Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 126: Herbal medicine is like a vanguard


After half an hour.

"The medicine is here, the medicine is here, please let me go..."

A young doctor in his 30s ran in from outside with a medicine bag in his hand.

Sun Fang also breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the young doctor come in with the medicine.

"I'm going to cook the medicine."

She volunteered and took the medicine bag to decoct the medicine.

"Wuhuo decoction, time waits for no one, take it as you decoct."

Jiang Fei stood beside the kang, and after seeing the medicine came back, he reminded Sun Fang.

"Wuhuo decoction? I...I don't know how?"

Sun Fang was a little dumbfounded when she heard that Wuhuo was going to be used to decoct medicine.

She knows how to decoct medicine normally, and she doesn't know how to decoct medicine with fire, let alone take it as soon as she decocts it.

Jiang Fei saw Sun Fang's embarrassment, and he looked at the two young doctors in the health center beside him, and they also smiled awkwardly.

have to…

"I'll go."

Jiang Fei took off the outer cotton coat, revealing the black sweater inside, which was knitted by his daughter-in-law Song Caiwei, very warm.

He took the medicine bag in Sun Fang's hand and walked quickly to the stove in the kitchen.

Don't use coal fire, it seems that the heat of coal is higher, but it burns slowly in the early stage, which affects the speed of frying.

You can't use charcoal fire, because charcoal fire is an emergency fire.

There is a big difference between urgent fire and martial fire.

It is not a high temperature or a strong fire, this is a misunderstanding.

Wuhuo lies in the way of decocting the medicine in a hurry, not just in a hurry.

Including brewing medicine, turning over medicine, and skimming medicine residue is a big question.

Finally, the method of fanning the fire also needs to be controlled.

Jiang Fei put the soup pot on the stove, found an iron basin in the kitchen, poured a few herbs into it, soaked it in cold water, and rubbed it.

Kneading medicinal materials is also the first step in Wuhuo decoction.

If it is fried slowly, you only need to soak the medicinal materials in water for about an hour, and then you can decoct the medicinal materials in the pot.

However, if the fire is fried quickly, the medicinal materials need to be kneaded together, but the medicinal materials must also be distinguished.

There are some very fragile medicinal materials, even those that shatter when touched, and cannot be soaked in water.

Jiang Fei kneaded the medicinal materials for three to five minutes, and then immediately put the rubbed medicinal materials into the pot in advance.

After leaving the pot, it's time to stir, and stir along the water inside.

The intensity of stirring and the timing of turning over should be well grasped.

At the same time, Jiang Fei didn't forget to add corncobs, which is also one of the firewood often used in rural areas in Northeast China.

Corn cobs are good for burning, and they generate heat quickly, mainly because they are not resistant to burning, so they need to be burned more.

While adding corn cobs into the stove, Jiang Fei used a broom as a fan, constantly fanning the flames in the stove, one deep and one shallow, with a moderate speed and an orderly rhythm.

In order to ensure that the medicine can be decocted faster, Jiang Fei added hot water, which would save a lot of time.

After a while, there was a gurgling sound from inside the soup pot, and it also began to spray hot air, and at the same time, there was a strong and unpleasant smell of traditional Chinese medicine.

There were two neighbors who couldn't stand the smell, so they crawled into the innermost part of the east room, holding their noses.

At the moment when Jiang Fei was decocting the medicine, the doctors in the hospital were not idle, they were still kneading Lin Gengming's arm to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to avoid blood clots.

Although they don't know how to decoct medicine with martial arts, they still understand simple physical therapy.

"Come and get the first bowl of medicine, cool down to about [-] degrees, and take it warm."

It was less than 10 minutes before Jiang Fei decocted the medicine, and the first bowl of medicine had already been decocted.

The method Jiang Fei used was to decoct the medicine with hot water, and to add not much water so that the medicine could be condensed quickly.

In this case, the medicine in the first bowl will also show the maximum effect.

Lin Huirou listened to Jiang Fei's call to get the medicine. She was worried about her father's situation, so she ran to the kitchen immediately, regardless of whether the medicine bowl was hot or not, and went to the east room with the medicine bowl.

She put the medicine bowl on the kang, and found a cardboard case to cool down the medicine bowl.

After 1 minute, the bowl of medicine was almost cold, and it was only slightly warm when touched by the side of the bowl.

This time is also the most suitable time to take it.

Sometimes it is true that hot medicines have the best effect when taken warm, but that is for the syndrome of cold and cold.

If you don't have the syndrome of cold and cold, you can drink warm medicine at about [-] degrees or cooler medicine.

Sun Fang and the doctors from the two health centers helped Song Caiwei open Lin Gengming's mouth, and finally fed the medicine into it little by little.

Fortunately, I have not lost the ability to swallow, otherwise I can only use enema.

Less than 10 minutes after taking the first bowl of medicine, Jiang Fei came in with the second bowl of medicine.

There is still the last bowl of medicine left, boiling in the soup pot.

There is no rush now, the third bowl of medicine can be cooked anytime.

The most important thing is the first bowl of medicine, which can be compared to the vanguard team sent by our army when the two armies confront each other.

If the vanguard brigade is invincible, the enemy will surrender and be defeated sooner or later.

If the vanguard team loses to the opponent, or even fails to form an army, then sending out a large army will not have any good results.

Everything depends on the effect of this first bowl of medicine.

Syndrome differentiation is syndrome differentiation, and grasping medicine is grasping medicine.

But if you want to turn all these into actual curative effects, you still have to look at the efficacy of the medicine.

About half an hour passed, and the night outside became darker for a long time.

Some neighbors couldn't stand it any longer, and left Lin Gengming's house one after another.

They came here more to watch the excitement, to see how Lin Gengming is doing and whether he will die.

Although it is impossible to speculate on other people's minds with the greatest malice, sometimes the truth is like this.

After these people left, the East Room immediately became completely quiet.

Because no one spoke anymore, even Jiang Fei waited silently.

The second bowl of medicine was left on the side of the kang for half an hour, and it was almost cold.

But after Lin Gengming took the first bowl of medicine, there was no obvious improvement.

Jiang Fei had to wait for Lin Gengming's reaction, only then would he give the second bowl of medicine.

Just when Sun Fang and the others, and even Jiang Fei himself couldn't sit still, Lin Gengming, who had been unconscious all along, finally responded.

He moved his arm, and then his eyes rolled, and at the same time, he let out a low growl, as if there was phlegm in his throat.

After seeing such a reaction, Jiang Fei finally relaxed a lot.

Sun Fang and the doctors at the hospital looked at Jiang Fei excitedly.

It works, it really works.

The medicine Jiang Fei prescribed had its effect in less than an hour.

Sun Fang stepped forward and felt the pulse. At this time, she could already feel the stringy pulse in the pulse area, but the hollow was a little less.

This is the curative effect of traditional Chinese medicine. As long as the syndrome differentiation is correct and the medicine is prescribed accurately, the effect is bound to be like a drum, which sounds like a drum. It is described as very strong and fast.

"The second bowl of medicine, take it."

While Jiang Fei breathed a sigh of relief, his head also felt a little uncomfortable. After all, he drank a lot of wine, and now he doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, feeling very uncomfortable.

But he can't sleep now, at least he can't sleep when Lin Gengming is not completely out of the crisis of life and death.

According to Jiang Fei's instructions, several people poured the second bowl of medicine into Lin Gengming.

At this time, Lin Gengming had regained some consciousness, but he still couldn't speak in his mouth, and made roaring sounds from time to time.

The eyes were cloudy and bloodshot.

His left half of his body was still hemiplegic, his eyes were opened, and his mouth was slightly opened. It wasn't that he didn't want to shut up, but that he couldn't.

This is the out-of-certification of stroke, and the mouth will have problems to varying degrees.

Jiang Fei walked up to Lin Gengming and looked at him. The latter obviously recognized Jiang Fei, and couldn't help roaring wildly with excitement, his eyes full of urgency.

Although Jiang Fei didn't understand what Lin Gengming was saying, he probably understood what he was thinking, so he smiled and replied, "Don't worry, Uncle Lin, you can call the police if you are cheated of money, and ask the police station to help catch the liar."

"You take good care of your illness now, don't let your family worry."

Jiang Fei patted Lin Gengming's arm, his body was still a little hot, at least 38 degrees.

Lin Gengming was still humming, but there was more gratitude in his eyes.

He knew that if he could wake up, he must have a lot to do with Jiang Fei.

If it were not for Jiang Fei, he knew that he would surely die.

In fact, when he lost consciousness just now, he seemed to have seen the passage leading to the underworld.

Just unknowingly, in a daze, he woke up.

Lin Gengming didn't know whether what he experienced just now was a hallucination?Or is it a confusion of thinking after a serious illness, or is there really something wrong?

He didn't understand, but he couldn't explain a few words about the experience just now, and no one would believe him.

It was four o'clock in the morning, and it was almost dawn outside.

Jiang Fei knew that he would not be able to sleep all night today, so he just drank a cup of hot tea to warm his body.

By the way, we will continue to wait for Lin Gengming's follow-up situation to see if he has recovered his normal speech ability.

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