Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 449 Wealth Code

The one who came to pick up the plane was a convoy from Headwind Logistics, which was prepared in full accordance with the requirements of the frontline headquarters and the advance commando.

Headwind Logistics Jinling Branch is an important distribution station in East China. It has more than 1000 employees and hundreds of trucks. At that time, all of them were newly purchased Jiefang 141 trucks. When the order came this time, all the vehicles were mobilized. Part of it is assembled here at the airport, ready to transport personnel and supplies brought by air.

Moreover, Guan Chong, head of the Jinling Branch of Headwind Logistics, is waving banknotes around to rent trucks and construction equipment.There is no doubt that trucks will be the key machinery for this disaster relief operation.

Yao Yuan and his team were non-stop. After completing the loading, the frontline headquarters and the advance team immediately set off for Hexian County, which is more than 50 kilometers away in a straight line.

At this time, the time has reached more than six o'clock in the morning.

Guan Chong drove a Pajero off-road vehicle with the cashier, and brought two sacks of money. The money was all the cash of the branch, including the customer's freight, which was more than 100 million.

The sky that should have been bright was still dark, and when the headlights shone through, you could see the dense rainwater as thick as wires, as if it would not stop pouring out the inventory all at once.

It has been like this for several days, and the first group of people who have advanced into He County reported that the rain there was heavier than that in Jinling.

Headwind Logistics is the main force for this disaster relief, and Jinling Branch is the nearest provincial capital-level branch. Guan Chong is well aware of his heavy responsibility.

Mr. Zhou has repeatedly emphasized that the priority is to solve the problems of transportation vehicles and construction machinery, and the former is the first priority.

After the launch of the first-level response plan, a large number of people and materials will arrive at Jinling Railway Station and Jinling Airport within 24 hours at the latest. The hundreds of trucks of the Jinling Branch alone are not enough, and a considerable part of them are The truck needs to perform the task of transporting materials to He County immediately.

Guan Chong went crazy.

He drives with one hand and holds his phone on the phone with the other.

"Hello, Mr. Chen? Mr. Chen, I'm Guan Chong. I'm sorry to disturb you so early. I'm on my way to your house..."

In a few words, Guan Chong expressed his intention of coming, and Guan Chong wanted to step on the gas pedal to the end.

Not long after he came to Mr. Chen's house, Mr. Chen received Guan Chong and the two of them rubbing his eyes. When he saw the cashier holding a heavy-looking sack, his eyes were full of doubts.

Guan Chong said straight to the point, "Mr. Chen, I want to rent all the trucks of your Sanyun Company, no matter what model, as long as they can deliver goods, including the driver that comes with the truck."

The cashier opened the sack and took out three stacks of Huaxia coins, worth 3 yuan. He was already familiar with the process.

Guan Chong continued, "This is a deposit of 3 yuan. After the vehicle and driver are ready, the specific amount will be paid on the spot."

Mr. Chen couldn't recover for a long time, "Mr. Guan, this, you are..."

The third transportation company in the city is engaged in freight transportation. It uses 4-ton Jiefang trucks, Yuejin trucks, and some second-hand pickup trucks imported from Eastern European countries in the 80s whose models are unclear.

Logically speaking, they are all engaged in freight transportation, and they should be competitors. The Sanyun Company is still a state-owned enterprise, and Mr. Chen should not have a good face towards Guan Chong.

But on the contrary, the relationship between Guan Chong and the local transportation company is very good!

The fundamental reason is that Guan Chong gave them a large number of orders, while Headwind Logistics, although the name is a logistics company, is doing express work, aiming at the last stage of contact with customers.Headwind Logistics does not perform external transportation tasks, but only accepts those from Chunfeng companies.

At first, Headwind Logistics did not accept foreign orders. Later, Zhou Fei found out that he had to fight the local state-owned transportation company wherever he went. tired.Later, he decisively changed his thinking and tried to cooperate with them. The main way was to receive external orders from NFL and hand them over to them.

Unexpectedly, this approach was a great success.

Many state-owned transportation companies look popular but do not make money at all. First of all, everyone does not know much about the market economy. There have been big discussions in the past few years. In order not to make mistakes, most people still choose to operate in the old way, so naturally they cannot make money. .

After cooperating with Headwind Logistics, not only orders have increased, but profits have also increased, because they are all unplanned transportation tasks, which are equal to everyone's own income generation, and are not included in the target tasks required by the superiors.

In this way, everyone who is in charge of the state-owned transportation company of Headwind Logistics has a very good impression of Headwind Logistics.

Guan Chong is a pragmatic person as well as a smart person. On the basis of sending out orders to the state-run transportation company, he also formulated a reward system for reaching the standard. For example, he can get a lot of bonuses after completing a number of orders every month.

It turned out to be the model commonly adopted by taxi-hailing software 20 years later.

As a result, the state-owned transportation companies became more active and put all their strength into accepting the orders from Headwind Logistics.So, where does the order of Headwind Logistics come from?

On the one hand, it is because the state-owned units currently have excess capacity, and on the other hand, private enterprises and self-employed people are facing the situation that they cannot find a car.

The state-run transportation companies are all uncles, not to mention taking the initiative to find orders, even if an order comes to their door, they still have to hold a meeting to study whether to accept it, not to mention inefficient, and generally they will not accept it.

So much so that the drivers of some state-run transportation companies secretly drive the trucks of their units to receive private orders.

Headwind Logistics doesn't have these worries, and their couriers deliver directly to the door. Once the small advertisement is posted, the order snowflakes.

Zhou Fei had no idea that the solution he came up with when he was cornered by local protectionism and state-run lords was actually the main business model of various online platforms 20 years later-to master customers and find business by himself.

Moreover, Headwind Logistics has invisibly mastered the dominant power, which can lead both transportation companies and customers.At the beginning, after the freight standard set out by the state-owned transportation company, the customer thought it was too high, and tried to communicate with Headwind Logistics to see if it could be lowered a little.

Headwind Logistics went to talk with the state-owned transportation company, as long as it came out to talk, it would definitely be effective, that's all, Headwind Logistics acted as such an intermediary role.

The more orders, the greater the initiative that Headwind Logistics has when facing state-owned transportation companies. The more transportation companies, the greater the initiative that Headwind Logistics has when facing customers. That is, Headwind Logistics is in this mode. Gradually realized a two-way monopoly and monopolized the market!


Zhou Fei has no idea that he has mastered the wealth code. If Headwind Logistics takes this model as its main business model, within a year, it will definitely be able to get rid of the current situation of continuous losses.

However, Zhou Fei's head is full of Yao Yuan's advice: It doesn't matter if NFL does not make money for ten years, but the sense of express delivery must reach 80.00% of the cities in the country after ten years!

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