Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 767: : The shock of the island nation

?? Sun Island.

A famous secret base is comparable to China's political center.

At this moment, all the secret bases are under martial law, and no ordinary person is allowed to come close, otherwise they will all be arrested.

If you rebel, you do n’t need to kill all, so you can see how careful the security is here.

Beep beep.

At this time, a strengthened security team.

Driving a protective car, slowly approaching from the outside, and separated by a long distance, he sounded a special horn.

"The head of state is here."

The person in charge of the secret base saw the convoy slowly approaching, immediately awe, and ran down in person, and opened the door for the convoy.

As the gate opened, the convoy slowly entered.


After the convoy entered, the gate was closed again.

Immediately after the position at the center of the team, a 50- to 60-year-old man walked down.

After seeing him get out of the car, he went directly to the man responsible for guarding the gate of the secret base.


I saw a slap in the face, and the man snorted: "The next time I see Lao Tzu's car, if you don't open the door immediately, then I will kill you."


The man in charge of the goalkeeper responded immediately.


Seeing the other party confess, the man at the center of the team, led by a group of people, walked into the secret base in large strides.


"Who do you think you are?"

"We are from the Chunji group, but aren't you officials?"

"Well, when Lao Tzu becomes the team leader one day, you must kill you immortal."

"But no, on the site of our Chunji Formation, what is the arrogance of an island head of state?"

Hearing the words of his subordinates, the team leader of the Chunji team who opened the door for the head of state personally could not help interrupting his words: "The situation has been relatively tense recently, so it is better to talk less and do less."


Many small members of the Chunji group responded, and then they were busy with their own affairs.

Only the group leader of the Chunji group looked at the sky with a melancholy face, and it was obvious what had happened.

It was at this time that the head of state who had just arrived at the secret base had arrived in a closed conference room without any eavesdropping equipment and was extremely soundproof.

"I was going to visit abroad, so I need a reasonable explanation from you."

When the head of state came in, he immediately asked the few people sitting in the memory: "If you can't give me a reasonable explanation, then Hugh blames the old man for not being kind."

"It wasn't me who brought you back. If you are not convinced, then just leave."

Sitting across from the head of state, He Ran was the person in charge of the Chunji group.

I saw the head of the Chunji group, facing the questioning of the head of island, he said disdainfully: "The door is behind you, you can open the door and go back."

"Fart, you said let Lao Tzu go back, I will go back?"

Despite being ridiculed by the members of the Chunji group, the head of the island country did not lose his calm. Instead, he captured a key information point from the words of the group leader.

The memories of this time were not convened by the person in charge of the Chunji group, but by others.

The head of the island nation looked around and found that the party giants of several island nations, as well as the giants of underground organizations, were all present at the conference room.

This let the head of island know that something big must have happened.


At this time, the room door was pushed open again.

"Sovereign Emperor."

"His Majesty the Emperor."

The coming person is the emperor of the island country, so everyone stood up and respected.

"Sit down."

After the emperor arrived, he went directly to the throne and sat down, and said to everyone: "This time I let everyone put down their official duties and come here to meet in person. That was because of our neighbor. Things, so we have to deal with it carefully. "

Someone asked in confusion: "What's the big deal?"

"Ouyang, the former master of China, broke the army and died in Songjiang City in the northeast of China in recent days."

The emperor of the island country cautiously complained: "And the demon masters under this person are basically dead and wounded. At the same time, China's righteous organization has also suffered a lot."


Suddenly hearing this news, everyone had some coercion.

But after the coercion passed, the person in charge of the Chunji group immediately said: "If this is true, then my Chunji group can enter China and take root in China to contribute to the growth of our island country. . "


Hearing the leader of the Chunji team, the contemporary head of the island nation disdainfully said: "Emperor of the Emperor, since you have called us to come here, there must be more than just the story of the Huaxia Zhengxie civil war? After all, such things, Huaxia almost every 100 It happens once every year, and we are already used to it. "

"Yes, you are right."

The emperor nodded seriously, approving the analysis of the head of the island country, and at the same time cautiously said to everyone: "Because this time Ouyang broke the army not to be killed by group fights ~ ~ is not killed by firearms, but by A young man who had just debuted for about a year, was killed in front. "

"A person?"

"A person."

"How many rounds?"

"According to intelligence, there are no more than ten rounds."

"What about the opponent's strength?"

"On top of the five shadows."

The head of state and others questioned the emperor and quickly understood the reason why the emperor summoned them.

I saw that they took a breath and then faced the emperor said: "Such a person must not let him live, otherwise it will become the end of my island country's martial arts."

"Not bad."

The emperor forehead said: "So I hurried to summon everyone, just want to ask everyone, but there is a way to help the widow get rid of him?"

"Send someone to assassinate with a firearm?"

"People who reach the shadowless level have no fear of firearms unless they are killed by nuclear weapons."

"That would only allow Lord Wuying to come out of the mountain and unite to kill him."

"Master Wu Ying is the cornerstone of the country. Under no circumstances will they be allowed to go to China. After all, fighting in different places is very detrimental to our island nation."


The quarrel was over and over, and the directly noisy Emperor dizzy said: "Doesn't you have any feasible plan?"

This time even the head of the island, who had always been wise, closed his mouth sensibly, not knowing what to say.

"Since you have no comments, the old man will talk about my suggestions."

I saw the person in charge of the Chunji group standing upright and facing the emperor and others: "Recently, a group of special forces from Huaxia carried out missions in our island. So my suggestion is to guide the terrible person to my island After that, gather the power of my five shadows and kill him directly. "

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