- "The situation is not clear yet, so let's look at the situation and make plans. I will release the signal appropriately, and if possible, let people pay attention to my secret code."

"Then please be careful."

It is rare to hear this woman's concern at this time. If we get along in private, it is rare to hear the highest protagonist say serious words, no, or even if she is serious and serious, the topic will easily turn to strange aspects, or It's said in a humorous way that makes it impossible to be serious at all.

At this time, Steele actually had the idea of ​​"finding a way to make her serious later", but he quickly threw this wishful thinking into the Thames River.

——How could I have such absurd and uninhibited thoughts?

"Leave people to guard the entrance and don't let other tourists walk in rashly. If you can't see us coming out after 30 minutes, don't think too much and go to St. George's Cathedral for help."


Leaving two magicians at the door, Stiyl led the others closer.

On the way, I tried to contact Lola again, but I couldn't get in touch again as expected, but an annoying electric sound sounded instead.

With the team gradually approaching, the surrounding became depressed. There is a strange sense of distortion, no magical response, but more like a distortion of space.

Let people move the magician who fell on the ground to the outside, and along the way, no one fell down. Soon, the magicians came to the door of the church, and at this time, everyone was suppressed by the heavy distortion.

While Stiyl was hesitating whether to rush in or just blow up the entire church, through the dark space, Stier saw a ray of light in the church.

That is--


Scarlet eyes floated in the church. Under this gloomy sky, in a church with no sunlight and no lights, that red eye is so obvious that one notices it at first glance.

There was a sense of dizziness in the brain, and the tired nerves completely relaxed in an instant, and Stier almost collapsed. Before he lost consciousness, Stiyl bit his tongue hard, and the pain brought him back to consciousness.

"Be careful, don't stare into the church."

"Sorry, everyone seems to have..."


This half sentence made Stiles feel very bad. He turned his head and found that the magician behind him had fallen down, and now it was only the team leader and him who could stand.

Although he had already expected that the other party would have the ability to make people unconscious when caught off guard, Stiyl did not expect that it was just an eye, and there was no trace of magic power, so it was not considered a spell at all.

If vision alone can make a person fall into a coma, it is indeed hard to prevent. Steele believed that if it weren't for the fact that the rain had just stopped in London and there was no light in the church, he would have passed out like the magician behind him at the first sight of this eye.

"In this case, we can only evacuate temporarily."

There is absolutely no chance of this going on.

In fact, Stiyl himself is not a magician who is good at cooperation. His flame is too violent, and when it is released, it does not distinguish between enemy and foe, and it can easily hurt allies when it burns. On the contrary, if it was a single soldier, Stiyl would be able to exert a stronger combat effectiveness, because at this time he had no scruples.

When it was decided to retreat, a new change took place in the church again.

The scarlet eyes fluttered gently, and then the pupils began to deform, from the original flat shape to spread, and finally became round, making the eyes look like a hole appeared.

Black liquid flowed out of the red eyes, and the viscous liquid finally formed a black sphere floating in the air. When the black liquid was no longer flowing from the eyes, the eyes stirred again, and then disappeared into the void.

Stiyl felt very bad. He no longer planned to leave with his fallen companions. He took out the rune stickers from the priest's robe and sprinkled them on the ground.

Then, a fireball shot at the black ball in the church.

Section 283 The Forty-Fourth Central London Wind and Cloud (4)

The black ball was hit by the fireball unprepared, and when the fireball disappeared, Stiyl could see the black ball shaking slightly. Afterwards, the black ball began to deform as if it had been stimulated, and soon became human in Stile's eyes.

Steele remembered the wanted notice of the Roman Orthodox Church. There was only a black shadow on the wanted order, and the human body could only be judged by its outline. At that time, he looked at this wanted order with some mocking thoughts, but at this time he found that there was no place to laugh at the fact, because the troublemaker was indeed just a shadow.

When the change of the shadow stopped, what appeared in the eyes was a man in a robe, which did not match the witch on the wanted list.

This shadow gave Stiel a sense of familiarity, and he vaguely felt that he had seen it somewhere. After thinking for a while, he got an unbelievable answer.

But the reality is this kind of bad stuff, always going in the worst direction.

The black shadow was dyed with color, and the appearance and clothing of the person were also exposed in Stier's eyes. The white-haired man wearing a white robe stood in the church and quietly looked at Stiyl outside the door.

His face was not European or Asian, and his lines were more of a Middle Eastern ancestry. The long silver-white hair was braided and hung from the back of his head around his neck to his chest. He was wearing a white robe with a huge red interspersed in it, fixing the complex and gorgeous robe to his body.

There was no expression on his face, but it felt like a smile, a relaxed expression.

"It turned out to be..."

"Romani Archiman."

Kensington Park turned into a terrifying battlefield in an instant.



The Church of All Souls has been reduced to ruins. It wasn't the attacking enemy that caused this result. Although the other party created the effect of an explosion, it only caused a shock to the space and the earth. Although the nearby church was affected, it was not enough to cause the Church of All Souls, which had not been repaired for a long time, to collapse.

The person who really destroyed the Church of All Souls was actually Shirley who was on the side of Puritanism. This result is really ridiculous.

Sadly, no one can laugh now.

The magicians fell into a coma for the first time, and the few remaining people were knocked down at the moment the shadow appeared. If it wasn't for the stone giant's blocking, Xue Li would have also become a member of the underground magician.

Her body floats in the air, which allows her to avoid the effects of ground shaking. The four-meter-high Kabbalah stone giant stood in front of her, but it did not give her any sense of security.

"—In the beginning, it was earth, and God shaped it with earth, infused it with life, and named it human—"

A heavy voice came out of Shirley's throat. The hoarse voice reminded people of an old smoking gun, but it had a coquettishness that ordinary people didn't have.

Her body was retreating, getting further and further away from the stone giant. He holds a white pen in his hand, which is an oil crayon specially used to draw magic circles, made from holy salt and holy oil.

"——Afterwards, mortals learned the secret law through the mouth of the fallen angel, and it is difficult for mortals to achieve this holy law, and it is difficult for the mouth of the fallen angel to correctly convey——"

The pen in his hand quickly drew marks on the debris around him. This was a code that was incomprehensible to outsiders, and it was also Shirley's unique Kabbalah technique. There are a total of seventy-two marks, which were completed by Xue Li in just a few seconds. This is not because of how fast her hands are, but because the threat of death has squeezed her potential.

"—In this way, the life created by human hands will eventually become a mulch puppet—Ellis, come out and help me defeat the enemy in front of me."

Shelly screamed, sounding like the cry of a drowning man. Following her words, the originally peaceful ruins moved slightly, as if something was gushing out of it.

At the same time, the giant stone statue that was a few meters away from Xue Li suddenly burst open.

This is without a doubt a shame. The Kabbalah stone statue with integrated attack and defense, the stone giant equipped with the power of the four angels, was unable to block a woman's punch, which made Xue Li begin to doubt her record. "Ellis", who is not inferior to many knights and magicians, can only be used to block the enemy's footsteps and buy her time to escape.

"Only to this extent?"

The woman who smashed the stone giant said lightly. Although it was a bland statement of facts, it was indeed indescribable contempt in Shirley's ears, but this woman did have the qualifications to despise her.

A suffocatingly beautiful woman who looked about twenty-three or four years old. The long blond hair reached her ankles, and the gorgeous blond hair was different from Shirley's uncombed hair. It was as beautiful as a work of art, and it looked very bright in this cloudy day. The golden eyes are very calm, like a piece of stagnant water, which prints Xue Li's embarrassed figure.

The golden woman is wearing a simple red dress, her chest is half-naked, her round shoulders and slender arms are exposed to the air. This kind of dress is more like a lady who is about to attend a banquet, rather than a smashed one. The violent woman of the stone giant.


Shirley could only describe this woman in this way. Apart from this word, she couldn't find any suitable adjective for her at all.

"That's right, I blame the 'weird of the weird', the 'King of the Weird', the strongest vampire, Kisishute Yasai Lauraion Heart of the Blade!"

This is the longest sentence she has spoken since she appeared, and it is also the first time she has spoken about her identity.

The vampire, Kisshute Yasser Lauraion Heart of Blades.


Shirley's pupils shrank suddenly, and a shocked expression appeared on her tense face.

Vampires are very rare. They look no different from ordinary people. They are not like the legend that they cannot reach the sun, they are killed by silver weapons, and they are poured with holy water and turned to ashes. On the contrary, they have endless lives, and because of this, their magic is immeasurable. Coupled with a strong physique, vampires are almost a race with no weaknesses. Except for saints like Kanzaki Kaori, no one can match vampires at all.

The appearance of every vampire represents the emergence of a world crisis at the level of a nuclear bomb. If she was really a vampire, the strength she showed now would not be surprising.

"It's rare to come out once, so I'm welcome. I haven't gotten paid yet, so let your body pay me."

Jissute Yasai Lauraion Heart of Blades stared at Shirley with golden eyes. At that moment, Shirley's body was petrified, unable to move, not even a finger.

"Don't be too arrogant, vampire. Come on Ellis, kill this vampire."

The ruins beside him were turning, and a giant larger than the stone statue just now appeared in front of him.

"Kill her, Ellis!"

The crayon in Shirley's hand was waving, and white lines appeared in the air, forming strange characters.

At the same time, the stone giant who stood up also moved. The heavy body makes the earth tremble like an earthquake with every step, and the deafening roar is mixed with the cracking sonic boom, just like the legendary Titan. Ellis raised a fist comparable to that of a small truck and hit the vampire.


The strange sound reminded people of the sound of knocking people into the air during a car accident. The vampire seemed to have been smashed into meat patties by Alice's fist. Even a vampire seems a little reluctant to endure the full attack of Ellis who has set up the power of the four angels.

But vampires are a race that claims to be immortal. Even if they die now, it is not difficult to imagine that she will be resurrected unscathed in the near future.

At this time, we can only ask for help while the vampire has not been resurrected. As for the magicians who fell here, even if they wanted to save them, they were powerless.


Just when Xue Li wanted to leave, she found that the body of the stone giant trembled slightly. She couldn't read it wrong, she knew Ellis's movements like the back of the hand, and Shirley knew every little bit of the stone giant who was given the friend's name.

The next moment, the stone statue giant burst open again, just like the stone statue giant who blocked the vampire's footsteps before, it was hit to pieces in an instant.

"You're weak, magician."

The figure of the vampire appeared in front of him. She stood there, one hand raised with open fingers, as if to block Ellis's fist. There were no wounds on his body, not even a trace of dust on his red dress, and his gorgeous blonde hair swayed in the wind.

The hand raised in the air was gently clenched, and the fist made of slender fingers did not look threatening. How could it be reminiscent of a fist that could even smash the Kabbalah statue with one punch?

"It's your turn next."


Shirley shouted her friend's name again, and the broken stone statue glowed strangely. The next moment, a big explosion erupted from the stone statue. The explosion surrounding the vampire not only blew Shirley away, but also cracked the ground. The smoke from the explosion blocked Shirley's vision, making it impossible for her to know that she was at the center of the explosion. of vampires have been killed by this self-exploding device.

The smoke was torn apart like an inflated balloon burst, torn apart by the whirlwind inside.

The last thing Shirley saw was a soft and fair arm, approaching from the smoke.

That suffocatingly beautiful face, long golden hair and eyes, even if the face is indifferent and expressionless, this beauty is still moving.

- This is truly astonishingly beautiful.

Then she lost consciousness.

Chapter 284 Chapter 45: The Storm in London (5)

Today, almost all the efforts to be affiliated with Puritanism in London are on the surface.

Of course, that's just about it.

The power that can be displayed on the surface is released, but the power that should continue to be hidden is still hidden in the water.

Although the witch seems to be menacing, in fact, the Puritanism has not really regarded her as a real person, but the witch's rogue behavior of wanton destruction and running away if she can't win makes people feel disgusting, in order to make London stable , Puritanism will choose to set up the offensive seriously.

If you really think that the power of today's face is all the power of the Anglican Church, you will probably suffer a lot in the future.

Laura Stuart was left alone at St. George's Cathedral. Although everyone around him has left, no one will think that the Supreme Bishop is in danger.

In fact, if you look closely, it is not difficult to find that the personnel on the periphery are centered on St. George's Cathedral and Buckingham Palace. If you want to come to these two strongholds, you must break through the arrangement of the Puritans. Really at that time, the personnel arranged The range of defense will be narrowed, and the fact that Jie wants to come before the Supreme Bishop of Lola is almost no different from fighting with the elite troops of the entire Anglican Church.

But no one would think that the war will come to that time.

However, there is a weakness in this arrangement, which is to minimize the defense around the Supreme Bishop. If someone sneaks in here through the outer defenses, the Supreme Bishop will be completely exposed to the enemy. If the Supreme Bishop is unfortunately killed, the English Puritan Church will fall into chaos in a short time. Indoctrination becomes a page of history.

Perhaps it is the right choice to keep one or two trump cards around at this time, such as Kanzaki Kaori, such as Stiyl, as long as they are here, they can make up for the defense problem around the Supreme Bishop, but Lola still chooses to release them.

As if deliberately exposing himself to the witch.

The witch "arrived as promised".

Scarlet eyes appeared on the altar, and the pitch-black liquid defiled the holy altar. When the black ball became the size of a basketball, the scarlet eyes fluttered gently and finally disappeared into the air.

The black ball began to deform, and after a while, a beautiful shadow appeared on the altar. It was a silhouette, with no color, no face, and only the shape of the clothes, which made people wonder if it was a statue made of chocolate. The shadow that appeared on the altar was exactly the same as the group on the wanted notice issued by the Roman Orthodox Church.

"Is it coming? It's just an obvious trap, but I didn't expect it to come."

Laura Stuart stared at the black silhouette with a curious expression on her face. There was no sign of being in danger on her face, and she even planned to get closer.

There was a "hissing" sound from the church, and this familiar sound was the sound of the electric current made when the communication talisman lost its function.

——"The Realm of Illusion and Reality"

Silhouettes become real, black shadows appear in color.

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