Spring Breeze 1991

Chapter 465 Super High Premium

Yao Yuan said cautiously, "Old Xia, let me tell you the truth. I am not willing to participate in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises. How did this start? Actually, it was because of the state-owned sugar factory where my father worked. Their A generation of people regard the factory as more important than their own lives. You say that I have developed, and there is no shortage of money, but they have no spiritual support."

Shaking his head helplessly, Yao Yuan said in a deep voice, "The director of the sugar factory can be said to be the uncle who watched me grow up. He searched for it many times, but I didn't dare to agree under the pressure. You know what I'm worried about. What is it, I am not worried now, I am worried about the future, maybe I will be charged with embezzling state-owned assets, do you think I am wronged?"

Xia Honghua said with emotion, "Our generation and the previous generation live in a planned economy society. The factory is not only a place to work but also a place to live. It is a home. It is difficult for anyone to accept the loss of a home. When it comes to young people of your generation , naturally there is no such complex.”

After waving his hand, Xia Honghua said, "I know what you are worried about is the policy change, but I can assure you that it will not change again this time. As for the embezzlement of state-owned assets you said, if you haven't done it, what are you worried about? Carry out under the sun, according to the regulations, how much money you should give, how much shares you should take, and how many shares you should take. Aren’t you doing very well in the Tianfu area?”

Yao Yuan shook his head and said, "It's not the same. The situation in Tianfu area is quite special. Thirteen machinery factories in their municipality are insolvent, and there are thousands of workers who have to deal with their lives and medical care. It's not me who wants to buy these factories, but Tianfu city government and The employees of these thirteen machinery factories begged me to pay for it.”

He emphasized his tone, "Even so, I didn't agree. The relationship here is too complicated. In the end, the Tianfu City Government took out a sum of money to establish a joint venture with us, and used this joint venture to acquire thirteen machinery companies. The factory needs to be reorganized, and I can barely accept such a plan.”

After a pause, he said, "Lao Xia, tell me, every province, city, and region in the country can use a sum of money to set up joint ventures to restructure state-owned enterprises? Except for a few whose economic conditions are slightly better provinces, other places are useless."

This is the truth, Xia Honghua had to admit it.

If the reform of state-owned enterprises is simply to sell, then there is no need to discuss and study for so long and do so many pilot attempts.It is too difficult to achieve this goal while maintaining state-owned assets and allowing state-owned enterprises to gain vitality for development.

Yao Yuan is naturally very cautious after seeing many private enterprises that have stumbled in participating in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises.In a word, in the final analysis, it is not that there is no way to make money, and it is not worth wading into the muddy water.

But the more he said that, the more Xia Honghua thought that he was the most suitable to participate in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises. The most important thing was that, looking at the whole country, Xia Honghua couldn't find a second company besides the Chunfeng company that was both trustworthy and powerful.

Xia Honghua said sincerely, "Xiao Yao, what you said is indeed reasonable, but we can't stop making changes just because we encounter difficulties, right? Why do we need to reform and restructure state-owned enterprises? Isn't it to revitalize these enterprises? "

"Rejuvenate some enterprises, promote some enterprises to the market, and establish a group of new enterprises. I remember that you told me this. Xiao Yao, I will not hide it from you. I agree with many of your views, and I also agree with you. It was written into the report and submitted, and the higher-ups agreed with it very much, advancing step by step, taking both aspects into account, and looking forward to the future, this is Mr. Li’s comment.”

After taking a sip of wine, Xia Honghua said, "Don't refuse this matter. If you are really worried, take out a sum of money to set up an investment company and contribute the business philosophy. To put it bluntly, even if this investment If the company goes bankrupt, it won’t affect your fundamentals, and you won’t be blamed for anything, even if it’s a total loss, I know you won’t feel bad about it.”

He almost asked Yao Yuan to register some offshore company.

Yao Yuan pondered.

It's not that he hasn't considered this method, but he has never adopted it, because he doesn't want to be scolded by ordinary people two or three decades later.He lived his whole life holding a good hand of cards, if he was still reduced to this state, his life would be in vain.

But he also knows that in this era when the market-oriented economy is surging, it is unrealistic not to participate in the restructuring of state-owned enterprises at all. Moreover, he has fully demonstrated his ability and the strength of the enterprise, and has already registered at the top. .

Thinking of this, Yao Yuan could only express his opinion, and said, "Old Xia, then I'm telling the truth. We have also formed a relatively complete state-owned enterprise restructuring method and formed a series of standards. For example, participating in the restructuring of the seven sugar factories in Xihai , The purchase price premium reached 45%. We hired a national accounting firm and an accounting firm in Hong Kong to conduct a joint estimate.”

This was the first time Xia Honghua had heard of such a method, and it was more complicated than he had imagined.

Yao Yuan shook his head helplessly, "When it comes to state-owned assets, I really dare not take it lightly, especially when it comes to the right to use state-owned land. I don't want to hide it from you, it seems that some land is worthless now, but in the future, the value of land in the future will be worthless." Will someone say that we seriously underestimated the value of the land when we bought it?"

"Of course, we paid as much as it was worth at the time. That's right. But you know, there are many things related to state-owned assets that we cannot explain. I have no choice but to pay a premium. I will estimate the value of 100 million. 200 million. But this is not the way.”

Xia Honghua fell silent, he realized that Yao Yuan's concerns existed, and he also knew that the future risks mentioned by Yao Yuan might exist.

"Do you have any ideas?" Xia Honghua asked.

Yao Yuan shook his head, "No, it mainly depends on you."

Xia Honghua nodded slowly and said nothing more.

Yao Yuan said with a wry smile, "The seven sugar factories in Xihai are not large in scale, and the peak annual output value of the largest Xihai sugar factory is only a little over [-] million yuan. A few years ago, some of them were exported, generating several million dollars in foreign exchange. Combined with the factory land, it is valued at more than [-] million yuan, do you know how much we paid for the purchase?"

He stretched out a slap, "[-] million, all in cash, paid in one lump sum."

45% premium.

The leaders of the Xihai county government were so happy that their mouths were about to burst.

Together with the other six sugar factories, Nanfang Industrial spent 10 billion Huaxia dollars to acquire the seven sugar factories in Xihai County, which does not include the funds needed for subsequent technological transformation and employee training.

Yao Yuan hoped that the Xihai County Government would contribute a sum of money to form a joint venture company, but the Xihai County Government had nothing in their pockets and couldn't come up with several million.

Xia Honghua became more and more silent. Yao Yuan's restructuring experience cannot be replicated, because his method is to pay a super high premium. No matter what time it is, no one can find any faults. However, other people and other companies do not have the strength of Southern Industrial.

Yao Yuan does not take money as money, but uses money to solve problems, and only he has the ability to do so.

After figuring it out, Xia Honghua couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

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