In the past few days of continuous production, the coconut shells quickly piled up into mountains.

According to the address provided by Fang Gong, let Rulu load a truckload of coconut shells, and send them to Qiongyang through the space.

This time I followed in person, in order to meet the other party and establish a good relationship.

The coconut shell, which I thought was garbage, was sold for a good price at the carbonization plant, which surprised me.

I had a relationship with manager Wu of the carbonization plant, and made it clear that I would charge as much as such a good shell.

The money from selling coconut shells is an extra income, which is used to reward the front-line workers who are dedicated to producing coconut milk.

Rushuang made a trip every three to five days, gradually becoming a daily routine.

I found a pattern.

The initial promotion stage of each new product is the most difficult, and the workload is relatively heavy. Once the stable channels are pushed, it will be easy.

All of this depends on the effective management system established by Bai Luoxue at the beginning. All links are linked together to form a closed-loop management, and problems can be solved in a timely manner.

In fact, the seemingly perfect management system also has many hidden defects.

On this day, I was studying in the space, and Bai Luoxue called me to go to the meeting room on the third floor to report important matters to me.

Since it's something that can't be explained in a few words on the phone, it must be more troublesome.

I came to the conference room on the third floor, where more than a dozen people were training.

Seeing me coming, Bai Luoxue moved the laptop, and we went to the next room.

"Look, it's Qiongyang's problem."

Bai Luoxue's picture was a financial statement.

"More than 300 million personal loans, this is absolutely abnormal. What kind of moth is Chu Xiangyi playing? Doesn't she know that this is a violation of financial discipline?"

There is a detailed list below the loan, among which Chu Xiangyi borrowed 50, other salesmen ranged from 10 to 8, and Feng Dongsheng borrowed 30.

I understood it at a glance, it was they borrowed money to buy the shares back then, and I specially approved it, but I didn't tell Bai Luoxue about it.

Now that she's asking, I can no longer pretend I don't know.

"I know this."

"you know?"

Bai Luoxue looked very surprised.

"If you know, it's not their problem, but your boss's problem. Be honest."

I said that at that time, because of the construction of the second-level wholesale station, the salesmen were busy and it was not appropriate to leave Qiongyang, but it was stipulated that they had to hand in the money for the purchase of shares within one month, otherwise they would be deemed to have automatically waived their rights.

But for this matter, they are in Qiongyang, borrowing money from relatives and friends at home, and it is really difficult to implement it just by making phone calls.

I specifically allowed them to borrow and pay in their own names.

Bai Luoxue frowned upon hearing this.

"Boss, you really have a bodhisattva heart, the merciful Guanshiyin! Do you know how serious the consequences of doing this are?"

"I only wanted to help the employees solve the difficulties at that time, but I never thought about it. What are the consequences?"

Since Bai Luoxue asked about this, she should have her own thoughts.

So she told me how inappropriate it was.

"It is understandable for employees to borrow personal loans due to business needs. After the business is completed, the repayment must be made in a timely manner. Long-term suspension on the books is not only a problem of unsightly reports, but also reflects the management of the company. , has deep flaws.

"There is another point about human nature. Once a habit is formed, no matter whether it is for business or private reasons, the salesman can borrow money from the company for any reason. They will use the public funds for private use. Once this person has a problem, the account It may never be settled, forming bad debts and bad debts, causing losses to the company.

"Other salesmen may follow suit, because the money is easy to spend. If someone has bad habits, it may eventually lead to not paying the money."

Bai Luoxue taught me a lesson.

Although this has not happened yet, in the long run, it does not mean that it will not happen in the future, and this risk does exist.

Bai Luoxue saw that I was silent and didn't refute her, so she knew that I had listened.

"Qiongyang City Green Food Company, although Chu Xiangyi is in charge of the management, it is actually yours alone. The money they borrowed from the company is actually yours. Use the money they borrowed from you to pay for it. Isn't it a bit ridiculous to buy your company's shares and share your company's dividends, don't you think it's a loss?"

I really didn't understand this point.

"They are loans, and it's not that they don't want to pay back. What do I lose?"

Bai Luoxue was overjoyed.

"It seems that your financial knowledge is not enough! The revolution has not yet succeeded, and comrades still have to work hard. If you deposit money in the bank, the bank will give you interest. If you lend to others, others will give you interest. The same reason, According to the law, you have to pay interest when lending money to others. What you lose is a huge amount of interest, do you understand?"

As she said, it was true. 300 million, the interest is not a decimal.

I scratched my head, not knowing how to handle this.

Bai Luoxue looked serious and gave me an idea.

"If the loan is repaid within three months, the interest can be waived. If it exceeds three months, the interest must be paid at the bank's interest rate for the same period. The loan period is limited to one year, starting from the date of loan.

"For those who do not voluntarily repay the loan, after one year expires, their share qualifications will be cancelled, and interest and share dividends will be pursued."

"It's a bit harsh."

But Bai Luoxue didn't think so.

"Failing to repay the loan on time actually means that they are not eligible for dividends, and it is necessary to pay dividends."

It has been two months since the employees purchased the shares, and in the past two months, the dividends have been distributed proportionally, which is higher than their wages.No one will give up easily on this aspect of income.

I don't have any theoretical basis to refute Bai Luoxue.

I had no choice but to follow her advice and issue a notice to call for the payment of the arrears.

The notice was drafted by Xie Qingsong.

Bai Luoxue still had something to say and didn't let me leave.

"I guess Mr. Chen is so generous, is there a purpose?"

Seeing her suspicious eyes made me feel a little uneasy.

"What purpose can I have?"

"Take the initiative to help Chu Xiangyi solve the financial problem! Her annual salary is quite a lot! Is she really short of money?"

"This... She seems to have said that I agreed to let them borrow money because they couldn't make it together. But they didn't propose it on their own initiative, it was my idea."


Bai Luo laughed again, laughing again, only the sound of laughing, no smiling expression.

"This just shows that Mr. Chen has ulterior motives."

"Where? You really wronged me, how can I explain it to you?"

"When buying shares, why didn't you offer to let me borrow money from the company? Do you know how difficult it is for me to take out the 300 million? I emptied all the savings of my parents Not enough, relatives and friends have borrowed it over and over again. Let me tell you this, all relatives and friends who feel a little friendly and can open their mouths, except you, I have borrowed it, so I can add up the money. "

Bai Luoxue never told me about this.

"Then why didn't you say it? I thought your family was a rich man!"

"Mr. Chen really overestimated our family. My father and my mother have been teachers all their lives. How much savings can they have? I haven't been working for a few years, and I have really earned more money. That is to say, with your few moon."

It's really my fault, I didn't find out clearly.

"Actually, it's not just me. All the employees are struggling to buy shares. Of course, it is not ruled out that it is easier to get money from a wealthy family, but most of them are just like me. They almost exhausted their efforts. There are even many employees. They will borrow money from the same family, that is their mutual friend. Everyone else is like this, you did not allow the loan, Chu Xiangyi expressed difficulty, but you gave the green light instead, do you think it is fair to other employees?"

I was ashamed of what she said.

"Did I do something bad with good intentions?"

"You didn't do something bad, you did something wrong. Fortunately, not many people know about this matter, and the impact has not yet been caused. But after all, the fire cannot be contained in the paper, and sooner or later it will spread. This will affect your image of Mr. Chen would have a very detrimental effect.”

The more she talked, the more serious I felt.

"No way, I don't think there will be such serious consequences?"

"That can only mean that you don't think so, or that you won't hear news about it in the future."

Anyway, this incident has a great impact on me.

Today is very strange, when Bai Luoxue reprimanded me step by step, I didn't feel the sour jealousy before, like a child being taught by a parent.

This has also become a problem for me.

Especially the last sentence she said made me unable to argue.

"It is precisely because you took the initiative that I suspect that you have a ghost in your heart. It is to take care of Chu Xiangyi, and the other salesmen are also involved."

She thinks so, even if I jump into the Yellow River, I won’t be able to clean up.

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