That is a beautiful woman.

Dazzling golden hair, purple crystal eyes, and a tall figure. She was wearing a long skirt that looked like a robe and a formal dress. It spread from the neck to the wrists, but only a pair of cloth shoes could be seen under her feet. In addition to the necessary surgical techniques, this conservative dress was only worn by conservative nuns. .

However, even so, the mature body of a woman is still unobstructed, whether it is full **** and **** or well-turned buttocks. A corner of the neck that was as white as milk was exposed, but except for the skin of the neck and face, almost no part of it was exposed to the air, and even her hands were wearing white gloves, which made Lola feel very sorry.

"Guian, the supreme bishop of the Anglican Church, Laura Stuart."



"My name is Lancelot du Lac."

Dressed in white full-body armor, riding a handsome white horse, the knight stood in the middle of the road with a spear in the shape of an inverse spine in his hand.

"If you want to pass here, you must first knock me down."

Just like the prince charming in the fairy tale, the knight appeared in front of everyone, and the clear voice was sweet and loud, which made people couldn't help but have a good impression of him.

He said to the second princess, Kelissa, even though there were twelve knights standing beside the second princess.


The second princess, Kelissa, looked at the white horse knight in front of her, and said doubtful words from her mouth.

The name reminds people of a certain character, that is the legendary knight in "King Arthur", he has the force that King Arthur is willing to follow, guarding Queen Guinevere, but finally had an incoherent relationship with Guinevere The perfect knight of love.

Lancelot du Lac, a knight who only appears in legends.

In the eyes of people who watch the world, whether it is King Arthur or Lancelot, they are just characters in myth. After all, it involves supernatural powers such as fairies, dragons, magic, etc., so naturally it cannot really exist in history. But in the records of people in the world, "The Legend of King Arthur" is a real thing, whether it is the legendary King Arthur era, knights from various countries, mythical legends, these are all true and true.

However, the era of King Arthur was a thousand years ago, so how could the knights who lived in that era appear here.

"No doubt." The White Knight nodded. "I am the Knight of the Lake as you know me."

"Why? The legendary knight of the lake will appear here? And upright Lancelot, why are you blocking our way."

The legendary Lancelot is a very upright knight, loyal and brave. Although there was a mess with Guinevere in the end, and even took Guinevere away from King Arthur, but in the end, he wanted to be punished by King Arthur because of the guilt in his heart, but he could not succeed because of various coincidences and accidents. .

"I am your enemy, there is no need to doubt that, everything is entrusted by others, and I am also involuntarily."

Lancelot gently shook the spear in his hand, showing his determination.

"Come on, you guys are running out of time. If you can't knock me down, you won't be able to pass through here."


Even though Kelissa is the princess of a country, her force is beyond doubt. Today's queen has three daughters, and all three daughters have her own characteristics. The first princess has a smart brain, the second princess has a brave force, and the third princess has an extraordinary affinity. Therefore, it is not a strange thing that the second princess Kelissa took the lead. The knights of the knights also obeyed Kelissa's orders very obediently. What Lisa did was not to hide in Buckingham Palace, but to lead her subordinates to take the initiative to meet the enemy.

However, the second princess will never understand that she is not only facing the legendary "Knight of the Lake", but also the Queen of the Prairie, the God of Victory, the God of Disobedience - Lancelot du Lac .

Chapter 285 Chapter 46: The Storm in London (6)

This is a battle without suspense, whether it is the white knight or the princess, they all firmly believe that they are on the winning side.

The queen believed that even if the person standing in front of her was the legendary lake knight, facing her and the twelve knights, the most powerful lake knight was still invincible. The legend is still a legend, even if the knight in front of him has the power to slay dragons, but now he is facing a well-trained knight, even if the real dragon appears in front of him, he is not afraid.

As for Lancelot, her self-confidence is built on her own strength, standing on a higher level than mortals.

As if hearing a silent horn, Lancelot and the knights charged at the same time, and the two sides collided for the first time. It was this charge that made the knights understand that even if they were not afraid of dragons, they were still weak in front of Lancelot.

The spear pierced the knight's armor and took away one of the knight's arms. They paid too much attention to Lancelot's own strength, but ignored the magic horse under Lancelot. The lightning-like speed caught people off guard, and before they could react, a knight was already disqualified from fighting.

Not only that, but Lancelot's spear swept over, and the handle hit the knight's neck. The sound of broken bones was vaguely heard, and the hit knight fainted on the road.

The second charge, the second princess blocked Lancelot's spear, but she was also knocked off the building due to the strong impact. In the brief moment when Lancelot's speed dropped, the knight took advantage of this opportunity to launch a violent offensive, but was kicked by the white horse, the armor on his chest was dented, and blood overflowed from the knight's mouth.

This time, the formation of the knights was completely broken. It was no longer possible to gather enough strength to form a solid joint attack in a short period of time. The nine knights and the second princess were only qualified to be ravaged in front of Lancelot. After the third, fourth, fifth, and five consecutive charges, the only people who could stand on the road were the victorious Lancelot and the second princess Kelissa, who was protected by the knights.

It only took less than two minutes from the beginning to the end of the battle. If it was a close battle, it might be just the beginning, but for a battle of great disparity, it was already the end of a war.

"It's over, it seems that you can't pass here in the end."

Lancelot's voice was still clear and steady. The two minutes determined the life and death of the knights, but to Lancelot, it was no different from sports after meals.

"It's really a pleasant surprise to meet such a brave woman at this time. It's a pity. If we change the time and place, maybe we can have a chat instead of fighting each other."

"Don't be proud of showing off here. Kill if you want. If you want to see me kneeling and begging for mercy, you're wrong. The Queen of England has not been so low as to sacrifice her dignity for her life."

The second princess looked very embarrassed. She is wearing a simple and unpretentious dress, but this dress is not fabric, but leather with certain defensive capabilities, whether it is a banquet or a battlefield, it belongs to its home field. But it was now covered in dust, and blood was oozing from the abdomen and arms.

The long hair that has been **** has been messed up, and the hair is sticking to the face with blood from the corner of the mouth. Although there were not many scars on the surface, if she let go of the long sword that was standing on the ground, Kelissa could no longer stand up well.

"Not really, I don't have the idea of ​​showing off to the losers because it doesn't add glory to me, I'm complimenting strong women from the bottom of my heart."

Lancelot's tone was full of joy, which was genuinely happy to be able to meet Kelissa. Maybe as she said, if you change the location and time, Kelissa might be able to spend a wonderful time with Lancelot.

It is a pity that this time they met was just an enemy, only life and death, no joy, no sadness.

Lancelot shook the spear in his hand lightly, preparing to give Kelisa a fatal blow. However, at this moment, an explosion that shook the entire city of London suddenly sounded, and Lancelot's white horse was frightened, so he raised it up. Lancelot with the spear had to stop.

The pillar of fire that reached the sky appeared from a distance, dyeing the cloudy earth with a layer of red, and soon, the pillar of fire disappeared, but before Lancelot and Kelissa figured out what was going on, the deafening sound The sound rang. Cracks appeared in the ground, the glass on the windows was shattered to pieces, the buildings that had been in disrepair collapsed, and the frightened people in the distance heard cries for help.

In Kelissa's eyes, the white knight's figure appeared blurred like a mosaic at the moment of shaking, and the figure became distorted.

The raised spear was put down. Although it was a simple action, it let Kelissa know that her life had been saved.

"Princess of England, if you need help, go to a man called 'Romani Archiman'. This man may be unknown, but he will definitely be able to help you. Please trust him... Little Miss this time. unacceptable……"

After speaking, Lancelot's figure disappeared, disappearing on the spacious road like a burst of bubbles.

Kelissa was saved, and although it was all down to luck, that was not changed. In addition, Kelissa also wrote down Lancelot's words, and the name "Romani Archiman" was remembered by her.



Going back a few minutes ago, in Kensington Park, Stiyl Magnus saw the person appearing in front of him, and immediately felt bad.

Because at this time yesterday, he and Roman were on the phone and knew that Roman was on vacation with Index by the seaside in Kanagawa. Although it is true that there is no magic for space transfer, Stiyl does not think that Roman will leave Index, give up his vacation, and come all the way to England to do things.

Although I have only met a few times, Stiyl can still see that Roman is not the kind of person who likes to cause trouble. From the fact that he can save Index and has no greed for the magic book, although that man is It can't be said that there is no desire, but it can also be regarded as the type of lack of ambition.

When the man in front of him reported his home, Stiyl knew that this person was not the same person as the "Romani Archiman" he knew, but the pressure they put on Stier was the same.

That relaxed and freehand expression, although smiling, has a feeling of looking down on everything, as if he was born higher than others.

- Can't wait any longer.

The person who appears at this time, no matter who it is, is definitely the enemy.

The flame sword appeared in his hand, and the red and blue double swords shot out like Roman with Stier's swing. Then, he chanted his strongest spell.

Facing the double swords shot at him, Roman stretched out his hand in front of him, and spit out a strange pronunciation.


It wasn't any language that Steele knew, but it gave him a clear idea of ​​what the pronunciation meant. But more importantly, Stiyl can already be sure that this Roman is not that Roman, because as far as he knows, the man who is far away in Japan has no idea of ​​even looking at this level of attack, That robe was a more powerful spiritual item than the "moving church".

——Maybe we can win.

Steele thought so in his heart, and then he heard Roman's second pronunciation.


PS: Do you have blades? Can you keep it for me until next month?

Full attendance next month, the blade will be updated every 100 chapters, please stay and vote for me next month.

Chapter 286 Chapter 47: The Storm in London (7)


"Run away!"

When the sound reached Stiyl's ears, he immediately gave up the continued spell, turned around and ran out without thinking, only to call out the words to let his companions escape.

As a fire magician specializing in runes, Steele knows fire better than anyone else. When he saw the flames that pierced the sky, Stiyl knew that he had absolutely no possibility of defeating this fake. This enemy was no longer something a magician like him could fight against.

A pillar of fire appeared out of nowhere and illuminated London, which was shrouded in dark clouds. Even the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sky was dyed red.

Steele ran out desperately, as he found that he had not escaped the damage range of the flames. Fortunately, this kind of damage takes time and spreads outward from the center of the fire.

His reminder didn't work, and the magician lost his life before he could move, but he wasn't burnt to ashes by the flames.

Stiyl, who was desperately running, saw that the grass behind him was dyed with a layer of white and turned into a grass-shaped substance composed of particles, which was - salt.

"Damn, why does this kind of thing appear here?"

Steele was cursing, but he ran faster, because as long as he took a step slower, he might turn into a pillar of salt and die.

He was not a magician of the flesh faction at first, and even his physical strength was weaker than that of ordinary magicians, but he squeezed his potential under the pursuit of death, and finally escaped the fate of turning into a pillar of salt.

However, just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, Roman, who was 100 meters away, spit out a third pronunciation.


The next moment, Kensington Park turned into a sea of ​​fire, and the park that was once a royal garden turned into history in an instant.

Stiyl only came to remember that he subconsciously blessed himself with a fire-proof spell, and then he lost consciousness.

Roman, this is both Romani Akiman and not a fake of Romani Akiman. After releasing the magic of two flames, his body was deformed, like a balloon being squeezed hard, and finally torn apart and exploded.

And at the same time he disappeared, the fakes all over London disappeared before everyone's eyes.

No one saw that the cross on the church shone faintly while Roman was using magic.



Kanzaki Kaori is acting alone.

She was assigned a secret mission that no one knew about by the Supreme Bishop Lola to sneak into the basement of an apartment building in London. There, she found a secret passage, and then went deeper into the passage.

When he found this passage, Kanzaki already understood what his real mission was. At this time, apart from killing the witch, there is no other possibility.

Although this is a shameful thing to say, Kanzaki Kaori knew very well that she might not be able to complete the secret mission assigned to her by the Supreme Bishop. Because Kanzaki Kaori has never killed anyone.

It's ridiculous. As one of no more than twenty saints in the world, Kanzaki Kaori possesses the same power as a nuclear bomb, and was also the Pope of the Amakusa-style Cross Sect, but so far he has never killed anyone. Even if she was reprimanded for being weak, Kanzaki Kaori was powerless to refute, because she was such a person.

Although the devastation caused by the witch is shocking, as far as she knows, this witch has never committed murder so far, which makes Kanzaki Kaori even less likely to draw the sword with the determination to kill the other party. Perhaps it was to drive the witch away, or perhaps to capture her and bring her to Puritanism, but the option of "killing the witch" had not appeared in Kanzaki Kaori's options from the very beginning.

However, Kanzaki Kaori didn't expect that what he got was a result that he didn't even think about.

- She was caught.

When she came to the end of the underground passage, she saw four huge scarlet eyes. A strange arc of light flashed in his eyes, and the images on the ground were reflected in them—on the road, in the church, in the park, and in the ruins, the pictures of these four places were clearly presented in Kanzaki Kaori like a camera. in front of you.

The strange scene is shocking, but more importantly, you can tell at a glance that these four eyes are not good eyes. However, what surprised Kanzaki Kaori was that on the other hand, the expected witch did not appear here.

Without thinking about it, Kanzaki Kaori used his signature move - "Seven Flashes", and his four eyes were shattered in an instant. But what she didn't expect was that when she moved to the four eyes, the trap set here was triggered.

She never thought that one of the twenty saints in the world, who specializes in physical swordsmanship, would be caught without any room for resistance. What's even weirder is the way to grab her. A sack fell from the sky and just put it on her body, filling her whole body from head to tail.

No matter how hard she struggled, there was no sign of the bag being torn open, and the small space in the bag made it impossible for Kanzaki Kaori's trusted "Seven Days and Seven Nights" long sword to be pulled out of its scabbard. To make matters worse, Kanzaki Kaori found that the bag's space was shrinking, and finally it was completely clinging to his skin.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

Kanzaki Kaori's body froze suddenly, and she felt as if some strange cylinder was protruding from the outside of the bag. The round cylinder, smooth and greasy, was clinging to her leg with a higher temperature than ordinary people. The skin on the upper part of the body starts to wrap around from the calf and slowly climbs along the net.

"Stop! No way!"

Kanzaki Kaori's struggles intensified as she noticed that the strange tentacle had moved down her thigh to a more dangerous place, and was about to dig into her jeans.

But her struggle was in vain, and the tentacles would not stop because of her efforts. Even when the tentacles completely imprisoned the girl's slender thighs, several tentacles protruded from other directions of the bag and grabbed Kanzaki Kaori's body.


"Cough cough cough..."

The icy river water poured into Kanzaki Kaori's body, causing her to wake up from a coma that she didn't know when.

Although her consciousness was still blurred, her body responded very quickly. Her limbs instinctively moved, and she kept getting closer to the river.

It's the Thames.

This is the most famous river in the UK. Anyone who has been to the UK will have seen it. Kanzaki Kaori, who lives in London, passes this river almost every day.

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