Little God Big Cockroach

Chapter 163 The End of the Game

Lian Ze supported the other party and sat down side by side on a balcony by the window.

Once you are seated, it is not easy to move your hands and feet.

The woman asked with a smile: "This gentleman, is it your first time here?"

Lian Ze took a sip of beer, "This is my first visit to Seaweed City."


"Looking for someone."

"did you find it?"

"Well...not yet."

"Guess why I'm in this bar?"

"Hehe~ A waiter just looked at you with a somewhat respectful expression. Are you her sister or the leader?"

"Hehehe~ You are so interesting, let's have a drink."


— chatting.

Lian Ze is a 'serious person', he doesn't know how to flirt, the two just clink glasses normally, there is no ambiguous little gesture, at least not on the table... Even if there is an accident, it is guaranteed that he will not make a bad impression in public Transformation...


They are chatting here, and there are people chatting on the next stage.

There were two men sitting at that table, one was a gentle and handsome guy, and the other was a plain-looking guy with a crew cut. The conversation between the two was very angry.

The young man said in a strange way: "I really envy you, someone tried every means to pull you out of the sea of ​​suffering."

The handsome guy is not too happy: "They meddle in their own business."

"Heh~ You really like being a monkey and letting them play?"

"Everyone gets what they need."

"I just want to earn enough points early and quit as soon as possible. Those evil gods are still kind, and they can quit with a minimum of [-] points."

"That's the lowest exit option. If you choose this, you will lose the power you got and the memory of the game. Are you willing?"

"Honestly, I'm reluctant. But I know myself, this choice is the best option for me."

"I have always regarded you as an opponent."

"It's just because we are players in the same season, and now we are still playing games between players in previous and previous seasons, but what about in the future? It will only become more and more cruel in the future. Xu Yi, don't forget, what we participate in is survival The game, the game is not over for a day, and death will chase us every day."

"The idea of ​​a coward! What a pity to become a great event?! People are inherently mortal, and what is the point of an ordinary life!"

"Haha... I am Xiaomin Thought, and I participated in the game only to cure my girlfriend's cancer. My goal has been achieved long ago, and now I want to quit as soon as possible."

"This game, you will lose!"


——The conversation between the two ended here, 'Xu Yi' left angrily, and not long after, the other person also left.


Another table breaks up.

Lian Ze withdrew his right hand on his thigh, smiled and said to the woman he met by chance: "You may not believe me, I have learned a hypnotic magic trick."

The woman smiled like a flower: "I don't believe it."

Lian Ze inserted a finger into the half-drunk red wine, stirred it a few times, and created a vortex in the beer glass.

——He then ordered two bottles of red wine and drank them in beer glasses.

He went on: "This vortex has magical powers, you stare at it, if you are attracted to it, it will quietly steal a good time."

"What if I'm not attracted?"

"Then you'll have a wonderful evening."

"Hehe~ let me take a look."


The woman looked at the vortex in the cup, and for a second, two seconds, she was stunned, and there was no thought in her head.

The vortex continued for half a minute.

Half a minute later, she suddenly came back to her senses, and the people around her had gone nowhere.

The waiter was called, and the waiter said, "That person just left the bar."

Hearing the answer, the woman couldn't help feeling sorry. She looked at the red wine in the glass with a sad expression: "It's a pity that you stole a wonderful and moving night."

After she finished speaking, she picked up her glass and took a sip.

Although it is unfavorable, it is also interesting.



After Lian Ze left the bar, he found a roadside barbecue stall and ate barbecue there.

He took out his phone, edited the content, and sent several messages to Jiang Lan:

[If you can't catch them alive, don't catch them alive, let those old men clean up the house by themselves. 】

【If they can't bear to do it, I will do it for them. 】

The performance of 'Xu Yi' failed to arouse Minister Lian's interest after all.

If you are not interested, you are too lazy to be partial.

The opponent can only live and die.


Lian Ze was eating barbecue, and suddenly his mind moved, and he felt something, he shouted: "Boss, I won't eat here, I will pack the grilled food and take it away."

Barbecue boss: "Okay!"


Not long after Lian Ze left the barbecue booth with a bag of skewers, Fang Han, who was "favoured by the cockroach god", passed by with a black backpack on his back.

Fang Han has a bad image, coupled with social fear and inferiority complex, when he looks around, he looks sneaky and like a thief.

When there was no one around, she whispered, "Xiaobao, is the cockroach really around here? Could she be among those people eating barbecue?"

The little worm hiding in the backpack: "I can only perceive the approximate location of the cockroach god. You have to trust your intuition. If you think the other party is the big cockroach god, you can ask him if he is."

"But what if I make a mistake?"

"If you admit your mistake, you will admit your mistake. Just apologize."

"I'm afraid I'll be hated... I used to want to have a good relationship with a colleague, but when she saw me, she looked very disgusted with me..."

"Stupid! How can human beings compare with the great cockroach god! The cockroach god can turn you into the most beautiful woman in the world, and then that person is not worthy of licking your shoes!"

"..." - the silent Fang Han.

"No, you're too stupid! You should have made a wish from the very beginning to turn yourself into a 'beautiful young girl', thinking about world peace and social justice every day, and the pig's brain is smarter than you!" - Angry bug mother.

"...I now feel that instead of making a wish to turn me into a beautiful girl, I want to turn you into a beautiful girl, Xiaobao."

"Oh, what are you talking about?" - Xiao Chongniang's shy voice.



January fourth.

Jiang Lan here.

After a night of deliberation, the 'Four People's Extraordinary Group' finally made up their minds and decided to clean up the portal and kill 'Xu Yi'.

The three parties worked together and acted together, planning to wipe out all the 'participants' in the 'survival game'.

In Seaweed City, from the morning onwards, even ordinary citizens could faintly feel some kind of depression.

The investigator of 'Tian Ling', the members of YM Department, and three powerful folk superhumans.

Many soldiers with extraordinary strength are divided into multiple groups to perform different combat missions and protection missions.

Extraordinary battles are taking place in places unknown to ordinary people.


Lian Ze received the action plan from Jiang Lan in the morning. Although he has been out of action, as the Minister of YM, he has to take some responsibility.

Also since the morning, he has been following the steps of the action plan, hiding in the dark, watching the plan from afar.

——To put it simply, it is to serve as a "guarantee personnel" to ensure that the battle of your own personnel can go smoothly.

As long as there is no super power on the battlefield, he doesn't have to appear on the stage, just watch the whole process.


The strength of Xu Yi and several other players in the same game cannot be underestimated. Ordinary transcendents are not their enemies.

Fortunately, there are those old men, the old men plus the young power of the new generation, and the overall strength can stabilize the opponent.

The lawful side and the 'players' fought several times, catching and killing, escaping and chasing, and the 'players' fell into the lawful side's net one by one.

——For humans, these processes are intense, exciting, and extremely dangerous.

For Lian Ze, it was like watching a few 'martial arts movies'. Martial arts are not good, but literary dramas are okay.

The sun slanted westward, and it was dusk again.

In a clearing on the bank of the river.

Seven people from the lawful side surrounded 'Xu Yi', and the two sides made a final decision.

Xu Yi's three old seniors stepped forward to persuade, but the persuasion was still useless, the two sides tore their faces, and the battle began.

Two fists can't beat six hands, and the battle is one-sided.

The "flat-headed guy" who was talking to Xu Yi at the bar before broke in suddenly and fought side by side with Xu Yi.

The 'flat-headed boy' covered Xu Yi and escaped, and stayed alone to hold back the third old man.

The remaining four people on the law-abiding side chased after Xu Yi.


If this is a TV series, here is the last episode.

Lian Ze had been observing in secret for a day, and it was almost time for him to come out to the public.

He cast a space spell and crossed a distance of hundreds of meters to the open space by the river.

After appearing, he said: "Three old things, get out of the way."

The three old men were fighting with the berserk 'flat-headed boy' at close quarters, and immediately dispersed after hearing the sound.

Lian Ze teleported to the back of the 'boy', stretched out his right hand, touched the other's back, and cast a spell: "Energy stripping!"

All the violent power in the target's body was ripped out by this spell, rushed into the sky, and returned to heaven and earth.


! "——"The flat-headed boy" was discouraged and screamed.


With just one face-to-face meeting, Minister Lian subdued this difficult enemy.

He turned his head and said to the three old men: "Leave it to me, you go to pursue the promise."


Time was running out, the three old men didn't say much, and immediately chased in the direction where Xu Yi was escaping.


The great evil god participates in the struggle between human beings, and if he is serious, it will be a blow to dimensionality reduction.

After the power in the 'flat-headed guy' was vented, he fell to the ground, feeling weak and unable to move.

Lian Ze stood beside the opponent, kicked the opponent's shoulder, and healed the opponent's internal injuries along the way.

He said aloud: "The young man is quite loyal. If you risk your life to save someone, how many days can you touch that person?"

The 'flat-headed guy' opened his eyes and looked at Lian Ze, "I seem to have seen you somewhere."

"What's your name?"

"Zhang Hui."

"I am Minister Lian of the Ministry of YM. I will ask you a few questions. If you answer well, I will spare your life. The first question, when will this game of yours end?"

"By tonight, exactly twelve o'clock."

"Is there a penalty for failure?"

"Three hundred points will be deducted if you lose; if all members fail, only one will survive."

"It seems that you are going to die anyway."


At this time, ordinary investigators from 'Tian Ling' came to the scene.

These ordinary investigators have all seen the photo of Minister YM, and immediately saluted after meeting: "Hi Minister Lian!"

Lian Ze waved his hand, with a slightly authoritative look: "Put him down."



According to the report sent by Jiang Lan earlier, 'Tianling' discovered traces of suspected evil spirits during the investigation.

"Survival Game" is mainly a "play" for the evil gods behind the scenes.

Every game is a drama, with the 'players' performing on stage while the evil gods watch behind the scenes.

——Theoretically, that’s right.

However, the evil god behind the scenes should not come in to watch every scene.

The game that is currently happening in Seaweed City can be regarded as a 'low-level' game.

In the past few days, Lian Ze used the detection spell three times a day, morning, evening and evening, to detect if anyone was secretly observing the city from behind.

And the result of every day's investigation is - no.

There are too many possibilities behind this result, unless there are new clues, or mana is wasted and superb divination spells are cast, otherwise forget it...


Lian Ze took out his mobile phone, turned on the screen, and checked the time: [17:05]

"Two hours left."

"Go and see where Fang Han found it."


The God of the Cockroach also likes to 'watch a play', and this is the game he is designing - 'Fang Han Transformation Plan'.



At dusk, on a small street.

Angel Di was nervously and earnestly looking for the figure of 'Xu Yi'.

He was one of the seven people who participated in dealing with 'Xu Yi'. When he was at the riverside, he and the other three couldn't intervene and it was difficult to intervene. He could only watch the three seniors fight 'Xu Yi'.

Later, Xu Yi fled, and the four of them who did not participate in the battle immediately chased after him.

In the process of escaping, Xu Yi specially fled to places where there were many people, and even used the split body technique.

The four people who were following them dispersed in a hurry because of the urgent situation.

Di Angel raised the walkie-talkie in his hand to his lips, pressed the intercom button and said, "I haven't found any trace of the target here, over."

The voices of the other three came from the intercom in turn:

"I didn't find it here, over."

"No over, neither on my side."

"I'm contacting command."



Angel Di put down the walkie-talkie and walked quickly while looking for the target.

On this small street where he is currently, there are all kinds of businesses along the way, some have shops, some have cart stalls, some have set up street vendors, some stand at the door soliciting customers, and some don't know what kind of business they are...

At this moment, he suddenly heard a voice in his ear:

"Little handsome guy, the person you are looking for is not on this street."


Angel Di paused for a moment. He turned around looking for the voice, and saw that the source of the voice was a...'Magician with a street stall'?

The other party was wearing a gray robe in the style of a Western mage, with a hood on his head, and he was squatting on the ground, with a black cloth in front of him, with two stacks of playing cards on it.

——The whole person looks mysterious.

Angel Di took out a photo of 'Xu Yi', "Excuse me, have you seen this person?"

The mysterious man's voice seemed to have breathtaking magic power: "I haven't seen him, but I know where he is."

Hearing the other party's voice, Angel Di felt inexplicably that the other party really knew, "Where is he?"

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