Shennong, Who Returned from Xiu Xian

Chapter 768: : 5 Shadow Kill Array

"Is there such a thing?"

Suddenly hearing this news, the Emperor slightly dissatisfied said: "This group of Chinese people is really more and more abominable. They actually sneaked into my Sun Island country to perform secret missions.

The head of the island nation nodded and recognized the emperor's words very much. At the same time, he asked the person in charge of the Chunji group: "Do you know that they are coming from China, what is the specific plan this time?"

"Kowloon Tripod."

Seeing the head of the island country asking, the head of the Chunji group thought for a moment: "This is what we brought back from Huaxia when our eight-nation coalition entered Huaxia. It has been secretly stored on Mount Fuji, by our Chunji Group secret research. I do n’t know which **** **** recently, leaked the news and was known by the group of **** Huaxia people, so I came to steal it twice. "

"The bandits."

The things on your own site are your own.

In this capacity, the Emperor of the Island State defended the things on his site: "We feel that we must protect this Jiuling Ding, and we must not let the Chinese take it away."



Everyone nodded quickly, responding to the command of the island emperor.

This satisfied the Emperor of the island nation, and he continued to ask: "However, what does this have to do with our strategy to eliminate Ye Xiaohu?"


The leader of the Chunji group was obviously prepared, and took out a document and passed it to the emperor ’s hands through the person next to him: "Because Ye Xiaohu is a character who has risen in the last year, I believe that other I'm afraid I haven't followed him. But our Chunji team used to have business conflicts with him. Therefore, in the most recent period, we have been arranging people to investigate Ye Xiaohu's whereabouts and to investigate Ye Xiaohu's identity and ability. The information we are investigating is now in this document. "

"The Chunji group really has the name of foresight."

Praising the Chunji group, the emperor slowly read the information.

At the beginning, he was still very calm.

But when he saw the last part of this document, he couldn't help but embarrassedly said: "The original Yejiacai, Yejiayu, Yejiahe and cattle ... which were all made by Ye Xiaohu."

In the island country, good things naturally need to be given priority to the supreme island emperor.

Therefore, the Emperor of the island country has basically tasted the things produced by Yejia Farm, and even praised Ye Xiaohu's greatness three times or five times. I did not expect to become an opponent in a few months.

"It's true that these Ye family products are basically developed by Ye Xiaohu."

Hearing the words of the emperor of the island country, the leader of the Chunji group licked his lips and said seriously: "If we can lead him in and catch him alive, not only can he solve a serious death, but also get The recipe for Yejiacai will be a blessing to the people of our island nation. "

"Okay, what a great idea."

The output of Yejiacai is too low. Apart from supplying the nationals of their own countries, few foreigners can taste them.

As the emperor of the island nation, you can't taste it every day, which also made the emperor of the island nation complain on many occasions.

But now hearing the words of the head of the Chunji group, the emperor of the island country feels that his future is bright.

However, the emperor of the island country still has a worried question: "If Ye Xiaohu does not come to my island country, then I am afraid that all your plans will be put into practice?"

"He will come."

The group leader of the Chunji group pointed to the data from the next page and said: "The last page of this data, but I paid for several spies before I got the information."

"the last page?"

The emperor of the island country and others looked at it in the past, and on the last page, they saw Ye Xiaohu serving as the instructor of the Dragon Emperor Special Forces and leading the Dragon Emperor Special Forces to win the championship.

"I understand."

The head of the island nation took the lead in waking up, and said to the team leader of the Chunji group: "Is this the special soldier who stole the Jiulong Ding, just a member of the Longhuang special soldier?"

"Not bad."

The person in charge of the Chunji group said with a gloomy face: "I have been fishing for big fish recently, and I can catch a catch at any time. Once this is the case, then the Longhuang Special Forces Group will inevitably suffer heavy losses. Please help Ye Xiaohu out of the mountain? "

"Hua Xia people never refuse to lose, and unity is very important. And pay attention to which side is difficult to support, so if the Longhuang special forces suffer heavy losses, they will definitely invite Ye Xiaohu out of the mountain."

The head of the island country knew China's humanity very well, so he made a judgment: "Your Majesty the Emperor, I don't think there is any problem with the Chunji Group's plan this time."

"Since this is the case, then follow this plan."

His Majesty the Emperor of the island also understood this, so he thought a little: "I will go back now ~ ~ and immediately notify the five movie masters, and immediately go to Mount Fuji to kill the bureau."


Ye Xiaohu did not know what happened in the island country.

After Ye Xiaohu took his parents down the barren hill, he first found Xiaohong who was waiting on the sidelines, and introduced to his parents: "My parents, this is the little sister Xiaohong I know in Songzhou. From today, he will be Your **** daughter. "


Ye Xiaohu's mother joked: "Are you sure you are not a daughter-in-law?"


Ye Xiaohu shook his head. He knew his situation very well, so it was impossible to talk to Xiaohong.

What's more, he is also in a debt of affection now, and he can't be covered in flowers.

And Xiaohong is still small, so Ye Xiaohu shook his head and said: "She is really the dry sister I know."

"Okay, don't tease your son."

Ye Xiaohu ’s father organized Ye Xiaohu ’s mother to continue talking, and at the same time said to Xiaohong: “Xiaohu has been busy with his career. If we can have a dry girl to accompany our old couple, it ’s really good.”


Ye Xiaohu's mother nodded in agreement, and pulled Xiaohong down beside her to talk about homely, asking about Xiaohong's life experience.

As a result, when she heard Xiaohong talk about what happened to Yinyang Gate, she immediately moved Ms. Ye Xiaohu and hugged Xiaohong in her arms, comforting her for a while.

In this way, a celebratory banquet turned into a complaint conference, and the two women cried for a long time before stopping.

But the interest in eating was gone, so Ye Xiaohu directly took a taxi and took his parents and Xiaohong back to Yejia Village.

Just rushing to Yejia Village, and before waiting for Ye Xiaohu ’s parents to enter the house, he heard a suona sound, so Ye Xiaohu ’s father stopped and said, “I do n’t know which old brother died. I should go. It's only right to give him the last ride. "

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