I hung up the phone, and then immediately called the relevant professional departments of the army to find out the situation, especially the air force.The Air Force not only manages the national airspace, but because of its combat methods, it has a very good set of weather detection and forecasting, which is more accurate than that of local meteorological departments.

After doing some research, Zhong Weiguo found out that East China has been raining for days, and there is a possibility of floods.In fact, the garrison in East China has been ordered to enter a standby state, and can rush into the disaster area to start disaster relief with a single order.

Unlike earthquakes, floods are preceded by signs to follow.

Zhong Weiguo didn't think that Yao Yuan was making a fuss out of a molehill. If he waited for the outbreak to mobilize, it would definitely be too late.He raised his hands in favor of Yao Yuan mobilizing the company to respond immediately.This is the way a soldier thinks.

He immediately contacted the Air Force to coordinate the flight route, and called Yao Yuan back, "Xiao Yao, I originally planned to tell you after you arrived in the capital. He was awarded the National Excellent Youth. This time, you are mainly here to participate in the commendation meeting. Now Looks like it's over."

Yao Yuan smiled wryly and said, "I'm considered a bullshit excellent young man, and besides, the fire is so imminent now, how can I care about these things. How about the flight route, can I come down?"

"No problem, the South China Air Traffic Control should have received the notification, you will be able to take off soon, where are you?" Zhong Weiguo asked.

Yao Yuan said, "On the way to the airport."

"Your movements are faster than those of the troops." Zhong Weiguo said in admiration.

Yao Yuan said, "Old Zhong, my Boeing-747 will be used to transport disaster relief personnel and supplies. Our people and supplies in the Pearl River Delta region are also gathering at the provincial airport. The flight route of this plane also needs your help to coordinate. The sooner the better."

"No problem, I am duty-bound. You and I will keep in touch, and I will report to the chief now." Zhong Weiguo said.

After hanging up the phone, Yao Yuan called Lin Shuting again, and Lin Shuting was naturally worried when she found out.

Yao Yuan said, "My family will definitely be anxious when they know it. You can explain it to them. After this matter is over, let's go to the capital to have a good time for a few days."

"I know, you, you must be careful, don't be arrogant, I don't know you yet, you usually look very stable, but when something happens, you are still very impulsive in your heart." Lin Shuting warned.

Yao Yuan smiled and said, "I'm a commander. If I want to direct disaster relief, I won't be on the front line. Don't worry. It's raining in Nangang too. It won't be too rainy in this situation. Try not to go out and stay at home." wait."


After hanging up on my fiancée, I called my mother again and explained again. My mother kept nagging me until the airport.

More than 100 people from the frontline headquarters boarded the plane one after another, and all the equipment and materials they carried were loaded. Yao Yuan had been calling to communicate with all parties before taking off.

Vice Governor Zhang was the last to call.

He said straight to the point, "Xiaoyao, the province has held a meeting and agreed that the construction of the Baojun Automobile production base can be postponed. Now disaster relief is the first priority. Here I express my opinion on behalf of the province. We will actively communicate with the national ministries and commissions. , Eastern China, and do our best to provide support, and at the same time, do our best to guarantee the disaster relief operations of Nanfang Industrial, and I will take command from the provincial government."

"Thanks to the provincial government. I am more at ease with your words. Governor Zhang, the most urgent need now is transportation capacity. I hope that the province will actively contact the railway department and ask them to arrange transportation capacity for us as much as possible. All of us in the Pearl River Delta The factories have switched to wartime mode, and all inventory and products are used for disaster relief." Yao Yuan said in a deep voice.

Vice Governor Zhang said, "This work is already being done. Xiao Yao, everyone is still unclear about the situation ahead. First, you must pay attention to safety. Second, you and I should keep in touch. After the frontline headquarters is established, We contacted the post and telecommunications department to open a special line, and the entire Guangdong Province is your strong backing."

"Thank you! The plane is about to take off, please contact me after landing." Yao Yuan hung up the phone.

With the statement from the province, Yao Yuan was greatly relieved.

His biggest concern has always been transportation. In the early 90s, whether it was railway transportation or road transportation, the transportation capacity was very short, and it was rainy weather. He was not sure whether he could reach the designated location within the time required by the plan. of.

With the coordination of the province, the situation will improve a lot.

At least Yao Yuan thinks so.

At 6 o'clock in the morning, Yao Yuan's new special plane, the Airbus-320, roared up and took off against the heavy rain.If the pilot and co-pilot were both retired bomber pilots from the Air Force, it would be impossible to take off in the heavy rain.

Nangang Airport does not have the conditions to take off and land Boeing-747, otherwise, Yao Yuan would directly take an advance team and more rescue supplies.The Boeing-747 is a four-engine heavy airliner that can carry 300 people, while the Airbus-320 can only carry more than 120 people.

The closest airport in East China to Hexian County that can take off and land the Airbus-320 is Jinling Airport, which is about 55 kilometers away, which is the shortest distance.

Yao Yuan only remembered one of the worst-hit counties and cities called He County, and it was precisely because of the name that he had the impression that it was on the west bank of the Yangtze River.The Yangtze River made a northward turn in the Wuhu area and went straight to the north. After reaching Jinling, it turned eastward again, and then flowed all the way through the Yangtze River Delta region to the East China Sea.

Hexian County is located in the Wuhu-Jinling River section, and the county seat is only 2 kilometers away from the shore.

There is a reason why Yao Yuan ordered the personnel, vehicles and materials belonging to the East China Region of Headwind Logistics to gather in Ma'anshan City, where Hexian County is just across the river.

After two hours of flight, the Airbus-320 landed at Jinling Airport in heavy rain...

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