Chief Chinese Medicine

Chapter 383 One and a half confidence

"Oh? Why did you think of Junchenhao Decoction plus Wuling Powder?"

Tang Shizhong was overjoyed, but there was still doubt on his face.

Jiang Fei knew that Tang always judged himself, and wanted to make himself speak the truth.

Of course, I have reasons and evidence, why I prescribe this medicine is naturally purposeful and targeted.

"Old Tang, let's go out and talk."

Jiang Fei glanced at Kong Qingshun on the bed, then motioned softly to Tang Shizhong.

Tang Shizhong nodded, followed Jiang Fei out of the east room, and came to the kitchen in the outer room, and the surroundings became quite dark all of a sudden.

Because the candles were lit in the east room, the kitchen in the outhouse naturally didn't have enough light.

"Mr. Tang, the patient's liver and gallbladder meridian is damp and hot, so that the water and dampness stop inside, so the treatment should focus on clearing away heat and dampness, soothing the liver and strengthening the spleen, and dispelling accumulation."

"Using Junchenhao Decoction and Wuling Powder to add flavor can be said to be right to the symptoms."

"Mushroom Chen, Gardenia, and Rhubarb itself have the medicinal flavor of clearing away heat and promoting dampness, especially those with slightly full abdomen, thirsty mouth, short and unfavorable urination, moist but sticky stool, and swollen lower limbs. They can all be used as medicine."

"The fungus tastes bitter and slightly cold. It enters the spleen meridian, stomach meridian, and liver and gallbladder meridian. It is the main treatment for jaundice. It is also clearing away dampness and heat. It can only benefit urination, and the most important thing is to benefit gallbladder."

"Gardenia can promote urination, dispel heat, clear the heat of the triple burner, drive dampness downward, and let the pathogenic heat recede from urine."

"The medicine of rhubarb can benefit the front and rear yin, and rhubarb can also relieve stool, and if the abdomen is full, it can relieve diarrhea. After taking the medicine, it can excrete the stool smoothly. If it is used well, it can reduce the abdomen overnight and expel damp heat."

Jiang Fei said so much, but he didn't actually say it to Tang Shizhong. He is a master of prescriptions, so how could he not know Junchenhao Decoction.

These words of his were actually speaking to himself, or they were a kind of examination by Tang Shizhong.

So he explained it in detail and said it comprehensively. To put it bluntly, Tang Shizhong just wanted to have a try, how much he could master and how much he could show off.

Junchen Hao Decoction is a prescription in "Treatise on Febrile Diseases". The original composition is Junchen Liuliang, [-] gardenias, and [-] liang of peeling rhubarb.

There are only three herbs, which is Junchenhao Decoction.

As for the two in the original dose, the two are now known to be different.

"As for Wulingsan, it is a complete prescription for promoting diuresis and purging dampness, and it also warms yang and transforms qi."

"Indications for three syndromes, one is outward appearance syndrome, internal water stop dampness."

"The second is the internal stop of water dampness, which is Kong Qingshun's dialectic."

"The three phlegm-repellent, that is, palpitations below the navel, dizziness due to spitting, and cough due to shortness of breath."

"Stopping internal water dampness is actually because the gasification function of the lower jiao is not good enough to urinate, all based on the abdomen, and it is easy to form water retrograde, leading to nausea and vomiting."

"To put it bluntly, Wuling San is like adding a pipe to the lower Jiao, so that the water can flow down the pipe smoothly and relieve the pain of the patient."

Jiang Fei felt that Tang Shizhong was satisfied with what he said, right?

Basically, what he said was very clear, to the extent that even ordinary people understand, Tang Shizhong will definitely be satisfied.

Of course, I don't know the extent of Tang Shizhong's high hopes for him.

If it was an ordinary disciple, he would have already passed the test by saying so much.

If Tang Shizhong took himself too seriously, then what he said might not satisfy Tang Shizhong.

So, is Tang Shizhong satisfied now?

How could you be dissatisfied with that?The current Tang Shizhong was really excited. He thought he had valued Jiang Fei, but he didn't expect Jiang Fei to shock him again.

You must know that Jiang Fei is not a school of classical prescriptions, but he has analyzed these two prescriptions to such an extent, analyzing and explaining layer by layer, that Caucasians can understand him, let alone him, an old man who has been practicing medicine for half a century. traditional Chinese medicine.

"How about the specific prescription?"

Tang Shizhong was satisfied if he was satisfied, but he still wanted Jiang Fei to make a specific prescription to take a look.

Seeing Tang Shizhong ask this question, Jiang Fei smiled, and then waved his hand at Tu Songjun, gesturing to come over.

After Tu Songjun came over, he handed over the paper and pen.

He knew that the teacher was going to write a prescription, so he had already prepared it.

Jiang Fei took the pen and paper and began to write down the formula.

He knows better than anyone else that no matter how nice the words are, the prescription must be given.

The quality of a prescription lies in how well it is compatible, how well it is matched, whether there are monarchs, ministers, assistants and envoys, and whether the five elements of yin and yang are complete.

If there are all of them, this prescription is equivalent to a high-tech formula, but it cannot be solved at all with the current wisdom.

The composition of traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions is much more complicated than simple addition and subtraction.

Those who vainly want to discard traditional Chinese medicine, especially Chinese medicinal materials, try to extract specific elements from medicinal materials and use a certain element to treat diseases, but they have found the wrong method and approach.

For example, the medicine of berberine was very effective in treating diarrhea in the mid-50s, and it was almost cured in one treatment.

But after a few more years, the effect of treating dysentery will not be good.

Then it gets worse and worse in the future, especially for patients who have taken berberine, the effect of taking it again will be halved.

Why?It is because of the development of drug resistance that the patient's body has no longer resisted the drug.

However, the traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine will not encounter this kind of method. If you use the compound prescription of Coptis chinensis to treat diseases, it can still cure dysentery.

Because most of the prescriptions in traditional Chinese medicine are compound prescriptions, which can be combined with each other to bring out the efficacy of the medicine to the fullest.

And those who want to purify and solve it through simple one, two, three thinking, can only say that it is too simple and whimsical.

If you don’t believe me, just wait and see, this study, that study, this element, that element will eventually produce antibodies and drug resistance, which can only be used for a temporary use, not for a lifetime.

The simplest example is the cold in later generations. The cold itself is not a disease.

However, for those patients who have taken too much cold medicine, once they catch a cold again, it is not very effective to continue to take cold medicine. In the end, they can only use antibiotics and antipyretic injections, but the result is that the body temperature is getting lower and lower.

Many people remember that decades ago, textbooks said that the normal body temperature of a human body is 37 degrees.

But after the new century, the human body can't reach 37 degrees at all, and only about 36.7 degrees are left.

Even if you have a temperature of 37 degrees, you actually have a low fever.

What is the reason for this result?In fact, it is caused by the abuse of antibiotics, which destroys the Qi, spirit, and soul in the body.

Jiang Fei knows these things better than anyone else, but he has also said it many times, of course, on the Internet forums in his previous life, but the countless Chinese medicine hacks made him feel like a donkey with good intentions.

In the end, I simply stopped telling the truth. Some people's brains have been cured by drugs, so why bother talking.

Jiang Fei thought of these things, and weighed them in his heart, but he was not slow in his hand, and he wrote out the prescription.

After writing the prescription, he handed the pen to Tu Songjun, and the prescription slip to Tang Shizhong.

Now that he already knew Tang Shizhong's identity, this old man would be his teacher sooner or later, so he simply let Tang Shizhong check it out.

Of course, Jiang Fei must declare in advance that he has strong confidence in the prescription he prescribed.

Moreover, Jiang Fei was 50.00% sure, that is, half sure, that Kong Qingshun's liver cancer could be cured.

Some people may say that Jiang Fei is too arrogant, but in fact, another way of saying it is not arrogant.

In the eyes of traditional Chinese medicine, there is no such thing as cancer. What Jiang Fei treats is nothing more than a syndrome of damp heat in the liver and gallbladder, and internal stagnation of water dampness. What is there to be afraid of?

As long as one's physical fitness is adjusted well, the disease will naturally heal.

Otherwise, how can we say that Chinese medicine does not cure diseases, but only people who treat diseases.

At this time, Tang Shizhong took the prescription and read it carefully.

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