Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 382 Liver Cancer

Under the leadership of Hu Aiguo, Jiang Fei and others came to a family in the second team, two earthen houses.

At night, it was pitch black here, but it was not because there were no people, but because the family did not light kerosene lamps or candles.

After Hu Aiguo yelled a few times, the family came out.

"Captain Hu, where is the genius doctor?"

A middle-aged man in his 40s, dressed like a farmer, with a face full of vicissitudes, sadness, and urgent questions.

"Kong San, this is Doctor Jiang."

Hu Aiguo stepped aside, pointed at Jiang Fei and introduced.

Kong San looked at Jiang Fei excitedly, but dared not say hello.

"Brother Kong, hello."

Jiang Fei was the first to greet him with a smile, so that Kong San would not be so shy.

Kong San also nodded quickly and said, "Hello, Doctor Jiang, come in quickly."

He trotted back to the house and lit the candle.

After the red candle was lit, the flame flickered, but at least the room was much brighter.

"How is your father?"

Hu Aiguo asked him with a solemn expression.

When Kong San heard Hu Aiguo's question, his eyes turned red and he shook his head.

"The situation is not very good. I went to the town in a bullock cart before, and the town said it might be liver cancer."

"Basically, there is no rule of law."

Kong San's mood was very low, because of his father's illness, he almost exhausted everything in the family.

The daughter-in-law also took the child back to her natal family, and she really couldn't afford it.

Jiang Fei stared, liver cancer?

Tang Shizhong's expression also changed, he glanced at Jiang Fei again, and then bowed his head in silence.

If it is said that there is still a three-point possibility of treatment for lung cancer, then there is basically no possibility of cure for liver cancer. Of course, this is from the perspective of medical treatment in the 70s.

But Jiang Fei has already cured a patient with hemoptysis syndrome from lung cancer.

Cancer is a term in Western medicine, and there is no term for cancer in the concept of Chinese medicine.

In order to facilitate communication with patients, Chinese medicine also recognizes the disease names of Western medicine.

At this moment, an old man in his 70s was lying on the kang in the east room. His complexion was gloomy and he was exhausted. He was wearing gray trousers with no shirt on, because his belly was swollen, as if he was pregnant in September. Same.

He wasn't wearing shoes either, but he could see that his feet were swollen badly.

Jiang Fei and Tang Shizhong walked into the east room, and they saw such a scene.

"Father, this is the Miracle Doctor Jiang I told you about. The second girl from the old Song family in Qianhu was rescued by her because of her hemorrhage."

Kong San lay down in front of his father and introduced him.

Kong Qingshun raised his eyelids, looked at the people in the room with a weary and painful expression, then smiled, and said weakly, "I'm going to thank Dr. Jiang."

Hu Aiguo pulled Jiang Fei aside and said in a low voice, "This Kong Qingshun is a private school teacher from the previous dynasty, and he is a learned man."

"After the war ended, he moved to our place, married a woman in the village, and gave birth to Kong San when he was almost 30 years old."

"Since the end of last year, Kong Qingshun has been ill. He always clutched his stomach and complained that he was not feeling well. We stopped him from working."

"After the Chinese New Year this year, I sent him to the town, but the doctor in the town said he had liver cancer."

When Hu Aiguo said this, a trace of grief appeared on his face.

He knew that if a person got cancer, he was doomed to die.

Jiang Fei looked at Wei Jihong behind him in surprise, isn't Wei Jihong the doctor in the town?

Wei Jihong nodded, looked at Jiang Fei, and said, "I know this Kong Qingshun, but I didn't see him."

Hearing this, Jiang Fei stepped forward in silence, and looked at the old man carefully.

The old man's surname is Kong, and his seniority is still Qing, which is really not low.

The four families of Kong, Meng, and Yan Zeng all have a fixed family tree for seniority.

So this Kong Qingshun is of the same generation as the old general Yan Qingxing I met before, and of course they don't belong to the same family.

This is the charm of traditional culture, and also the charm of a country with 5000 years of civilization and culture.

Jiang Fei looked at Kong Qingshun, and found that his complexion was gloomy, his belly bulged like a ball, and his lower limbs and feet were swollen to varying degrees.

Although the light of the candle was dim yellow, one could still see the yellowing of Kong Qingshun's skin and the yellowing of his eyes.

"Grandpa, let me examine you."

Jiang Fei explained to Kong Qingshun, and then stepped forward.

Tu Songjun took out the pulse pillow from the first aid kit.

Jiang Fei put the pulse pillow on the edge of the kang, put Kong Qingshun's wrist on it, and began to diagnose his pulse.

This time Tang Shizhong didn't follow him to see a doctor, but took Jiang Fei as the criterion.

A few minutes later, Jiang Fei slowly withdrew his fingers, and touched Kong Qingshun's liver area, and found that the liver was touched under the ribs, the liver was three fingers big, and the texture was hard.

Jiang Fei opened Kong Qingshun's eyes again, and the sclera was slightly yellowed.

Jiang Fei pressed his limbs and feet, and found that the lower limbs were pitted and swollen, and the skin did not bounce back for a long time, and there was a pit when he pressed it.

"Old man, open your mouth, I'll take a look at the coating on your tongue."

Jiang Fei gestured towards Kong Qingshun.

The latter cooperated with Jiang Fei and opened his mouth to reveal his tongue.

The tongue coating is yellow and greasy, and the tongue is very red and crimson.

As for the pulse condition just now, it is stringy and counting pulse, if you press it again, it will be weak.

The stomach is so bulging, it is obvious that hepatic ascites has appeared.

"Is it very bloated? And there is pain in the right abdomen, even colic?"

Jiang Fei continued to ask Kong Qingshun carefully, with a serious expression on his face.

This atmosphere is entirely due to the illness.

If it is a general condition, everyone's atmosphere may ease a lot.

But similar to cancer, it is difficult to make patients and their families smile with this disease.

And the doctor is also extremely complicated and has a lot of considerations, so he doesn't talk too much.

"Swelling, pain, yes."

Kong Qingshun was panting heavily, with a pained look on his face, and he had no desire to speak, because every time he said a word, his stomach hurt unbearably.

So he only replied three words.

Seeing him like this, Jiang Fei didn't dare to continue asking.

He could only turn around and ask Kong San, since he took care of Kong Qingshun for so long, he must know everything.

"How's the old man's appetite?"

"Very poor, hardly any food."

Kong San said with a sad face.

All day today, his father didn't eat anything, and only drank two sips of water.

"How's the toilet?" Jiang Fei continued to ask.

"The stool is very viscous, and my father always feels that he has not finished defecating and wants to defecate."

"The urine is very yellow, and it's a little hard to urinate, and I haven't urinated several times a day."

After he answered this, Jiang Fei already knew it.

"What's the pulse?" Tang Shizhong stepped forward and asked Jiang Fei.

Except for the pulse condition, he saw and heard all the other three diagnosis.

"The pulse condition is stringy, and the pressure is weak."

Jiang Fei replied to Tang Shizhong.

Hearing this, Tang Shizhong's face became more serious.

"The most important thing now is to clear the dampness and diarrhea, so that his ascites can be eliminated."

Jiang Fei already had the idea of ​​curing the disease, his abdomen was as distended as a ball, and his limbs were swollen.

Obviously, the water in the body is too wet and must be removed.

"What's your proof?"

Tang Shizhong listened without saying a word, but continued to ask Jiang Fei.

"The liver meridian is damp and hot, and the water dampness stagnates inside."

Jiang Fei answered Tang Shizhong with an extremely resolute face.

He can be sure that his argument is correct.

The four diagnosis and ginseng have passed the syndrome differentiation.

"Dampness and heat in the liver meridian will inevitably lead to dampness and heat in the gallbladder meridian, so it should be dampness and heat in the liver and gallbladder, and water dampness stops inside."

Tang Shizhong shook his head and added something.

Jiang Fei listened to Tang Shizhong's words, and nodded deeply: "Yes, the liver and gallbladder are damp and hot, and the water stops inside."

He underestimated the issue of gallbladder meridian. Of course, this has little to do with it. The main syndrome is internal stagnation of water dampness.

Internal stop of water dampness is the standard, liver and gallbladder damp heat is the root.

Although both symptoms and root causes are treated, the symptoms should be considered first, because the symptoms will kill people.

"Where are you going to drive?"

Tang Shizhong asked again in a deep voice, his tone was serious.

"Junchenhao Decoction combined with Wuling Powder for added flavor!"

Jiang Fei's answer was also firm and unwavering.

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