Previously, it took more than an hour for Han Lao and Cui to deal with one pig.

As you get older, it is inevitable that your hands and feet will be slow.

They don't ask anyone to help, they want to play on their own, and they just play.

So, there is one pig, one cow and three sheep left.

Song Sanxi's speed was almost terrific.

The knife he sharpened is very good.

A pig, less than 5 minutes.

Cut the meat one by one and separate them into categories.

Cui Yongnian made a start, helping to carry and let the steam dry.

Carrying, still can't keep up with Song Sanxi's hands and feet.

For the three sheep, Song Sanxi was done within fifteen minutes.

In less than 15 minutes, the ox was skinned and the meat divided.

In the end, a complete bovine skeleton remains.

Song Sanxi said that it was almost time and he was going home.

Beef bones, pig bones, just ask your subordinates to chop them up, and the freezer is frozen.

This Spring Festival, making soup base is a very good material.

After everything was done, he was still so clean.

Not a little dirty.

Cui Yongnian was greatly impressed by this level.

I can't accept it!

This brother, why is he an expert in everything?

At 6:40 p.m., Song Sanxi had already left Cui's yard by car.

Cui Yongnian hurried back to eat the New Year's Eve dinner.

He was really depressed.

There are three dishes per table, and there are almost not many left.

He only got some rice and the rest of the soup, which tasted so delicious.

The feeling of endless aftertaste!

This night, Cui's family's New Year's Eve dinner, in the end, almost the whole soup was bottomed out.

Everyone, an unforgettable New Year's Eve dinner.

Even, a little looking forward to the coming year.

Mr. Han and Mr. Cui were full of wine and food, and they had endless aftertaste.

Especially Mr. Han, I feel that coming to Zhonghai to celebrate the New Year this time is really worth it!

He even said, next year, I will come.

Mr. Cui, naturally welcome the old squad leader.

Mr. Han also said to his youngest son: Invention, after returning to the provincial capital, let’s make a few firewood stoves at home, or this stove, the food cooked is delicious.

What can Han Ming say?It must be done!

The supper that night was dumplings made by Cui's family members.

But the chef is Cui Yongnian who cooks the dumplings.

According to Song Sanxi's teaching, dumplings with three flavors of beef, sheep and pig are cooked, and they are not fishy or smelly, and have a comfortable taste.

Even Song Sanxi's fermented noodles and dumpling wrappers are unique.

Toughness and toughness, chewing has a great taste.

It can even smell the pure aroma of wheat.

Coupled with the exquisite meat stuffing, absolutely...


Song Sanxi, racing all the way home.

On New Year's Eve, Zhonghai is full of brilliance.

One is rich and peaceful.

Driving the car, inexplicably remembered the New Year's Eve before the scum.

Song Sanxi shook his head, scumbags are really scumbags!

Forget it, the scum is lucky, and I will take the blame when he dies.

However, he really felt obsessed with going home.

Infatuation, that home.

Self-improvement, studious goddess wife, now a little savage, small personality.

But she loves this family, loves children, treats people kindly, and is compassionate.

Lovely daughter, smart, beautiful and lively.

Holding her, it feels like holding a gentle jade carving baby.

So delicate, so touching the emotional interaction between blood vessels, making people's hearts full of softness and love.

The pregnant eldest sister is dignified, gentle, and has a proud temper, which is also very interesting.

The honest little aunt Su Youxin is smart, loves to learn, and is very kind.

This family now takes him as the backbone, waiting for him to come home.

It's an inexplicable sense of belonging, and it's comforting.

Going home is like a mission and a responsibility.

Not to mention, the family members have also expanded, the little nurse Zhang Xiaoshuang, the beautiful widow Lin Luojiao and her pair of lovely daughters.

There is also Mother Lin who is suffering, her poor grandson Lin Long...

Gradually, Song Sanxi felt a little grateful in his heart.

"Scum, thank you, because you are dead."

"It's also because of you that we can experience a different life."

"Atonement, morality, responsibility, responsibility..."

At seven o'clock in the evening, when Song Sanxi returned home, he was full of satisfaction.

Everyone was at the table, waiting for him.

The New Year's Eve dinner is already halfway through.

Su Yourong and Zhang Xiaoshuang were still in the kitchen, cooking hot dishes.

Sweet, very happy.

Waving her little hands, she rushed over, "Wow! It's so good! Rapa is really back! Hugs, kisses..."

Song Sanxi picked up Tiantian, kissed Tiantian on the left and kissed on the right.

Daughter, so excited.

It seems that when Dad comes home to eat New Year's Eve dinner, it is the best New Year's gift.

Next to them, Mingming and Honghong looked at her with hot eyes and wanted to cry.

Sister Tiantian has a father, and they...

Lin Luojiao felt a little anxious in her heart, feeling so sorry for her daughters.

Grandma watched from the side, and also sighed in a low voice.

Song Sanxi, after realizing all this, hurriedly kissed her daughter's smooth forehead.

Said: "Sweet, Happy New Year!"

"Thank you Rake! Happy New Year, Rake, we all want to be happy..."

Song Sanxi happily put Tiantian down.

He understands that children are the most sensitive and direct.

Family affection is indispensable to children.

Single-parent families are really cruel to children.

Therefore, he originally wanted to give Tiantian the golden lock from Han Lao, but he also stopped this idea.

This, for Mingming and Honghong, would be an invisible stimulus and harm.

Don't make them feel that only Tiantian has such a good father.

So, Song Sanxi smiled and walked over.

He hugged Mingming with his left hand and Honghong with his right hand.

Looking around, he said gently and kindly: "Mingming, Honghong, Happy New Year! It's really good to have you in this family. There are many beauties and many joys. Thank you!"

Mingming and Honghong, be careful, so comforting.

Uncle Sanxi is so handsome, he speaks nicely, and has a warm smile.

"Thank you Uncle Sanxi! Uncle Sanxi, Happy New Year!"

The two sisters spoke in unison, in unison.

As expected of twins!

Very polite and well educated.

Song Sanxi smiled happily, kissed cheeks on the left side, and the same on the right side.

Then let them go.

Turning around, leaning down, hugging Lin Long who was in the wheelchair.

"Little Lin Long, happy new year. This family will always welcome you! Come on, you will definitely stand up."

"Thank you Uncle Sanxi! Uncle Sanxi is the best father and uncle in the world."

Lin Long is also very educated, and she is also very touched.

At least, Uncle Sanxi brought him excellent living conditions, especially the hope of standing up.

"You're welcome! Brave little boy, you'll be the best man ever!"

Song Sanxi caressed his small brain, turned to face Lin Dahe, and opened his arms.

"Mr. Lin Xiang, come on, happy new year!"

"Haha! Mr. Song, Happy New Year! Thank you, thank you very much! This family is alive and full of hope because of you. Friendly, happy, warm, and happy! You are a role model for me as a man."

Lin Dahe hugged Song Sanxi happily and deeply.

As expected of the township president, he is a big boss who can speak.

Afterwards, Song Sanxi embraced Xie Qinghe generously.

"Thank you, Master Ren, happy new year. I wish you more and more young and beautiful, show your strengths at work, and succeed in your career."

"Thank you, Mr. Song! Sir, you are really a benefactor of our family, amazing, amazing!"

Turning around, Song Sanxi looked at Lin Luojiao.

Lin Luojiao, with a delicate face, got up and opened her arms, "Mr. Song, Happy New Year, thank you from the bottom of my heart!"

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