Her eyes were very deep, and Roman's figure was reflected in Roman's eyes.

"It's true that something happened, but I don't know what happened."

Chapter 280 Chapter 41: The Storm in London (1)

For the first time, Stiyl hated himself being a magician so much.

Magicians are not normal people.

The group of magicians is originally abnormal, and everyone is a distorted existence, which even the magician himself has to admit.

Obtaining the power of twisting because of twisting, looking for twisted roads, and finally reaching the end of twisting... In fact, very few people can reach that end. If it was really that easy to do, then there would be no need to become a magician. It is precisely because of the power of miracles that becoming a magician is necessary.

The weather is not good today, and it is not known what will happen in a while. The weather in the UK can change quickly, and in a country that can change the weather every four hours, no one can accurately predict the weather in the future. Besides, Steele also doesn’t think anyone will spend all their time predicting the weather that changes at any time. Although there are satellites watching over London, it is still the human brain that judges the weather changes, not all places. Computers like "TreeDiagram".

It is said that it is the best computer in the world, with huge data and computing power, but it is only used to predict the weather. Of course, no one will believe this kind of nonsense. It is too wasteful to spend such a useful thing just to predict the weather.

— Maybe a satellite like this should be put in the UK.

Steele said in his heart. If there is such a satellite over London, then the small movements on the ground of the whole country will be exposed, and even the time of going out to investigate can be saved.

Although it is true that he is a magician and is destined to be the enemy of science, Stiyl did not deny the excellence of science. On the contrary, Stiyl, who has entered Academy City twice, has seen the best technology in the world, and can appreciate the convenience of technology more than anyone else.

A robot that can clean itself automatically, a beverage machine that can dispense at will, and a pancake machine that can make finished products within half a minute... All of these reveal the laziness of human beings.

But no matter how useful the technology is, Stiyl can't really propose to the Supreme Bishop to introduce it.

Because the science side and the magic side are enemies, it is a very dangerous thing to bring the enemy's weapons around at will. Who knows if the electric toothbrush in your hand will suddenly explode one morning and blow your entire head off Woolen cloth?

Speaking of which, Stiyl, who had several mobile phones on his body, felt uncomfortable, and had the illusion that he would be blown to pieces at any time.

- In this weather, no matter how much you make a fool of yourself, you won't run out, right?

Steele looked at the drizzle that didn't stop. This rain has been falling since eight o'clock in the morning, and it seems that there is no plan to stop. If it really continues to rain like this, Stier thinks that the witch will continue to hide in a basement.

- "This kind of thing can't be taken by chance. Who is that witch, what's her name, what she looks like, and what kind of character, so far we still can't know. Use your own subjective thinking to speculate, It's easy to fall into the trap."

- "I also understand this kind of thing, so I will sit here all the time. If I can, I would like to go back to my little house and sleep."

Stiyl's mouth didn't move, but his words unreservedly passed on to another person's mind, which was related to the amulet on him. A special amulet for calls, you don't need to say it with your mouth, as long as you think in your heart, the words can be transmitted to the brain of another person holding the amulet.

In a sense, it's also a very bad thing, because no one has complete control over their own brain, and exposure to information can make a person's brain constantly think and operate. As it is now-

-"so bitter."

— "Steel, this is the seventh time you have said this. Also, your coffee money is not allowed to be reimbursed."

"What do you think I drink so much coffee for?"

Bishop Lola's fussing voice came in his mind, and it sounded not angry, more like deliberately annoying him.

According to Steele's understanding of Laura, this is probably the reason. This supreme bishop looks so lofty in public that he is not like a mortal, but in private she is a very willful woman who will do some ridiculous things on her own whim, which will always bring bad weather to people. trouble, like a naive and romantic girl.

Obviously an old woman.

— "Stiyl, are you thinking of something very rude?"

- "Don't say such stupid things, if you really think about it, don't you already hear it?"

- "This talisman can control the information it transmits. If you really don't want to pass it on, how could I possibly hear it?"

Tsk, this woman is always so keen in irrelevant places. Since she is so lofty in front of everyone, wouldn't it be better to keep her lofty?

But if it really looks like that, it will make people not like it. Although the supreme bishop should have the majesty and bearing of the supreme bishop, while maintaining a holy appearance all the time will be admired by people, but it will be unbearable for a long time. Just as believers believe in God, hoping that God can listen to their voices and bless them.

But if God is really omnipotent and omniscient, as the Bible says, and can know what everyone does and thinks, it will become a terrible thing.

No one's hands are ever clean, and no one is immune to dark thoughts, and things that go against the teachings are always done intentionally or unintentionally. If there really is a heaven and a hell, if there is a real judgment after death, then human beings can only go to hell.

But because of that, the world needs priests, doesn't it? The priest can represent the will of God, wash away the sins of the believers, and let them repeat the same mistakes with peace of mind... That's why there are ghosts like the atonement.

So, the highest bishop who can be cute is a good Lola.

- "And I can be sure that the witch will definitely do it today."

- "What do you mean? Why do you know? Could it be that she has made some strange criminal declaration?"

"No, it's a girl's intuition."

- "What strange intuition? Then it must be wrong, you are just an old woman."

- "This month's salary is gone."

Just then, the rain stopped.

PS1: The original plot is really troublesome, especially for this kind of work written based on reality. In addition to reading the original book, you also need to find other materials in reality, which makes it slower to write.

PS2: Mr. Roman will probably be hidden for a while, after all, it is still far away. Speaking of which, I don't know how it will change the plot of the original work. You might as well imagine it, and it's best to tell your brain holes.

PS3: I want to buy an iPhone X, looking at the price, people can't help but flinch. do you have that...

Chapter 281 Chapter 42: The Storm in London (2)

- "Supreme Bishop, is there any problem on your side?"

Seeing that the rain was about to stop, Steele asked anxiously.

- "You are too anxious, Stiyl, even if you start, you will not choose St. George's Cathedral as the first target. This is one of the bases of Puritanism. If you appear here now, you will only receive a violent counterattack. Since that witch was able to retreat in Italy, it is impossible not to understand this.”

"I wish she could be stupid."

But this is unlikely. As Lola said, the one who can get out of Italy can't make such a low-level mistake that a monkey can't make. It's just that as Laura said, Stiyl is very anxious now, which is the result of not getting a rest for a long time.

— "How is St Paul's Cathedral?"

- "Everything is normal, no shadow of the enemy is seen."

- "Don't look at it with your eyes. So far, no one has seen the witch's appearance. I will check the enchantment carefully."

- "Hug, sorry, everything is normal in the enchantment."

Hearing the other party's answer in a flustered tone made Stiles very worried. Because it was predicted that the witch would come to London, all the combatants had been preparing for the battle since yesterday, and many people have not had a good rest until now. It's like Steele, he hasn't closed his eyes for seventeen hours, and even changed the coffee shop several times, and last night was still in a bad KFC store.

If the responsibility of guarding the church is now only of this quality, it is to be expected that there will be a big uproar in London.

There were as many churches in London as there were parks in London, and this made the Puritan action stretched thin. After all, there are only so many people in Puritanism. Although they are all over the UK, they cannot give up other matters to deal with this witch. You must know that the Roman Orthodox Church has been waiting for the opportunity to sneak into the United Kingdom, and France, which does not have a good relationship with the United Kingdom, has recently begun to make a move, and the local magical associations are also showing signs of restlessness. If you can't handle this incident well, The United Kingdom will probably get the result of being attacked by the enemy on its back and its internal and external aggression.

Therefore, the battle against the witch is ready for the last battle. For this reason, the supreme bishop has to give up the church with a short history and a small scale in London. in the prestigious cathedral. Such as Westminster Abbey, St Paul's Cathedral, Temple Church these places. In addition to this, people had to be dispatched to Buckingham Palace. Although the witch's purpose seems to have chosen the church, no one knows whether she will make plans to attack other people.

I remembered the voices one after another in my mind. Laura kept asking about the situation of each church, and they continued to resume Laura's questions. Everything was as calm as usual, which made people think that the arrival of the witch was wrong information.

— "Is Canterbury all right?"

— "Everything is normal, and the personnel are ready to support at any time."

- "What are the plans for the knights? Are they still in Buckingham Palace?"

- "The knight faction has no sign of action, wait, the second princess led the knights away from Buckingham Palace, and there were twelve knights accompanying them."

— "I see. Now that everything is ready, just wait quietly, as usual is enough."

How could this time be the same as usual? Not to mention the preparations for the battle since yesterday, everyone's spirits are not just tired, but their nerves have been tense all the time, and they will break with a single touch.

Not everyone can sleep all night without heart like you.

Stier felt his eyes were dry, thought for a moment, and decided to go to the pharmacy to buy a bottle of eye drops.

However, before he could stand up, he heard a sound in his ears, but it was only for a moment, and the sound stopped abruptly, as if it was an illusion that he was too tired.

-"where is it!"

A mess suddenly sounded in the brain, as if there was a lot of discussion, and it seemed to be disturbed by some stimulation.


The clear voice of the Supreme Bishop sounded, suppressing the chaotic voice, and thanks to her, everyone finally calmed down.

- "It's the Church of All Souls. It seems that the witch chose St. Paul's Cathedral. Where are you now, Shirley?"

"I was rushing over and saw the hissing..."

Shirley's voice disappeared, and after the interruption, a strange electric sound continued to come. This is not a phone call, but a magic talisman for the call. I don't know who's bad taste of this electric sound.

But one thing is certain, Shirley has been attacked, but I don't know whether she is isolated from the talisman or knocked down by the enemy, but from the impression of which witch has always given people, the possibility of the latter Seems to be bigger. However, the witch's information has already informed all the magicians, and Shirley should not be knocked down so easily.

The Church of All Souls is a small church next to St. Paul's Cathedral. Compared with St. Paul's Cathedral, the Church of All Souls looks very inconspicuous. But because it is very close to St. Paul's Cathedral, it also belongs to Shirley's area.

- "Stand on the spot, everyone is not allowed to act rashly."

- "Supreme Bishop, don't you need to support Shirley? Since the witch has already appeared, there is no need..."

- "It's very necessary. Everyone is on standby, don't worry, Shirley hasn't fallen, but the communication talisman has been affected."

The Supreme Bishop's tone was very determined, as if he saw Xue Li still in action, which made everyone hold their breaths and stand by, waiting for Xue Li's voice to come again at any time. But at the same time, everyone also thought of another thing. Since the witch has appeared, why didn't the Supreme Bishop ask others to support him? Do you think that the magicians there are enough to fight witches? This is unlikely. If this is the case, the knights of the Roman Orthodox Church will not be silent collectively, and will not let the witch escape.

That is, there may be other accomplices?

Maybe there are other accomplices? But judging from the information about that witch, she seems to be acting alone all the time. Could it be that she has found other allies?

While thinking about it, there was a sudden "boom" outside the window, a burst of explosions came from not far away, and black smoke was rising.

— "Stiyl!"

-"I know."

Putting the coffee money on the table, Steele rushed out the door and stopped a taxi, then asked him to drive to the location of the explosion for three times the price.

Soon after, they came to the vicinity of the blast range. Thanks to the preparations one day earlier, all the people nearby were evacuated, and now this generation is only allowed to go out and not in, and there is no obstruction along the way.

The location is Kensington Park, I vaguely remember that there is a small church here, but I can't remember the name, or there is no name at all.

Stiyl walked over after getting out of the car, and asked the magician who was guarding the intersection.

"What happened just now?"

Chapter 282 Chapter 43: The Storm in London (3)

"What's the situation now?"

Steele asked the waiting magician, took out a pack of cigarettes from his robe, and lit it.

The smell of nicotine temporarily suppressed his impetuous mood and relieved the tiredness on his face. It's only temporary, but at least it's refreshing.

"We came here as soon as possible. The 'expelling idlers' barrier is no longer here. Now we are checking whether there are any tourists left in the park. Another part of the magician is approaching the church."

"Damn, why are there tourists here at this time."

Steele couldn't help cursing, the presence of tourists would obviously increase the difficulty of the action several times. Not to mention whether it will affect ordinary people, it will be even worse if the magician's affairs are accidentally leaked to cause panic.

"I'm very sorry, because Kensington Park is not within the scope of the arrangement, so I didn't notice the situation here."

"I'm just complaining, I didn't ask you about your thoughts, let's talk while walking."

The location of the church is in the park, which is not far away. If there is any change, it is easy to find out, but so far everything has been quiet, and this abnormal situation is very uncomfortable.

But soon, they found that the magician near the church appeared in front of them, and the situation in front of them was not good. The magicians on the outside were still on alert, but the magicians on the inside had fallen. They fainted without warning and didn't look life-threatening, but no one would want to try it.

No wounds, no signs of fighting, and no enemies in sight. But the magicians can feel a suppressed feeling, released from the church to the surrounding.

"Lord Steele, do we need to ask for support?"

"No, the current situation is still unclear. If you ask for support, you will divert your combat power. If you fall for the opponent's strategy of turning tigers away from the mountains, you will suffer."

Stiyl shook his head, and then used a magic talisman to contact the Supreme Bishop.

- "Supreme Bishop, you can still receive it now."

— "No problem, has Steele arrived at the scene?"

- "I have arrived at Kensington Park, the situation has not been clarified, and I will reply to you now. If I really go in, I may not be able to contact you."

This is the edge of the anomaly, similar to the outer side of the enchantment. As long as you walk a few meters closer, I believe that the communication talisman will lose its function, just like Shirley, who has been unable to contact. So before going in, it is necessary for Steele to report to Laura.

- "Need support?"

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