I'm serious about making money

Chapter 180 I want to cross

Sheng Hai, Sugar Man Film and Television Company.

After the Three Great Fires of Immortal Sword, Tang Ren made a fortune, Cai Yirong swung his hand, and directly covered the entire floor.

Everyone in the company is very excited, sharpening their knives and preparing to do a big job.

There are only two people in the leadership of Sugar Man Film and Television. Li Guoli is in charge of creation and Cai Yirong is in charge of business. They each hold 50.00% of the shares. To put it bluntly, it is a husband and wife shop.

According to Sugarman's consistent business model, one or two film and television dramas will be produced every year, and then all resources and energy will be put on these two dramas.

The advantage is that you can keep improving, and it is easy to sell explosives. The disadvantage is that once you press the wrong treasure, the funds cannot be recovered, and the entire company will be severely damaged.

The root cause of Sugar Man's decline later on is that this creative model has too low a fault tolerance rate.

Cai Yirong also discovered this, so she wanted to take advantage of the company's sufficient funds to open a few more plays and share the risk.

The two major dramas Sugarman bet on this year are Weaver Girl from the End of the World and Yizhimei from the Robbery. Cai Yirong still felt that it was not enough, and started looking for new projects.

Now the Internet is very popular, especially time travel, Cai Yirong had a whim, since the game can be changed into a TV series, can it also be adapted into a TV series?

These days, she searched over and over again on the Internet, and in the end she really fell in love with one——Scary at every step.

There are quite a few screen adaptations that are popular on the Internet, but in all fairness, whether it is Langya Bang or Hua Qiangu, the main reason for their popularity is that the screenwriter and production team are good enough, and the story itself is not very good.

But startling every step of the way is different. Whether it is writing, plot, or layout, this film is extremely superior.

Therefore, Jingxin is also known as the most suitable network for adaptation.

Cai Yirong spent one night, after finishing the book all night, impromptuly called the company staff to find the author to buy the copyright.

She had a premonition that as long as this drama can be filmed, it will definitely become a big hit!

"Mr. Cai," came a knock on the door outside the office.

Cai Yirong quickly put her feet off the table and sat upright, "Come in."

Lin Yufen pushed the door open and came in, "Mr. Cai, I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

Cai Yirong smiled and said: "How grown up, you still play this, let's tell the good news first."

Lin Yufen paused, "No, you should ask the bad news first."

"Okay, what's the bad news?" Cai Yirong said helplessly.

Sometimes it's not a good thing to have a good relationship with your employees. They don't treat you as a boss at all, and they don't have any dignity at all.

Lin Yufen said: "Didn't you ask me to buy the copyright of Bubu Jingxin, the bad news is"

"Why, aren't they willing to sell it?" Cai Yirong asked hastily.

"It's even worse than this. When I went to the website to discuss, they told me that the adaptation rights of Bu Bu Jing Jing had been sold in advance by someone else, and it happened two months ago."

"Damn!" Cai Yirong slapped the table angrily.

It's unforgivable that someone has as good a vision as her and can strike faster than her!

Alas, the mainland is still a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger. She is not the only smart person.

Cai Yirong lay down on the chair a little discouraged when the project he was interested in was preempted.

Lin Yufen said, "Why don't you ask for the good news?"

Cai Yirong said angrily: "Our projects have been robbed, so there is no good news."

Lin Yufen smiled and said: "It really is. The good news is that we also know the person who bought the copyright of Bu Bu Jing Xin, and we are very familiar with it."

"Who is it?" Cai Yirong wondered.

She quickly searched for her partners in her mind, and then excluded them all.

It doesn't make sense, and they don't look like people with this kind of vision.

"Quickly tell me, did you buy it?" Cai Yirong urged.

"You must be shocked when you say it," Lin Yufen whispered two words: "Jiang Yu."

"Jiang Yu?"

Cai Yirong couldn't believe her ears, "Really? Isn't he making a movie?"

Lin Yufen explained: "I specifically inquired with the website, and they told me that a company called Jiuliu Media bought the copyright of this adaptation under the name of Jiang Yu."

"Didn't the 33-day love affair go viral at the time, and Jiang Yu had a long conversation with the author in person, and the other party agreed to sell it."

"This kid, really!" Cai Yirong stroked her hair, feeling extremely complicated.

She watched helplessly how Jiang Yu grew from a young actor to a promising director step by step.

Now I can't imagine that this kid can compete with her for the project.

At this moment, she suddenly understood why the villains in fantasy always like to say this sentence:

This son must not stay!

"No," Cai Yirong suddenly realized, "This is the good news you told me? What kind of good news is this?"

Lin Yufen said: "Why is this not good news? Think about it, why did Jiang Yu buy Bubu Jingxin? The protagonist of this movie is Martai Ruoxi."

"Oh," Cai Yirong suddenly understood.

It is impossible for Jiang Yu himself to play Ruoxi, and since he is a film director, there is a high probability that he will not come to film a costume idol drama on a whim.

Well, there is probably only one truth about why he bought this movie - he bought it for Liu Sisi!

This kid is really nice to his girlfriend.

Others coax their girlfriends by giving them bags and cars, but this kid is better off just giving them to the heroine.

Cai Yirong stroked her chin, feeling a little envious of Liu Sisi.

Before, she advised Liu Sisi to focus on her career so that she would not be left too far behind by Jiang Yu.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yu was already ready.

Lin Yufen said again: "I think we can cooperate with Jiang Yu. His Jiuliu Media is just a grassroots team, which is worse than us. It's okay to make low-budget movies, but it's impossible to make such a large costume idol. drama."

"So he must still ask the film and television company to cooperate. In this way, our opportunity will come."

Cai Yirong nodded and said with a smile, "This is your chance."

Lin Yufen also laughed, she is one of the few female directors in Sugarman Company, and she has a very good relationship with Jiang Yu.

Whether it's Xin Shishiniang, or Yang Kang's branch in Shooting the Condors, she led the team to shoot. Jiang Yu was just a nobody at that time.

"Okay, then you will be responsible for this matter," Cai Yirong said, "Go to Yanjing and talk to Jiang Yu to see what he thinks."


Yanjing, Huaqing Jiayuan.

Jiang Yu was lying on a 1.8-meter-high bed, sleeping in the dark.

When the crew was filming, the work and rest were almost reversed day and night, so he didn't get a good night's sleep. After two months, he lost half a circle of weight.

After returning to Yanjing, the first thing Jiang Yu did was to catch up on sleep.

"Your Majesty Qizuo, there is a call from a troublemaker, should you answer it or cut it off?"

Jiang Yu fell into a drowsy sleep, when the phone rang, he touched the phone with his eyes closed, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello? Sister Lin, come here now, what, you're already at my door?"

Jiang Yu rubbed her eyes, got up, and was about to go out to open the door. Halfway there, she realized that she hadn't put on any clothes, so she went back and put on her pajamas.

After coming and going, it took a long time to open the door.

"You are so cute, so ink stained." Jia Lin stood at the door holding two big watermelons, complaining, "Do you have any slippers? Get a pair for sister."

"You don't need to change your shoes, just come in," Jiang Yu greeted.

Jia Lin took off her shoes and walked in barefoot, "Your house is really nice, so close to Qingbei, hey, have you ever gone in to play?"

"No, there's nothing to do at school," Jiang Yu rummaged through the shoe cabinet, found a pair of Liu Sisi's slippers and threw them to her.

Jialin stretched out her foot and tried it, but she couldn't get it in. "Oh my god, my feet are too fat. Are these your girlfriend's?"

"Yes, she went to Hengdian to film."

"I said yes, look at the dust on the table, you don't even wipe it off."

"Didn't I just come back, I haven't had time to clean it yet, please sit down for a while," Jiang Yu went to the kitchen to find a rag, and simply wiped the table and chairs.

"What am I sitting on? You're being polite to me," Jia Lin went into the kitchen barefoot, holding the watermelon, then picked up a fruit knife, stabbed it in, turned it up and down, and split the watermelon in half.

"You are professional enough to kill watermelons," Jiang Yu leaned against the door and looked at her.

In a trance, it seems to have returned to the [-]-square-meter hut back then.

Back then, when the two of them first met, Jiang Yu was still busy with the college entrance examination, and in the blink of an eye, he had graduated from college.

As for Jia Lin, she also grew gorgeously from round to fat, and gradually merged with the image of Jia Lin in Jiang Yu's memory.

"Why do you think of me today?" Jiang Yu asked, gnawing on a watermelon, facing the washbasin.

"Let's come and see you," Jia Lin threw a piece of watermelon rind into the washbasin, hiccupped and said, "What's the matter, you've become a big name, so my sister can't do it?"

"That's what you said," Jiang Yu wiped his mouth and said, "As long as you don't come empty-handed, I definitely welcome you."

"Hahaha, your shameless look hasn't changed at all."

The two of them chatted and laughed, but they regained the feeling they had when they rented together together.

After eating the watermelon, Jia Lin got to the point: "Brother, are you planning to go to the Spring Festival Gala this year?"

"Still talking about cross talk?"

"I don't really want to talk about cross talk anymore. I was happy doing cross talk drama with you at the beginning, but now I feel quite boring."

Since Jiang Yu and Jia Lin attended the Spring Festival Gala together, Jia Lin's acting career has been smooth.

Last year, she and Bai Kainan set up a cross talk club together, and created many cross talks such as Open Sesame and Big Talk, and even appeared on the Spring Festival Gala again.

But how should I put it, how do those jokes look, why is it less meaningful, and is always in a state of awkward laughter and boredom.

It was far less fun than the sketch with Jiang Yu on the blind date.

Now it is said in the circle that she is the peak when she debuted.

After leaving Jiang Yu, I can no longer create interesting works.

Bai Kainan gave her an idea, didn't you rely on a blind date to go to the Spring Festival Gala, you recruited Jiang Yu, and then acted in a sketch of a blind date, and it became popular again.

Jia Lin knew very well in her heart that Jiang Yu had become a big star and a big director, so how could she act in a sketch with him.

Even if Jiang Yu is willing, she herself is not willing.

She didn't want to let Jiang Yu down, and she didn't want to rub Jiang Yu's heat.

This time I came to find Jiang Yu, firstly because I hadn't seen him for a long time, and I came to express condolences, and secondly, I wanted to see if Jiang Yu had any new ideas.

Jia Lin still had great trust in Jiang Yu's talent.

It was as if a faucet had been installed in this young man's mind, and all kinds of weird thoughts came rushing out.

After Jiang Yu listened to her distress, she knew it in her heart.

Not to mention, he really has tricks.

"Sister, do you know what time travel is?"

"Time travel? What the hell?"

Jialin doesn't watch the Internet, so she doesn't know this concept.

The true spread of "time-travel theme" in Tianchao is not only due to the influence of the Internet, but also due to the two popular film and television dramas Mythology and Bubu Jingxin.

At this time, these two dramas haven't been aired yet, and time travel is actually an unfamiliar concept to the common people of the Celestial Dynasty.

Jiang Yu explained, "Traveling means that you go back to the past and become an ancient person through the tunnel of time and space. For example, when you wake up, you suddenly find yourself lying on an antique bed and become an ancient person. The character is a big beauty, very thin, very slender”

"Be careful again and I'll beat you," Jia Lin patted him.

Jiang Yu hid and said with a smile: "You are looking beautiful in the mirror, when you see a big man rushing in with a knife, sister-in-law, Wu Song has something to say!"

"Pan Jinlian? Hahaha" Jia Lin couldn't help laughing.

"This is called time travel, do you understand?"

"I understand when you say that. It means going back to ancient times and becoming an ancient person. Maybe it will become Pan Jinlian and be slaughtered by Wu Song."

"Yes, that's what it means," Jiang Yu continued: "Think about it, you traveled to ancient times so easily, and it turned out that Pan Jinlian was beaten to death by Wu Song. I must be dissatisfied. Continue to travel, this time you have become a man."

Jia Lin answered, "Oh, you can still become a man, who will you become this time?"

"You have transmigrated into a peerless military general. You are riding a horse, wearing armor, and holding a spear in your hand. You have [-] soldiers under your command. Behind you is a big flag with the Chinese character "Dou Da" written on it. .”

"Hey, what then?"

"Then I saw a military general from the opposite camp, with a red face, a long beard, and a green hat on his head."

"Who is this, why are you still wearing a cuckold?" Jia Lin gradually entered the role of a fan.

Jiang Yu said: "He likes to wear a cuckold, it's called fashion."

"How fashionable is this?"

"It was fashionable in those days. Not only did he like to wear a cuckold, but he also carried the Qinglong Yanyue Saber in his hand. When he rode over and pointed at you with the saber, would you be Hua Xiong?"

Jia Lin understood, "Hey, Wenjiu Zhan Huaxiong? Hahaha, it's too miserable, I'm going to die again now."

Jiang Yu patted the table like a gavel, "Just talk about this subject, isn't it fun?"

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