Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 464 Reorganization of Two Barrels of Oil

The situation has changed here again, because the two barrels of oil should not be restructured until 1998 to form a group limited company and a limited company.

Now it seems that Yao Yuan, the butterfly flapping its wings, changed the original history once again.

It is also understandable if you think about it. In the same year in the previous life, the national foreign exchange reserve was only about 30 billion US dollars, but now it is approaching 100 billion US dollars, most of which were created by Chunfeng Group.

After Mr. Li left, Xia Honghua presided over the next meeting without hesitation. The leaders of the Ministry of Energy were still sitting there, no different from before.

On the way, Xiong Jinhua from CNOOC found an excuse and left. It was meaningless for him to stay any longer. The head office had already decided not to participate in the east coast petrochemical base project. The rest were Yao Yuan, Petroleum Corporation, and Petrochemical Corporation. things.

Involving practical interests, the three parties fought each other with swords and swords. After more than three hours of negotiations, the following agreement was reached.

Southern Industrial invested 50 billion US dollars to occupy 66% of the shares of the East Coast Petrochemical Base, and has absolute control and holding rights. The National Petroleum Corporation and the Petrochemical Corporation will share the remaining 34% of the shares on average, with personnel, equipment, technology, Partially contributed by cash and other means.

This is the result of constant compromise among the three parties.

As compensation to Yao Yuan, Dongfang Petroleum was allowed to operate the wholesale and retail of refined oil in Guangdong Province.The prefix "vehicle use" is gone, which is a small benefit that Xia Honghua won for Yao Yuan.

Judging from the current situation, Nanfang Industrial has suffered a big loss in the cooperation plan of the East Coast petrochemical base.The Petroleum Corporation and the Petrochemical Corporation basically exchanged severely undervalued resources and some cash (Huaxia Coin) for shares worth 50 billion U.S. dollars. The value of the shares shared by the two companies has exceeded their own assets valuation.

Because no matter how the shares are divided, and no matter how much Southern Industrial holds, the remaining shares are worth 50 billion US dollars, because the total investment is 100 billion US dollars.

If calculated according to the shareholding ratio of Southern Industrial, the total investment will not reach 100 billion US dollars, which also means that Southern Industrial needs to continue to invest to fill the vacancy, but it does not have to be US dollars, it can be Huaxia currency, or It could be technology and so on.

All in all, from the current point of view, Southern Industrial has suffered a big loss.

But in the long run, Dongfang Petroleum obtained the license to operate the wholesale and retail of refined oil products, and Yao Yuan personally obtained the qualification to become a shareholder of Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. and Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd.

This thing went especially well.

Wen Tiejun and Zhang Huaide knew that they had taken advantage of Yao Yuan in the petrochemical base project, so they were very straightforward and intended to give Yao Yuan some compensation in this regard.

The total asset valuation of the Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. they gave was only 180 billion Huaxia coins, while that of the Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd. was only 130 billion Huaxia coins.

This is the real total asset value, but they did not take into account the company's development potential and intangible assets, which surprised Yao Yuan.

Therefore, Yao Yuan personally invested 5 million Huaxia coins to obtain 2.8% of the shares of Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. He is the only natural person shareholder and serves as an independent director of Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. at the same time.At the same time, Dongfang Petroleum invested 10 billion Huaxia coins to obtain 7.7% of the shares of Petrochemical Group Co., Ltd., becoming the only private enterprise holding shares.

From today onwards, even if Yao Yuan does nothing, even if all the companies under him go bankrupt, he can easily become a billionaire just relying on the dividends from Petroleum Group Co., Ltd....

Ten years later, the annual profit of Petroleum Group Co., Ltd. will reach 800 billion Huaxia currency, and Yao Yuan's 2.8% shares will get 22.4 billion Huaxia currency.

This is the original stock!

Everyone was so happy that everyone didn't realize that it was past nine o'clock in the evening, and everyone hadn't finished their meal.

Declining the invitation of Wen Tiejun and Zhang Huaide, Yao Yuan and Xia Honghua went to the downtown area to drink beer and enjoy the pleasure of eating skewers at the northern roadside stalls before the temperature in the capital cools down.

After eating more than a dozen skewers and two bottles of beer, the two finally recovered.

Yao Yuan asked, "The Ministry of Energy is the competent department of energy companies, but in today's two meetings, the leaders of the Ministry of Energy did not speak, and did not speak from the beginning to the end. Why?"

This is a very strange phenomenon. It stands to reason that the plans of the Petroleum Corporation and the Petrochemical Corporation also need to be approved by the Ministry of Energy. It is an attitude of resignation.

Xia Honghua wiped his mouth and said, "The Ministry of Energy is about to be abolished, and they attended the meeting just to make a show. It doesn't make sense whether they agree or not."

Yao Yuan really can't remember when the Ministry of Energy was abolished. He only knows that before the establishment of the State-owned Assets Management Commission, the management of Tianzihao state-owned enterprises was in charge of several ministries and commissions including the Development and Reform Commission.In fact, there have always been multiple lines of management. The problem is that the two barrels of oil are too large and very powerful. Often they manage themselves in the end.

However, after the Economic and Trade Commission, the Planning Commission, and the Economic Reform Commission merged to form the Development and Reform Commission, they managed almost everything. Later, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission was established to manage state-owned assets, and the relationship was gradually straightened out.

Yao Yuan asked, "Old Xia, tell the truth, do you have a part-time job in the Economic Reform Commission?"

"A part-time job is a formal job. Both the Economic Reform Commission and the Planning Commission are formal jobs." Xia Honghua said.

Yao Yuan was taken aback, "Two brands for a team?"

"It doesn't count, but the overlap of personnel is relatively high, and it may need to be tidied up. I can disclose it to you. I should be responsible for the work of the Economic Reform Commission." Xia Honghua said.

After determining the development path of the socialist market-oriented economy, the role and power of the Planning Commission have been greatly reduced, while that of the Economic Reform Commission has been increased, and it is responsible for the reform of the state-owned enterprise system across the country.

Judging from Xia Honghua's performance in the past few years, if he is a full-time member of the Economic Reform Commission, he must be making progress, and he will be the deputy director.

"Congratulations in advance." Yao Yuan smiled and raised his glass.

Xia Honghua smiled and clinked glasses with Yao Yuan, "Xiao Yao, let me tell you the truth, your state-owned enterprise restructuring in Tianfu area and Nangang area is very successful, and the experience is very good. A group of enterprises will come out to conduct a wider pilot, basically at least one enterprise must be selected from each province, and you will have to help when the time comes."

Participating in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises has always been the last thing Yao Yuan wants to contact, but if he doesn't contact him, he has already contacted him, and it seems that he will not be able to avoid it in the future.

He can only do his best to achieve a win-win situation.

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