Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 125 Apoplexy


Jiang Fei pushed open the door of the outer room and walked in.

The east room was full of people.

Most of them are neighbors and neighbors, and colleagues from two health centers are giving acupuncture to Lin Gengming on the kang.

It's just that Lin Gengming was lying motionless on the kang at the moment, incontinent to urinate, his eyes were tightly closed, his mouth was slightly opened, and his face was strangely red.

After Jiang Fei came in, Lin Huirou, who was crying loudly by the kang, raised his eyes and looked at Jiang Fei.

She stared at Jiang Fei with some grievances in her eyes, and then continued to cry.

Jiang Fei didn't have time to pay attention to Lin Huirou, or he didn't pay attention to her at all.

At this moment, Jiang Fei saw two colleagues from the health center doing acupuncture, and immediately walked over, and asked in a deep voice, "Tell me about the simple situation."

A male doctor next to him raised his head and looked at Jiang Fei impatiently.


When he saw Jiang Fei's face, his expression immediately became frozen, and he hurriedly said, "Team Leader Jiang, it's you."

He thought it was the people next to him who were bothering him, because he didn't like to be disturbed during the diagnosis and treatment.

But when he saw that it was Jiang Fei who came, he didn't dare to neglect him.

Although this person is young, he was the vice president of the Anzhen Health Center first, responsible for daily affairs.

The vice president didn't work for a few days, and then went to Jiang County People's Hospital and became the team leader of the emergency preparation team of traditional Chinese medicine.

He had inquired about it before, and the Chinese medicine emergency team was a medical team that was different from internal medicine. It was also responsible for the health care of the leaders, which was equivalent to performing part of the functions of the Health Bureau.

Such a cowhide Chinese medicine emergency team has become the favorite of Jiang County's medical system.

He is also a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine and a member of Jiang County's medical system, so he is very jealous.

But he knew very well that with his rudimentary skills, he was not qualified to enter.

"Don't talk nonsense, talk about the patient's condition."

Jiang Fei frowned and stared at him.

This colleague is relatively young and has met twice before, but he is not very familiar with him.

Seeing Jiang Fei's displeasure, the male doctor quickly turned serious and said, "Patient Lin Gengming, male, 53 years old..."


"This is not a report, I want to listen to the specific situation of the patient, make a diagnosis, make a diagnosis!"

Jiang Fei waved his hand to interrupt him, then shook his head: "Forget it, I'll do it myself."

Young doctors sometimes have very rigid working methods and don't know how to adapt.

Especially when encountering this kind of crisis, the brain will instinctively become numb.

Jiang Fei stepped forward to check briefly.

The first is the inspection, where you can see Lin Gengming's urinary incontinence at a glance, hemiplegia on the left side of his body is obvious, his eyes are closed, his mouth is open, his hands are spread out in the shape of bird claws, his expression is comatose and red.

"This is a typical stroke out of syndrome, which is what Western medicine calls cerebral hemorrhage."

There is nothing to refer to in auscultation, and it does not involve this.

It is a very important point to ask a doctor.

When Jiang Fei pressed Lin Gengming's Cunkou vein, he also looked at Lin Gengming's wife, who was also Lin Huirou's mother, a middle-aged woman with a scholarly temperament.

"Auntie, tell me about Uncle Lin's illness and the reason."

Jiang Fei asked her while taking his pulse.

Examine and inquire at the same time.

"Lao Lin got a shot today." Lin Huirou's mother said bitterly.

Jiang Fei couldn't help being stunned when he heard the words: "Slapped eyes? What hit him? Who hit him?"

He even took a special look at Lin Gengming's eyes, but he didn't find any wounds?


Lin Huirou was really worried and anxious about her father's situation, especially now that he didn't know whether he was alive or dead.

But Jiang Fei's bewildered face, coupled with this kind of question, still made her laugh out loud.

It's not that she's not filial, it's because Jiang Fei's question is too funny.

After Lin Huirou laughed, she lowered her head with her face flushed, grief swept her body again, and she changed from laughing to crying again.

Human emotions are so fickle.

You never know when to cry and when to laugh.

"Doctor Jiang, it means that you didn't see it right, and you received a fake." Lin Huirou's mother smiled wryly, and answered Jiang Fei.

After hearing this explanation, Jiang Fei couldn't help but smile awkwardly.

He doesn't have any research on antiques, and he doesn't know this industry terminology...

Eye-catching, very interesting industry term.

Similar to the smashing hall in the Xinglin world.

Chinese medicine sits in the hall to see a doctor, which is used to describe Chinese medicine diagnosis.

Then smashing the hall means smashing one's own sitting place, which means that the medical skills are not good.

Smashing the hall and punching the eye also have the same effect.

"Your Uncle Lin happily went to see an old friend today and said that he had a cloisonné bottle from the Ming Dynasty."

"He went to meet him, saw his old friend, and even looked at the cloisonné bottle."

"At that time, I was looking at the real product, so you, Uncle Lin, paid the money, eight thousand."

"After he got home and had dinner, he opened it again. It's a fake."

"Uncle Lin knew that he had been cheated, so he went to find that old friend angrily, but he disappeared long ago."

"After you came back, your Uncle Lin was sullen for a while, and then he lay on the kang and couldn't get up."

"No matter how you call it, there is no response, and then this happens."

Lin Huirou's mother pointed to Lin Gengming on the kang, with various symptoms at the moment.

Jiang Fei withdrew his finger, and his pulse diagnosis was over.

Jiang Fei pushed Lin Gengming's eyeballs away with his hands, and found that the pupils had shrunk.


Jiang Fei urged the male doctor next to him, who immediately handed Jiang Fei the flashlight.

Jiang Fei took a photo and found that the light reflection disappeared.

Lin Gengming's body was also very hot, with a body temperature of at least 38 degrees above his hands.

After working in medicine for many years, you don't need a thermometer, you can basically feel the seven sevens and eighty-eight.

"The pulse is stringy and hollow like an old onion."

"This is what Western medicine calls cerebral hemorrhage. In Chinese medicine, it's stroke. It's specific to out-of-syndrome."

"Close your eyes and open your mouth to lose your proof."

"Sister Sun, use Uncle Lin's phone number to call the colleague on duty in the health center and ask him to come over with the medicine, hurry up!"

When Jiang Fei said this, he immediately looked at Sun Fang and spoke.

Sun Fang sighed, picked up the landline on Lin Gengming's desk, and dialed the duty phone of the hospital.

"Old Wang, I'm Sun Fang. Don't hang up the phone. You'll get the medicine later, and then send it to Lin Gengming's house."

Jiang Fei frowned and pondered, and everyone stared at Jiang Fei.

Neighbors in the surrounding neighborhood stared at Jiang Fei, especially such a young and handsome Chinese medicine doctor, this was the first time they had seen him.

Lin Huirou also stared at Jiang Fei with endless hope in her eyes.

She hoped that her father would be safe and sound, and that Jiang Fei's master doctor would be able to show his strength.

She has confidence in Jiang Fei, because after she took the medicine Jiang Fei took last time, she immediately stopped dysmenorrhea.

There is no more too much sunflower water, and the lower abdomen no longer hurts.

Jiang Fei never paid attention to Lin Huirou's eyes, he just lowered his head and pondered, how about Lin Gengming's evidence-free argument.

To see a doctor in traditional Chinese medicine, the first four diagnoses, followed by syndrome differentiation, and finally the combination of medicines.

In these three points, there must be no problems in any link, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.

Dialectics is a link between the past and the future, the most critical.

Once the dialectic is wrong, the four diagnostics are wasted, and it is meaningless to prescribe medicine.

"Auntie, does Uncle Lin have a history of high blood pressure?"

Jiang Fei suddenly thought of a question, which was also very important, so he hurriedly asked.

Although the domestic medical treatment is a little behind, it is not so fast that even the high blood pressure is not tested in the 80s. Almost everyone knows the dangers of high blood pressure.

"Yes, don't look at him as thin, he has high blood pressure."

Lin Huirou's mother answered Jiang Fei, and then stared at Jiang Fei nervously.

Does high blood pressure also affect treatment and prescribing medicine?

of course…

And absolutely will!

Lin Gengming is usually disturbed by hyperactivity of yang, but just now he saw that his pulse was stringy and hollow like an old onion. Although it was old and weak, it was also the reason why essence and yin were exhausted below and solitary yang was hyperactive above.

After the yin and yang are separated, it will lead to sluggishness of vitality and confusion of mind, which will reflect dizziness, including urinary incontinence, closed eyes, and hand scatter.

And these symptoms belong to the syndrome of viscera violent detachment, and they are very critical.

Viscera violent detachment is a syndrome of stroke, not referring to a person's central viscera.

Jiang Fei has a syndrome, which is the separation of yin and yang in the category of visceral violence, the yin is exhausted at the bottom, and the solitary yang is hyperactive.

With dialectics, the treatment is much simpler.

Since the vitality is not supported, it is also a method to treat the symptoms.

Sun Fang was a little anxious waiting by the phone, and couldn't help but turned to Jiang Fei.

"Xiao Jiang, are you alright?"

Jiang Fei raised his head and said to Sun Fang: "Seven qian for raw astragalus, seven qian for codonopsis, and five qian for rehmannia glutinosa."

After Sun Fang heard that Jiang Fei had finally prescribed the medicine.

She immediately yelled into the microphone, a colleague on duty in the health center: "Listen to me, raw astragalus and codonopsis seven cents, rehmannia glutinosa five cents."

"Four qian for wolfberry, four qian for yam, three and a half qian for dogwood, three and a half qian for longan meat..."

"Four qian for raw keel, four qian for raw oyster, and three and a half qian for Atractylodes macrocephala."

Jiang Fei continued to speak, telling out the remaining medicines.

"Hurry up and grab it, and then send a car to bring it over. We want to decoct the medicine."

He urged again, it must be done as soon as possible!

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