Although Minister Lian left Guiyu Market due to personal matters, it doesn't mean that the affairs that Ministry of YM is doing will be suspended.

Departmental Office of the Ministry of YM.

Jiang Lan went out in the morning, and when she came back, she saw Su Ting and Angel Di were waiting for her here.

She looked at the watch in her hand and said in surprise, "You guys came so early, it's only past seven o'clock."

Su Ting took out the bottle with two-thirds of the pink cherry potion left, "Today is Sunday, I don't know how to waste time."

She and Angel Di both have main jobs, one is a teacher and the other is a student. When it's school day, they don't have much time to come to YM to make troubles.

The three chatted briefly.

Jiang Lan took out an exquisite 'talisman' and handed it to Su Ting, "Minister Lian asked me to forward it to you. It is... a special feature of our department?"

Su Ting took it over and took a closer look: "What is this?"

"Amulet, according to Minister Lian, it can save our lives."

"It's very beautiful... With it, can you be resurrected after death?"

"...Impossible, right?"

"By the way, does YM have an item library?"

"I don't know, not here, but I don't know about Minister Lian."


Di Angel listened to the two of them, and couldn't help asking: "What kind of item library are you talking about?"

Su Ting: "The positioning of the prop library is similar to that of the armory. Whether it is ancient or modern, professional fighters cannot do without various professional weapons and equipment."

Angel Di: "Isn't the power of the superhuman not enough?"

Su Ting: "It depends on who the enemy you are dealing with."

Angel Di: "Oh... I remembered that the investigators I met in Haiweed City before seemed to have special weapons or protective props... I didn't think much about it at the time, so it was like this... So, extraordinary fighters His strength not only comes from his own extraordinary ability, but also needs the support of equipment and props?"

Su Ting: "Very smart."

Jiang Lan: "Have you two forgotten your business?"


The two women turned their heads to look at Angel Di.

Di Tiantian was under great pressure, "Don't look at me and say nothing, I gave it up yesterday, as long as it doesn't go too far, I can consider accepting it."

Su Ting is a bit of a 'house girl', she said positively: "Today we shoot bunny girls, and dance! Do aerobics, and yoga."

——The more you talk, the more you go too far.

Angel Di had no idea about the 'bunny girl', he was more concerned about other things: "Mr. Su, the turmoil caused yesterday has not subsided, Chen Yang must be still monitoring the whole network, sister Jiang Lan should not be able to steal his account, right? It doesn’t feel right to use Internet public opinion again…”

Su Ting: "You can take to the streets."

"Will you be hunted down?"

"I will protect you."

"Isn't that exposure?"

"They knew it was us, but they didn't have proof."

Jiang Lan reminded in a low voice: "We don't have bunny girl clothes here."

"Online shopping?"

"Online shopping is not so fast, and the logistics information will be known by the other party."

"Buy the fabric, we make it ourselves!"

"make clothes?"


"I think, maybe we can ask Minister Lian for his opinion?" - Angel Di.

"Su Ting, is your needlework good?"

"When I was in college, I made enough money for four years of tuition by customizing cosplay clothes part-time."

"Oh...can you make me a dress? I want to give it to a good friend of mine for his birthday."


"..." Di Tiantian, who was speechless, was expressionless: "I don't understand what our department does anymore."

Su Ting saw that the kid still couldn't think about it, so she spoke up: "Public opinion needs time to ferment, and this matter cannot be rushed."

Jiang Lan then added: "Today is a 'skirt', tomorrow is a 'bunny girl', once is an accident, twice is a conspiracy."

Di Angel widened his eyes slightly: "So, aren't you fishing?"

Su Ting: "Is this what you think of the ym department?"


The ym department, the full name is 'Cat Raising Department', conversely it is the My Department, which translates as 'Moyu Department', which is correct in this way...but it cannot be said that way.

——Di Tiantian said righteously: "No, this is just my personal opinion of the minister."

"The minister is quite a nice person...but...he's a bit of a fisherman." Jiang Lan originally wanted to say something nice for the minister, but when she thought about the days when she stayed up late writing the report, she...had no idea.

Su Ting crossed her arms and looked at the pink cherry potion on the table: "To be honest, I wanted him to drink this bottle of potion at first, and I felt that he would become like Chen Yang, and he would play well... ... more profligate."

——Some more 'wandering' words are hard to say.

Di Tiantian had an idea: "Minister Lian has 'Hibernation Syndrome', can you feed him something nice to drink while he is drowsy?"

You boy is a genius.

——Su Ting was very interested in this proposal, "According to my observation of him, the success rate is very high."

Angel Di: "I'm afraid he will get angry."

Jiang Lan: "No. When Minister Lian was eating the Bawang meal, he was not angry when someone scolded the whole family by his neck."

When Di Angel heard this, his expression collapsed: "I remembered again. I went with him to buy flour at the wholesale cooking oil market. On the way, he tripped over a girl, causing her to stagger a few times and dumped the chocolate in the basket. It's all gone."

Jiang Lan was a little curious: "What about the follow-up?"

Angel Di: "He suddenly sped up and ran away. I stayed and apologized to the girl and helped her pick up all the chocolates."

Su Ting understood something instantly: "How old is that girl? Is she beautiful?"

"One year younger than me, from a girls' school, very pretty."

"Do you have any contact information with her?"

"She asked me for a pigeon letter, and thanked me very much after she said it, I would not want it."

"Ah!" - Su Ting hates iron but not steel.

"Alas..." The sound came from Jiang Lan.

"?" Angel Di didn't know why, so he continued the previous topic: "Minister Lian is sometimes very bad. I think we cheat him once in a while, which can be regarded as 'removing harm for the people'."

"To others is to eliminate harm for the people, to you... is to be ungrateful."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Angel Di, don't talk yet, put on your husky badge—well, you can talk now."


Some single dogs, marriage is in sight, and they don't know how to get married.



The backbone of the ym department.

Lian Ze didn't go to the surrounding areas of Xiaocong County where the "evil gods fight" happened, but went to Donggu City.

Donggu City is to the north, and the average temperature in winter is around 10°C, which is much colder than Guiyu City.

Out of the airport lobby, came outside.

Lian Ze looked up, the sky was gray and it looked like it was about to snow.

"Huh... so cold."

In cold places, insects are not active, which is not conducive to the development of insect gods.

As a newcomer, he walked out of the airport leisurely, and walked outside along the main road for a while.

The vegetation along the way is bare, withered and yellow, and green.

Lianze wanted to see if there were any living insects. He walked around under the green tree, but he didn't see any insects, but he saw a dead bird.

"Okay..." - a somewhat disappointed tone.

"Birds are sometimes better than bugs."

Some spells require the use of biological material for directional anchoring, and he needs biological material now.

Wrap the lifeless little bird in a handkerchief and put it in a backpack.

Back on the road again, at this moment, a taxi just happened to drive in front of him.

Stop the car and get in the car.

Two hours later, Lian Ze checked into a hotel with the slogan of 'beautiful scenery and elegant environment'.

This hotel has comprehensive services and can meet most of the needs of guests.

In the room, Lian Ze was on the phone to communicate with the front desk:

"...Two catties of oranges, two big watermelons, send these things to me at once, don't send them in batches."

"Can I make hot pot in the room?"

"Hurry up and prepare it for me, I'm starving to death. I want two catties of fat beef, a white radish, and a tofu..."



Lian Ze ordered a bunch of things, and when all these things were delivered, they would add up to cover two double beds.

Next, he cut fruits and vegetables while eating hot pot.

Most of the cut vegetables and fruits were put into three and a half meters high red buckets. If ordinary people saw this scene, they would never know what to do.

Around 09:30pm.

Lian Ze got fed up with the hot pot, took a rest for a while, and poured the remaining hot pot food into the three buckets in an 'average' manner.

"These things cost thousands of dollars. I don't know whether to call it a waste, be taken advantage of."

It would be great if there were enough cockroaches. The materials are free and easy to use, and you can just process them casually.

It's not like now, not only fruits and vegetables, flesh and blood, but also consume a lot of mana.

"It would be great if there were bugs with ice-cold attributes in this world."

——For example, blood-sucking mosquitoes that can fly all over the sky in the ice and snow, or American cockroaches that are not afraid of severe cold...

There are winters in the south, why can’t the north have them?

Thinking of this, a poisonous plan came to his mind, and evil was brewing in Lian Ze's mind, and he had a little inspiration...'Gong is in the future'.

I'll talk about the little inspiration later, and get what's on hand first.

He dug out the bird carcasses he had seen outside, divided them into three parts, and threw them into the three buckets.

After the materials are prepared, the next step is to cast the spell.

Lian Ze poured a glass of clear water into a mug, and the hand wearing the ring "Insect Age" flicked over the surface of the mug. The spell was cast, turning the surface of the mug of water into an opaque 'mirror'.

With a mirror, it can connect the 'virtual reality'.

He glanced sideways at the 'mirror', and in the mirror, a handsome male god with bruised hair and black eyes also glanced at him.

In the next second, three small comet-like cyan light clusters floated out from the 'mirror'.

The three light clusters flew a few times in the air, and then crashed into the three red barrels respectively.

The flowing light is like water, and the barrel is full of green light.

Look at the mouths of the three red barrels, the blue color is deep, like an endless abyss.

After a moment.

There were birds chirping in the bucket, and there were three or two chirps at first, and then it was densely packed, as if thousands of birds were vying to make a noise.

Lian Ze walked to the window, opened the window, and said, "If you don't fly now, when will you wait?"

In an instant, thousands of birds really flew out of the three red buckets, and they flew into the dark night sky with dexterous posture and light movements, flapping their wings.


With fruits and vegetables as the body and flesh and feathers as the soul, it turns into a light bird, looking for traces of bedbugs.

——Lian Ze used this spell.

In terms of finding people, insects are more secretive and convenient than birds. If it weren't for the cold winter and the silence of insects, these "vegetarian birds" would not be needed now.

"The stench left by that smelly girl may not be able to dissipate in three months. If she really appeared in this city, there is a high probability that she will leave traces."

If there are many traces, you can use the hunter's skills to track them.

Lian Ze is now worried that this trick will be useless. Both of them are masters. If the other party hides intentionally, then even if the 'General Cockroach' works hard, he may not be able to find the other party.

"Tsk, headache."

Before the results of the search come out, others will have a headache, which is not a good sign.

"I have to find something fun to do..."

"Cold-resistant mosquitoes... Forget it, the mosquito officer is still in this world, so don't trouble her."

"The next best thing is to design a kind of cockroach that can still maintain a high degree of activity in a low temperature environment."

"I want to be alive and kicking at minus [-] degrees..."

"Preemptively register a name first, let's call it... Bingshan... Bingshan Snow Cockroach... No, Daxue Fly Cockroach!"

"There will be cockroaches in the north too, happy~"


——This project can also earn [-] million points of 'divine power' by the way.


Cultivating 'Great Snow Flying Cockroach' requires living cockroaches with the 'qualification of the king', no matter if it is xx cockroach or xx cockroach.

the next day.

While waiting for the news of 'Su Que'er', Lian Ze left the hotel, wandered outside, and looked for the cockroaches who were still alive.

The cockroach god itself is a large "cockroach detector", even if it becomes a human body, it only reduces the scope and intensity of the "detection".

After wandering outside for half a day, he detected thousands of cockroaches.

It's a pity that not every cockroach has the chance to evolve into 'Big Snow Flying Cockroach', only 'King Cockroach' can.


the other side.

'Su Que'er' is not a natural creature, after injury or death, it will show the characteristics of 'fruit and vegetable'.

If the feather falls off, it will become a vegetable leaf; if the wing is cracked, juice will flow out; if it is fatally injured, it will gradually become a pile of fruit and vegetable remains.

This morning, a 'vegetarian sparrow' had an accident and was knocked down from the sky with stones by a humble transcendent.

The change after the serious injury of 'Su Que'er' was noticed by the man, and the man told the matter to his friend who is also an extraordinary person.

The news spread in a small area. Some people were curious about the birds flying in the sky. Some people caught a bird for inspection. As a result, they caught all of them accurately, and they really caught a 'bird made of fruits and vegetables'.

Practice brings true knowledge.

Now, more people are interested in 'Su Que'er'.

There is no official supernatural organization in Donggu City. Instead, there are several non-governmental organizations that cooperate with the government.

One of the organizations was the first to discover 'Su Que'er' and was the first to respond.

"We know the abilities of local transcendents like the back of our hands, this is undoubtedly the masterpiece of outsiders!"

"Boss, it does no harm."

"I know, but we've been free for two weeks!"

"I'll make a bet with those two old enemies, whoever finds its owner first, the two losers will let the most beautiful girl or handsome guy in their respective organizations go undercover with the winner for a month!"

"Oh!!!" - the wolves were excited.

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