The rubble-covered alien was still struggling, trying to crawl out of the dusty ruins.

Naturally, Lu Wu would not give it a chance to survive. The two wrist blades that were close to the forearm ejected instantly, stabbing in from the hardest part of the alien's head smoothly.

The brain tissue was destroyed, and the alien roared a few times, and then there was no movement.

Pale green blood gushed out from the wound, corroding the ground into several holes of different sizes, and wisps of sour smoke floated up.

At this time, Lu Wu suddenly turned his body sideways.

A long, slender tail with a jagged tip arced through the air as it brushed past him.

Alien is a creature, sometimes it is like this, when you think it is dead, it will always bring you some surprises.

If you are a little careless, you may be buried with it.

After stabbing the air with the pointed tail, it twitched tenaciously a few more times before completely losing its kinetic energy and falling to the ground.

Don't look at Lu Wu who seems to have easily dealt with the two aliens one after another, but they are both of the nature of sneak attacks and assassinations. The real strength of the aliens is actually far from being as weak as it seems.

Don't forget, they are not low-intelligence beasts, but intelligent creatures.

It's just that Lu Wu didn't give them a chance to use their brains.

Verhaydn and Miller haven't recovered from the series of accidents just now, and they are now in a mixed mood of sadness and joy, as well as a trace of fear.

Happily, they survived successfully, but sadly, they don't know if this ferocious white lion will let them continue to live.

Lu Wu was not interested in experiencing the complicated emotions between the two of them, and he was still in a hurry to hurry.

I was also on the way just now, and happened to smell the smell of the alien, so as to prevent myself from being attacked, I just solved it.

Folding the wrist blade back to the forearm, he kicked his legs hard, jumped up, and left the tunnel from the collapsed hole above his head.

Seeing this situation, Verheydn and Miller felt uncontrollable ecstasy in their hearts.

They really survived this time!

Moreover, Lu Wu also pointed out a clear way for them to leave this ghost place.

As soon as they said it, the two cooperated with each other and climbed up from the entrance of the cave.

Unexpectedly, within 2 minutes of going up, the weird sound of the alien trembling lips sounded again.

On the other hand, archaeologist Sebastian speculated that the pyramids would change every 10 minutes through the Aztec solar calendar.

So, he used the watch in his hand to time and set the alarm clock.

After 10 minutes, when the crisp sound of the reminder sounded, the stone door that trapped them in place opened.

The faces of the four people immediately showed joy.

However, they did not get carried away with complacency, and still maintained due vigilance.

The security captain, Max, walked in the front according to the gun, Sebas, who was also a man in his prime, followed closely, and then Wieland, who was weak in physique, and the only female, Laikes, was in charge of the rear.

The four of them formed a long snake formation and cautiously explored forward.

Slowly, the road ahead became more and more open. Although it was still pitch black, at least it was not like the previous narrow road that could only be used by one person, giving people a great sense of oppression.

At the same time, the wider the road under their feet, it also indicates that they are closer to the exit.

Thinking of this, the four of them couldn't help speeding up. After experiencing all the things that happened before, they didn't want to stay in the pyramid for a moment.

As a result, after walking a few steps, Wieland staggered and almost fell, and the shoulder cannon he was holding in his arms fell to the ground.

Fortunately, he supported the wall next to him in time, otherwise he would have to fall out.

Rex hurried forward and asked about his situation with concern. The two men in front also stopped and looked back at him.

Seeing that his body was exhausted, Wieland still bent down with great effort to pick up the dropped shoulder cannon.

When he looked up again, his face was pale and bloodless.

Lux persuaded him to give up the things in his hands, and now the four of them vaguely guessed that it was because they took the things in the sarcophagus that everything became unlucky.

But Wieland was very stubborn, unwilling to give up the shoulder cannon.

Because he knows what it means.

It is not the first time the Predator has come to Earth, nor is it the first time known to mankind.

The Wieland Corporation even captured a living iron blood earlier.

It's a pity that this iron blood escaped from the company later, and set a fire, burning all the relevant research materials.

But Wieland remembers one study very well.

As a long-lived and powerful species, the Predator's blood has the effect of delaying aging and curing diseases for humans.

There used to be a colonel named Daqi in the military. Because he used the blood of the Predator, his lifespan was far longer than that of normal humans. He was 80 to [-] years old. Both his body and energy were still the same as when he was young.

And Wieland is now terminally ill, especially with a large area of ​​cancer in his lungs.

He desperately needs the blood of the Predator to save his life.

That's why, knowing that his body couldn't stand the toss, he still insisted on entering the pyramid.

By the way, creatures like aliens actually have a lot to do with Wieland Corporation.

It's just that Charles Wieland is unwilling to tell others these secrets.

Therefore, in front of Lux and others, he explained: "Going home empty-handed will lead to all previous efforts in vain."

"Those who died died in vain."

Lux is a kind person, if she didn't want to ensure that her teammates survived, she would not have joined the team.

"Give me the things, and I'll help you carry them."

After that, she turned around, revealing the backpack behind her.

Wieland was very aware of her physical condition, so she didn't hesitate. She put the shoulder cannon into her bag trustingly, and finally checked the backpack carefully for damage.

The above scenes were all seen by the three iron bloods.

They have been waiting here for a long time.

Since the three shoulder cannons were in the hands of Rex and the others, it was only natural that they were targeted by the Predator.

Under the command of Celtic, the captain of the iron-blooded team, the cat face of the team member turned on the optical invisibility, and quietly came to the vicinity of the security captain.

Among the four, only Max was armed, so he was listed as a priority target.

Catface raised an arm, shot a small arrow-shaped thing from the catapult on the armor, and then dodged away without giving the human a chance to fight back.

During the flight, the arrow body rapidly unfolded and turned into a large metal net, directly covering Max completely.

Even though Max reacted quickly enough to pull the trigger, he was still pushed to the ground by the huge impact.

The arrow body nailed into the wall began to rotate, and the entire net was shrunk little by little.

The mesh made of special materials was tough and sharp, which quickly cut Max's skin, and the severe pain made him scream.

Seeing this, the other three immediately went to the rescue.

Wieland reached out directly, trying to tear the net off the security captain.

As a result, as soon as he touched the mesh, the thick leather cold-proof gloves were cut into holes, and blood was still oozing inside.

With a cry of pain, he backed away again and again.

Sebas took out a dagger and tried to cut the net.

Unexpectedly, it was the dagger that broke in the end.

At this moment, heavy footsteps came from behind the few people, and there was a loud bang, as if the earth was trembling.

The trapped Max also informed the three to be careful, something is coming from behind.

The visitor was none other than Celtic, the captain of the Jagged Squad.

At the same time, he is also the tallest and most muscular of the three young men.

The top of the head is almost touching the top of the corridor, and the back is as broad as a bear.

Even among the adult iron-bloods who were generally over two meters tall, few were taller than him.

As for the degree of fitness, it can even be compared with Lu Wu today.

Because of this, he is also the one with the greatest strength and the strongest comprehensive strength in the team, so he becomes the captain.

Celtic approached several people step by step, and with a flick of his arm, he knocked Rex who was rushing towards him with an ice pick to the ground.

Then, he slapped Wieland away with another slap.

Sebas hit Celtic in the ribs with all his strength.

But Celtic didn't respond, grabbed his neck with his backhand, and lifted him into the air.

The other hand raised the freely retractable spear and stabbed downward.

The security captain's heart was pierced in an instant, he let out a wail, and his eyes gradually lost their luster.

The spear that pierced through the flesh still had enough power, and immediately pierced through the wall behind Max.

Seeing that Sebastian was about to be strangled to death, Rex tried to pick up the ice ax he had dropped and attacked Celtic.

But how could the cat face that has been hiding nearby make her wish come true.

He kicked Lex in the stomach, kicked her several meters away, and smashed her heavily on a stone pillar.

Afterwards, the cat face walked up to the female explorer, and the wrist blade in her hand continued to grow longer, making a buzzing beep.

Unlike the other two Sangvis, he only has one wrist blade, and it is more than twice as long as the other Sangvis.

This kind of situation is rare in the entire iron blood group.

Showing that Catface is very good at wielding this weapon.

He slowly raised his wrist blade, aiming at Rex leaning on the pillar, ready to kill her.

Catface loves to hunt creatures like humans, as can be seen from the two human skulls that he has been carrying on his back.

He also has a lot of other trophies, but only humans are eligible to be carried by him.

Rex's eyes at this time were filled with fear, his back was pressed against the stone pillar, his face was turned to one side, and he tried his best to dodge.

In fact, in addition to the fear of the Predator, behind the Predator, the abnormal spiked tail behind him also made her feel terrified.

Focused on the prey in front of him, Catface is completely unaware that there is an insidious alien acting as a titmouse behind him.

When the wrist blade fell and slashed towards Lex, the pointed tail also pierced his back at the same time.

Lux closed her eyes, she could almost imagine what was going to happen next.

However, the development of things is always unexpected.

At the very moment, a lasso with three round metal balls tied to it flew out of the darkness and was precisely tied to the alien's tail.

Hearing a sound of squeak, the abnormal tailbone broke.

Then, the huge inertia directly pulled it out of the hiding place and threw it to the ground.

Lu Wu, who finally arrived, would never allow anyone to snatch his fancy prey.


The iron-blooded trio are: Captain "Celtic", team members "Cat Face" and "Scar"

Who would have thought that the most difficult part of writing this volume was finding the names of these people.

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