Starting from the heavens to perform the entire League of Legends

Chapter 363 Unlucky Humans and Heavenly Soldiers

Among the humans who entered the pyramid, one of the world's top chemical engineers made a conjecture.

Wieland's satellite is the reason why heat surges were detected on Bouvet Island.

It was because under their feet, the energy system of this exquisite building was about to start operating, so it released heat to the outside world.

In other words, the pyramids are not ancient ruins in human cognition.

It is a super-large fully automatic intelligent device that far exceeds the current level of technology, and the builder is most likely not a human being.

People were a little skeptical about the engineer's words at first, until they saw the later scene...

The broken security guard was hanged in mid-air by a transparent noose, and the remaining security guards were alarmed, and immediately chose to protect several unarmed personnel, including Charles Wieland, behind them.

And began to check the Predator statues on both sides of the corridor.

People's eyes sweep back and forth following the muzzle with laser sights and lighting equipment.

The first pass found no problems.

On the second pass, a security guard was attracted by one of the statues.

Without him, this statue is a bit too lifelike, it doesn't look like a fake at all, but like a living creature.

And its posture is also different from other statues.

The others are standing upright with spears, but it is sideways, raising the spear above its head, as if it is ready to shoot at any time.

As soon as the security guard thought of the word "projection", the statue projected the metal spear in its hand.

Hearing Xio's roar, a silver light flashed, and Anbao's chest was pierced by a sharp barbed spear point, and the huge inertia pushed him backwards.

Wieland and Lux ​​next to them were taken aback and curled up.

The rest of the security guards responded immediately, aiming in the direction of the real iron and blood, unreservedly pouring their own firepower.

For a moment, the entire corridor was filled with chaotic gunfire, the walls were hit with sparks flying, stone chips were flying, and puffs of white smoke rose up.

They didn't release the trigger until all the bullets in the magazine were emptied.

As a result, when the white smoke cleared, everyone found that the Predator had already left, and everything they had done just now was useless.

To make matters worse, the pyramids are once again in motion.

In the room before, people didn't have a deep feeling for its irregular movement. They only thought that several doors were closed and several doors were opened.

Now that they were outside, they realized how terrifying this thing was.

First, the ground under his feet began to shake violently, as if an earthquake was about to occur, and then the flat walls were divided into squares one after another. Some moved forward and became more and more prominent, while others receded, forming grooves.

The same goes for floors, some rise and some fall.

These raised square pillars, or falling grooves, began to crowd out the footholds of the humans, forcing them from agglomeration to dispersal.

At the critical moment, the Predator just came out to join in the fun, blatantly jumping over everyone's heads, showing an extraordinary jumping ability.

While attracting a lot of firepower, it also wasted the time for humans to escape.

In the end, except for the two people who were killed by Sangvis, the remaining humans were divided into three waves by the terrain.

Wieland, his security captain, Lex, the archaeologist, and the four of them formed the largest group.

Additionally, a security guard named Verheydon became entangled with the chemical engineer.

Unfortunately, the last security guard accidentally fell into the falling pothole when retreating, and became a loner.

According to the setting of horror movies, the person who is alone is either the first to die, or the last to live.

Unfortunately, the security guard encountered the former.

Having broken a leg, he struggled to crawl in the dark narrow tunnel in a panic, and cried out for help, hoping that someone would come to rescue him.

As a result, the house leak happened to rain overnight, and during the crawling process, he accidentally fell into a deeper tunnel.

The gun in his hand dropped while it was still rolling down.

When the security guard endured the pain all over his body, he crawled back to find his gun, only to find that it was covered with disgusting mucus.

Then, after a shrill cry, the tunnel returned to calm.

This unlucky security guard was dragged back to the sacrificial tomb by the alien who had been waiting for a long time.

The ever-changing pyramids not only brought great troubles to human beings, but even Lu Wu, who was looking for prey, was also affected.

Originally, the road was going well, but I found that the exit ahead suddenly disappeared.

In desperation, he had no choice but to go back the same way, and returned to the right track after a large circle.

About 10 minutes later, Lu Wu came to the place where the humans were forced to disperse.

At this time, he faced two choices, he would encounter aliens if he walked to the left, and he would encounter iron blood if he walked to the right. At the same time, there are groups of humans in these places.

The left side is closer and the road is relatively open, while the right side is farther away, and most of them are cramped trails.

Lu Wu tends to go to the right side in his heart. In addition to the fact that the three iron bloods are all there, the main plot characters Lax and others are also on this side, so the crowd will be more lively.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took a step, the pyramid began to change again.

But this time the movement was smaller, that is, the door that was originally closed was opened, and the door that was originally opened was closed.

As a result, the passage on both sides of Lu Wu became a dead end, and the door directly opposite slowly opened instead.

On the other side of the door, two humans, the vice-captain Verhaydn and the chemical engineer Gremi Miller, were staring at him blankly, with complex expressions on their faces.

From ecstasy to astonishment, and from astonishment to fear.

After finally waiting for the pyramid to transform, they were trapped in the room and had a way out, but they encountered a ferocious predator.

This is why, just now, the right side is said to be closer.

Because Lu Wu and these two people actually only have a stone gate.

Seeing the trembling look of the two, Lu Wu suddenly became playful, and opened his mouth wide to let out a heart-pounding growl.

The roots of the snow-white mane stand tall, and the four thick and long canines are shining with a cold light.

The sturdy figure looks so huge in the darkness.

Verheydn was immediately frightened and shivered, shaking like chaff, and even forgot that he was still holding a gun in his hand, but Miller, who seemed less courageous, reacted first.

"What are you still doing, run away!"

After saying that, he turned around and ran away in a panic.

It was only then that Verhaidn realized what he was supposed to do, and immediately turned around to follow.

Lu Wu was not interested in these two weak chickens, but they ran away in such a way, so I had to chase after them a little bit.

Like rats in the gutter, the two lost their minds got into a narrow tunnel.

The tunnel is a standard triangle shape, and the height is only a little over one meter. Normal adults can't even straighten their waists when entering, so they can only walk squatting.

Moreover, normal people would never choose this path that is obviously not for others.

But the two of them went in without hesitation.

Lu Wu compared at the entrance and confirmed that he couldn't get in even if he was lying on his stomach, so he lost the interest to continue chasing.

In the end, he yelled a few times casually to scare the two of them, and then rushed towards the direction of the Predator.

In the triangular tunnel, Verheydn and Miller heard the lion's roar from behind, thinking that Lu Wu was still chasing them, they bent down and rubbed forward desperately.

Completely forget that even their movements are restricted here, not to mention the bigger Lu Wu.

During the escape, Verheydn felt that there were too many things on his body, and the tinkling bells rang, seriously affecting his speed, so he decided to throw away these things that were in the way.

But as soon as he started, he suddenly thought that he had a gun in his hand.

"Xie Te, if you want to run away, run away, why don't I run away!"

"I have a gun, isn't it a white lion? It's not like I haven't shot it in Africa!"

Then, he sat down on the ground, pointed the gun behind him, and let out heavy panting.

Miller, who was running ahead, had to turn back and persuade: "Whether that thing is chasing us or not, we have to find a way out."

"Besides, have you ever seen such a big lion walking upright?"

Verhaydn shook his head and waved his hands: "No, I really can't run anymore, just... rest for a while."

As the vice-captain of security who dances with guns every day, his physical strength is not as strong as that of an engineer who has never received any training. It makes people laugh out loud.

But obviously neither of them expected this.

Miller was actually quite tired, and with a little luck, he also sat down, and the two looked back to back at the two directions of the pothole.

"Just rest for 2 minutes, and we will leave as soon as the time is up."

Verhaydn didn't even have the strength to speak at this moment, but just nodded vigorously.

Seeing that he was not very interested, Miller couldn't help but want to enlighten him: "Don't worry, we will get out safely."

"No matter what happens, I will never abandon you."

"Even if it's my back, I'll carry you out of this ghostly place."

Verhaydn couldn't help being a little moved after hearing this, and stood up voluntarily: "Let's go, don't waste time, I don't want to drag you down."

But Miller had no intention of leaving, staring at the dark pothole opposite.

Asked suspiciously: "What is that?"

In the shadow not far away, a long, black and reflective head slowly emerged, the upper and lower lips kept shaking, making a hissing sound like a snake.

On the two rows of neat teeth, there is endless saliva.

"Damn, what the hell is this?"

Verheydn cursed angrily, pointed the muzzle of the gun at the alien, and pulled the trigger desperately.

chug!chug chug!



Rhythmic gunshots sounded in the tunnel, and the ejected bullet casings flew on Miller's face, hitting him painfully.

He covered his ears and pressed against the wall of the pit, his expression distorted.

Thanks to the small environment, none of the bullets landed on the alien.

But it was virtually unscathed thanks to the protection of its tough, ossified skin.

When Verheydn ran out of bullets and hurriedly changed the magazine, the alien leaned down and lunged at the two of them.

At the critical moment, the two seemed to have no other choice but to continue running for their lives.

However, the two of them had just run a few steps when there was a loud bang from behind, and the top of the tunnel suddenly collapsed, and the broken stones happened to press the alien underneath.

Along with the stones falling down, there was also a huge humanoid white lion.

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